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  1. #1684


    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    For you brother. When it comes to pussy for me 90% of it feels the same. For me it is what I have going up in my head with the girl, the chemistry I feel with the girl that matters. I perceive that 90% of all pussy feels the same on my dick. It is the pussy support system and the relationship I have with it that makes the difference.
    Hey Commander, I can't argue with how you personally feel. If most vagina feels the same to you, it feels the same to you. End of story. But there is no question, IMHO, about the mind being a very powerful sexual organ. When a girl stimulates that part of my brain; look out!

    Anyway, I used to have similar feelings as you towards the ass hole. Then one afternoon I had this slender, all natural, very pretty Brazilian girl over at my hotel. Before we got going, she asked if I wanted anal. I said, no baby, I am into regular sex. 555. So, we started getting it on and everything was ok except that frankly I wasn't impressed with her pussy. It lacked feeling. It felt loose around my dick. So midstream, I suggested we try the other way. She smiled knowingly (I think she knew about her pussy), and she turned around so I could easily I enter her a-hole. It felt fucking amazing from the get-go. I cannot describe how exceptional it felt except to say it felt so good that I arranged to see her the following afternoon before I flew back home later that night and it felt just as good the 2nd time around. Long story short: I saw her again on my next trip, but by then she had these really large silly cones attached to her chest which turned me off and the spell was broken. I never bothered seeing her again. Oh well.

    Back to the vagina: here is a dumb question maybe, but do you engage in BBFS? I do with the right girls and for me, there is no comparison in feeling between BB vaginal sex and covered vaginal sex. It is almost like covered vaginal sex isn't really sex. This is my one complaint with Brazilian girls: it takes almost forever to get to BB with most of them. HAHAHA. SE Asian girls are so much better in this one regard.

  2. #1683
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyezhov  [View Original Post]
    Now we know you are posting from Colombia or Richmond Virginia or whatever hood you hang in. But it isn't thailand. Congratulations for blowing your cover.
    Says the man posting from Cambodia and Germany. Enjoy Bangkok, because I don't!

  3. #1682
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Took the bus that leaves from Jomtien to BKK. 143 THB. 1:45 minutes of travel time. But that is including a 15 police traffic stop. Had a nice lunch at BKK. Hopped in an airport taxi to head over to my destination. 1:15 minutes travel time due to traffic. 600 THB. Return to BKK via Bolt: slept the entire trip. Tolls 100 THB; Cost 366 THB=, 20 THB tip.

    I hate Bangkok! Full of traffic. No beach. Every time I go, I have the intention, that I'm going to stick around and enjoy some the amenities. But after I get there I get such a bad feeling from it.

    I get what I needed to do done. I turn round. I take my ass back to where I came from I just cannot fuck with that place.

    Shout out to the Embassy of my country of origin. They handled my business well in the consulate services division. They were respectful, efficient and helpful. The security people worked with me for all my unalloyed items. They even have a place for you to store things away from the Embassy if you show up with something you are not supposed to have (like I did). Got to read my instructions more carefully.

    Walked up to pay for the return trip by bus. Nice guy caught me before I paid and asked if I was willing to share a taxi of the ride back to Pattaya. I agreed. Total cost: 2000 THB. 1000 each.

    Nah, Bangkok is not for me.

    There was an advertisement for Tara Soapy Massage in my taxi.
    Now we know you are posting from Colombia or Richmond Virginia or whatever hood you hang in. But it isn't thailand. Congratulations for blowing your cover.

  4. #1681

    I can only evaluate what you write

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    I'm disappointed that you have that opinion of me, brother because it seems you still don't understand a word of what I said. I would say that the proper insult is to call me a white knight or simp, not the other extreme.
    I not have negative opinion of you. That is my perspective of you. Maybe if you shared some insights I could get a better perception of you. You mostly talk about others. Very little about how YOU actually look at things. My perceptions are out there. You mention: Pussy is Pussy all the time. I just think that you failed to understand a word that I have said. We are talking completely past each other because I believe that you refuse to step back from your perception and fail to look at the perspective of others. In the above sentence you even tell me to how to "insult you". I don't have any insults for you. Here is one of the principles I live by:

    Man Law 101: No man ought to be telling another man how to spend their hard earned money or who to fuck.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    You treat girls differently if they are a "ho" or not, I don't. I don't look down on women because they sell their bodies just like I don't look down on guys who want to pay to tickle their itch.
    Once again you are stuck in your perception. Here is my perspective: I treat girls based how they treat me. You think it matters to me what ATF might have been doing before she showed up with my food? How does she know what I was doing? What she knows is that when she needs something I am there for her and when I need something she is there for me. We bring tremendous value to each other. Are you mocking me for having a "ride or die" chick? I think you are. But this is not the section for ranting we are lounging and chatting up in here. LOL!

    My prostitutes are not bringing me food. They are not coming to see me when I am in the hospital. They are not performing administrative tasks that I need to be completed in Thailand. They are not seeking out information for me that I need to function in Thailand. The treatment is different because my relationship with them is different. For me prostitutes are dick mechanics. I take my car to the mechanic to change my oil. I take my dick to a prostitute to have her drain my balls. I am not taking my prostitute nor my mechanic to dinner.

    If that is looking down on someone because treatment is different based on the type of relationship I have with them so be it. Just keep in mind that is your perception. I have given you my perspective. It is your choice if you choose to see it. Not agree with it. Just acknowledge that it exists. I don't care how someone else treats (no abuse) their prostitute. When I meet a girl on the street outside of my hotel. I am wiling to fuck her and I ask her how much she wants and she says: 500 THB. What am I supposed to say. No, I need to pay you 5000 THB? I enjoyed her services. We used a condom. She gave me a massage. She did not rush and she really took some dick. She was my third girl in six hours so she had to really put some work in to "ponerme leche afuera". But she did. I asked her for her cell number so I could repeat. She said: "no, you know where I stand". Indeed. I came out of my hotel to get her at another time she was not there. So I thought she had lied to me. But I was on my way back to my room with another girl I had bar fined (on Soi TreeTown by the way one of my favorite areas) and there she was. We acknowledge each other. Just a little perspective for ya brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    And congrats on having your ATF bring you some food. I also enjoy that when I come back home.
    Help me understand why you feel the need to mock me? In my life it is the rare girl who has has actually brought more than just her pussy to the table. That is something I demand if I am going to have a personal relationship of any kind with her. Do your prostitutes bring more to the table than just pussy?

    Just might be best if we agree to disagree To date our discussions have yielded nothing of substance for me. But you can tell me why you plan to pay 6000 for a girl in Thermae?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    If I go to Thermae and pay some chick 6000 baht to spend the night with me eating dinner, hanging out, and then we just "happen" to have sex afterward, is that kosher since I didn't explicitly pay for pussy?
    Here is some unsolicited advice:

    Quote Originally Posted by Zam007  [View Original Post]
    ST for Thermae girls is 3 k for one hour, 5 k for 2 hours.
    And this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nyezhov  [View Original Post]
    I get all I need out of Thermae and Nana. At prices cheaper than that referenced here, but that's the beauty of being an old timer.
    Now I don't know shit about Bangkok but I have no idea why you are ready to play twice as much.

    It's your money brother: DOWHATCHALIKE.

  5. #1680

    What intelligent discussion looks like

    When it comes to prostitutes: Pussy is Pussy. Only real difference is in the pussy life support system and the relationship you have with it.

    Gold is Gold. But gold can be different when it formed into jewelry. But if you goto Thailand you will find that you can pick a piece of gold jewelry and decide to buy it. They will weigh it. You pay based on the price of gold on the day you buy it. So there are always exceptions.

    Problems occur when others try to ram their perceptions down the throats of others. When in order to have an intelligent discussion you need to step back and have some perception and see the world through the eyes of others.

    As an example: yesterday I went to another city; I took public bus from where I am staying to the airport; taxi to my appointment; taxi back to airport where I could catch the bus. I was just about to buy my bus ticket when I someone asked if I wanted to share a taxi back to where I was staying. I agreed. Now I paid 10 times what it took me to take the bus to the airport even after sharing the cost in the taxi. Was my return trip 10 X better than my trip to the airport: HELL THE FUCK YES! Why? Not because of the mother fuckers up in here that say everything that costs more is better. I paid the extra money because I was going to have to wait 1. 5 hours until the bus left. Left with my ride share person in the taxi right now.

    I bought 1. 5 hours of my life back with the money I paid for the taxi back from the airport. That was priceless.

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Took the bus that leaves from Jomtien to BKK. 143 THB. 1:45 minutes of travel time. But that is including a 15 police traffic stop. Had a nice lunch at BKK. Hopped in an airport taxi to head over to my destination. 1:15 minutes travel time due to traffic. 600 THB. Return to BKK via Bolt: slept the entire trip. Tolls 100 THB; Cost 366 THB=, 20 THB tip.

    Walked up to pay for the return trip by bus. Nice guy caught me before I paid and asked if I was willing to share a taxi of the ride back to Pattaya. I agreed. Total cost: 2000 THB. 1000 each.

  6. #1679
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Now read some of the posts made by the professional tricks. Because they cannot form relationships with any one other than themselves, their perception is that every girl in life is a prostitute. If they could step away from their own myopic views they could understand that with perspective things are actually very different. One of my current trolls favors Medellin and Bangkok.
    I'm disappointed that you have that opinion of me, brother because it seems you still don't understand a word of what I said. I would say that the proper insult is to call me a white knight or simp, not the other extreme. You treat girls differently if they are a "ho" or not, I don't. I don't look down on women because they sell their bodies just like I don't look down on guys who want to pay to tickle their itch.

    And congrats on having your ATF bring you some food. I also enjoy that when I come back home. As I said, I'll be in Medellin in August, Bangkok in October, and Paris in January so I'm happy to share a drink with any that want to.

  7. #1678

    For me 90% of all pussy feels the same on my dick

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    Pussy is one of my favorite subjects. I wish all pussy felt the same to me. It would have saved me a small fortune. Ha Ha Ha. Just kidding, but what you describe in your post is just one variable in the marketplace. There are many other significant variables that affect my demand, desire, and ultimately the price I am willing to pay like face, body type, smell, skin tone, all natural body or not (fake tits), tatoos, ect plus the girl's location, venue, and yes, perhaps most important variable of all; personality.

    But getting back to the topic at hand; The physical feel of a pussy varies from girl to girl, country to country. Some countries are known for their petite, soft pussy. Some countries are not. Some pussy smells sweet and I want to go down on her. Other pussy I can take a pass on. And still other pussy I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole.
    I appreciate your perception brother. Respect.

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    My obvious point is Pussy IS NOT a fungible commodity. If it were, I would repeat with friendly, outgoing, goodlooking girls regardless of the condition of their pussy.
    For you brother. When it comes to pussy for me 90% of it feels the same. For me it is what I have going up in my head with the girl, the chemistry I feel with the girl that matters. I perceive that 90% of all pussy feels the same on my dick. It is the pussy support system and the relationship I have with it that makes the difference.

  8. #1677

    Don't be a professional trick

    Quote Originally Posted by MassageLover81  [View Original Post]
    Sounds like a good deal to me since by definition ATF means the best! I'm curious, I understand paying for meals, movies etc. But how often does she expect you to buy more expensive gifts like phone or tennis shoes? Is this for special occasions like birthday or celebrations? Or does she expect it almost every time you see her? Thanks!
    Today I had to make a trip to Bangkok. I hate that place! It was a solo trip. But it was an in and out and as such was a long day. ATF brought me a couple of my favorite foods after I arrived. I did not tell her to do that. She did not ask me if I wanted her to do that. She just did it. She did not ask for any money.

    Now read some of the posts made by the professional tricks. Because they cannot form relationships with any one other than themselves, their perception is that every girl in life is a prostitute. If they could step away from their own myopic views they could understand that with perspective things are actually very different. One of my current trolls favors Medellin and Bangkok. Comes half way around the world to troll me here in the Thailand country threads. Don't be like him MassageLover81. He is stuck in in his western ideas and perceptions. When actually here in the East things are very different. Those western ideas and perceptions (if you have them) leave them in your house. Shed them on the plane. Arrive in Thailand with a fresh mind.

  9. #1676


    Took the bus that leaves from Jomtien to BKK. 143 THB. 1:45 minutes of travel time. But that is including a 15 police traffic stop. Had a nice lunch at BKK. Hopped in an airport taxi to head over to my destination. 1:15 minutes travel time due to traffic. 600 THB. Return to BKK via Bolt: slept the entire trip. Tolls 100 THB; Cost 366 THB=, 20 THB tip.

    I hate Bangkok! Full of traffic. No beach. Every time I go, I have the intention, that I'm going to stick around and enjoy some the amenities. But after I get there I get such a bad feeling from it.

    I get what I needed to do done. I turn round. I take my ass back to where I came from I just cannot fuck with that place.

    Shout out to the Embassy of my country of origin. They handled my business well in the consulate services division. They were respectful, efficient and helpful. The security people worked with me for all my unalloyed items. They even have a place for you to store things away from the Embassy if you show up with something you are not supposed to have (like I did). Got to read my instructions more carefully.

    Walked up to pay for the return trip by bus. Nice guy caught me before I paid and asked if I was willing to share a taxi of the ride back to Pattaya. I agreed. Total cost: 2000 THB. 1000 each.

    Nah, Bangkok is not for me.

    There was an advertisement for Tara Soapy Massage in my taxi.

  10. #1675
    Quote Originally Posted by Werqweq  [View Original Post]
    - Girls on tinder, posting they're looking for monogamy, but half their photos are from the bar they obviously work at, one even while sitting in front of a large sign, unironically saying "bar fine".
    I think you need to look at the big picture. They are fucking people for work, so does that really count? It is like a military sniper. They can kill people all day while at work, but off the clock, killing a person would be looked at in a whole different light and have them put in prison forever. It is about compartmentalization.

  11. #1674
    There are many Mister Save-a-hoes visiting Thailand that will bite on that. That is also a signal they are looking for a sponsor. Par for the course here my man. You cannot hate on a girl for trying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Werqweq  [View Original Post]
    - Girls on tinder, posting they're looking for monogamy, but half their photos are from the bar they obviously work at, one even while sitting in front of a large sign, unironically saying "bar fine".

  12. #1673

    Things that make you go "Hmm":

    - Girls on tinder, posting they're looking for monogamy, but half their photos are from the bar they obviously work at, one even while sitting in front of a large sign, unironically saying "bar fine".

  13. #1672
    Unsolicited advice from our writer of creative fiction; BBFS lover and buyer of 40 Drinks

    Quote Originally Posted by EverythingThai  [View Original Post]
    A few comments if you do not mind. Your understanding that Thai girls mostly won't BB is not correct. A walk down Soi 6 and 30 minutes on Thai Friendly and you will find out the truth on that.
    About Laos girls. I find them to be more beautiful in some cases. Many with pure white skin. I fuck then in Thailand all the time ad in Laos. I want you to know that there is no need to import them as there are so many Laos girls already here.
    He didn't import a girl from Laos, he imported a particular girl from Laos he was interested in. Not everyone finds girls interchangeable. I happen to like having a "ride or die" chick. Buy a prostitute 40 lady drinks. Not when I can buy my ATF a phone if she wants it. LOL! Think I care about what anyone else thinks about who I fuck and how I spend my money. Better delete that thought. LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nyezhov  [View Original Post]
    You are taking advice from the wrong person.
    Not many times I can agree with Nyezhov I know what he really is but I have to give him credit where credit is due and in this case he is spot on about or BBFS creative writer. Look at his posting history brother. Do you want to be taking advice from someone spends more time and effort up in here writing fiction?

    Quote Originally Posted by EverythingThai  [View Original Post]
    In the dimly lit corners of a bustling online sex forum, there was a user who went by the name "RollerKing." RollerKing had built a reputation for his grandiose tales of wealth and opulence.
    Quote Originally Posted by MohdirFan82  [View Original Post]
    My girl from Laos made is safely to Bangkok DMK.
    I am glad she did. Even if you did not have the experience that you desired you at least learned from it. Some would have you believe that all girls in Thailand will give you BBFS. My experiences have show that half will. Either in the price quoted to you or for 300 - 500 THB more. No, you don't need to buy 40 lady drinks, bottles or anything else for that matter when you are dealing with a prostitute. But let some others tell it, I makes a difference. LOL!

  14. #1671
    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Interesting report. Thanks. It reminds me of every one of the dozens of trips I have taken to Pattaya over the past 12 years of living in Bangkok. LOL. But wouldn't it be better if posted in the Pattaya Reports thread?
    My bad. In my grogginess at the early morning flight I must have clicked on this thread instead of Pattaya.

  15. #1670
    Quote Originally Posted by MohdirFan82  [View Original Post]
    My girl from Laos made is safely to Bangkok DMK.

    A 19 years old semi stunner, Petite and full GFE.

    However, I regret it because I felt, I brought a fish to a sea. I missed on numerous beautiful girls I could have.

    I know I am having BBCIP each time, but still I am generally off to next girl after a day or 2.

    She is leaving tommorow and I have another Indon stunner lined up for 3 next days.

    I hate condom, and not many Thai girls willing to BB, so I always use BYOG techniques.

    Average Thais are far superior in terms of looks and beauty compare to Laos mistakes are made but my next visit I will do all Solo and mainly will rely on TF and.

    Hunting on the ground.

    Laos girl costed me 150 $ ticket. And food plus minor shopping all in for GFE 300 $ for 4 days.
    A few comments if you do not mind. Your understanding that Thai girls mostly won't BB is not correct. A walk down Soi 6 and 30 minutes on Thai Friendly and you will find out the truth on that.

    About Laos girls. I find them to be more beautiful in some cases. Many with pure white skin. I fuck then in Thailand all the time ad in Laos. I want you to know that there is no need to import them as there are so many Laos girls already here.

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