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Thread: Bangkok Reports

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  1. #57348
    Quote Originally Posted by Rollox  [View Original Post]
    Damn. Bareback.

    Are you on PrEP or going Yolo.
    Yolo'ing bareback in Tulip = Fine.

    Motorbike with flip flops on = No way Hozay!

    I don't know what's funnier. Sticky-fingers passport guy or raw-dawg pedicure dude.

  2. #57347
    Damn. Bareback.

    Are you on PrEP or going Yolo.

    Quote Originally Posted by VickyCooper  [View Original Post]
    So I alternated my 5 day stay in BKK with visits to Tulip & Doki Doki.

    At Doki Doki I took a short girl on one day with big racks. Excellent nuru massage followed by intercourse on the air mattress with both a wash up before and after service. My next visit to Doki, I chose a tall girl (never bothered to ask for the names) had a slight feeling that she was a post op LB but the guy at the receptionist told me not to worry they are all women. So went with her. Service was just meh compared to the previous girl.

    The best service I had was Tulip. I fingered one of the girls in her bum, penetrated her bare back standing while she was showering me and even had BBFSCIP with her. And on my next visit to Tulip I chose 2 girls and had some good fun. The service is unmatched. The girls washed me up before and after the act. Very nice. Tipped 500 THB and took their LINE ID's. One keeps texting me how much she misses me...Hope she doesn't make requests for any money! lol!

    I heard that of the 1900 THB paid to the shop (Tulip) for 1 hour of service - 1200 goes to the girl and 700 goes to the shop. (not sure how far this is true.). Tulip is very dark and gloomy from the inside... Has a retro vibe to it... and from the outside, it looks like a Chinese take away restaurant what one would find in the west. Very dimly lit sign board and taxi driver who dropped me off remarked that it might be closed due to the dim lights.... Anyone here know how old this establishment is?

    Wish I had the energy to visit more massage shops. But was just too tired to do more in the short 5 day stay. Not to forget hour long Grab taxi rides in traffic. Motor bike taxis are fast but I was not comfortable taking one as I had slider sandals on.

  3. #57346
    Quote Originally Posted by DrHopalicious  [View Original Post]
    How hard is it to find a girl you can fist? (pussy not ass).
    Better off going to Germany.

  4. #57345

    Long time stays are good

    I like your post. There are free boom boom. If you are there long and have a routine of meeting girls, being nice, taking them out, and have your apt, then the chances of getting sex without paying directly increases. But I think most dudes cannot stay for a long time so they resort to fast and quick paid programs.

    Quote Originally Posted by EverythingThai  [View Original Post]
    For all you Bangkok mongers that think you have to pay every time, you are sadly mistaken. Bangkok is not like Pattaya. There are plenty of normal girls here. Talk to them out in the shops and restaurants as they work. Meet them in the clubs. Here is a pic from one of my dates that ended up over at my place. Feebies can be had, Just go out and chat them up. You will be surprised.

  5. #57344


    How hard is it to find a girl you can fist? (pussy not ass).

  6. #57343

    Lucky Infact!

    Quote Originally Posted by CaliGuy33  [View Original Post]
    There was a recent case in the Thai news of an Indian tourist that was glueing pages of his passport together to hide his trips to Thailand from his wife. Thai immigration discovered it on the Indian tourist's recent trip and it went viral in the news.

    So this immigration agent was obviously trying to see if you had any pages glued. LOL.
    He was lucky he got arrested at Mumbai airport in India. At least he is in his own home country. Had it been Bangkok, It would have not worked out so well for him.

  7. #57342

    Doki Doki & Tulip

    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    Anyways. Tell us more about Doki Doki.
    So I alternated my 5 day stay in BKK with visits to Tulip & Doki Doki.

    At Doki Doki I took a short girl on one day with big racks. Excellent nuru massage followed by intercourse on the air mattress with both a wash up before and after service. My next visit to Doki, I chose a tall girl (never bothered to ask for the names) had a slight feeling that she was a post op LB but the guy at the receptionist told me not to worry they are all women. So went with her. Service was just meh compared to the previous girl.

    The best service I had was Tulip. I fingered one of the girls in her bum, penetrated her bare back standing while she was showering me and even had BBFSCIP with her. And on my next visit to Tulip I chose 2 girls and had some good fun. The service is unmatched. The girls washed me up before and after the act. Very nice. Tipped 500 THB and took their LINE ID's. One keeps texting me how much she misses me...Hope she doesn't make requests for any money! lol!

    I heard that of the 1900 THB paid to the shop (Tulip) for 1 hour of service - 1200 goes to the girl and 700 goes to the shop. (not sure how far this is true.). Tulip is very dark and gloomy from the inside... Has a retro vibe to it... and from the outside, it looks like a Chinese take away restaurant what one would find in the west. Very dimly lit sign board and taxi driver who dropped me off remarked that it might be closed due to the dim lights.... Anyone here know how old this establishment is?

    Wish I had the energy to visit more massage shops. But was just too tired to do more in the short 5 day stay. Not to forget hour long Grab taxi rides in traffic. Motor bike taxis are fast but I was not comfortable taking one as I had slider sandals on.

  8. #57341
    Quote Originally Posted by VickyCooper  [View Original Post]
    Just visited Bangkok last week. Had a wonderful 1 week stay. Apologies on the last couple of posts which were just for fun.

    Anyway when I arrived at BKK airport what was strange though was the lady immigration officer examining my passport very minutely, rubbing her fingers along the cover, feeling the pages, looking through the pages for a good 3-4 minutes before handing over my passport back to me. She gave it one last look even after stamping it! I come from the sub continent however I'm clean cut and dressed very neatly. Not sure if it was the base ball cap I was wearing caused this. It was a relatively new passport though with only one entry and exit stamp to Thailand from my previous visit but nonetheless it is a genuine passport.

    Apart from this incident my forays took me to Tulip and doki doki mostly. Had a couple of legit massages at Ps Thai Massage shop. Amazing professional massages. Stayed at sukhumvit soi 4 . Had an amazing time! In the mornings I did manage to squeeze in sometime for visits to Siam Paragon, MBK mall and visited a couple of nice restaurants around town. BKK has a definitely vibrant feel to it than any boring Indian city.

    Definitely looking forward to coming back soon.
    There was a recent case in the Thai news of an Indian tourist that was glueing pages of his passport together to hide his trips to Thailand from his wife. Thai immigration discovered it on the Indian tourist's recent trip and it went viral in the news.

    So this immigration agent was obviously trying to see if you had any pages glued. LOL.

  9. #57340
    Quote Originally Posted by UglyAzzMan  [View Original Post]
    Most are shy. So much unTruths floating around.

    If you talking Anal to a random. Oh BOY. LOL. Hahaha.
    Not talking about random girls. I am referring to the negotiation once you established someone as a WG.

  10. #57339
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    Fresh passports are always scrutinized by immigration for obvious reasons. Fakes are usually new and used once. Old passports with multiple stamps, visas, and worn pages have obviously already been scrutinized by many an immigration officer and embassy. She's just doing her job as she was trained to do. Nothing to do with your nationality, whether you are shaved or how you are dressed. BTW you should always remove hats when walking through customs or immigration, not because you look shady, but because there are overhead cameras that need to capture your face clearly at these gateways. Anyways. Tell us more about Doki Doki.
    The only passport hassles in 50 years for me was entering Thailand wth a temporary passport. Added three minutes to my journey. They got a touch confused over it.

  11. #57338
    Quote Originally Posted by VickyCooper  [View Original Post]
    Just visited Bangkok last week. Had a wonderful 1 week stay. Apologies on the last couple of posts which were just for fun.

    Anyway when I arrived at BKK airport what was strange though was the lady immigration officer examining my passport very minutely, rubbing her fingers along the cover, feeling the pages, looking through the pages for a good 3-4 minutes before handing over my passport back to me. She gave it one last look even after stamping it! I come from the sub continent however I'm clean cut and dressed very neatly. Not sure if it was the base ball cap I was wearing caused this. It was a relatively new passport though with only one entry and exit stamp to Thailand from my previous visit but nonetheless it is a genuine passport.

    Apart from this incident my forays took me to Tulip and doki doki mostly. Had a couple of legit massages at Ps Thai Massage shop. Amazing professional massages. Stayed at sukhumvit soi 4 . Had an amazing time! In the mornings I did manage to squeeze in sometime for visits to Siam Paragon, MBK mall and visited a couple of nice restaurants around town. BKK has a definitely vibrant feel to it than any boring Indian city.

    Definitely looking forward to coming back soon.
    Fresh passports are always scrutinized by immigration for obvious reasons. Fakes are usually new and used once. Old passports with multiple stamps, visas, and worn pages have obviously already been scrutinized by many an immigration officer and embassy. She's just doing her job as she was trained to do. Nothing to do with your nationality, whether you are shaved or how you are dressed. BTW you should always remove hats when walking through customs or immigration, not because you look shady, but because there are overhead cameras that need to capture your face clearly at these gateways. Anyways. Tell us more about Doki Doki.

  12. #57337

    Bangkok Visit

    Just visited Bangkok last week. Had a wonderful 1 week stay. Apologies on the last couple of posts which were just for fun.

    Anyway when I arrived at BKK airport what was strange though was the lady immigration officer examining my passport very minutely, rubbing her fingers along the cover, feeling the pages, looking through the pages for a good 3-4 minutes before handing over my passport back to me. She gave it one last look even after stamping it! I come from the sub continent however I'm clean cut and dressed very neatly. Not sure if it was the base ball cap I was wearing caused this. It was a relatively new passport though with only one entry and exit stamp to Thailand from my previous visit but nonetheless it is a genuine passport.

    Apart from this incident my forays took me to Tulip and doki doki mostly. Had a couple of legit massages at P’s Thai Massage shop. Amazing professional massages. Stayed at sukhumvit soi 4 . Had an amazing time! In the mornings I did manage to squeeze in sometime for visits to Siam Paragon, MBK mall and visited a couple of nice restaurants around town. BKK has a definitely vibrant feel to it than any boring Indian city.

    Definitely looking forward to coming back soon.

  13. #57336
    Quote Originally Posted by Goatscrot  [View Original Post]
    Well, if she's a working girl and you're negotiating that's true, but civilian Thai girl? No way.
    Please, this isn't a new flash. It is a basic principle worldwide. Got to love the PUAs (Pick up artists) among us talking shit about all the free pussy they get as if no one else knows how to deal with a regular girl. LOL!.

    I wrote a post about a civilian and it was deleted.

  14. #57335
    Quote Originally Posted by Llantarnam  [View Original Post]
    Isn't Thailand wonderful. A place where you can ask a complete stranger if she takes it up the ass, and be certain you're not going to get your face slapped.
    Well, if she's a working girl and you're negotiating that's true, but civilian Thai girl? No way.

  15. #57334
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    In Thailand you get what you negotiate. You just ask for it and you ask directly. If you do not speak Thai and they do not speak your language use google translate.

    boom boom; no condom; you ok?

    I want to finish in your mouth; you ok?

    I want to fuck your ass. you ok?

    How you like me now?
    Isn't Thailand wonderful. A place where you can ask a complete stranger if she takes it up the ass, and be certain you're not going to get your face slapped.

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