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  1. #2357


    Went to Arabella last Sunday. Very atractive line up for a RTC, but bit of a crappy atmosphere. Worth a visit only if you are in the area.

  2. #2356

    Elephant Beer List

    Just a few updates I can give to your list below -.

    Dolcevita Raubach is closed.

    Freude 39 is under new management and non Ao. Reports are poor in general.

    Party treff Gelsenkirchen is still open and has one or two hired in women. I never heard it was Ao. Occasional swingers visit. Its 100 euro all in I think.

    Arabella, Grimberg, Venus, Verena, Luderland and Romantica are all still Ao and owned by the same guy.

  3. #2355

    Solo tour of NRW

    It's been over two years since I've been back to NRW. Sadly age catches up to some of us, and I'm feeling mine. (I've made about 20 trips altogether over last 15 years).

    Normally go with the wife and let her browse and shop about the city while I'm off 'in the office'. This year, I just want to do it by myself with no clock-watching, less spend, and no guilt. Plus visit the clubs at night, something I haven't been able to do for a decade.

    I wasted a few days last trip not doing my homework, and taking a taxi to closed clubs.

    Doubting any new AO clubs have opened? And sure the prices have gone up a bit. My list is below, can anyone post if any of these are closed not offering AO?

    Might be useful to future posters in 2024/25 as well:

    - Arabella (ao / always a fave).

    - Dietzenbach (ao / open).

    - Dolce Vita Raubach.

    - Freud 39 (ao / thought this was closed, always had fun).

    - Grimberg (ao / but haven't enjoyed lineup in 2022).

    - La Luna.

    - Luder Lounge.

    - M-Exclusive.

    - Partytreff Gelsenkirchen.

    - Saunaclub M2.

    - Villa Venus (used to be ao / still open?0.

    Non-AO places I'll sometimes visit for eye candy when spent.

    - Palace.

    - Globe.

    - Oase.

    - Mainhattan.

    Have heard these names for years but never been.

    - Pauschalclub.

    - Heaven 7 Saunaclub.

    - Villa Romantika.

    New to me:

    -P3 swingers.

  4. #2354

    Luderland Leverkusen

    Yep. No more 30420. Just 40430 or 80460.

    Get identified as a someone who has posted about enjoying illegal activities and it's a lifetime ban from the circuit of clubs. 300 Euro reward to the person who grassed them up.

    LL has vastly improved in line up over the past few weeks (I fully accept that we are talking about an RTC. I am not trying to imply that it is any where of the level of Sharks, Globe etc.). Did a room with Emi a couple of weeks ago, highly recommended. On vacation at the time of writing this post Superb GFE with Tina. Nihan has moved down from VV and is rocking it, well worth a 60 min session.

    Other women are raising their game to compete.

    Have fun and stay as safe as you choose to be.

  5. #2353
    Apparently there is a poster warning of a 300 fine and Immediate Ban for anyone talking of any unlawful practices on the Internet.

    Me, when in Germany I use condoms every time (since 2017).

  6. #2352
    For her so many fans, RTC superstar little Amy is back close to Bayer Arena. Surprising compare to Penelope.

  7. #2351

    Grimberg now 40 euro per 30 min session

    I just read on local forums, that 30 euro session is no more in Grimberg and that 40 euro is now the lowest price for a session. I guess all rtcs have the same pricing now.

  8. #2350
    Another bad news from Grimberg after the visit from the authorities last week. The 30 Session is gone, now Grimme joined the other Rtcs with the Arabella and Venus Tarif. If you wanted to do many rooms, Grimberg was The Destination in the past, and Arabella if you wanted 1-2 rooms ans take it slow. At Grimberg I mostly did about 4 rooms, sometimes more. Now its getting too expensive for so many rooms with 40€, so I will slow down in that regard.

  9. #2349

    Villa Venus

    I enjoyed this one more than the other clubs I'd been to. Walking up the street looking for this place, I saw a naked woman who beckoned me across the street from the window. I am serious. Walked across the street and talked with her for a moment. She didn't know I was looking for this place and thought I was a random passerby. She told me to come in and I did. Inside, Madelina greeted me. I read some good reviews about her and she really did look nice and young. I used a 50 to pay the 30 euro entrance fee but the cashier only gave me 10 euros for change and immediately walked off. Perhaps that trick works on some tourists, but not this one.

    After that puta gave me the rest of my change, I changed into the towel and back up to the parlor. Madelina was talking to some blonde co-worker. So I walked around the room but there weren't many that caught my attention. A few couches away from Madelina's was some skinny, blonde Romanian with lots of make up and looks like some hot social media girl. Sat down and tried to get to know her. The interest wasn't mutual. Got up and Madelina was still talking to her friend. If there's one thing I don't like, it's sitting around waiting for women. So I introduced myself to the two. Not much passion from either. They kept pushing a threesome on me. This is the third duo that has tried to hustle me. And it's a shame it was from Villa Venus's star 20 why / o Madelina. It wasn't looking good for them, but when they said they only use condoms, their ship had officially sunk and I sure as fuck wasn't going down with it. And the worst part is that another patron told me that if it wasn't my first time there, she actually would have given it to me raw. Oh well, a loss for the Madelina team.

    Later on, I saw the woman who had beckoned me from the window outside. She gave me a kiss and invited me to sit with her. She said she's Samira and Bulgarian. Quiet friendly. Just the way a girl should be. So friendly I started getting thick on the couch. She offered some sucky sucky right there and who was I to decline? Where I come from, you can't get this kind of treatment in public! Then really hard, I was offered to bang right there in the parlor. I'm not that much of a star performer so we went upstairs instead. And bang we did. A girl hasn't gotten me very hard in a long time. So I definitely made use of it! I guess she's used to guys cumming quick and kept asking me if I had. And I kept telling her no, because I hadn't LOL. I started to bang a little harder and she said to be easier because I would break that pussy. But there's no way that could happen. This girlwas bred to fuck. So after some more banging, I finally shot that load deep in there.

    Finally, I found a girl to skeet skeet skeet inside at these clubs. Mission accomplished. Went to jump in the sauna but it was turned off and the control panel was locked. I figured out how to access it and jumped in for a nice 20 minute session at maximum heat. Senior members feel free to contact me if you need help with that. Even though I have a pretty long refractory period, I was tempted to stick around longer and try my luck and get it up again with another girl and I took a shower. I'd seen a nice review about Larissa and saw her upstairs. Older than what I prefer but her body was nice and skinny so I sat down with her. Sadly, she wasn't as interested as I was so I had to let her go. I had seen another girl on a couch earlier that I wanted to talk to but now she was gone.

    At which point it was time for me to be gone as well.

    AO Club Pros:

    - Great Price Point compared to the West.

    - Girls will take dick raw.

    AO Club Cons:

    - Some days there just aren't enough girls to go around.

    - Not every girl will take it raw, at least from newcomers.

  10. #2348


    I checked out Luderland and there weren't many good looking bitches there. Even worse, there weren't enough girls there at all. There were at least 2 guys to each girl. Maybe even 3 to 1. A fellow patron said it's because it was the weekend and a lot of the girls want to take the weekend off. Where I come from, that's seen as leaving extra money on the table LOL.

    Only one out of all 6 or so girls I wanted to bang there was their star 20 y / o Emi. But the popular girl kept getting pulled by customers. I may have entertained the idea of banging the unattractive women there but they weren't very outgoing compared to girls at other clubs that are more friendly.

    Ended up as a no-bang day after all. Oh well.

  11. #2347
    Quote Originally Posted by ExverLobter  [View Original Post]
    Well, the morons from the AO Forum have spoiled the party again. As I mentioned a few months ago the Situation in Rtcs can only get worse if they write too much openly. Some things should be discussed very discretly. Grimberg got a visit a few days ago from the Regulatory Departement citing reports from the "Black forum" what is supposedly happening at Grimberg. Well, the consequence is that the Theke.

    Now watches closely that no foreplay will happen on the couch again. The Theke said that its the Forums writers own Fault and stupidity that they can never can keep their mouths shut.
    According to 2017 law, you should know RTC should be closed by law. But, except for registration, this law is just a joke about AO in RTC and Germans rreturning home after AO.

  12. #2346
    Well, the morons from the AO Forum have spoiled the party again. As I mentioned a few months ago the Situation in Rtcs can only get worse if they write too much openly. Some things should be discussed very discretly. Grimberg got a visit a few days ago from the Regulatory Departement citing reports from the "Black forum" what is supposedly happening at Grimberg. Well, the consequence is that the Theke.

    Now watches closely that no foreplay will happen on the couch again. The Theke said that its the Forums writers own Fault and stupidity that they can never can keep their mouths shut.

  13. #2345

    Price difference between clubs

    The 2 clubs I do most are Grimberg and Arabella. Both have 20 euro happy hour entry from 10 to 13 and 17 to 22.
    From 13 to 17 its 30 euro. This is liable to change anytime.

    The cheapest session in Grimberg is 30 for 20 minutes, and in Arabella it's 40 for 30 minutes, also 40 for 30 in Grimberg, and for both clubs -50 for 40 minutes and 80 for an hour.

    Grimberg seems busier at the moment because many local guys still opt for the 30 euro session instead of paying 40 in Arabella.

    I've spoken to some veterans who believe the 20 min session is close to 20 minutes, while the 30 min session is more like 20 or 25 minutes.

    I usually opt for 30 min sessions although it's Nice to be able to quit under 20 minutes if it's going crap in Grimberg.

    I always find hour sessions a bit of a Rip off, because girls often call time around 45 or 50 minutes. A 40 min session often runs to close to 40 minutes and it's 30 euro cheaper for a very similar experience to an hour session. That's my experience anyway.

    The bigger clubs in Frankfurt may have gone sky high with 150 Euro half hour etc but the budget experience is still alive in Rtcs in NRW.

  14. #2344
    Quote Originally Posted by Wanking  [View Original Post]
    Emi and Ela are 2 different girls. Emi I haven't met but believe she is small and slim, and working in Luderland at the moment. She has a big fan club.

    Ela is curvy with big boobs and working in Arabella. She is sweet and speaks excellent English. Also very pretty.
    Ela is what I call fat around belly and ass. I won t pay the new 40 , when no more 30 at Arabella and Venus. Same at Grimberg and Luder?

  15. #2343
    Quote Originally Posted by Wanking  [View Original Post]
    Emi and Ela are 2 different girls. Emi I haven't met but believe she is small and slim, and working in Luderland at the moment. She has a big fan club.

    Ela is curvy with big boobs and working in Arabella. She is sweet and speaks excellent English. Also very pretty.
    It must have been Ela then, she was mixing up the names as she introduced herself and used both. I'll be at Luderland tomorrow and today I am trying Grimberg.

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