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  1. #1603

    Nose bleed

    Went to spa the other day. There was commotion and ambulance which just left. Asked counter guy what happened, he told one senior guy had come for massage but started bleeding profusely through nose. He didn't pass out or anything but blood wasn't stopping so they called an ambulance. My guess is that it's a side effect of ED medicine. Google also tells it. So senior mongers please be careful.

  2. #1602

    Best condoms for oral sex

    Hi folks, which condom brands are best suited for CBJ. Ideally thin (so as to get as much sensation as from the real deal), no nasty flavors or tastes or too much lube such that your partner gags.

  3. #1601

    Help me out a problem in Chennai

    Hi am currently staying in Chennai want a good doctor to check health
    Could you please provide recommendations for any good doctor and lab in Chennai for consultation and tests.
    Thank you.

  4. #1600
    There is no food restriction while taking PEP.

    Viropil (TLD) is better choice. Doctor has prescribed medicines which were used widely 5 years back. However, if you had started PEP within 72 hours (48 hours is super good), you may considered yourself as safe.

    Again- there is no food restriction.

    Quote Originally Posted by BadBoyJ  [View Original Post]
    During vaginal intercourse with a girl I found through a friend, the condom had broken without I realising it at that time. Naturally, the whole time I did her bare and realized it only after pulling out. Although she was not a hooker, rather an amateur college student, she is sexually active. So, I went to see a doctor the next day and started PEP per the doctor's advice.

    I want to ask this forum: is it really a deal breaker if one eats non-veg while on PEP (I am taking Instgra and Emtaf)? The doctor advised to completely avoid non-veg like chicken and red meat (except for eggs) as well as cigarettes and alcohol because they may put extra stress on liver and kidney. Also, I have been asked to abstain from sex for 30 days with wife, which I am okay with, but what about protected sex with other girls?

    Please share your thoughts.


  5. #1599
    This is a 4 year old post man WTF

    Quote Originally Posted by Allenms  [View Original Post]

    Can you please share alternative way of ordering the pill or any related link to buy it.

    Which will useful for all the members. My subscription got expired and while trying to buy crypto.

    It's asking for aadhar or PAN card wherein I was skeptical to give the ID.

  6. #1598

    Ayurveda pill -reg


    Can you please share alternative way of ordering the pill or any related link to buy it.

    Which will useful for all the members. My subscription got expired and while trying to buy crypto.

    It's asking for aadhar or PAN card wherein I was skeptical to give the ID.

    Quote Originally Posted by PakkaIdiots11  [View Original Post]
    Finally got time to write post after a long time.

    After reading the posts of the last several months, it seems that most of the people are facing the problem of early ejaculation.

    Surely it is a big problem that when we are spending 4-5 thousand rupees at a time and we are not able to take advantage of it even for 5 minutes.

    Sometimes we book for the whole night and spend 15-20 thousand and after a shot of 20 minutes there is no ability to do anything again.

    In fact, all working women also know very well that most people do not have enough stamina to make them happy, so they are also in the process of finishing quickly.

    But what if we are so stamina that we can please the woman to such a level that after that she surrenders herself completely to you and involves herself wholeheartedly in the whole act.

    And then there is a different level of fun, for which we spend so much. When the woman herself wants that you fall in love with her more and more.

    All the working girls or women I have spent time with till date, everyone definitely said that I have never seen as much stamina as you.

    So brothers, the purpose of writing such a long post is that if any brother is going through this kind of problem, then he can message me personally.

    I know an ayurvedic doctor who makes an ayurvedic pill. In it, he makes a tremendous formula from many types of herbs.

    I can't tell you what a wonderful herb it is. You can stay for more than 2 hours in a row. And not only does time increase, but we enjoy it as when we first started having sex in our youth.

    If you masturbate after eating that pill, then you will forget the fun you have had in your life so far.

    Not very expensive Makes a pill of Rs. 200. Because a lot of expensive herbs are put in it. Vaidyaji is an old man, he does not know how to operate mobile much, but his disciple will courier you. Hidden packing is also shipped.

    Many of my friends of all ages are using it, till date no one has got any side effect. You have to take it 2-3 hours before. And there is no dry mouth or any other problem like Viagra etc.

    Its biggest advantage is that you do not get tired and can easily have sex 4 to 5 times in a night.

    It makes the body like a new youth. In which we want to do everything again and again.

    I have a personal guarantee. You must also post your review by using it so that more and more friends can take advantage and enjoy the money they are spending. And those who make our 5 thousand theirs in 5 minutes can be taught a lesson.

    Have fun as much as you can.


  7. #1597

    Strange Odour

    Hey Brothers.

    Something strange I have noticed which I wanted to share. Recently met a cheap WG and had a session with her. Now I smell of her body odour since last few days. Surprisingly I don't have much body odour otherwise but now it has changed and smells a bit weird (foul). If anyone knows what I mean. Is this natural and has happened with anyone else. Please share.

    Also I am about 40+ and now days erection and all is fine but when I ejaculate the amount of discharge is very less. I feel the sensation but the quantity has reduced drastically since last few years. Please advice on the same as well.



  8. #1596

    What to avoid during PEP

    During vaginal intercourse with a girl I found through a friend, the condom had broken without I realising it at that time. Naturally, the whole time I did her bare and realized it only after pulling out. Although she was not a hooker, rather an amateur college student, she is sexually active. So, I went to see a doctor the next day and started PEP per the doctor's advice.

    I want to ask this forum: is it really a deal breaker if one eats non-veg while on PEP (I am taking Instgra and Emtaf)? The doctor advised to completely avoid non-veg like chicken and red meat (except for eggs) as well as cigarettes and alcohol because they may put extra stress on liver and kidney. Also, I have been asked to abstain from sex for 30 days with wife, which I am okay with, but what about protected sex with other girls?

    Please share your thoughts.


  9. #1595
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBull691  [View Original Post]
    What is the most popular ayurvedic sex pill around these days in India. I'm looking for some as a alternative to the usual ed pills I take. Can anyone on here give me a few names of pills to try. And are they any good.
    Hi, you try Vigomax Forte by Charak. It prescribed to me by Andrologist. It is to be taken daily (for older gentlemen like me) else have it an hour before your session. You can safely take other ED related meds after an hour. Another is Stand Up by Uniwell that didn't work for me.

  10. #1594
    Yes I also get tge same feeling. I am 45 and I also have tge same problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cumbabecum  [View Original Post]
    Hello Mongers,

    I am a regular visitor of MP. S and Dens and I am 40+ years old.

    Recent times I noticed that my johny has become very choosy. It becomes unresponsive if I see a bird with saggy be**BS or stretch marks or extra fat. I know it is a mind thing but have you guys experienced this? I know it is very difficult to find pocket-friendly birds with perfect body. Johny remains excited till the birds become completely and*de because the dresses and inners the birds use these days are good at hiding all the deficiencies.

    Any suggestions please?

  11. #1593

    Too picky

    Hello Mongers,

    I am a regular visitor of MP. S and Dens and I am 40+ years old.

    Recent times I noticed that my johny has become very choosy. It becomes unresponsive if I see a bird with saggy be**BS or stretch marks or extra fat. I know it is a mind thing but have you guys experienced this? I know it is very difficult to find pocket-friendly birds with perfect body. Johny remains excited till the birds become completely and*de because the dresses and inners the birds use these days are good at hiding all the deficiencies.

    Any suggestions please?

  12. #1592

    Why don't you go for a second opinion? This definitely can't be std. So get out of that thought zone.

    Visit an andrologist or another urologist. Better an andrologist. And tell them about the previous consultation.

    You need not tell about spa experience. But pain is common in any area. And if its too much of eye, everyone masturbates. Say that as a story. I don't think it gets to that point.

    If you do a 9 to 5, put a half day leave and visit a doc. Proactively ask them if there is a scan or something they can do to diagnoise it, if needed.

    Don't delay issues like these. Based on problems I hear and experiences I hhave had, you should see an andrologist. Not the one you have been to.

    Rest assured, get rid of that std bug. It is not in 99.99% cases as I have not heard of anything that's this fast to get into, and show impact. That too pain of this sorts.

    Avoid watching or consuming any content that makes you hard, and touching yourself till this is all clear and sorted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guyawara  [View Original Post]
    Thanks to BeetaLonger, at Shnshan7, at Rockit2023 bros for providing suggestion on my previous message.

    It's been 6 weeks till now and pain still persists. I met with urologist around 2 weeks post this encounter and he suggested these medicines for next 5 days. Levoflox 500 (Antibiotic), Painkiller and one gastric tablet. Did not get relief so met him again and he suggested Levoflox and Tryptomer for next 15 days. I didn't get much relief in pain after taking these as well. Met him again and he is saying that I can take same course for next 15 days again but no guarantee that pain will go away. He is also saying there is absolutely 0 possibility of any STD as std can't stay in body after taking these many antibiotics. I am suspecting this pain is related to nerves.

    Seeking advise from community members. Did anyone get similar pelvic pain which persisted for so long or know anyone with similar experience. If yes, how long did it take to go away. Is there any advise for me on what to do to get rid of this fucking pain.

  13. #1591

    Pain remedies

    Quote Originally Posted by Guyawara  [View Original Post]
    Thanks to BeetaLonger, at Shnshan7, at Rockit2023 bros for providing suggestion on my previous message.

    It's been 6 weeks till now and pain still persists. I met with urologist around 2 weeks post this encounter and he suggested these medicines for next 5 days. Levoflox 500 (Antibiotic), Painkiller and one gastric tablet. Did not get relief so met him again and he suggested Levoflox and Tryptomer for next 15 days. I didn't get much relief in pain after taking these as well. Met him again and he is saying that I can take same course for next 15 days again but no guarantee that pain will go away. He is also saying there is absolutely 0 possibility of any STD as std can't stay in body after taking these many antibiotics. I am suspecting this pain is related to nerves.

    Seeking advise from community members. Did anyone get similar pelvic pain which persisted for so long or know anyone with similar experience. If yes, how long did it take to go away. Is there any advise for me on what to do to get rid of this fucking pain.
    Hello brother,

    Sorry to hear that you are still having pain. There might be some other problem rather than STD. It's for sure a very rough HJ that you got.

    I can just suggest that you visit some neurologist or orthopedic doc and instead of telling you have pain in private part, you tell that you have some knee pain, that you got after some sport injury. As penis doesn't has any bone so for sure it might be some tissue damage that might cause inflammation. These docs might suggest some anti inflammatory drugs (Search NSAIDs on google). Inflammation is a condition where the internal tissue got a tear due to some sudden movement or due to some accident. This tearing of internal organ causes inflammation. This inflammation might increase if you consume acidic food (the food which results into acidity in stomach). So you should avoid all such things like alcohol, non-veg and spicy food.

    You can also follow price therapies. (Price means = protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation). First you should avoid any activity that might further aggravate pain. You can use hot or cold compress also while bathing. Pain killer is just for short time relief, you can't continue it for such a long time.

  14. #1590

    Update on penis pain

    Thanks to BeetaLonger, at Shnshan7, at Rockit2023 bros for providing suggestion on my previous message.

    It's been 6 weeks till now and pain still persists. I met with urologist around 2 weeks post this encounter and he suggested these medicines for next 5 days. Levoflox 500 (Antibiotic), Painkiller and one gastric tablet. Did not get relief so met him again and he suggested Levoflox and Tryptomer for next 15 days. I didn't get much relief in pain after taking these as well. Met him again and he is saying that I can take same course for next 15 days again but no guarantee that pain will go away. He is also saying there is absolutely 0 possibility of any STD as std can't stay in body after taking these many antibiotics. I am suspecting this pain is related to nerves.

    Seeking advise from community members. Did anyone get similar pelvic pain which persisted for so long or know anyone with similar experience. If yes, how long did it take to go away. Is there any advise for me on what to do to get rid of this fucking pain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guyawara  [View Original Post]

    I went to one spa this week and took B2 B and HJ. From next night on wards, I am having continuous pain (not severe) in my penis. Today is 3rd day and pain still persists. Most likely I caught some STD. No other symptom till now.

    Seeking advise from experienced mongers on the next steps. Should I consult immediately. Could you please provide recommendations for any good doctor and lab in Bangalore for consultation and tests. I stay with family so confidentiality is top most priority.

    No access to kitty, No BJ, DFK, DATY etc. Massage followed by kissing / licking body / nipples and HJ. First mongering in Bangalore and I fucked up.

  15. #1589

    Clinically Recognised Numb Gell

    Quote Originally Posted by IAMdevil  [View Original Post]
    Recently tried BOLDCARE delay spray and here is my experience.

    Applied it before the act, got a bit irritating sensation for about 1-2 minutes like I have applied chili powder but then it went off, now after 10 - 15 minutes washed my big bro with water and proceeded for the show, had a lot of oral sex and lot of chit chat in between which lasted for an hour after which I began with the main drilling and still was easily able to bang for good 20 minutes in various positions, could have lasted longer but wanted to get over as it decreased my sensation and was using cover too.

    It does increase you timing significantly and will do wonders if you are fit enough and want to go an extra mile but it does decreases the sensation and with cover on won't enjoy that much, it does smell good though.

    My suggestion would be try it if you are not using a cover. Cheers.
    I came across a gel / spray which is clinically approved by FDA for reducing sensitivity. I believe the composition of BOLDCARE will be of same to this gel called "LOX". I got it as OTC from Apollo and medplus. It literally makes the area numb resulting in reduced sensitivity. It's effective for longer period and the only disadvantage is wouldn't feel the orgasms at all.

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