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Thread: Mombasa

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  1. #5574
    Quote Originally Posted by ReinerOtto  [View Original Post]
    Or opt for a Safari. Salt Lick Lodge is exceptional. You might go there by train, because of scenary. Try direct package booking via "friend".
    I will be there next month. What is the friend direct package booking?

  2. #5573
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam14  [View Original Post]
    where I'm not thinking what a fucking dump.
    Depends on, what you want. Was there 3 times, not so bad in Cowry Shells. Use Tinder for easy pickup, or visit BigTree. An go to Char-Choma for greatest BBQ.

    Or opt for a Safari. Salt Lick Lodge is exceptional. You might go there by train, because of scenary. Try direct package booking via "friend".

  3. #5572

    Maybe Just Need a Good Night Sleep And My Snoot In Some Good Tail

    Had this (second) trip to MBA planned for a long time. Changed it a couple times, then at the last minute canceled. But then got bummed I cancelled and went for it in the end.

    Been here for 2 days. There's not 10 minutes (edited from 15) that goes by where I'm not thinking what a fucking dump. And if I could just play the tape backwards long enough to correct my miscalculations. Leaving soon as possible would be stupid too since rent and motorbike are already paid and non refundable.

    Will update if I manage to get some inner work done and find my way.

  4. #5571
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChuck  [View Original Post]
    In Thai you wake up the next morning without a kidney if youre not careful, so what?
    Is that from a movie or sonething? I have been living in Thailand for 16 years and have 2 kidneys. You can leave your money out in plain view and those Thai chicks will not touch it.

  5. #5570
    Quote Originally Posted by MwenByen  [View Original Post]
    You know that this country has a ridiculously high amount of crime, they even got issues with citizens being abducted by the police and being executed in a different part of the country. And I'm not saying all prostitutes will take advantage you but I find it more common in Mombasa than Nairobi. I encourage people to be way more careful than normal when dealing with women who's willing to meet up with a stranger for sex.
    Forgive me if I intervene in your post but I think as Oiste. I also think you had a bad misadventure with a woman from Kenya and now you hate her all. Mombasa worse than Nairobi? Is it a joke, am I laughing? In Thai you wake up the next morning without a kidney if you’re not careful, so what? Go with the first Mombasa ***** you meet? Well, it’s your business. But don’t generalize. I encourage people not to give too much importance to what you write but...about your misadventure...this woman from Kenya you the swei married at the end?

  6. #5569
    Quote Originally Posted by Oiste  [View Original Post]
    You've taken such a dump in Kenya that now you write all this nonsense about Kenyan women, safety and hygiene. I don't want to think who you slept with! .
    Seriously how good do you think the hygiene is with everyone walking around wearing those hair hats? Not very good I can tell you. There is a reason all of their real hair falls out. I am still going to fuck them though.

  7. #5568

    On the contrary

    You know that this country has a ridiculously high amount of crime, they even got issues with citizens being abducted by the police and being executed in a different part of the country. And I'm not saying all prostitutes will take advantage you but I find it more common in Mombasa than Nairobi. I encourage people to be way more careful than normal when dealing with women who's willing to meet up with a stranger for sex.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiste  [View Original Post]
    You've taken such a dump in Kenya that now you write all this nonsense about Kenyan women, safety and hygiene. I don't want to think who you slept with! But maybe the truth is that you like anorexic girls with crooked legs, typical of the Asian race, and a real black female of one eighty-five scares you. It's also true that you have to have a nice cock to make a nigga in bed while with an appetizer the Thai girls are fine.

  8. #5567
    Quote Originally Posted by MwenByen  [View Original Post]
    On the Nairobi thread, I went into detail about how the dating apps works it's nothing more than long term western Union commitment for serious players. Now let the truth be told I haven't been to Thailand in over 20 years. But based on my experience I'll pick Thailand, I never been scammed over there in terms of pay for play here's the pro's and con's of Thailand and Kenya.


    Pro's: Everyone pays the same price, generally safe, women are more professional, easier to find free sex, everything is upfront, unlimited pops during your sessions, none rushed services, thievery is none existent in the women and you have more a rent a girlfriend for the day, bar girls are generally beautiful from head to toe.

    Con's: Falling in love with a working girl will be a financial nightmare for you!, prices are generally expensive always close to US prices!, bar fines are common, silly games at the bar which will trick you into buying whisky for the girls, owner of the bar talks crazy to you if you don't spend enough money on alcohol.


    Pro's: Prices are generally cheaper, women have fuller frames, no bar fines, most night clubs have rooms for you to use that's a reasonable, good music at the clubs, night clubs are your best bet for safety even the police emphasize it.

    Con's: Kenyan women are generally ugly, nasty attitudes, too many BBL's, poor hygienes is practiced in Africa in general and Kenyan women takes the cake you can even smell semen that was never removed from her vagina still there! ***** houses never clean the rooms and change the sheets only every several days, expect to be up charged!, more scams becoming common, price discrimination exists rampantly there if you're European descent expect to pay more, street scene is extremely shady looking many female pimps outside that are extremely aggressive and will try to intimidate you. Undercover decoys exist on the back streets with pricey fines!, Women will steal from you if given the opportunity, too many bait and lure traps. Again the women don't like to bait nor clean their pussies and that includes the ones in the estates! CBD bar scene expect security to steal from you. CBD bar scene expect security to try to intimidate you into giving him a few shillings for free, CBD bar scene expect security to be in it with the hookers to rip you off. Kenyan women like to play silly little games, honesty and integrity is rapidly eroding in that society. Night time many seedy cops out looking for bribes.

    Again Kenyan women are generally ugly and expect prostitutes to be uglier than the average woman.

    As you can see Thailand beats Kenya, you can still have a good time in Kenya, if you're not used to being in the hood or living the urban lifestyle I strongly suggest you stay out of CBD unless you're visiting Sabrina's Joy Pub.

    Bamburi is full of shady characters also, Mijikenda and Swahili women are infamous for being greedy and aggressive even after paying the agreed amount they attend to want more. Many Tanzania women there too and they are the same way, I cant stand them oh well welcome to Mombasa
    You've taken such a dump in Kenya that now you write all this nonsense about Kenyan women, safety and hygiene. I don't want to think who you slept with! But maybe the truth is that you like anorexic girls with crooked legs, typical of the Asian race, and a real black female of one eighty-five scares you. It's also true that you have to have a nice cock to make a nigga in bed while with an appetizer the Thai girls are fine.

  9. #5566
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward5  [View Original Post]
    Just wanted to say the recent talk about Kenya and the girls has definitely worries me about my 2 month trip starting next month.
    Lots of negativity about the girls, saying it is going to be difficult to meet girls, the girls hygiene, tourism is done big to Kenya, is definitely scaring me. Then to top if off the comment about how I made a mistake of going to Mombasa and should have gone to Nairobi, because the girls in Mombasa are more conservative. Add all of this to the already worry about how dangerous it is in Kenya, I'm just scared about the trip.
    was under the impression that most any girl can be purchased in Kenya, and that I would be able to meet non-pros who want my money.
    I will still go and hope for the best, but my expectations are now far lower. Hopefully, I can figure something out in 2 months.
    I was just in Pattaya last year and found way more attracted to the African girls who were on walking street than the Thai girls. I'm more attracted to bigger girls and I also like bitchy girls, just attracted to girls who are not nice for some reason. This is one of the reasons I choose Kenya because I figure the girls will be bigger and more assertive than Asian girls.
    Never difficult to meet girls. Use apps, approach them anywhere. The nightlife scene in Mombasa is living on fumes. Nairobi I never go out at night so don't know it nowadays.

    Hygeine, it can be but I rarely come across it being that bad.

    Dangerous? Not really.

    Most girls want extra cash, I have never failed fucking one I have wanted. Not always in the first night or week but still I've not failed.

    Non pros, you will never ever know if they are unless they admit.

    They are bigger than Thais. Plenty bitchy ones around too. I.

    Mombasa is better than Nai for a newcomer imo.

  10. #5565
    Would anyone know if renting a scooter in Mombasa is possible and worth it?

    This is something I do in South East Asia, but I was wondering if its worth doing it in Mombasa?


  11. #5564
    Just wanted to say the recent talk about Kenya and the girls has definitely worries me about my 2 month trip starting next month.

    Lots of negativity about the girls, saying it is going to be difficult to meet girls, the girls hygiene, tourism is done big to Kenya, is definitely scaring me. Then to top if off the comment about how I made a mistake of going to Mombasa and should have gone to Nairobi, because the girls in Mombasa are more conservative. Add all of this to the already worry about how dangerous it is in Kenya, I'm just scared about the trip.

    I was under the impression that most any girl can be purchased in Kenya, and that I would be able to meet non-pros who want my money.

    I will still go and hope for the best, but my expectations are now far lower. Hopefully, I can figure something out in 2 months.

    I was just in Pattaya last year and found way more attracted to the African girls who were on walking street than the Thai girls. I'm more attracted to bigger girls and I also like bitchy girls, just attracted to girls who are not nice for some reason. This is one of the reasons I choose Kenya because I figure the girls will be bigger and more assertive than Asian girls.

  12. #5563


    I'm sorry I meant to say foreigners and locals pay the same price at least that's how it was in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    This is not true. You pay what you negotiate. I have friends that have had the same chicks as me, but they have paid more for short time than I have paid for all night because they did not negotiate. Some guys already have a set amount they want to pay and lay that out on the table immediately. To me that is not a wise move, because if you ask how much she wants first, then it may be less than what you were planning to offer. I mean would you see a car for sale and go up and blurt out a price to the owner without first asking what they are looking to get?

  13. #5562

    BBL's and etc

    They have BBL's in Kenya and some women can afford it but not all and hears a hint she has a flat stomach and a great big ass just grab it'll feel like a brick! I firmly stated I haven't been to Thailand in 20 years but I can tell you this, that thread is still active and while this one is dying. Matter of fact the entire African thread is dying, tourism is going down on that continent and consistent in Thailand. I have friends that visit there often. I'm not trying to trash talk Kenya and to be honest I do have regulars there. Life is hard in Africa in general unfortunately people have a bad habit of scaring away folks with money. Have they scared me away? Nan! But I do know that some Kenyan women work hard for their money but there's more scammers infiltrating the scene prefect example I was at Sabrina Joy, got this young Luo lady in the room 5 minutes later someone beating on the fucking door. Lost 700 bob! It was here friend pretending to be security. I'll be lying if I told you we didn't have sex unfortunately it didn't last that long. I never made a post about that but there's the story I've been to several Asian countries and never had to put up with no where close to the 8 countries I visited in the motherland BS. That's my opinion and I don't mind answering someone with one post questions because we all started with one post at some point on this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by BPalacio  [View Original Post]
    I agree with you Leblon. I even had a harsh review of Kenya, but MwenByen's post seems unfair. I had issues with the hygiene of Kenyan women, and the safety in Kenya + infrastructure does pale in comparison to Thailand, but I can't agree with much else in MwenByen's post.

    For Thailand:

    MwenByen's pros addressed: NOT everyone pays the same price. Thai women are more professional and I have never had any safety issues with any Thai women. Everything is upfront. SOMETIMES you get unlimited pops, but that is not the norm in my experience with the hotter Thai women. Thievery has never been an issue with any Thai women for me either. Rent a girlfriend is still readily available in Thailand. SOME bar girls are very beautiful, but imo the overall quality has gone down in looks and service in Thailand.

    MwenByen's cons addressed: Falling in love with any woman will financially ruin you. Prices in Thailand are indeed becoming much more expensive. I also am not a fan of the bar scene and the bar fines, but I never have been so I might just be biased. I cannot speak to whether the bar fines and the costs associated with bars in Thailand have become worse, but I have heard from others that it has.

    *I will say that Thailand is hands down better than Kenya in terms of convenience, safety, food quality, infrastructure, many things. That being said, I have said previously in this thread that the quality of women in terms of service and quality in Thailand has degraded. It's still cheaper and better than what we have in the US, but I think the famous reputation for a beautiful woman who treats you like a king for cheap is gone now in Thailand. The hottest women are spoiled with many men who are willing to pay regardless of how they perform in bed and their general attitudes toward you. Thailand is still an amazing country and affordable, but it has become disappointing to me in terms of the women.

    For Kenya:

    MwenByen's pros addressed: Prices are MUCH cheaper and in my limited experience I think the value for service + looks is MUCH better in Kenya than Thailand. In my experience, Kenyan women really work for their money in the bedroom and they are much better performers than Thai women generally. I also think the average Kenyan woman has much sexier curves than Thai women. Cannot speak on the club and bar scene.

    MwenByen's cons addressed: There are some ugly Kenyan women, but there are ugly Thai women as well. The ratio of hot: ugly seems similar to me tbh. I maybe lucked out, but again the attitudes of Kenyan women in the bedroom have been much better than the modern Thai woman. I did not see any BBLs in Kenya. They don't even have enough money to pay rent often. I don't know how anyone would expect them to have BBLs. Yes, the hygiene of Kenyan women in my experience is quite awful and much worse than Thai women. Lodging and cleanliness in lodging is worse in Kenya. Price discrimination exists in Kenya, but. Surely you've heard of farang prices? Thailand perfected price discrimination. Yes, Kenyans broadly are much more scheming and notorious thieves. I would not trust them and you should be very careful with your belongings when you have a woman over in Kenya. I also agree that the Kenyan police are shady individuals as well and society as a whole in Kenya is much shadier and fraught with thieves compared with Thailand where the biggest concern you have is getting ripped off with prices.

    To make it short, I think MwenByen's take on Thailand is outdated and way too rosy. Thailand is not the same and Thai women are not the same any more. I also think MwenByen's take on Kenya is too harsh, though my experience is very newbie and limited. Kenya does not seem like as nice of a place to vacation in, but it is much cheaper and I think the value for quality of pussy is far better than modern Thailand.

  14. #5561

    Black is beautiful

    That's nothing more than a cliche and everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Before I get started dude, I just want to point out tourism is down significantly in Kenya. As you can see this thread is dead. When someone that is entitled to there own opinions answer a man question in which no one else was willing to answer he gets chewed out.

    You say I don't like black women that's your opinion I never made such a statement. Hey I got a task for you next time you visit Kenya go to the estates and begin preaching that jibberious you got plenty of people in the estates. That will listen to you trust me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leblon  [View Original Post]
    You think Kenyan women are ugly. So you think black women are ugly. No problem with that, everyone has their taste. but why come to Kenya and Africa at all if you don't like women of black race? There are only black women found in Kenya for mongering purposes.

    This is posted in Mombasa forum. Rooms in the clubs? There are no rooms for the sex in the any of the major club that I know in Mombasa, maybe you refer to Nairobi? CBD? Or maybe in Bamburi clubs, but white people dont go to those clubs.

    If you haven't been in Thailand for 20 years, I think even your Thailand information could be little outdated, it is different there than 20 years ago. So . So you don't like black girls and you have been in Thailand 20 years ago, what is the point doint this kind of comparisation ?

  15. #5560
    Just wondering, when comparing Thailand and Kenya, why has nobody said a big PRO of Kenya is that the girls all speak fluent English? Does this not matter at all or do the girls in Kenya not speak fluent English?

    Could someone tell me what a semi-pro is compared to a pro?

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