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Today 00:05 #2311
Posts: 4682Gold in Thailand
Originally Posted by Oakie [View Original Post]
A financially intelligent man buys assets that appreciate in value, gives off cash flow or both. That is how I created a flow that built my STACK that allows me to Ball out like Pro! in Thailand and the Dominican Republic. Actually, a very important person in my life taught me about Thai Gold. She told me that she survived the COIVD fiasco by selling off the gold she had accumulated during good times. I see gold as a store of value. I put part of my Stack where my thoughts are. As I have explained over in the General Reports thread the idea is to preserve value in case of emergency. I review of the value of gold since I learned of its importance in the Thai Economy shows that I am on the right track.
Originally Posted by SubCmdr [View Original Post]
Ballin like Thai Gold Pro!
Yesterday 23:53 #2310
Posts: 4682Relationships defy labels that others place on them when they are not part of them!
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Personally I think guys know EXACTLY what they are getting into when they provide support to a girl. Does not matter where that girl may be. Does not matter the relationship with that girl. Does not matter what your country of origin is or hers. Does not matter if you are living with her in the same house, town, city, or country.
For me, it is not a news flash that girls cheat. Personally I DO NOT enter monogamous relationships. For me it is more important not to be lied to if I ask the question. Otherwise a girl that is in my life does her own thing and I do my own thing. I refuse to let others define my multiple relationship (s). Or how I chose to use my Stack.
My Time; My Stack; My Dick; My Call!
Although I understand why they do it. It is because they are involved in failed relationships of their own and they are jealous of mine. In my opinion, they should focus on their own lives not mind. Just take a quick review of all of the posts that make some kind of reference to my multiple relationships in the Thailand Forums. I enjoy being a free thinker and being able to take action and live my life accordingly.
Ballin Like Thailand Pro!
Yesterday 13:29 #2309
Posts: 4314One of my few rules is that I don't go with Thai ladies who have a Farang boyfriend (I don't count sponsors as boyfriends). So, last year I went to Chumphae for one night with a Thai lady. She fucked until I fell asleep, and then woke me up at 4 am for more, almost killed me.
But afterwards, she posted on Facebook about her English boyfriend who was paying for a house for her. So I cut her off. But not before she introduced me to a friend of hers from a village near Chumphae. I was considering another trip to Chumphae, but then she showed her English boyfriend on FB. He came for a short visit, afterwards she told me she was finished with him. So she wanted me to visit.
My point is that even civvie Thai ladies can be tricky.
02-14-25 18:36 #2308
Posts: 4682Big difference between Transactional and Non-Transactional relationships!
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
You once said to Follow The Money as a determination of type and quality of your relationship. I get gifts, CASH MONEY and GOLD from the Thai Girl I consider most important in my life.
Originally Posted by EverythingThai [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
Next comes the Your bar girl is different straw man logical fallacy. Because Explorer8939 will not admit or recognize that is is possible to have a relationship with a girl who is NOT a prostitute.
I got a V-Day gift! Did any of you get one?
02-14-25 18:15 #2307
Posts: 4682VAT in the Kingdom of Thailand
Originally Posted by Oakie [View Original Post]
I just bought a Galaxy 6 Classic BT 47 mm. While in the store they asked me if I need VAT form. I told them know I would not be leaving anytime soon.
You see just like in the Dominican Republic there is a VAT here. The VAT in the Dominican Republic is called IBTIS. It is 18%. At least it was that much when I lived there.
How much is VAT in Thailand?
VAT for tourists in Thailand is straightforward with a general rate of 7% for most goods and services. You will see this tax rate on many goods and services you are purchasing.
You might sometimes see the rate of zero percent as well. This means your goods and services are in the taxable category, but at a rate of 0%. This rate is applied to these goods and services1:
Exported goods and services;
Services rendered in Thailand, but wholly consumed in other countries;
International aircraft or sea-going vessel transport services;and
Supply of goods or services between bonded warehouses or between enterprises located in a free-trade zone.
I have been a contributor to the economy of the Kingdom of Thailand since have been posted up here
02-14-25 14:52 #2306
Posts: 16984Originally Posted by EverythingThai [View Original Post]
02-14-25 14:30 #2305
Posts: 4314Originally Posted by EverythingThai [View Original Post]
The entire concept of a guy going to Thailand to find a girlfriend is flawed, for obvious reasons.
What makes it worse if that Thai women in general, including civvies, are very skilled in snaring ATMs. Any guy who has spent time in Thailand will have stories about Thai women trying to snare them.
If you want evidence, visit the Dark side in Pattaya. It's filled with Farangs who settled down with a Thai lady, many of whom quickly announced that they were too old for sex. This requires the Farang to hit the local bars for female company. Why do you think there are so many bars in the Dark side?
While the Farang is away, the Thai lady can play with her Thai boyfriend, who she is supporting.
Just count the Farang bars in the Darkside, and you can imagine how many Farangs are stuck with a Thai lady who lives with them for money.
02-14-25 12:22 #2304
Posts: 4682Can you Explorer8939 please back up his statement with actual news reports.
Originally Posted by EverythingThai [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
I am still waiting for Explorer8939 to provide me to some links to these reports of all of the suicides that he claims are happening.
02-14-25 11:08 #2303
Posts: 791Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
I've had plenty of non-transactional girlfriends in Thailand, and so have many of my foreign friends. Not all Thai girls are on the take—that's just a tired stereotype. Maybe you just need to meet different Thai women, ones who aren't working in gentlemen's clubs in Pattaya. This whole "Thai women will bleed you dry" conspiracy theory is old and played out. If you keep running into the same bad experiences, maybe it's time to ask yourself why.
02-14-25 01:36 #2302
Posts: 2153Originally Posted by SubCmdr [View Original Post]
Not many mongers, have as many as 3 "Wives", in other countries who you "support", with your largesse!, along with your latest "gik".
I think you set some kind of example for all mongers! LOL.
02-14-25 00:14 #2301
Posts: 4682Opinions should not be stated as facts!
Originally Posted by Explorer8939 [View Original Post]
No mention of a Thai girl being involved. So, I respectfully request that the OP back up his statement with some facts or simply admit that it is his opinion.
02-13-25 19:21 #2300
Posts: 4314Originally Posted by Appalachian [View Original Post]
02-13-25 16:55 #2299
Posts: 4682I do not give her money
I love how people brag about their relationships that do not involve money. Did the OP go dutch on the buffet? She she paying half for the hotel room (I am assuming they are sleeping in the same bed)? How did they get to Vietnam? Did she pay for her own plane ticket?
Well I brag the other direction. I have a girl in my life that is very important to me. Today I was on the street preparing for V-Day. A couple of small giifts one very important gift that was chump change for me (one small profitable trade) but will mean the world to her. Now I could engage in self delusion and say I don't give her money. But that is to be pedantic because all of the gifts involve money. When we go out, it involves money. The difference is that she gives to me also. Gifts that cost money. Amounts of money that are not insignificant to her. The idea that relationships do not involve money is a delusional state of mind that I have seen proffered in threads across ISG. To each their own in their way of thinking.
02-13-25 10:52 #2298
Posts: 5525Originally Posted by Appalachian [View Original Post]
Go to Thailand. Plan on spending 3 to 6 months. Go away from the tourist areas, far away. Find an area that is the local economic equal of your own standard of living. Settle down and start being friendly learn some of the language, get to know your neighbors. You'll start getting to know the local women and you can find one you connect with.
02-13-25 10:28 #2297
Posts: 16984Originally Posted by AggieDad1 [View Original Post]
When I met my girlfriend, she was doing shit that I appreciated and I must have been doing stuff that she liked (I do not give her money). We are in Vietnam now and just finished at a buffet She was sitting down eating and I got to the table and asked where the utensils were. All I needed her to do was point, but she stopped eating and got up and went across the room to get them for me. She is the definition of a help meet.