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Thread: Nairobi

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  1. #4664

    Of course I felt lucky

    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    Just think about it: Generously parting with your money gave you a chance to make considerably more, LOL. If you made a different decision, who knows!

    These debates appear from time to time in different threads. A street fight is never an answer to a robbery. I happen to reliably know of a PRO fighter who got crippled on vacation in Rio in the 2000's. He defeated almost all of his attackers except one kid with a gun.

    Even when there are no guns or knives involved, things can turn deadly in a flash.
    My embarrassment came from being stupid enough to hang out on the beaches of Rio with my wallet in my pocket. If you watch the locals come arrive at the Copacobana beach on a Sunday morning, none of them have more than a few towels, a beach umbrella and a few chairs. If the locals at the beach have money, it is inside their bathing suits. Most of them know better than to wear jewelry, expensive watches or carry a cell phone. In recent years, gangs of kids have swarmed tourists on Ipanema and Copacobana beach and robbed them, although physical violence is rare (I was unlucky to be punched, but there must have been a dozen kids 12-16 years of age and I was hardly in a position to fight back). These gangs were a huge problem for the city prior to the summer Olympics in 2016. Look up the word "arrastao" for more info. I am not Vin Diesel: my plan is to avoid street gangs and if confronted, I hand over my money or I run. I never walk alone in public at night. I use hotel taxis, etc etc etc. None of these potential dangers are nearly enough to stop me from mongering in Rio or Nairobi.

    So, do you have a GF hotel in Westlands that you recommend? Or should I go back to the Sarova Stanley?

  2. #4663

    You should feel lucky, not embarrassed.

    Quote Originally Posted by MamaGuevos  [View Original Post]
    A similar incident occurred with me on the Copacobana beach in Rio De Janeiro in the early 2000's but that time, I did not get away. I was lucky to have only been assaulted with fists and robbed, without serious damage to anything but my ego. Some of you guys would have kicked their asses, but I am not an experienced fighter.
    Just think about it: Generously parting with your money gave you a chance to make considerably more, LOL. If you made a different decision, who knows!

    These debates appear from time to time in different threads. A street fight is never an answer to a robbery. I happen to reliably know of a PRO fighter who got crippled on vacation in Rio in the 2000's. He defeated almost all of his attackers except one kid with a gun.

    Even when there are no guns or knives involved, things can turn deadly in a flash.

  3. #4662

    Street "kids"

    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]
    You will likely encounter the same "problem" in Westlands. Woodvale Grove the street with Havana, Brew Bistro and around the corner from Boss Den has street kids wanting some money.


    If you keep some 10 shilling coins in your pocket and give them one every now and again, need not be every day, they are pretty harmless it is just a bit of hassle.
    These were not "kids". I would guess the average age was late teens / early 20's. When I tried to give them a small quantity of shillings, I felt hands in my pockets. As I was only in Nairobi a few days, "now and again" was not possible. I think they were simply trying to rob me and but for the guards at the Hilton hotel, it would have been successful and I might have been physically harmed. Then again, maybe not- I did not care to find out. A similar incident occurred with me on the Copacobana beach in Rio De Janeiro in the early 2000's but that time, I did not get away. I was lucky to have only been assaulted with fists and robbed, without serious damage to anything but my ego. Some of you guys would have kicked their asses, but I am not an experienced fighter.

    I do not know if there are better neighborhoods in Westlands than the CBD of Nairobi, but I have stayed at the Radisson Blu Nairobi Arboretum (also CBD), and it is definitely a more peaceful neighborhood. The only problem with the Radisson Arboretum is that there is nothing happening in that neighborhood. It is not within walking distance of anything interesting. In my view, sprinkling young street men / women with small quantities of change is not a good strategy to stay safe in a foreign city. I just need suggestions for a GF hotel with good Wifi in Westlands near the action, not advice on how to avoid getting mugged.

  4. #4661
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowalk  [View Original Post]
    Mombasa is an island city. However, Kenyans refer to the coast as Mombasa. Nyali, Bamburi, then Mtwapa are just off the island to the north. Watamu, Malindi then Lamu are even further north up the coast. Diani Beach is to the south.
    In one way Mombie is right. Mongers coming to Mombasa area, they or we stay in Mwtapa, Bamburi beach and Nyali, meaning North Beach. Or in Diani, meaning South Beach. To actual Mombasa town, which is an island, we seldom visit.

    Also true, Kenyans refer even Watamu, Malindi and even Lamu as Mombasa. It was confusing in beginning, when I was looking for reports and maps, Mwtapa and Diani are so far, yet they were mentioned as Mombasa. And Bamburi, that is also community and not only beach, and they are not in same place.

    For the original question (from someone), Nairobi or Mombasa for one month? Spend in Nairobi a few days and enjoy good night life. And maybe some minisafaris for different locations, few days more. Then rest of the time in Mombasa. Nairobi is for business, for tourist it is just nightlife and base for safaris. Mombasa is more relaxed and cheaper and climate is better. And there is ocean.

  5. #4660

    Exact information

    Mombasa is actually a county and a city, my computer will not allow me to go on the Kenyan government website while I'm typing this post. But I get news feeds like hell from Citizens TV and KTV24 just to name a few and they always reference Mombasa as a county and a city. Just like there's a Nairobi City county and Nairobi city. There's a Kisumu County and Kisumu city.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slowalk  [View Original Post]
    Mombasa is an island city. However, Kenyans refer to the coast as Mombasa. Nyali, Bamburi, then Mtwapa are just off the island to the north. Watamu, Malindi then Lamu are even further north up the coast. Diani Beach is to the south.

  6. #4659

    Mombasa Island & City

    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]
    Mombasa is not really a city. It is a beach resort. North and south coasts.
    Mombasa is an island city. However, Kenyans refer to the coast as Mombasa. Nyali, Bamburi, then Mtwapa are just off the island to the north. Watamu, Malindi then Lamu are even further north up the coast. Diani Beach is to the south.

  7. #4658
    Quote Originally Posted by MamaGuevos  [View Original Post]
    I have always stayed in the CBD of Nairobi. Last time I was there, I was walking down the street and a group of young men and young women (mostly with babies on their backs, although I could swear that some of the babies were actually plastic dolls) surrounded me asking for money. You could smell some sort of solvent, possibly glue, on their breaths. I won't go over the details, but suffice it to say I was disturbed. I ended up ducking into the Hilton hotel and then going bak to the Sarova Stanley via the garage.

    I thought I might move to Westlands, but I want a hotel with good WiFi and completely girl friendly (the Sarova is perfect for that! Any recommendations? It would be good if the hotel were walking distance to one or more of the bars in Westlands, but I usually recruit my talent online so it is not very important. Thanks.
    You will likely encounter the same "problem" in Westlands. Woodvale Grove the street with Havana, Brew Bistro and around the corner from Boss Den has street kids wanting some money.


    If you keep some 10 shilling coins in your pocket and give them one every now and again, need not be every day, they are pretty harmless it is just a bit of hassle.

  8. #4657

    411 Westlands hotel needed

    I have always stayed in the CBD of Nairobi. Last time I was there, I was walking down the street and a group of young men and young women (mostly with babies on their backs, although I could swear that some of the babies were actually plastic dolls) surrounded me asking for money. You could smell some sort of solvent, possibly glue, on their breaths. I won't go over the details, but suffice it to say I was disturbed. I ended up ducking into the Hilton hotel and then going bak to the Sarova Stanley via the garage.

    I thought I might move to Westlands, but I want a hotel with good WiFi and completely girl friendly (the Sarova is perfect for that! Any recommendations? It would be good if the hotel were walking distance to one or more of the bars in Westlands, but I usually recruit my talent online so it is not very important. Thanks.

  9. #4656
    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contributed nothing of value and in fact constituted a complete waste of bandwidth.

    The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex. Let's stick to the subject.

  10. #4655
    Quote Originally Posted by Kennn  [View Original Post]
    I'm interested in visiting Nairobi (Africa for the 1st time).

    But I don't see in Nairobi many beautiful women on youtube and IG. In fact, to me the level seems quite low.

    My question is: which is the level of beauty of kenyan women compared to the rest of Africa?

    Also interesting questions which not easy to answer.

    About beauty. Difficult cause nobody knows what you like. Short, tall, big, slim? But I'm very sure you will find your right ladies there.

    About malaria tablets. In my opinion, it depends where / what you want to go / do. For safaris in the countryside, yes with all the cons. For a visit just in Nairobi, no, though mosquito spray is useful.

    About where to go. Senegal, Angola, Kenya. I think for the first time in Africa, Kenya is the better option cause it's easier to handle (no need for french or portuguese).

    You will find a lot of topics here in the forum which will help you with your decisions.

  11. #4654
    Quote Originally Posted by JonesLover  [View Original Post]

    I have never gone to Kenya and I would like to go in a month. But I don't like cities like Nairobi and Mombasa for various reasons. Then I don't like pro girls. I would like to meet 1-2 regular girls and live together for 10 days in my rented and comfortable apartment. Can anyone who knows Kenya well recommend an alternative city where it is easy to meet and make friends with some beautiful girls?

    Mombasa is not really a city. It is a beach resort. North and south coasts.

  12. #4653

    Beauty level in Nairobi

    I'm interested in visiting Nairobi (Africa for the 1st time).

    But I don't see in Nairobi many beautiful women on youtube and IG. In fact, to me the level seems quite low.

    My question is: which is the level of beauty of kenyan women compared to the rest of Africa?


  13. #4652

    Alternative to Nairobi and Mombasa?


    I have never gone to Kenya and I would like to go in a month. But I don't like cities like Nairobi and Mombasa for various reasons. Then I don't like pro girls. I would like to meet 1-2 regular girls and live together for 10 days in my rented and comfortable apartment. Can anyone who knows Kenya well recommend an alternative city where it is easy to meet and make friends with some beautiful girls?


  14. #4651

    Threesomes in Kenya

    I had the opportunity to have a threesome only once in Kenya, and an that was kinda hard to find in the clubs. It's way easier to find in the streets, which I avoid significantly the women always discuss with each other in Kiswahili and they have extremely sneaky looks on their faces. And sometimes the other refuses to leave coming to find out one of them might be pimp mama or an overseer. I normally kick both of them to the curb. Dating apps seems to be full of women who are somewhere far away from Nairobi longest distance 4 hour drive and they need money to come to you. I'm glad some of you guys had success because my situation was a complete bomber.

    Quote Originally Posted by MamaGuevos  [View Original Post]
    The only time it is worth using these apps is when you are either in the country or about to be in the country. Then requests for money can be answered that you will give the girl cash when you meet her. I have met a few doing this, and everyone of them was willing to have sex. Some will ask for money days to weeks (even months!) after they leave but you should just say you do not do this. A few will have mothers who are in the hospital and need funds to pay the doctor. Or she will die. This would be funny if it were not so disturbing.

    I have had a lot of luck with tagged. I know others say it is terrible, but with cut and paste, one can request a meet up with a dozen or so girl in about 10 minutes and several of these will respond. If you state that you will give her money, the odds are extremely good she will soon be in your bed. I have met at least a half dozen girl this way for each of my two last trips to Kenya, all beautiful and all very willing to have sex. Not all were pros, by the way. The girls usually have friends who are available for parties (although one of the non pros was very offended when I asked her if she could arrange a threesome). This is a strategy that works well.

  15. #4650


    I thought you would've said Tanzania, it seemed like people don't play when it comes to greed and I witnessed people try to get a mob started in order to intimidate you out of more money. If not Tanzania Ghana, they are very greedy for money there too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]
    This is Kenya. Everyone in this country worships money and I mean worships. I have been to and lived in 20+ countries and no other comes close to Kenya. They are most money hungry and greediest people I have ever come across.

    Once you do not cough up some cash to a female here then that's the end of that. I.

    Remember, as a foreigner in Kenya you are nothing more and never will be anything other than an possible ATM machine.

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