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  1. #347
    Looking at it from the outside, given the lack of posters in the Sousa Reports not many active ISG members are visiting Sousa.

  2. #346

    Observations from others

    Quote Originally Posted by PahllusMaximus  [View Original Post]
    USD: THB at 37, best rate in years. Bad news is that the rates seem to be $USD 80 for a session and Bangkok is relatively expensive, noisy and polluted. GFE and anal not readily on the table, and its a minimum of 20 hours from the west coast, add another 6 for the east and pretty horrible time zone dislocation. Weed is legal, but that's best left the stoners. The beaches are polluted and insipid. It's not what is was in the 1990's and early noughties.

    Brazil is USD: BRL 5. 65 which is also relatively high, and a low-mid quality session is $USD 17.70 (100 BRL) and a mind blowing, 1 hour threesome about $USD 60-70. GFE, DFK and anal tend to be automatically on offer. Weed can be found fairly easily if you want to be a stoner. Great beaches in several places, especially if you get out of Rio (and Rio is pretty good if you head south west).

    It is said that good quality massage cannot be found in Brazil. I disagree. That's inexperienced tourist talk. You just have to shop around, and if you are serious, hit the physiotherapy angle and / or get a male for a sports massage but make it clear "no extras".

    With flights direct from NYC, DC area, Atlanta and Miami or Dallas, Brazil is a no brainer.
    Thank you very much PahllusMaximus. I only disagree with you about jet lag. If you take day and rest you will be good in 48 hours. Especially if you bust that nut inside before bedtime.

  3. #345

    Sosua through the lens of former frequent visitor: Part 5

    Part 5

    I find it difficult to make a blanket statement about Sousa. I feel a lot safer sitting on my blue paper investment than I do sitting in Sosua. I feel a lot safer in Pattaya than Sosua. I feel safer in Sosua than I do in Medellin.

    Safety is relative

    Maintain your situational awareness at all times. Helps if you can speak the language Exercise common sense. Make sure someone you can trust got you back if you plan to get drunk.

    When I visit Sosua the security personnel have been the same individuals. They remember me when I arrive and they see me off when I leave. That is because every time I have left I have shook hands with them and in my palm was a folded gift of DOP. That is how men handle their business. With respect and appreciation of others.

    Think it doesn't matter? It does. One time a chica came to my room. We were greeting each other inside when five minutes later there was a knock at my door. It was a security person. The chica did not stop by security and hand over their cedula. The security person was not having that. There you have it!

    I always chica proof my room. You have stay on your game. I once left many DOP in arms length of a chica. I forgot about it. Paper money is worthless to me anyway. I went to the bathroom. She did not touch it. One of the advantages of regulars. But even that won't protect you if she decides this is the last time she is going to see you.

    Of course ISG does not represent the views of the "hundreds of thousands who come to Sosua or settle there". Because we don't have those views we do not what they are. The statement "who enjoy Sosua and settle here" is based on what exactly? A guess by the writer.

    What we have is the views of others who often travel worldwide like Mr. E and Grownman who give us insights and wisdom on their travel experiences. Surely, individuals do not begrudge that (well maybe some do). LOL!

    I will end by saying if Sosua is Disneyland, Pattaya is Disneyworld. Both are fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    You say the craziest stuff. Pattaya was built around prostitution when the servicemen would go there for are&are during the Vietnam War. Today there are literally hundreds of bars and clubs and massage parlors that you can get a chick from to fuck or fuck them on premises.

    The only prostitution you see in Sosua is generally by a handfull of freelancers on half a block of the entire town. If mongers stopped going to Sosua tomorrow, the only ones that would suffer would be two hotels, two restaurants, and two bars.
    A very accurate summation, now that I have experienced both places for myself. As usual these are my opinions unless I am dealing with subject matter of a factual nature.

    May the pussy be with you, always!

  4. #344

    Sosua through the lens of former frequent visitor: Part 4

    Part 4

    Everyone knows all it takes it is pesos in one hand, condoms in the other (should you choose to use them) and a hard dick (there are medications that will help those who have any trouble in that arena). BBFS is an hot topic in the Pattaya Reports threat. Rarely see it addressed in the Sosua Reports thread.

    I have only engaged in BBFS one time in Sosua. It was an older lady (early thirties) that actually insisted that I meet her at the carro publico stop out on the main road across from the Texaco. I walked her to my room and she explained she do not want to be seen in a puta pueblo unescorted. I understood. She rewarded my gentlemanly behavior, by letting me splooge in her pussy, swallowing my cum and letting me fuck her ass and blow splooge there also. It was a epic afternoon / evening. We spent 8 hours together and I walked her back to the carro publico stop. 3000 DOP. This just one of the many outstanding experiences I have had in Sosua.

    As I read the quote above from the latest manifesto of an anonymous internet poster I found it to be very interesting, that he acknowledges therein that none of these opinions written in the Sosua Reports thread are needed from anyone posting here to get laid. Stating the obvious, I think we all know that. Maybe we don't? Ok, but I do. I got laid on my first trip to Sosua in 2016 just fine without any help from anyone. It is a very straight forward process. But none of the experiences were better than the ones was having at the time with my six girl harem I put together in Santo Domingo Este.

    There is no doubt that the best information comes from a variety of posted opinions. Even if they are from "anonymous internet posters on some obscure web site". But the purpose of ISG is to share information on having sex with girls. Those who have found the site should take the information and incorporate it into their methods as they see fit.

    I will go on to add that no one should be up in here being critical of what others are doing or how they are doing it. Far from being critical, I have always stayed focused on sharing information based on what I am doing. As they like to say: YMMV.

  5. #343

    Sosua through the lens of former frequent visitor: Part 2

    Part 3

    69ing with a street prostitute in Sosua? Are you fucking kidding me? Not me. No fucking way. To each their own.

    Nah, I don't pay to eat pussy. I pay for a prostitute to lick my ass, suck my dick, swallow my cum and take my splooge in her pussy or ass. You won't find any moral superiority coming from me or superiority of any type. I reject the idea that some proffer that if you employ a prostitute, the prostitute comes out ahead on the deal.

    That defies basic economic reasoning. As the prostitute is providing a social / sexual service (why someone would want to pay to eat pussy is beyond me). The only way a prostitute comes out ahead on the deal is if she does not satisfy the customer. You can find many posts in the Sosua Reports thread detailing those types of experiences.

    Using the logic that I have read that has been posted in Sosua Reports by our puta pueblo expat experts recently, that would mean when you take your car to your mechanic to have the fluids drained out of it, that afterwards when you pay your mechanic they got over on you. Only if they did not refill the fluids of your vehicle. LOL! Because you paid for a service that you either cannot do or prefer not to do yourself. How is that any different from hiring a prostitute.

    Prostitution does operate in a relative safe environment in Sosua. Key word is "relative". Since that is the case the question becomes: Relative to what? If if was so damn safe there why would hotels have security? Sosua is a small quaint beach town with a lot of hos up in it. But there are other less savory individuals that roam the street in the early morning hours. I have encountered them and come out unscathed.

    I'm not going to comment on CESTOR but I know a little bit about police work. I'the throw my lot in with PN every time. There is crime in every city and every country. There is not doubt Sosua is safer than lets say Medellin. On the other hand many of the problems I read that are encounter by tourists in many places in LATAM is because the inability to speak Spanish and lack of situation awareness. Yet we have individuals who advocate that learning Spanish is not important if all you want to do is hire prostitutes in Sosua. I disagree.

    Sosua is not as safe say Pattaya, where I can roam 24/07/365 without worry. Pattaya is so safe I rarely see the men in brown except in a traffic enforcement role. That last time I was walking down PC, CESTOR was rolling heavy on mother fuckers there. Like I said, been a while maybe things have changed. Sosua could be a more kinder and gentler place, now. If my memories of the place do not line up with current conditions let me know. Maybe I will come back to enjoy the new "kinder and gentler" Sosua.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    The average sex tourist here does not need, mamasans, pimps, taxi drivers, street hustlers, wing men

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    or manifestos from anonymous internet posters on some obscure web site, in order to get laid.
    We also do not need ghost writings from anonymous internet posters on some obscure web site to reinterpret the writings of others that have posted on the same referenced site. The record of experiences and opinions are available for anyone who chooses to review them.

  6. #342

    Sosua through the lens of former frequent visitor Part 2

    Part 2

    The number of visitors to Sosua from North America far outweigh the number of visitors from other countries. Even with that said, have met many from countries other than on the North American continent. In fact, it would not be hard for me to search and find those posts complaining about that. FACT! As there are those that believe that North Americans from a certain part of the continent are "ruining" the place.

    No doubt people with cash frequent Sosua. I met a visitor from Germany that was staying my hotel. He was visiting Sosua for a month. He explained that this was his "fuck" hotel we he ran up in chicas. He was staying laying his head on the regular in a much nicer (and more expensive) place than I was. No hos to disturb his peace. Hard for a chica to give you any problem if you don't have any of your personal stuff in the room. Allows you to walk out the the room if a chica gives you problem and explain the problem to the hotel staff / security. Nice!

    Sosua is expensive as fuck!

    Just had a report from a friend less than a month ago and he confirmed what I had already figured out from my trips to Medellin. Sosua is no longer the overall value that it was. I can see the appeal by those who get work release passes from North America. But with my increased knowledge in the world, Sosua and the Dominican Republic has become a place for me to visit not live. I didn't really realize that until I traveled to Medellin, Colombia. The infrastructure there is far superior. That is more important to me than pussy. At this point, I would only visit Sosua to meet friends there or take a break from the my grueling work routine on my blue paper investment in the Dominican Republic. Does that mean I do not like Sosua? Only in the closed minds of our Sosua expats that act like a negative comment about Sousa is the equivalent of someone kicking his dog. I still like Sosua. I just isn't the priority to me it once was. I am keeping it real here and this is my opinion based on my experiences.

    The Cmdr decides to live in the puta pueblo of Sosua

    Say it isn't so. But it was! I put down a deposit on an apartment with the intent of spending half of the year there. Wanted to set up my own place and not have to live out of a hotel while I visited. I even bought all the one use appliances for the kitchen I needed and designed and built a solar back up generator to be installed (solar power generation is a profitable hobby of mine). So, tell me again that I don't like Sosua. Because when you do I'll just laugh in your face! LOL!

    So, what happened you ask?

    Pattaya happened! Wheels up DFW; Wheels down BKK, 30 hours of travel time later. It was no joke! I forgot the model of the AirBus I was on. But was a mother fucking BEAST! Did the 12 hour leg from MSP to ICN. Clean, re-supply; fuel, new crew and that mother fucker is back in the air for the return trip. Each day; Every day. FUCK! A modern feat of human engineering. So, after the 1. 5 hour ride to Pattaya I arrived at the hotel and boom! My entire life changed. Within one week I decided I wanted to live here not in the puta pueblo known as Sosua. So I did what I needed to do and I never looked back.

  7. #341

    The Cmdr is a X-expat in the Dominican Republic

    I am just one voice among many:

    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    Because of those experience a man becomes seasoned to the game and can pick BETTER quality of women as he now can size up these females a mile away and can tell if she's a winner or if she going to cause me problems. For a newbie not so much.
    Now I don't know if the OP is a infrequent visitor that is subject to believing the myths that our puta pueblo expat experts have so thoughtfully dispelled, but clearly the OP holds a different opinion from our expat experts "dont worry, be happy" philosophy on Sosua (please view the OP's entire post for a true comparison).

    Sosua through the lens of former frequent visitor Part 1.

    I am a former frequent visitor to Sosua for reasons that I will outline for everyone below. My first trip to Sosua was in May of 2016 my last trip was July of 2024.

    Routinely spent 14 - 30 days at a time. No, I did not file a life report every time I went to Sosua. Hard to file a trip report while I was actually living in the Dominican Republic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    Well said MrSub.

    We have so many different takes on Sosua, I sometime find it hard to believe we are talking about the same place.

    Sosua, Dominican Republic, right?

    Everybody is different, and a newbie can luck out or have a bad time on any single day, but veteran posters here have such different experiences and attitudes towards the locals and chicas, that it is obvious that they see everyday Sosua through a different pair of glasses. It's like the 3 blind men describing an elephant.

    Sosua is what it is. It is not for everybody.

    Aside from the seasonal highs and lows, it is pretty much unchanging, and the locals are the same from year to year. The locals I met 8 years ago are still doing basically the same work in different spots all over town. Life there goes on.

    Remember, it is what YOU bring to Sosua, that primarily determines the quality of your experience.
    There are any number of posts where I outline both the positives and the negatives of the Sosua. Why? Because I keep it real. No rose colored glasses to corrected nearsightedness.

    Because I keep it real and do not kneel to the puta pueblo expat experts among us, I get labeled as a Sosua detractor when nothing could be further from the truth. I know pussy is available to me all over the Dominican Republic because I speak Spanish. My "keep it real" mentality "gores the ox" of the "Sosua is the best place in the entire world to hire prostitutes" crew and gets me beat down like a unloved step child on a regular basis by that same crew. But I keep getting up off the canvas. I keep sharing information. Three individuals have publicly acknowledged that they my information, opinions and perspective useful. I am appreciative of that. That is why I keep posting in the face of those who would like to be able to shout down views they disagree with.

    Sosua is only one place on the list of places where men like to hire prostitutes. Just google "sex tourism" and you will get a list of the 10 most popular counties. You will find that the Dominican Republic is on it. Can wee make a note that the Dominican Republic is a country. Sosua is just one tiny little puta pueblo inside of the Dominican Republic.

    Does the Sosua have the best beach in the Dominican Republic? No, not by a long shot! Is Sosua the only place you can hire a prostitute in the Dominican Republic? No, they are available wherever you look. If you can speak Spanish you can even goto Santiago, Santo Domingo or Puerta Plata and find them with ease (sorry I could not resist). LOL!

    Oh, and just for the record I think Punta Cana is a much nicer place than Puerto Plata.

  8. #340
    My Time; My Money; My Dick; My Life

    Will not be defined by my current set of internet haters here on ISG.

    I spend 4 - 8 hours on my computer everyday. You see I am so poor. I need I need to earn money. Otherwise I would not be able to buy pussy like the rest of you rich mother fuckers up in here. Not hating. Just saying because I am a man and I can admit to my limitations. I am seeing crazy numbers being posted by guys throughout the threads in the Dominican Republic (and not in a good way).

    I am so poor that is why I moved to Thailand because I needed to lower my expenses. The Dominican Republic especially the puta pueblo in Sosua is so damn expensive. I can't afford it anymore.

    Do you know how much land costs in the Dominican Republic?

    1.55 USD/m2

    At least that is what I paid for mine. I don't know if I got a good deal or bad one. But getting my name on blue paper in the Dominican Republic has been one of the best moves I have ever made in the Dominican Republic.

    But I digress. We are here to talk about hookers as King Oakiedoke loving refers too them. The word I use is prostitute. That being said I don't know what a prostitute costs in Sosua these days. I have my regular ones. If prices have gone up. I'll see if I get grandfathered in even though I am not yet a grandfather. LOL!

    I miss the Dominican Republic I miss that ass, dem bodies on dose chicas over there. But I do not miss those attitudes. Nor do I miss the general lack of decent infrastructure in the Dominican Republic as a whole. There is a complete lack of work ethic. Mr. E pointed that out in a post in the Santo Domingo thread. These issues among other is why the Dominican Public is in the category of being a nice place to visit and not to live. When I visit, I live like un hefe (a boss) and enjoy my blue paper investment. There is much better infrastructure, attitudes, interactions with governments and the mentality of the girls here in Thailand. Just my opinions after having lived for 10 years in the Dominican Republic. I have even met ex-pats living here that have told me they came to the same conclusions I have.

    BTW, does everyone know that I am a Motherfucker. Yes, yes I am. I fuck mothers all the time. My guess is those reading this do also. Unless your fuck criteria precludes you from fucking prostitutes (or other chicas for that matter) that have kids.

    This brings me to another point. Since when did the posters on ISG get to be soft a marshmallows? Are you one of those supportive of the Pom Pom guy's Coolie Low idea that profanity should not be used on a adult site? I can write elegant, eloquent prose on an elevated level. Can someone please tell me why I need to that on THIS site?

    This is an adult site, of adult men, talking about having sex with girls (and many others things from the number of personal comments I receive about me and my writing). My advice is if you don't like my use of language put me on ignore. If I did not direct the language you find offense at you, then exactly what is the problem? Those who have a problem with my language need to find a chica to breastfeed them in order to calm their nerves. Make sure you tell her to bring you some cookies also and a crying towel because you got butt hurt and need to share your feelings. ROTFLMAO!

    Society is changing. We have moved from an information society to the new attention society. It is an attention economy. Don't believe me. Take a chica out on a date. For that matter just have a drink with her. Count how many times she looks at her smart phone (aren't they all these days) while she is with you. These smart phone are shortening our attention span. People are having more and more trouble focusing on long form content.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nite_Runner  [View Original Post]
    Sub -.

    Have to share that you made me chuckle at your reference to AOL and the "dial-up modem". Yes, I was a bit of a "geek" when I was younger and of course, we all thought we were the "cat's ass" for being part of the WWW.

    Keep it coming!!

    Bro, it goes back even further for me. I was chosen in a pilot program to teach kids about computers. This was when there was this huge machine that you typed on (yes you read that right no screen) and then hit enter. You then waited for a response the got typed back on that paper green and white lined paper with the holes on the side to feed it properly.

    When there was an upgrade to a black and white CRT the kids in my computer group were doing high fives with each other. LOL! My Dad bought me an original Apple II computer. I showed promise in that area. I am sure he would be so impressed to see what I do with my Ivy League education these days. NOT! LOL!

    In the end we are here to have fun. So it's ok if King Oakiedoke and jester POM POM guy Coolie Low and WoManizales911 want to make fun of me while I am in the Kings court. LOL (Sosua Reports)! It is all in good fun. Although I see some people are taking this WAY too seriously.

    So, while I am working on my computer on my projects sometimes I have dead time. How difficult does anyone think it is for me to write responses to the idiocy I see posted here in the Sosua Reports thread posted by King Oakiedoke, his POM POM guy Coolie Low and WoManizales911 a constant basis?

    Easier than it is for King Oakiedoke write his nonsensical one line / two line posts that contain zero useful information for new people. I bet it hard to type when you are being distracted by two chicas one sucking your dick and the other licking your ass. I'the find it hard to focus on my projects and type also. That is why I don't do it. I have time for fun and time to work on my projects. Since pussy does not dominate my life, I really have lots of time to do what I want since I live on my own terms (except for being distressingly poor).

    Can I take a trip somewhere and once week later decide I am going to stay. Yeah, I can do that. Yeah, I did that. I got a passport, a credit card, a smart phone and a internet connection. Anyone who is not living where they want to live or how they want to live needs to take a look in the mirror. Especially in this day an age. They should not be coming onto the internet after two years because they are bored IRL disgorging their personal problems like a Gorilla doing the reach around and fling. Those in sex prison should not hate on free men. If you are in sex prison you put yourself there. Pussy is all around you no matter where you live. Learn how to get it. That is what I did. That is why I was able to move to the Dominican Republic and not be phased by the pussy support system that occupy the place. Because I got plenty of pussy when I lived in my country of origin. I left because I wanted a better life. Not to get some pussy.

  9. #339

    Do not learn Spanish It will only help you communicate with 500 - 600 million people

    We have reached the point where new people and veterans alike are taking the position that there is no need to speak Spanish in Spanish speaking countries.

    Fuck! Shit! Whoa!

    I guess I wasted a lot of time and mental effort learning to speak Spanish. OK! Lesson learned. LOL!

    In my opinion, it is a very North American small minded thinking. But, as I have learned it is not my concern. It was only a suggestion anyway.

    Today, it is a global language with about 500 million native speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain, and about 600 million when including second language speakers. Spanish is the official language of 20 countries, as well as one of the six official languages of the United Nations

  10. #338

    SubCmdr talks about the glory days

    To each their own.

    The Dominican Republic used to be inexpensive. 10 years ago.

    I suppose if you are measuring by standards in the (Dis) United States of America prices now it still looks inexpensive.

    If you travel the world you can easily see (as I did) that Colombia and Thailand make the Dominican Republic look as expensive as fuck. Especially given the fact that infrastructure is so bad in the Dominican Republic. For me the Dominican Republic is a place to visit, not a place to live.

    I have friends that still live full-time in the Dominican Republic. So I am not going to let some 4 day visitor tell me about a country I spent 10 years in. LOL!

  11. #337

    The Cmdr offers timeless insights

    Quote Originally Posted by SlayerABC  [View Original Post]
    Main question is 3 somes. I've seen guys say never take 2 chicas especially if I don't speak Spanish, just read where some guy was held at knifepoint by 1 of the chicas he brought up when he didn't like the friend and declined her. What's the best way for me to get a 3 some if I'm just going to Airbnb? I don't want to head to a casa unless there's some you guys really recommend with 8+ looks, main thing for me is I want to enjoy the chicas face, not just body. What's the best way to accomplish non-stop 3 somes with 8's and above?
    I have never had a problem with a chica or doing a threesome. Because I adhere to The Ten Chica Commandments.

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    I've been in this game for years. It made me an animal. There's rules to this shit. I wrote me a manual. A step-by-step booklet for you to get your two balls drained while many pesos remain.

    Rule numero uno: Never let a chica know how much dough you hold cause you know. The chicas be use pussy against thee but don't you be a sugar daddy like me.

    Number two: Never let them know you next move. Don't you know mongers move in complete silence without violence. Take it from your highness. Arrive unannounced and always much new pussy you'll pounce.

    Number three: never trust what chica may say. She will lie every day to get the pesos in play. She be making stuff up to get that fast buck. You need to set the tool straight and let her know what's up.

    Number four: know you heard this before. Never get sprung just because you cum.

    Number five: never let chica rest where you rest at. I don't care if the chica wants to pout; tell her out!

    Number six: chica want god damn credit, dead it. You think a chica be paying you back, shit forget it.

    Seven: this rule is so underrated, Keep your chica and your personal business completely separated. Chicas and money don't mix. Ignore this. Find yourself broker than shit.

    Number eight: never keep big money on you. Those chicas fucking you will steal your stuff too.

    Number nine: should been number one to me. Two chicas you don't know will bring you certain whoa. Threesome in your room is always a no go. Turn head for a minute you be left with nothing in it.

    Number ten: A strong word called compassion. Strictly for freshmen, not for veterans. If a chica has a problem just say "hell no". She's only there to suck and fuck, rain, sleet, hail, snow.

    Follow these rules you have plenty of pussy to bang up. If not, you might just have a bad wake up.

    I'm out!

  12. #336

    The Cmdr can handle his business on his own

    I hit the Dominican Republic and figured out my way around in Santo Domingo este. No help from anybody, especially from these threads in the beginning. Over time I met some very helpful people. But by then I was in the position of having developed independent knowledge of an area no one else was in nor hardly visited. When I met others of like mind and experience it was a sharing of mutual information.

  13. #335

    The Cmdr has a word or two to say about Sosua.

    Old Kool

    You make a good point. But just let the critics have their say. It has been like a broken record up in the Sosua thread for many years. One of my favorite lines (by a frequent poster) was the only reason someone likes Sosua is because they have not been any place else. That is like saying you only like hamburgers because you have never had a steak. Well here is a news flash, you can like both. The one thing that does surprise me about Sosua is how expensive it has gotten. I am not talking about the chicas. I am a half a world a way and my network of chicas in Sosua and Santo Domingo are still hitting me up. Chicas are not a problem in Sosua. I never have a problem finding a new one to work into my rotation. I double over in laugher at the comments by those stuck in the "glory days". Especially the ones that have all these problems with the place but just keep going back. Does not make any sense to me. But to each their own.

    Sosua is what it is. But if you are looking for the best the Dominican Republic has to offer there are many other places. That being said, I like Sosua. But at this point it is more for the memories and a short visit than anything close to the time I used to spend there.

  14. #334

    The Cmdr puts and assist on the stat sheet

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMax9336  [View Original Post]
    Thank you once again for bro help and never let others down you as we cannot satisfy every one in the world.

    I am bit surprised as who ever visits this site has one moto which is mongering, not sure why people beef with each other.

    If you don't have any thing to offer, at least give respect who shares the intel. I msyself never had any beef with any one.

    I even shared my contacts after every trip who ever DMed me including the airbnb owners phone numbers.

    Its one life and not worth fighting each other especially when we all have a commmon goal in this life.

    Once again thank you for your intel and contacts you provided. Hope I will reciprocate back after I finish my trip and find any good contacts.
    You are welcome brother. Half a world away and I am still keeping it real in the Dominican Republic threads.

    I'm just sorry I did not have much to offer you. The mercenary nature of the girls in the Dominican Republic caused me to simply cut them when I left. Now I have put the Dominican Republic in my rear view mirror. It is a place to be visited not lived in for me. But the chicas have good hardware. But the girls of Thailand have much better software. I cannot wait to explore the rest of Thailand once my projects are finished there.

    When I return to the Dominican Republic I will be starting over from scratch. But it will not be my primary destination. Going to explore the rest of LATAM. Been doing a lot of research and there are many areas that look promising for base on the "WESTSIDE" of the earth.

    When I first came to ISG posting about the Dominican Republic I caught a lot negativity. Most of those that were making critical posts about me no longer post. So, it just shows how a man in the arena can outlast a critic. They get tired of beating on their keyboards. But like a hydra there alway emerges new critics to take their place. No need to name them because they know who they are. Some were so critical of me that the administrator made it impossible for them to respond to my posts. How people get wrapped up in themselves and their personal vendettas with me and lose focus of the purpose of the forums (pussy) is beyond me.

    I read a responses to your post in the Sosua thread that were completely useless. It is comforting to know that the same lame ass mother fuckers are still posting the same lame ass shit. Now, I am not saying they are not knowledgable about the Dominican Republic. I am saying they the majority of their posts are not helpful to someone how his new.

    That seems to be a unique quality about the Dominican Republic threads. Bunch of girly men being critical about basic man stuff like how a man spends his money or who he fucks. Let them have at it. There will always be people like me that keep it real and are willing to help new people.

    I hope you are able to take the information I provided you and leverage it into a great time in the Dominican Republic. Enjoy your trip!

  15. #333

    Thank you for your contacts

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    UTR = Under the radar; Those are the prostitutes that do not see themselves as prostitutes. It goes something like this: 1. I do not usually do this; 2. Problem stated that money will solve; 3. Amount needed in order to solve the problem.

    "I don't usually do this but I don't have any food in the house and I need 2000 pesos to go grocery shopping"

    The absolute best way to get pussy Republica Dominicana is referrals from a girl who you are fucking. They all have networks for other girls who fuck for money. Tinder is my go to solution for pussy; Next is cold approaches but I speak Spanish (Malls especially Mega Centro is good for that). Third is Sosua. LOL! I've also had success off of Skokka. Don't forget about Dominican Cupid.

    Go to a cabana if you do not want to take a girl to your room. Have not been to a casa for a long time. But the ones I have been to I have had a good time.

    If you want GFE then my standing advice is to get a girlfriend. In my opinion you cannot pay for that. I girl genuinely has to like you.

    Now, I have not been in the Dominican Republic for more than a quick minute. So I have not to date information. I'm surprised all the so called experts that used to clown me all the time have not stepped up with their superior information.

    Thanks for the props. I am glad you enjoy my work. Right now I am dealing with a bunch of mother fuckers in a new country thread where I am where they cannot handle diversity of opinion. I even have guys who had beef with me here post half way across the world starting beef with me. Fuck them. I am still posting up knowledge for those interested.
    Thank you once again for bro help and never let others down you as we cannot satisfy every one in the world.

    I am bit surprised as who ever visits this site has one moto which is mongering, not sure why people beef with each other.

    If you don't have any thing to offer, at least give respect who shares the intel. I msyself never had any beef with any one.

    I even shared my contacts after every trip who ever DMed me including the airbnb owners phone numbers.

    Its one life and not worth fighting each other especially when we all have a commmon goal in this life.

    Once again thank you for your intel and contacts you provided. Hope I will reciprocate back after I finish my trip and find any good contacts.

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