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Thread: Mombasa

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  1. #5378
    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]
    I don't. I use a CD at all times.
    That's probably smarter, but personally I find sex with a condom hardly any more pleasurable than sex with my hand. 😄.

  2. #5377
    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]
    Even The FT have reported this today which is quite extraordinary itself.
    The media went on strike yesterday after police shot a few reporters and killed two.

    Also, Ruto is pissing all over their Constitution: He made an executive order acknowledging that although the Constitution states demonstrations are wallow. Demonstrating must be lead by (his chosen) police officials…. and demonstrating in CBD is banned.

    I fear we are witnessing another Robert Mogabe or even Idi Amin because of the ridiculous responses.

  3. #5376
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowalk  [View Original Post]
    They're shooting live rounds, spraying tear gas and noxious chemical dyes with impunity in cities, towns, the countryside and in peaceful neighborhoods. If they have a weapon, they're using it on anyone and everyone.

    I believe they will soon be blaming foreigners so stay out.
    I doubt it. He has already tried that card with Ford and nobody took the bait.

    GenZ has no leader or leadership group for the PM to buy off, it is not tribal so he can't fight it on ethnic lines. His only promise was that the Gov will "steal less and perform better" his words indeed. His only hope is GenZ get tired and ease off.

    Even The FT have reported this today which is quite extraordinary itself.

  4. #5375
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChuck  [View Original Post]
    Police began firing live ammunition into crowds of demonstrators in Mombasa.

    Maybe it's better to change travel destination for the next few months.
    They're shooting live rounds, spraying tear gas and noxious chemical dyes with impunity in cities, towns, the countryside and in peaceful neighborhoods. If they have a weapon, they're using it on anyone and everyone.

    I believe they will soon be blaming foreigners so stay out.

  5. #5374
    Police began firing live ammunition into crowds of demonstrators in Mombasa.

    Maybe it's better to change travel destination for the next few months.

  6. #5373

    Cheap wine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oiste  [View Original Post]
    "Did why'all fuck the next day? ".

    Because they are sluts genetically programmed to be sluts.

    But it's okay to have doubts in life. Asking questions helps you understand.

    The problem is asking these questions twice.

    But we like all this, we like sluts. Otherwise we would go to Hungary.

    I read somewhere that now, suddenly, Kenya is no longer suitable for the pussy hunters.

    Should we go to Uganda (to watch mountain gorillas? Or to Madagascar (to watch leprosy patients?

    Or in Angola, where people fight to go.

    It's the problem of pensioners who age badly. Very bad.

    The world is changing and they can no longer keep up with it.

    They give out advice. Between one bottle of cheap wine and another.

    It's strange they don't recommend Ukraine.

    Their Nazi origins should push them to do so.

    Kenya is a wonderful country.

    Thanks for going to other places.
    Mountain gorillas? Watch leprosy patients? Recommending Ukraine? Nazi origins?

    Damn! Get a drink! You need to relax.

  7. #5372
    Quote Originally Posted by MwenByen  [View Original Post]
    True story I went through this type of BS in Thailand when I was when I was 22 years now I'm 53 yrs old. The women always berate their country men and speak highly of people from your country they always need. They always sever hundreds of dollars for something. Never in my life have I've been to a country that has more homeless women than men! You can tell there dating scene there can't be taking serious at all now back to your question. Did you meet her online? In the mall? Did why'all fuck the next day? Or the same night? If so it's more than nothing more than a Mpesa scam or Mzungu bride visa waiting to happen. You and only you got set the boundaries on if she's there for love or just to get money and visa to live a nation of misery! Give her a litmus test if she fails it and then there's your answer never go by one go by several. Who wants to have a long distance relationship now and and days. You are in a country where that shell fuck her brothers wife and her sister husband just for the hell of it no sense of family values at all.
    "Did why'all fuck the next day? ".

    Because they are sluts genetically programmed to be sluts.

    But it's okay to have doubts in life. Asking questions helps you understand.

    The problem is asking these questions twice.

    But we like all this, we like sluts. Otherwise we would go to Hungary.

    I read somewhere that now, suddenly, Kenya is no longer suitable for the pussy hunters.

    Should we go to Uganda (to watch mountain gorillas? Or to Madagascar (to watch leprosy patients?

    Or in Angola, where people fight to go.

    It's the problem of pensioners who age badly. Very bad.

    The world is changing and they can no longer keep up with it.

    They give out advice. Between one bottle of cheap wine and another.

    It's strange they don't recommend Ukraine.

    Their Nazi origins should push them to do so.

    Kenya is a wonderful country.

    Thanks for going to other places.

  8. #5371

    54 African countries to choose from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neddy69  [View Original Post]

    Uganda (as long as M7 is alive.).

    Angola (Brazilian Portuguese is a must).

    Tanzania (speak some Kiswahili, TZ is the less corrupt cousin of Kenya).

    Madagascar (very basic infrastructure. French Is a must).

    You obviously speak French and some Portuguese. Unfortunately, I don't, and I'm not that motivated to learn. However, Swahili is something I enjoy learning. But what would be your list of English-speaking African countries. Obviously, Uganda would be on top.

  9. #5370

    Up and coming countries

    Quote Originally Posted by AttilaTheHun  [View Original Post]
    What are the countries you are thinking of now. Could you let me know the first 6 on your list? Have you considered Zambia?

    Uganda (as long as M7 is alive.).

    Angola (Brazilian Portuguese is a must).

    Tanzania (speak some Kiswahili, TZ is the less corrupt cousin of Kenya).

    Madagascar (very basic infrastructure. French Is a must).


  10. #5369

    Answer to your question

    True story I went through this type of BS in Thailand when I was when I was 22 years now I'm 53 yrs old. The women always berate their country men and speak highly of people from your country they always need. They always sever hundreds of dollars for something. Never in my life have I've been to a country that has more homeless women than men! You can tell there dating scene there can't be taking serious at all now back to your question. Did you meet her online? In the mall? Did why'all fuck the next day? Or the same night? If so it's more than nothing more than a Mpesa scam or Mzungu bride visa waiting to happen. You and only you got set the boundaries on if she's there for love or just to get money and visa to live a nation of misery! Give her a litmus test if she fails it and then there's your answer never go by one go by several. Who wants to have a long distance relationship now and and days. You are in a country where that shell fuck her brothers wife and her sister husband just for the hell of it no sense of family values at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by CumALot012  [View Original Post]
    How can I prove my African Queen is only committed to me? Not 5 other white guys as mentioned most do. I live overseas. Are Private Investigators available that are credible?

  11. #5368
    Quote Originally Posted by AttilaTheHun  [View Original Post]
    Mombie, since you are a veteran expert of Kenya, I'm curious to know how do you test your girls for HIV? What methods? Do you take them to a clinic or just use an At-Home HIV Test Kit?
    I don't. I use a CD at all times.

  12. #5367

    HIV / STD testing

    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]
    1 & 2 they only care about the money you are paying.

    3 arrange a time with whoever you are going to fuck, mind time keeping was never invented in Africa.

    4 most do BJ, just ask up front.

    5 again ask up front, making vid is a risky as it is illegal in Kenya and there is always a risk of the girl later complaining and asking for more money or involving the police. Never trust them.

    6 muzungu must pay is the motto.

    7 nobody gives a fuck if you wear 10 wedding rings. Yes, some will approach you.

    8 why not. Just ask.

    9 no.

    10 you sound very green and naive from your questions, not a good thing in Kenya. They will spot weakness.
    Mombie, since you are a veteran expert of Kenya, I'm curious to know how do you test your girls for HIV? What methods? Do you take them to a clinic or just use an At-Home HIV Test Kit?

  13. #5366

    There's 54 African countries to choose from.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neddy69  [View Original Post]
    What do you expect. Zakayo bled the people white. In Mtwapa there was never any unrest. Not even 2007. That bubble has burst now. Most destitute Wazungu are in denial since decades. They ignore that Kenya is going down the drain. Pole pole.

    Why would they burn Casuarina. A lot of people go hungry every day. I watched videos. People left Quickmart with big packets of Unga. LOL. If they loot it's quick. Police is on top of them. They were driving the looters down the Malindi Road. And they plunder all the smart phone stores. To make a quick buck with selling them on the black market. Casuarina? There's nothing to loot. Except some booze. And that's too close to the police station.

    As for me? There's 54 African countries to choose from.

    What are the countries you are thinking of now. Could you let me know the first 6 on your list? Have you considered Zambia?

  14. #5365

    Mtwapa. The end of the bubble

    Quote Originally Posted by Leblon  [View Original Post]
    I am not in Mombasa now but I get report from one girl participating demonstrations today in Mwtapa. Small Quickmart was closed but looters break the door and stole everything from the shop. Lot of other shops were robbed and destroyed. Worryingly, cars were burnt in front of Casourina. When they will burn Casourina or is it burned already?

    Demonstrators have stones and police is using lot of tear gas.

    Disgusted of the violence and all the robbing and destroying private property, my friend left, went home and locked all the doors. When she left there were talks about going to big Quickmart.

    These reports are worrying.
    What do you expect. Zakayo bled the people white. In Mtwapa there was never any unrest. Not even 2007. That bubble has burst now. Most destitute Wazungu are in denial since decades. They ignore that Kenya is going down the drain. Pole pole.

    Why would they burn Casuarina. A lot of people go hungry every day. I watched videos. People left Quickmart with big packets of Unga. LOL. If they loot it's quick. Police is on top of them. They were driving the looters down the Malindi Road. And they plunder all the smart phone stores. To make a quick buck with selling them on the black market. Casuarina? There's nothing to loot. Except some booze. And that's too close to the police station.

    As for me? There's 54 African countries to choose from.


  15. #5364
    I am not in Mombasa now but I get report from one girl participating demonstrations today in Mwtapa. Small Quickmart was closed but looters break the door and stole everything from the shop. Lot of other shops were robbed and destroyed. Worryingly, cars were burnt in front of Casourina. When they will burn Casourina or is it burned already?

    Demonstrators have stones and police is using lot of tear gas.

    Disgusted of the violence and all the robbing and destroying private property, my friend left, went home and locked all the doors. When she left there were talks about going to big Quickmart.

    These reports are worrying.

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