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Regular Member
 Posts: 18
Location Hyatt Place Sukhumvit 24
Is the hotel listed below in a descent location?
Hyatt Place Bangkok Sukhumvit 24. I can stay for free. Worth it or no go with girls there?
Senior Member
 Posts: 94
Fiwfans Goodbye. It was nice
Fiwfans is closed by auotorities.
We will wee where to go all the gilrs (the regular ones, that I believe were the most part of them).
I hope they go to work in massage, it may be with some news too. A lot of them cannot speak English so I don't think they are the best for gogo.
We will see.
Senior Member
 Posts: 123
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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Nice one again. The security guy you are referring to is Kuhn Nut. I have known him for more than 10 years. He more of a jack kf all trades. He will bring you girls, translate for you and take care of any issues you have.
Will be in BKK next week for a few days, arriving Sunday morning.
Send me a pm, if you'd be interested in a wingman for a visit to T-DED-99 Sunday or Monday night (aimless / everything thai).
Regular Member
 Posts: 16
 Originally Posted by CaptainSolo
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She's a beautiful girl, flawless light skin, natural boobs, pretty face.
She hangs out on Soi 4 , in front of #25, with a dozen other girls. The tiny 4 ft girl puts on lots of make up, tries to make herself look old. The old chunky woman looks like a Mamasan. She translated for Kazach girl and confirmed to me she was all girl hehe.
Kazach girl said, toon 2-month tourist visa, will go home for a vacation and bring her friends to Bangkok to work.
I was hoping to try a short girl while there. Hope she'll still be there in a month. Whenever I look at profiles most seem to be around 5'2. Not sure if they are just posting that as its the more desired height or if its the most common.
Senior Member
 Posts: 765
 Originally Posted by Aimless
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Thanks for the props ET. I actually didn't buy any lady drinks at CH, but I did ask the waitress about the pricing. She pointed at a little box at the bottom of the menu that said 400 so that's what I was quoting. 400 seems way too much so I'll go back (since I live across the street from CH, LOL) and try to verify. Heck, at 220 I'd be a lot more spendy. I'll be strict on "one drink" though. Regarding the T-Ded girl, I pulled her again tonight after I ate since she texted me on Line as I walked in the door. My ex GF was sure to tell me she saw this text too as my Line account somehow is doubled up on my ex's phone. I'm too old for this highschool drama but it makes for a good laugh. When I walked in there was a SYT dancing that had a 10/10 body and 7 face. I really wanted to grab her but she didn't make much eye contact and didn't smile, but sure gave me reason to go back. Staff was pushier tonight though: 1) Demanded a 100 tip for moving from a booth to a karaoke room; 2) said (in advance) that I had to pay 100 for plain water that was quoted as 50 on the menu and then charged me 50 again for the glass of ice but didn't disclose that up front; 3) told me in advance the karaoke room would be 200/ HR even though my girl P told me it was 150 the day before; 4) tried to charge me 3 hours of time when I had only been with the girl in the room about 2 hours. However they were polite about all this and when I told them that I was only there for 1. 5 hours they didn't argue with me and they did correct the bill. The rest of the charges above I consider spare change and my "tax" for not speaking Thai and being an annoying foreigner in their world so its no biggy. The service was good so I again handed my girl P 500 and gave a 100 note to each of the two servers that were constantly bringing us food and filling our glasses. Everyone seemed happy with their tips. I also gave my security guy outside a 50 note since he's super helpful, fun to talk to and speaks the best English of anyone there. And even though he's short, he looks like the type of guy that could destroy anyone that might try to bother me so I'd like to stay on his good side. The one odd thing was that there was a drunk local ruffian looking dude in the bar drinking a beer and ogling the girls. I don't know why they let him in. He came over to me while I was trying to eat dinner but he was in a drunken stupor and started speaking Thai to me while "cheersing" my glass of water and shaking my hand as if we were long lost pals. He was nice enough but it was pretty awkward and I had no idea what he was saying. Luckily after about 2 minutes one of the security guys gently stepped between us and shielded me from the ruffian. In any case, the night was a good time overall. Total damage for a nice meal, 2 large beers, and 2 hours with a cute girl in a private karaoke room, including all tips = 2800. Can't be beat. I did finally make the walk back to the toilet just so I could see the extensive lineup of cuties and sure enough they were there. Unlike Thermae or CH, only a few made eye contact as I walked by and I don't think any of them smiled at me so while I may test the waters to grab one on the next few days, I certainly didn't get any warm-fuzzies making that walk. My security guy says the RCA next door is part of their bar system so I think I'll go check that out. I never did make it to Billboards so that's on the agenda as well. And yea, I'm still trying to get my ex out of my head (she wants to FaceTime constantly) but will eventually get around to ST'ing a hot candidate as soon I regain my sanity and mongerhood. Cheers! A.
Nice one again. The security guy you are referring to is Kuhn Nut. I have known him for more than 10 years. He more of a jack kf all trades. He will bring you girls, translate for you and take care of any issues you have.
Senior Member
 Posts: 5520
Open to suggestions
A sudden urge to start considering retirement hit me a few days back, while working on my itinerary for an upcoming Indonesia trip. I booked a detour trip to Thailand to see if it's appeals as a long-term home.
My first 2 nights are booked in Bangkok, leaving 4 nights. Looking for insight on how to split that time. I'm considering Si Racha as a retirement spot, so a visit to Pattaya seems like a good plan (or I'm justifying a trip to Pattaya). An obvious solution would be to do 2 nights in Pattaya, then decide whether to stay, or go back to Bangkok. Another option is do 2 and 2, then take 2 in Si Racha.
Mongering isn't the top priority, but I'm going to do enough to keep me happy. I've already got Thai Friendly installed and thanks to all who have recommended it. It appears to be a gold mine. I'm a big fan of massage, so I'll be checking that out.
I'm looking for opinions and suggestions. What things make your favorite places better, for you? I doubt many here spend a lot of time in Si Racha, but any insight is appreciated.
The retirement thing is just the preliminary stage. I'm at least 2 years out, maybe 3.
Senior Member
 Posts: 168
 Originally Posted by SlapShot10
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I hit Nana and found a cutie at Billboard (top floor, left side). She quoted 700 to the house and 4000 for her (2 hours). I said fine but 2 pops. This was around midnight, so she had the chance to make it back before closing time. She said no. A long back and fourth and we settled on 700 plus 5500 for her. Pricey but I believe Billboard is on the high end and she was a cute petite girl, nice smile, and I had it in my mind I was taking one from Billboard. Her name is Ploy, but not sure if she goes by that at work. She is from a town up north and her boyfriend was calling her the whole time she was at my hotel. She put her phone in the bathroom, which was appreciated. She gets naked, looks at me, and asks, "Smoke?" I thought she wanted to smoke some weed before starting or something. I said ok, and she starts blowing me. She had said with condom during the negotiations, but must have forgot about that rule or it was lost in translation. Ok BBBJ, not spectacular but not bad. CFS and we had a good time. I asked her if she wanted me to order her a moto to get her back to work and she said she would do it.
My last night I discovered that Stella Nuru Massage was right next to my hotel. The lineup was not exciting, and I was stuck considering three options, one of which was to leave. I picked a busty chick with shoulder length hair. Her working name is Queen. The mamasan chick was nice and awkwardly recommended two girls as twelve of them are standing in front of me. Anyway, nuru is sensual but definitely not a massage. She was doing the porn star moaning but not obnoxiously. I would normally tell her to stop but it kind of went along with the environment and massage. I think it was 3200 for nuru, 1 HR, and FS. She gave a great BBBJ, and then was very into the CFS. It turned out much better than I anticipated. There was another place just up the alley, but not sure if it was nuru, massage, or just for quickies.
I had two fantastic meals at Gaucho Argentinian Steak House. Pricey but solid. Hooters was a decent place to get a quick bite, check out the girls, and get in the mood before heading into Nana Plaza.
It's funny you mention the Gaucho Steak House, can you recall how much you paid? I think I must have been drunk when I went there on my own but it's been bugging me every since. I think the bill was like 11-12,000 Baht for a starter, steak and a couple of drinks and tip. Which is like 300 - 350 bucks or close to it. I paid cash and threw away the receipt. I just can't believe I could have paid that for, let's face it, a pretty average meal (at that price range). I was definitely thinking in a different currency at the time (thinking it was like 100 bucks) or extremely drunk or dreamt it all!
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 Posts: 16922
 Originally Posted by MrHappyKat
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3,000 THB is less than $90.00 USD. $90 in LOS Angeles will get you a 15-minute CBJ car-date on Figueroa St with a crack ho who on her best day and in the best light (which may be complete darkness. LOL) will get a 4-6 on a scale of 1-10. Add to that a 25-30% chance of getting a ride in the backseat of a police cruiser and that 3 k THB GFE or PSE is sounding pretty good, if you ask me.
Yes, I get it; an average of 3 k in BKK is higher today than it was 10-15+ years ago. But that street hooker in LA was only $40-50 back then as well.
It's all about your perspective, Friend.
It has nothing to do with perspective and everything to do with Bangkok not being LOS Angeles. If that was the case then the perspective could have been from Bogota where $90 would. Get you way more than it would in Bangkok.
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 Posts: 29
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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Excellent report. I will say one thing. The lady drinks are not 400 Baht at Crazy House. 200 or 220 I believe. It's possible you bought 2 lady drinks, one alcohol and one coke without realizing it is counted as 2 drinks for around 400 Baht.
About T-Ded, you definitely should have pulled the trigger ST. The 2500 Baht ST fee is for the girl and it also covers the ST room across the street. So the room is prepaid. On a final note, if you got your girl to agree to Long time for 6000 Baht that's good. I don't mean because of the price, as it's actually too high. 5000 is normal. However, most girls never go LT so that says a lot about how much she must have liked you. I take a few LT but I mean very few.
Thanks for the props ET. I actually didn't buy any lady drinks at CH, but I did ask the waitress about the pricing. She pointed at a little box at the bottom of the menu that said 400 so that's what I was quoting. 400 seems way too much so I'll go back (since I live across the street from CH, LOL) and try to verify. Heck, at 220 I'd be a lot more spendy. I'll be strict on "one drink" though. Regarding the T-Ded girl, I pulled her again tonight after I ate since she texted me on Line as I walked in the door. My ex GF was sure to tell me she saw this text too as my Line account somehow is doubled up on my ex's phone. I'm too old for this highschool drama but it makes for a good laugh. When I walked in there was a SYT dancing that had a 10/10 body and 7 face. I really wanted to grab her but she didn't make much eye contact and didn't smile, but sure gave me reason to go back. Staff was pushier tonight though: 1) Demanded a 100 tip for moving from a booth to a karaoke room; 2) said (in advance) that I had to pay 100 for plain water that was quoted as 50 on the menu and then charged me 50 again for the glass of ice but didn't disclose that up front; 3) told me in advance the karaoke room would be 200/ HR even though my girl P told me it was 150 the day before; 4) tried to charge me 3 hours of time when I had only been with the girl in the room about 2 hours. However they were polite about all this and when I told them that I was only there for 1. 5 hours they didn't argue with me and they did correct the bill. The rest of the charges above I consider spare change and my "tax" for not speaking Thai and being an annoying foreigner in their world so its no biggy. The service was good so I again handed my girl P 500 and gave a 100 note to each of the two servers that were constantly bringing us food and filling our glasses. Everyone seemed happy with their tips. I also gave my security guy outside a 50 note since he's super helpful, fun to talk to and speaks the best English of anyone there. And even though he's short, he looks like the type of guy that could destroy anyone that might try to bother me so I'd like to stay on his good side. The one odd thing was that there was a drunk local ruffian looking dude in the bar drinking a beer and ogling the girls. I don't know why they let him in. He came over to me while I was trying to eat dinner but he was in a drunken stupor and started speaking Thai to me while "cheersing" my glass of water and shaking my hand as if we were long lost pals. He was nice enough but it was pretty awkward and I had no idea what he was saying. Luckily after about 2 minutes one of the security guys gently stepped between us and shielded me from the ruffian. In any case, the night was a good time overall. Total damage for a nice meal, 2 large beers, and 2 hours with a cute girl in a private karaoke room, including all tips = 2800. Can't be beat. I did finally make the walk back to the toilet just so I could see the extensive lineup of cuties and sure enough they were there. Unlike Thermae or CH, only a few made eye contact as I walked by and I don't think any of them smiled at me so while I may test the waters to grab one on the next few days, I certainly didn't get any warm-fuzzies making that walk. My security guy says the RCA next door is part of their bar system so I think I'll go check that out. I never did make it to Billboards so that's on the agenda as well. And yea, I'm still trying to get my ex out of my head (she wants to FaceTime constantly) but will eventually get around to ST'ing a hot candidate as soon I regain my sanity and mongerhood. Cheers! A.
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 Posts: 4
 Originally Posted by Aimless
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Her ST was 2500 which I think was for incall there at the bar but I'm not sure. LT was 6000.
At t-ded for the longest time I thought LT was 3500, because that's what I was always quoted when I wanted to take a girl back to my condo. Turns out that's just the ST price if you don't use their hotel (2500 if you use their hotel) but every girl ended up sleeping over anyways 😂 go ST a girl at 2-3 am (shop closes at 5 am or when there's no customers) and it's basically "free" LT. Next time you don't need to wait for mama-san to bring a girl, you can go pick one yourself, it's perfectly acceptable. Mama-san will register her when she comes back around. But some girls won't go ST with farang due to fear of dick size so it's good to ask fairly early on.
Senior Member
 Posts: 765
 Originally Posted by Aimless
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Thanks so much for this Pimp. You piqued my interest at Billboards so I'm going to check it tonight.
I also promised my analysis of EverythingThai's (ETs) last post, so here it is. First, a little context and perspective: I'm 60's, just broke up with my adorable live-in 20's GF so I could get back to mongering (I don't cheat), but I'm a really lousy monger as my drive is pretty low. It takes a young, super sweet, and very pretty girl to get me interested; I. E, she must be less than age 27, no kids, no smoking, not chubby, and must be sweet, smiley and at least a bit naive. Perfect teeth and beautiful face and hair along with lovely smell are also a must. I find no value in hardened professionals. I'm always seeking an inexperienced SYT / PYT and even then if I don't sense any sincere (or very well acted) interest from her then I'll just go home alone. With that in mind, I hit Crazy House as rx'd by ET early at 7 pm right after they opened. This was a mistake as there were only two other guys there and just two girls on the stage at a time that would cycle to two others after a while. 8 pm is a much better arrival time during the week as there were many more girls on the stage and things started happening with girls getting called for lady drinks, while there are still plenty of seats for guys at this time. I often don't find anyone attractive in places like this, but ET was right as there are a few cuties here that I'd rank 7 or 8. There were also a bunch of young girls with kinda pretty and not pretty faces that were quite fat which is a buzz kill for me. If you like pretty and chubby, you'll like Crazy House. Still, two stood out that were dang hot that I will be back for. I tried to gather as much current info as I could: a basic beer was 180 baht and the waitress was happy with the 20 baht tip I left. Girls came to offer themselves for a lady drink, but I declined. They were not pushy at all. I really liked the vibe of making eye contact with the girls on stage and getting eye contact and smiles back. Of course its business but it sure beats the lack of eye contact I've experienced in other places. The lady drinks are currently 400 and that will get you 15 minutes with the girl. Many of the girls are totally naked and were sitting on guys' laps this way. Staff told me that the barfine was something like 700 or 800 (forgot which) baht with ST being 3000 to 4000 depending on the girl. I really like this place and will be back as no one seemed scammy or pushy in any way and were all very polite, professional and attentive. I felt I could have sat there much longer just milking my one drink I bought with no blowback from staff. Total damage = 200 baht. I dug out after about an hour and headed to my old haunt of many years, Thermae. I just kinda love this place because I feel like the girls are probably closer to normal part timers (as all women are) and not full on professionals and the interaction between the girls, and of course the girls and guys is fun to watch. I normally stick around for awhile but was really amped to try out T-Ded-99 for the first time as ET recommended. To give you further insight into how low I am on the monger scale, I've been to Thermae probably 30 times in my life but never taken a girl out and only talked to a few. Lame, right? I've only recently got the nerve to eyeball the girls on my circular walk around the bar and talk to a few. Some won't make eye contact and I'm worried about being rejected. I've seen it happen with others. I'm also so redic choosey I'm worried I'm going to end up with a fatty or a girl that had a kid because the girls are all covered up. Keep that in mind if you're picky like me. Crazy House solved that problem because when a girl is full on sans clothing, WYSIWYG, right? Anyway, I caught a taxi ($5 USD) to TDed99. It was about 20 minutes from the Sukhumvit area. I got out wondering if I was in the right place, but sure enough the signage was clear. I didn't see anyone really hanging around outside like normally happens around the joints in Sukhumvit. I thought I should be scared of getting robbed since the area was more like a local neighborhood, but when I really looked around I could see it was perfectly safe. There were a few guys outside hanging out that turned out to be security. I don't speak Thai so I was nervous about communication, but the security guy just looked at me and questioned: "T-Ded-99?" I nodded yes and he motioned me to follow. It felt like I was going in the back door which made me a little nervous but then I got in the club and saw all the people so breathed a sigh of relief. I was a little taken aback as I expected something fancy with glitz like the Sukhumvit clubs try to be, but not the case here. I also noticed that I was the only caucasian in the place and no one (except the one security guy outside) spoke English. It was rather spartan and basic, almost ghetto, yet not. There was the long raised narrow strip stage with many poles but only about 3 girls were dancing and there were many booths with quite a few groups of young people eating and drinking and having fun. As described, there are also many private karaoke rooms lining the walls on both sides with glass doors so they are not very private but many were full. Oveall the place was very busy but not overcrowded and had a nice fun vibe. I was motioned into a seat at an empty booth of my own. I was quickly given a menu of food with English translations which was a huge help, yet the prices didn't seem terrible. Like a plate of food was maybe 100 baht more than what it was on Sukhumvit. I'm cheap but can deal with that. I ordered some food and drink, and mentally started preparing myself for getting overcharged and scammed. The food came and it was excellent. The staff was very attentive: pouring my drink for me, putting ice in the glass, etc. Some fat girls came by asking if I wanted a lap dance. I used sign language to say no and they moved on without a fuss. A staff member politely asked with sign language if I would like a girl to sit with me. I used my phone translator to ask if there are any girls in the place that speak English. She motioned for me to wait, as if I had a choice, sitting in my booth eating. After about 10 minutes, she brought a very cute 7/10 girl to sit with me named P. She was polite, flirty and friendly as she sat next to me holding my hand. I offered food but she declined and just wanted to drink. The beer I ordered ended up being big, and I don't drink much, so P started finishing it off. After about 1/2 hour she asked if we could get another and I said sure. We had fun talking and l really enjoyed learning about the place from P. Her English was passable but we needed to use the phone translator about 10% of the time which was no biggy. P was 27 and from Bangkok. She said she learned her English from Hong Kongers and Taiwanese customers. Her ST was 2500 which I think was for incall there at the bar but I'm not sure. LT was 6000. I was clear that I was not going to partake, and she was fine with that. Her sitting with me was going to cost 300 but I didn't get the time limitations. I didn't push it as this was my first exploratory mission for the team and I didn't want to push too hard to spoil the vibe by sending signals that I'm a cheap charlie even though I probably fit the bill. I like to consider myself a "value guy" instead but yea, I'm quite cheap. She also said the karaoke rooms were 150 hour. Between the menu and the fees she quoted, it all seemed quite the bargain as ET outlined, which of course is right up my alley. Now the good part. This place is wall to wall young cute girls. Many were sitting on other guys' laps in booths around me with their tops off while the guys juggled their silicone enhancements and enjoyed full on grinding lap dances straddling the guys in the booth. What fun!! I might try that next time but I'm still in emotional recovery mode (I. E. Still p-whipped from my ex). I really wanted to go to the toilet to see the massive girl lineup that ET had talked about nearby but I never got there as my girl P occupied my time and I was already overwhelmed from seeing all the mini-lineups that were paraded through the room when new guys arrived, as well as watching the girls on stage. Quality of girls? I was blown away! I would say at least 20% of the girls were 7 or 8 or even better, and they were all young. But OMG there were sooo many SYTs!! I started getting numb from ogling so many cute young girls. How to choose? I had no idea. And then I asked for the bill. I was expecting like 3000 baht or maybe even a Patpong style scam at like 10 K or 20 k since I'm obviously a noob. Nope! The girl, the two big beers and two plates of food totaled 900 baht. What? Yep! I was stoked! My girl P gently whispered "you can tip me". I said of course and handed her a 500 note and waited for her to complain. Nope! She squealed with delight as if she just won the lottery. Nice! She asked if I could tip her waiter and again I said of course and passed over 100. Again she squealed thank you several times over. This was easy! I love it. Total damage = 1500 baht. You know how we always say "Oh remember how good it was back in the day?" Well, this is that amazing place and its amazing right now at a bargain so best get to it ASAP. I can't believe this will persist. Its just too good and too cheap. I'm actually thinking about moving to this area so I can come back for dinner every night until I can actually get the cajones to act on my urges. I'm also diligently learning Thai to make all this easier. Anyway, I dug out early before midnight so I could get some sleep, but I'll probably go back again tonight, and tomorrow night, and the next. You get the idea. Monger on brothers! Cheers! A.
Excellent report. I will say one thing. The lady drinks are not 400 Baht at Crazy House. 200 or 220 I believe. It's possible you bought 2 lady drinks, one alcohol and one coke without realizing it is counted as 2 drinks for around 400 Baht.
About T-Ded, you definitely should have pulled the trigger ST. The 2500 Baht ST fee is for the girl and it also covers the ST room across the street. So the room is prepaid. On a final note, if you got your girl to agree to Long time for 6000 Baht that's good. I don't mean because of the price, as it's actually too high. 5000 is normal. However, most girls never go LT so that says a lot about how much she must have liked you. I take a few LT but I mean very few.
Senior Member
 Posts: 29
 Originally Posted by Pimpampoumpipo
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For quite some time now, I've enjoyed spending my early evenings in go-go bars. Some of the girls could easily be top models. In this regard, it's clear that Pattaya far surpasses all other places. Last month, I went to Patpong and was extremely disappointed because it didn't match the memories I had of it at all. I found it to be mostly focused on male homosexuality, which personally isn't my cup of tea. Additionally, the place has aged and seems to struggle with reinventing itself. Nothing comes close to Walking Street (WS) in Pattaya, with its XS, Pin Up, Palace, Fahrenheit, and even Chick or Shark, not to mention Kink....,
Thanks so much for this Pimp. You piqued my interest at Billboards so I'm going to check it tonight.
I also promised my analysis of EverythingThai's (ETs) last post, so here it is. First, a little context and perspective: I'm 60's, just broke up with my adorable live-in 20's GF so I could get back to mongering (I don't cheat), but I'm a really lousy monger as my drive is pretty low. It takes a young, super sweet, and very pretty girl to get me interested; I. E, she must be less than age 27, no kids, no smoking, not chubby, and must be sweet, smiley and at least a bit naive. Perfect teeth and beautiful face and hair along with lovely smell are also a must. I find no value in hardened professionals. I'm always seeking an inexperienced SYT / PYT and even then if I don't sense any sincere (or very well acted) interest from her then I'll just go home alone. With that in mind, I hit Crazy House as rx'd by ET early at 7 pm right after they opened. This was a mistake as there were only two other guys there and just two girls on the stage at a time that would cycle to two others after a while. 8 pm is a much better arrival time during the week as there were many more girls on the stage and things started happening with girls getting called for lady drinks, while there are still plenty of seats for guys at this time. I often don't find anyone attractive in places like this, but ET was right as there are a few cuties here that I'd rank 7 or 8. There were also a bunch of young girls with kinda pretty and not pretty faces that were quite fat which is a buzz kill for me. If you like pretty and chubby, you'll like Crazy House. Still, two stood out that were dang hot that I will be back for. I tried to gather as much current info as I could: a basic beer was 180 baht and the waitress was happy with the 20 baht tip I left. Girls came to offer themselves for a lady drink, but I declined. They were not pushy at all. I really liked the vibe of making eye contact with the girls on stage and getting eye contact and smiles back. Of course its business but it sure beats the lack of eye contact I've experienced in other places. The lady drinks are currently 400 and that will get you 15 minutes with the girl. Many of the girls are totally naked and were sitting on guys' laps this way. Staff told me that the barfine was something like 700 or 800 (forgot which) baht with ST being 3000 to 4000 depending on the girl. I really like this place and will be back as no one seemed scammy or pushy in any way and were all very polite, professional and attentive. I felt I could have sat there much longer just milking my one drink I bought with no blowback from staff. Total damage = 200 baht. I dug out after about an hour and headed to my old haunt of many years, Thermae. I just kinda love this place because I feel like the girls are probably closer to normal part timers (as all women are) and not full on professionals and the interaction between the girls, and of course the girls and guys is fun to watch. I normally stick around for awhile but was really amped to try out T-Ded-99 for the first time as ET recommended. To give you further insight into how low I am on the monger scale, I've been to Thermae probably 30 times in my life but never taken a girl out and only talked to a few. Lame, right? I've only recently got the nerve to eyeball the girls on my circular walk around the bar and talk to a few. Some won't make eye contact and I'm worried about being rejected. I've seen it happen with others. I'm also so redic choosey I'm worried I'm going to end up with a fatty or a girl that had a kid because the girls are all covered up. Keep that in mind if you're picky like me. Crazy House solved that problem because when a girl is full on sans clothing, WYSIWYG, right? Anyway, I caught a taxi ($5 USD) to TDed99. It was about 20 minutes from the Sukhumvit area. I got out wondering if I was in the right place, but sure enough the signage was clear. I didn't see anyone really hanging around outside like normally happens around the joints in Sukhumvit. I thought I should be scared of getting robbed since the area was more like a local neighborhood, but when I really looked around I could see it was perfectly safe. There were a few guys outside hanging out that turned out to be security. I don't speak Thai so I was nervous about communication, but the security guy just looked at me and questioned: "T-Ded-99?" I nodded yes and he motioned me to follow. It felt like I was going in the back door which made me a little nervous but then I got in the club and saw all the people so breathed a sigh of relief. I was a little taken aback as I expected something fancy with glitz like the Sukhumvit clubs try to be, but not the case here. I also noticed that I was the only caucasian in the place and no one (except the one security guy outside) spoke English. It was rather spartan and basic, almost ghetto, yet not. There was the long raised narrow strip stage with many poles but only about 3 girls were dancing and there were many booths with quite a few groups of young people eating and drinking and having fun. As described, there are also many private karaoke rooms lining the walls on both sides with glass doors so they are not very private but many were full. Oveall the place was very busy but not overcrowded and had a nice fun vibe. I was motioned into a seat at an empty booth of my own. I was quickly given a menu of food with English translations which was a huge help, yet the prices didn't seem terrible. Like a plate of food was maybe 100 baht more than what it was on Sukhumvit. I'm cheap but can deal with that. I ordered some food and drink, and mentally started preparing myself for getting overcharged and scammed. The food came and it was excellent. The staff was very attentive: pouring my drink for me, putting ice in the glass, etc. Some fat girls came by asking if I wanted a lap dance. I used sign language to say no and they moved on without a fuss. A staff member politely asked with sign language if I would like a girl to sit with me. I used my phone translator to ask if there are any girls in the place that speak English. She motioned for me to wait, as if I had a choice, sitting in my booth eating. After about 10 minutes, she brought a very cute 7/10 girl to sit with me named P. She was polite, flirty and friendly as she sat next to me holding my hand. I offered food but she declined and just wanted to drink. The beer I ordered ended up being big, and I don't drink much, so P started finishing it off. After about 1/2 hour she asked if we could get another and I said sure. We had fun talking and l really enjoyed learning about the place from P. Her English was passable but we needed to use the phone translator about 10% of the time which was no biggy. P was 27 and from Bangkok. She said she learned her English from Hong Kongers and Taiwanese customers. Her ST was 2500 which I think was for incall there at the bar but I'm not sure. LT was 6000. I was clear that I was not going to partake, and she was fine with that. Her sitting with me was going to cost 300 but I didn't get the time limitations. I didn't push it as this was my first exploratory mission for the team and I didn't want to push too hard to spoil the vibe by sending signals that I'm a cheap charlie even though I probably fit the bill. I like to consider myself a "value guy" instead but yea, I'm quite cheap. She also said the karaoke rooms were 150 hour. Between the menu and the fees she quoted, it all seemed quite the bargain as ET outlined, which of course is right up my alley. Now the good part. This place is wall to wall young cute girls. Many were sitting on other guys' laps in booths around me with their tops off while the guys juggled their silicone enhancements and enjoyed full on grinding lap dances straddling the guys in the booth. What fun!! I might try that next time but I'm still in emotional recovery mode (I. E. Still p-whipped from my ex). I really wanted to go to the toilet to see the massive girl lineup that ET had talked about nearby but I never got there as my girl P occupied my time and I was already overwhelmed from seeing all the mini-lineups that were paraded through the room when new guys arrived, as well as watching the girls on stage. Quality of girls? I was blown away! I would say at least 20% of the girls were 7 or 8 or even better, and they were all young. But OMG there were sooo many SYTs!! I started getting numb from ogling so many cute young girls. How to choose? I had no idea. And then I asked for the bill. I was expecting like 3000 baht or maybe even a Patpong style scam at like 10 K or 20 k since I'm obviously a noob. Nope! The girl, the two big beers and two plates of food totaled 900 baht. What? Yep! I was stoked! My girl P gently whispered "you can tip me". I said of course and handed her a 500 note and waited for her to complain. Nope! She squealed with delight as if she just won the lottery. Nice! She asked if I could tip her waiter and again I said of course and passed over 100. Again she squealed thank you several times over. This was easy! I love it. Total damage = 1500 baht. You know how we always say "Oh remember how good it was back in the day?" Well, this is that amazing place and its amazing right now at a bargain so best get to it ASAP. I can't believe this will persist. Its just too good and too cheap. I'm actually thinking about moving to this area so I can come back for dinner every night until I can actually get the cajones to act on my urges. I'm also diligently learning Thai to make all this easier. Anyway, I dug out early before midnight so I could get some sleep, but I'll probably go back again tonight, and tomorrow night, and the next. You get the idea. Monger on brothers! Cheers! A.
Senior Member
 Posts: 3810
 Originally Posted by MrHappyKat
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3,000 THB is less than $90.00 USD. $90 in LOS Angeles will get you a 15-minute CBJ car-date on Figueroa St with a crack ho who on her best day and in the best light (which may be complete darkness. LOL) will get a 4-6 on a scale of 1-10. Add to that a 25-30% chance of getting a ride in the backseat of a police cruiser and that 3 k THB GFE or PSE is sounding pretty good, if you ask me.
Yes, I get it; an average of 3 k in BKK is higher today than it was 10-15+ years ago. But that street hooker in LA was only $40-50 back then as well.
It's all about your perspective, Friend.
This isn't LOS Angeles, never has been, never will be. A nice one bedroom condo rents for $500 and change. A better metric is to look what the local lads are paying.
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 Posts: 341
A Few Nights In Bangkok
I hit Nana and found a cutie at Billboard (top floor, left side). She quoted 700 to the house and 4000 for her (2 hours). I said fine but 2 pops. This was around midnight, so she had the chance to make it back before closing time. She said no. A long back and fourth and we settled on 700 plus 5500 for her. Pricey but I believe Billboard is on the high end and she was a cute petite girl, nice smile, and I had it in my mind I was taking one from Billboard. Her name is Ploy, but not sure if she goes by that at work. She is from a town up north and her boyfriend was calling her the whole time she was at my hotel. She put her phone in the bathroom, which was appreciated. She gets naked, looks at me, and asks, "Smoke?" I thought she wanted to smoke some weed before starting or something. I said ok, and she starts blowing me. She had said with condom during the negotiations, but must have forgot about that rule or it was lost in translation. Ok BBBJ, not spectacular but not bad. CFS and we had a good time. I asked her if she wanted me to order her a moto to get her back to work and she said she would do it.
My last night I discovered that Stella Nuru Massage was right next to my hotel. The lineup was not exciting, and I was stuck considering three options, one of which was to leave. I picked a busty chick with shoulder length hair. Her working name is Queen. The mamasan chick was nice and awkwardly recommended two girls as twelve of them are standing in front of me. Anyway, nuru is sensual but definitely not a massage. She was doing the porn star moaning but not obnoxiously. I would normally tell her to stop but it kind of went along with the environment and massage. I think it was 3200 for nuru, 1 HR, and FS. She gave a great BBBJ, and then was very into the CFS. It turned out much better than I anticipated. There was another place just up the alley, but not sure if it was nuru, massage, or just for quickies.
I had two fantastic meals at Gaucho Argentinian Steak House. Pricey but solid. Hooters was a decent place to get a quick bite, check out the girls, and get in the mood before heading into Nana Plaza.
Senior Member
 Posts: 148
 Originally Posted by Francesco24
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It's so bad that the going rate for ST in most places seems to be 3 k. Even some street girls ask for that nowadays.
3,000 THB is less than $90.00 USD. $90 in LOS Angeles will get you a 15-minute CBJ car-date on Figueroa St with a crack ho who on her best day and in the best light (which may be complete darkness. LOL) will get a 4-6 on a scale of 1-10. Add to that a 25-30% chance of getting a ride in the backseat of a police cruiser and that 3 k THB GFE or PSE is sounding pretty good, if you ask me.
Yes, I get it; an average of 3 k in BKK is higher today than it was 10-15+ years ago. But that street hooker in LA was only $40-50 back then as well.
It's all about your perspective, Friend.
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