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Today 10:48 #2272
Posts: 4287Originally Posted by JjBee62 [View Original Post]
One former bar girl I know who got too fat to work went home to her village and posts on Facebook. She has 5,000 FB friends, and she works them for money.
Yesterday 07:32 #2271
Posts: 5520Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
You can remove "Thai" and substitute any nationality that entertains foreigners. You can remove "bar girl" and replace it with any woman selling any type of sexual services, real or virtual. Bar girl, street hooker, webcam model, or any scammer on any of the various apps. They will all tell the story the customers want to hear.
And they are always telling the truth when they say they will love you forever. Forever means "until you finish paying me. ".
Yesterday 02:09 #2270
Posts: 4546No drinking or sitting on my face PLEASE!
If a girl wants to drink with me I tell her she has to drink naked. Come in the door, I hand them a towel. They go take a shower. They come out in a towel. If they ask for a drink, I tell them the take the towel off before I pour it up. If they take too long finishing their drink I start in on them and tell them to finish their drink up after I finish. If they just ask for water I let them take their time drinking it.
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
02-04-25 02:16 #2269
Posts: 4287Originally Posted by Visal [View Original Post]
Most Thai villages don't have a mongering scene. And, if they did, no English.
More to the point, if you tried something with a Thai lady in a village, her husband would end you quickly.
The closest I have seen to a mongering spot was a bar in Rasi Salai, which is in deepest darkest Isaan. They had 2 ladies who drove up from Sisaket, since no lady from Rasi Salai would work in town. Of course, it was a Thai bar, so no barfines.
02-04-25 00:12 #2268
Posts: 16922Originally Posted by Visal [View Original Post]
Like the phrase go broke saving money. Paying 800 baht transportation to go somewhere to fuck a chick for 300 baht, when you could have stayed where you were and fucked a better chick for 1000 baht. But sometimes it is all in the name of adventure and not just the need to fuck.
02-03-25 19:48 #2267
Posts: 115Any place cheaper than Pattaya in Thailand?
I spent 2 months in Thailand and saw Bangkok a bit costlier and low quality as compared to cheap Pattaya girl prices. But I heard the remote places or villages have girls at 300 baht prices. Does anyone have such experience?
02-03-25 18:14 #2266
Posts: 4287I am sabotaging my Long Time barfines intentionally.
Most bar girls intend to turn their Long Time customers into sponsors. Once they realize that the customer is not going to be a sponsor, fun time is over.
Very few bar girls are into LT unless there is going to be a long term payoff.
So, I don't have many barfines longer than 3 or 4 days.
02-01-25 11:03 #2265
Posts: 4546Dominican Republic, Colombia and Thailand
Below you will find my evaluation of different places (that I have personal experience with) in relation to the Dominican Republic. I stand by it!.
Originally Posted by SubCmdr [View Original Post]
For me the Dominican Republic is a place to visit, not a place to live!
01-31-25 12:33 #2264
Posts: 4546Explorer8939 needs to define Rookie and how that applies to me
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Rookie: 1. An untrained or inexperienced recruit, as in the army or police. 2. An inexperienced person; a novice. 3. (Sports) A first-year player, especially in a professional sport..
01-31-25 12:24 #2263
Posts: 4546We all gots stories!
Some are even about actually having sex with girls in Thailand. Which is the purpose of the general threads of this forum.
Originally Posted by Pimpampoumpipo [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Pimpampoumpipo [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Pimpampoumpipo [View Original Post]
Non of them are married, nor do they have boyfriends of any type. And I do not have to perform Jedi Mind Tricks or Vulcan Mind Melds or ply them with copious amounts of alcohol to get their stories either. In fact when girl come over to my place they RARELY ask for alcohol. They usually just want some water.
Originally Posted by Pimpampoumpipo [View Original Post]
My after hours girl from Soi 6 will lie in bed with me post coitus and go through the photos of the guys that took her out of the bar and describe how good the sex was and how big their dick was. When you have a personality like I do and have the ability to build a rapport with another human being you can have conversations about the realities of life in Pattaya. Something that someone who has not been posted up in Pattaya for 18 months has no idea about.
Originally Posted by Pimpampoumpipo [View Original Post]
Funny, I missed your trip report (since you are visiting) in the Pattaya Reports Thread. You can actually find posts on the girls I fuck outside of the Rants thread. My after hours Soi 6 girl is one of them.
Have you learned how to send a proper invitation to meet yet? I am still waiting for your Personal Message here on ISG.
How you like me now?
01-30-25 09:48 #2262
Posts: 4287Originally Posted by SubCmdr [View Original Post]
Rookie mistake.
01-28-25 10:26 #2261
Posts: 4287Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
Yet, most mongers are unaware that many bar girls have Thai husbands or boyfriend. There are a couple of common lies in the bar that mongers believe:
"I no like Thai man".
"I no like young man".
I am trying to think of a bar girl I know who doesn't have a Thai man. There are a couple I know who are in "work only" mode. And a couple who are between relationships. Other than that, they are all in relationships.
Yes, this doesn't impact mongers going to Soi 6 for ST. It's when guys barfine a lady for 3 days and fall in love that leads to disaster.
01-28-25 09:13 #2260
Posts: 4546Brazil or Pattaya which is a better value?
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Quick reminder, I have been posted up in Pattaya for 20 months straight. Short Time in Pattaya is 1000 - 1200 THB = 29.50 - 35.40 USD.
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
01-28-25 02:11 #2259
Posts: 16922Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
01-27-25 20:54 #2258
Posts: 4287Originally Posted by ThaiGoodTimes [View Original Post]
I know a couple of cases in Isaan where the husband has a mia noi and a wife. But the wives are bitter.
And yes, I have read plenty of news reports in Pattaya of Thai husbands done in by angry wives.
Culture in central Thailand is different than Isaan / Lao culture.