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Thread: FKK Sharks - Darmstadt

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  1. #31542
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe2422  [View Original Post]
    That's a bit strange now. I have many years and many visits to Sharks behind me. Yes, the picture has changed a bit and 100 euros for 30 minutes. Or now with kisses with many with 150 is a lot. I would also say too much, which is why I only go every two weeks and not every week like before. But I still see a lot of visitors when I'm there. Especially on Wednesdays and Sundays they come to relax because it's basically a nice place to relax. I drive past Sharks every other day and here too I see that the parking spaces are always overcrowded. If there was a constant price of 100 euros with kisses, many men might not just be there to relax and would make more rooms.

    You shouldn't perhaps confuse visitors with room visits. Those who no longer come are usually regular staff.

    But I agree with you that it's not as full as it used to be before Covid, which is down to the women.
    Many guys go to Sharks on Wednesday and Sunday for entry 50 , but not many go to room when girls ask too expensive for their real value = not escort level, but asking more expensive. Some go to Oase on Wednesday for entry 50 , but I never saw overcrowded, even on evening / night and I often see almost all keys for rooms above the bar. At Sharks, yes sometimes parking is full, but with some girls and staff cars, not meaning full inside and when crowded, not meaning busy business, when I see many girls not busy and crying for lack of business, but I won t cry for them, when just their fault, when trying to fuck us with crazy rates they don t have level for, even some crazy pay, can read on lustscout. De one who paid 350/50 for a little Romanian and no anal. When club ask for 80/30 and 130/60 , I think if they worked for 100/30 and 150/60 without upselling, except CIM and anal, most would make more money at the end of day and club would make more guys entry, when quite often quite empty, even on Saturday afternoon, but Romanians agreement think they are smarter than us, to fuck us. Of course, some tourist in mind only following their dick, but they will never make busy enough business. Pity for Sharks which is a good club, except diner foods on my last visits.

  2. #31541
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkFkk  [View Original Post]
    End for GLOBE which Is the best day of the week for having the best girls available?
    From Thursday to Saturday, more than 50 girls. I think girls are naked on Thursday.

  3. #31540
    Quote Originally Posted by Yamamba  [View Original Post]
    I heard in another forum that Brenda is retired for good.
    She probably made enough money to set herself up good. She struck me as being very smart, not as goofy as so many others.

  4. #31539
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Who told You Thursday is best for Oase? Entry 50 on Wednesday and best days on Friday and Saturday. Sharks from Friday to Sunday, entry 50 on Sunday before 2 pm. Palace on Friday and Saturday evening, dead early.
    End for GLOBE which Is the best day of the week for having the best girls available?

  5. #31538
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    I never saw crowded on Wednesday, nor most often on Friday or Saturday evening, except when party and not all are crowded. I think girls would like to see more crowd, but many don t come anymore, when girls ask too expensive.
    That's a bit strange now. I have many years and many visits to Sharks behind me. Yes, the picture has changed a bit and 100 euros for 30 minutes. Or now with kisses with many with 150 is a lot. I would also say too much, which is why I only go every two weeks and not every week like before. But I still see a lot of visitors when I'm there. Especially on Wednesdays and Sundays they come to relax because it's basically a nice place to relax. I drive past Sharks every other day and here too I see that the parking spaces are always overcrowded. If there was a constant price of 100 euros with kisses, many men might not just be there to relax and would make more rooms.

    You shouldn't perhaps confuse visitors with room visits. Those who no longer come are usually regular staff.

    But I agree with you that it's not as full as it used to be before Covid, which is down to the women.

  6. #31537
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe2422  [View Original Post]
    It depends on what you want! Monday / Tuesday, few men but also few women. Wednesday, masses of men but also many women. It's an annoying day! Thursday, many women, few men. Many women start the weekend on Thursday. The women are usually happy to have customers and take their time. Friday is a very pleasant day until about 8 pm, then it gets full of people you wouldn't want to meet on the street. It's similar on Saturday. On Sunday, lots of men but few women if Saturday went well.
    I never saw crowded on Wednesday, nor most often on Friday or Saturday evening, except when party and not all are crowded. I think girls would like to see more crowd, but many don t come anymore, when girls ask too expensive.

  7. #31536
    Quote Originally Posted by SameerGupta  [View Original Post]
    I understand thursday's are best day to visit OASE. But which is the best days for sharks & palace. !!
    Who told You Thursday is best for Oase? Entry 50 on Wednesday and best days on Friday and Saturday. Sharks from Friday to Sunday, entry 50 on Sunday before 2 pm. Palace on Friday and Saturday evening, dead early.

  8. #31535
    Quote Originally Posted by SameerGupta  [View Original Post]
    I understand thursday's are best day to visit OASE. But which is the best days for sharks & palace. !!
    It depends on what you want! Monday / Tuesday, few men but also few women. Wednesday, masses of men but also many women. It's an annoying day! Thursday, many women, few men. Many women start the weekend on Thursday. The women are usually happy to have customers and take their time. Friday is a very pleasant day until about 8 pm, then it gets full of people you wouldn't want to meet on the street. It's similar on Saturday. On Sunday, lots of men but few women if Saturday went well.

  9. #31534
    I understand thursday's are best day to visit OASE. But which is the best days for sharks & palace. !!

  10. #31533
    Quote Originally Posted by Yamamba  [View Original Post]
    I heard in another forum that Brenda is retired for good.
    Yes, she seems, after so many years at Sharks, as Lea / Leya / Brenda. There is now a Bibi at Sharks, but I don t know if the one Bibi / Samira.

  11. #31532

    Has anyone seen Desiree from Mauritania?

    I've been waiting to see if Desiree will be coming back.

    Has anyone seen her recently or know if she's working somewhere else?

    Black, silicon boobs, landing strip?

  12. #31531
    Quote Originally Posted by Tintin1  [View Original Post]
    GLOBE without a doubt. You could do that while sitting in the main room having a cocktail, smoking a cigar, watching girls spin around a pole Or go to a room.

    As I've reported here. I spent an evening late last year and -- even between visiting rooms -- watched a guy have his c*ck sucked for more than 3 hours So your toe question isn't even scratching the surface of odd. In 2023 I watched a guy stand up just behind the stage with a drink in his hand while a lady on her knees basically serviced him with other hand quite busy as well. So again. Toes? No big deal! You got money. There are ladies ready to take it.
    I m pretty sure Globe girls will prefer to suck dicks than having feet licked, some may even refuse, but some should accept for extra.

  13. #31530
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkFkk  [View Original Post]
    Leaving apart the fact that globe Is more expensive: if I can choose to spend One whole day inside a club and having the chance to have long Deep french kisses and to suck the toes: Is It Better to go to globe in Zurich or to sharks in Frankfurt?
    GLOBE without a doubt. You could do that while sitting in the main room having a cocktail, smoking a cigar, watching girls spin around a pole Or go to a room.

    As I've reported here. I spent an evening late last year and -- even between visiting rooms -- watched a guy have his c*ck sucked for more than 3 hours So your toe question isn't even scratching the surface of odd. In 2023 I watched a guy stand up just behind the stage with a drink in his hand while a lady on her knees basically serviced him with other hand quite busy as well. So again. Toes? No big deal! You got money. There are ladies ready to take it.

  14. #31529
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Not seen since Summer. Maybe she retired, when she was at Sharks since 2016 . Not so big, but some beautiful naturals at Sharks.
    I heard in another forum that Brenda is retired for good.

  15. #31528
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkFkk  [View Original Post]
    Leaving apart the fact that globe Is more expensive: if I can choose to spend One whole day inside a club and having the chance to have long Deep french kisses and to suck the toes: Is It Better to go to globe in Zurich or to sharks in Frankfurt?
    About your fetish, when I prefer closest to sex at home with a girlfriend, even when paying, this giving me best pleasure, I would say I think more girls at Globe should be ready for quite anything as long you pay for, when they are used to quite difficult rules and fkissing old, fat, uglies, when I think most girls in Germany may find weird. Did you have regulars in Germany who will to please your fetish without You need to beg for? But I don t mean higher level for girls at Globe, even I was happy to find a good one since so long time, when last repeated was on 2021, none since then. But I find also good ones for less expensive in Germany which is better value for money for me.

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