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  1. #367
    Quote Originally Posted by BennieBen  [View Original Post]
    Girls are asking US dollar or insanes amount like 6000 DOP. Wtf happenend to this country in the last decade? How did it went from 1500 dop for a fuck to 6 k?
    Personally I do not have to deal with asking prices of 6000 DOP when I visit the Dominican Republic.

  2. #366

    Merry New Year!

    I just got my first fuck in for the New Year 2025 in Pattaya (UTC 20:00 December 31,2024). It is 0400 here and she just left after she coming four (count them 4) times and me blowing my splooge all up in that nasty thing she walks around with.

  3. #365

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Disfruta Republica Dominicana

    You will already have a leg up on other visitors because you arrive with Spanish speaking skills. Sosua is a postage stamp on the envelope of mongering compared to Pattaya but as others have pointed it out it has it's charm for some people.

    Here are all the places I have eaten while in Sosua.

    I know you prefer pussy but you are own your own in that department. This is just regular food. I recommend them all! You can find them all on Google Maps. There is also the Food Truck out on main drag a couple of steeps away from the Texaco. I don't know the nights they are there. Usually starting after 1900.

    Pussy is everywhere brother. You need no help finding it once you have wheels down. If you meet Oakie tell him Hello, for me. He might even have some additional information for you.

    References to Mongering Locations in SEA

    As a personal favor Explorer8939 as a fellow International Trick I would like your honest comparison of Pattaya, Thailand and Sosua, Dominican Republic. You and I will be one of the few that will be able to give an accurate comparison because of having experience in both places. You will have the opportunity to see the place with fresh eyes. Something others clearly cannot do!

    After three days in Sosua you will be Ballin Like A Sousa Pro! ROTFLMAO!

    How you like me now?
    I don't live in Thailand. But I have been posted up here for a few months. I am studying Thai. Takes time to learn as it is a tonal language with five different ones. Your tone can change the meaning of word. I did not learn Spanish over night. There is one other poster to the Dominican Republic Threads that has taken to learn Thai. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.

    I go to the Open Air Brothel known as Sousa there to fuck prostitutes just like Oakie does while he is living there and speaking Spanish to them.

    Does anyone have any proof to dispute the fact that I own a business in the Dominican Republic? It is not located in Sosua. Maybe is why questions are being raised?

    Has Oakie ever visited Thailand or Pattaya?

  4. #364
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    I am off to Brazil next week, and after a couple of months will make my way north to Colombia and the DR. Then, I can make comparisons between Pattaya and Sosua.
    Disfruta Republica Dominicana

    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    I bought my ticket for Santo Domingo, and will bus it up to Sosua after a night's rest in SD. My plan is 10 days in Sosua, with a flight out of Puerto Plata (POP) to go back to the US for a few days. I am hoping that I won't get bored in Sosua, since everyone says its very small. At least I will be able to practice my Spanish.
    You will already have a leg up on other visitor because you arrive with Spanish speaking skills. Sosua is a postage stamp on the envelope of mongering compared to Pattaya but as others have pointed it out it has it's charm for some people.

    Here are all the places I have eaten while in Sosua. I know you prefer pussy but you are own your own in that department. This is just regular food. I recommend them all! You can find them all on Google Maps. There is also the Food Truck out on main drag a couple of steeps away from the Texaco. I don't know the nights they are there. Usually starting after 1900.


    Dolci e Sapori; Restaurant Wings and Waffle; Restaurante Schnitzel Paradise; Casa Coco; Alicia Beach Hotel Restaurant; Restaurante Captain Bailee.


    Fat Jesse's; La Casa de la empanada; Ottis Kaffe Bar.


    Restaurants Waterfront (Playa Alicia); Restaurante Rancho El Rico; Restaurante New Garden Hotel; Susan Cafe Pizzeria.

    Dominican Food

    Accents Sosua Restaurant Bar and Lounge.

    Fresh Fruit Cart

    Walk past Doici e Sabori on same side of street under shade tree.

    Late Night Food

    Copa Cabana Bar Lounge.


    Pussy is everywhere brother. You need no help finding it once you have wheels down. If you meet Oakie tell him Hello, for me. He might even have some additional information for you:

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    I'm trying to get back to my relatively obscure puta pueblo DR, living among locals (real people with real lives).
    He posted this in the Pattaya Reports thread. Not sure why?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    But Sudsy keeps dropping my name here
    Who is Sudsy. My handle is SubCmdr.

    References to you Oakie: Where? In the Pattaya Reports thread? Nah, that has not happened one single time. Enter the search function under the Pattaya Reports thread and you will only find one post where Oakie is giving International Trickin advice to people who visit and live in Thailand specifically Pattaya. A place he has not visited nor has plans to visit.

    References to Mongering Locations in SEA

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    No chinese Dollar Store cookie cutter clones and droids.. No need to impress bar owners, mamasans with your stack, by making it rain! No language proficiency test needed for a newbie to buy pussy!
    As a personal favor Explorer8939 as a fellow International Trick I would like your honest comparison of Pattaya, Thailand and Sosua, Dominican Republic. You and I will be one of the few that will be able to give an accurate comparison because of having experience in both places. You will have the opportunity to see the place with fresh eyes. Something others clearly cannot do!

    After three days in Sosua your will be Ballin Like A Sousa Pro! ROTFLMAO!

    How you like me now?

  5. #363
    Quote Originally Posted by DCups  [View Original Post]
    Ill be in Patts late Feb, Sub. What places you talkin about. Thanks. Peace out.
    I might have to roll out just about when you are arriving. Make sure to check out Heaven Above. They have girls up in there that have what you like!

  6. #362
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Still posted up Pattaya. Hit a brother up. I got just the spot for ya my man.
    Ill be in Patts late Feb, Sub. What places you talkin about. Thanks. Peace out.

  7. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by DCups  [View Original Post]
    So I'll go to Thailand or Indonesia instead in search of the big boobs. I don't care if they are bolt ONS.
    Still posted up Pattaya. Hit a brother up. I got just the spot for ya my man.

  8. #360

    Speaking Spanish in Thailand and other linguistical challenges

    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    For some obscure reason, I am fluent in Spanish, so just being somewhere where everyone speaks Spanish is useful and interesting for me. And, no, nobody speaks Spanish in Pattaya.
    I met a Colombian on Soi Tree Town and had a 30 minute conversation in Spanish. I wanted him to grade me. He told me that he could understand everything I said. But that I need to work on my accent and pronunciation. I speak Spanish everyday in Pattaya. But I do not speak Thai.

    I currently working on that. As I am certain developing my Thai would provide me with the same advantages that learning Spanish has in the Dominican Republic. Namely, more chemistry with Thai girls. In fact just last night I was in a Gentleman's Club in Pattaya (Something there is NOTHING like in Sosua).

    I have heard there are places similar in Santo Domingo and Santiago. But they are for rick Dominicans in the know. I am neither rich or Dominican. But I digress.

    While I was in the Gentleman's Club I asked the girls that were doing a threesome for me in the booth to help me with my Thai. They are thrilled to help me learn words. Repeated them to me all night. Thought me how to make a toast in Thai. Taught me the important words of the anatomy like, mouth, eyes, pussy and dick. Then when the Thai music came on the entire ambiance of the place changed. The Thai girls dancing have naked on the stage and tables all in the club were energized smiling at really getting into with their gyrations, twurking and using traditional Thai dance moves in a modern fashion. There is nothing like being with Thai girls when they are in their own culture. When they learned that I knew all of the choris of their favorite Thai songs they went crazy about it. I see a threesome in my future.

    I understand the concept of Pattaya and Sosua being two different venues. But for pure fun and excitement they do not even compare. I prefer Pattaya. If you don't well I just don't give a fuck. If all you are looking for to fuck and have a good beach as a diversion Sosua is great. Nothing charming about that Mother Fucker. Mr E always used to say that people who preferred Sosua did from a lack of knowledge. I don't agree with his assessment even to this day. But if you haven't been too Sosua (as I have) and you haven't been to Pattaya as I have done then you have no basis to even make a comparison.

    After over 10 years of living in the Dominican Republic. I prefer Thailand but I miss those lovely Latina bodies. But they can keep their attitudes.

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Thank you! I don't like stick figure girls. Bone is for dog, meat is for man. Like you said: But to each his own.

    Your time; Your money; Your dick; Your call!

    Most girls in Thailand don't have any ass. It is my dream when I find a Thai girl that has Latina body. Latinas have much better hardware than Asian girls on average. But the software of Asian girls more than makes up for it. Asian girls don't beg for money like latinas do. Latinas have personalities that are spicier than than a traditional Thai meal. But they also have some of the best bodies on this earth! Asian girls have soft and sweet personalities (in general). They make an effort to please you. They give BBFS on almost a routine basis. They are straight forward about money for sex. And they accept open relationships.

    I hope you consider this comparison and contrast of Asian girls and Latina chicas to be a contribution to your Philippines forum If not, well then, I just don't give a fuck!

    How you like me now?

  9. #359
    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    Pattaya is the Ritz Carlton while Sosua is a small boutique. Both have value but serve different purposes. Pattaya is 24/7 with 1000's of ladies focused on getting your dollars. Sosua is a small town with a few 100 ladies mostly working weekends. While Pattaya is busting city Sosua is quite quint by comparison. So depending on what you like either can be your preference. If you are into a lot of action Sosua could be disappointing. The action in Sosua is slower but for many is meets tjheir needs. I would not spend more then 4 or 5 days.
    For some obscure reason, I am fluent in Spanish, so just being somewhere where everyone speaks Spanish is useful and interesting for me. And, no, nobody speaks Spanish in Pattaya.

  10. #358

    Apples and Oranges

    Pattaya is the Ritz Carlton while Sosua is a small boutique. Both have value but serve different purposes. Pattaya is 24/7 with 1000's of ladies focused on getting your dollars. Sosua is a small town with a few 100 ladies mostly working weekends. While Pattaya is busting city Sosua is quite quint by comparison. So depending on what you like either can be your preference. If you are into a lot of action Sosua could be disappointing. The action in Sosua is slower but for many is meets tjheir needs. I would not spend more then 4 or 5 days.

    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    I am off to Brazil next week, and after a couple of months will make my way north to Colombia and the DR.

    Then, I can make comparisons between Pattaya and Sosua.

  11. #357
    I am off to Brazil next week, and after a couple of months will make my way north to Colombia and the DR.

    Then, I can make comparisons between Pattaya and Sosua.

  12. #356

    The Cmdr's chica status in the Dominican Republic

    Right now I have three girls in the Dominican Republic that I have been fucking almost since the day I arrived there waiting for me to come back from Thailand. Those are just my regulars and they are spread out all over the country.

  13. #355

    YouTube videos are inaccurate. Period. Full Stop

    I follow a very simple rule: I do not goto a steak restaurant and order chicken. If I want chicken I goto a Pica Pollo place. It follows that if you do not like the features of Asian girls don't fly halfway around the world to be a International Trick in asian countries.

    I have two friends, one loves Colombia, the other Dominican Republic. I facilitated both of their trips. During their visits they both told me that they really could not believe how good life was here until they came to visit themselves.

    Pussy does not rule my life I spend more time figuring out what to eat than I do who to fuck. Here in Thailand, I find everything I am looking for to LIVE well without all the fuckery that goes on in the Dominican Republic. I have said it before the girls act right here.

    I heard someone put the way: The hardware of Latinas is superior, but the software of Thai girls more than makes up for it. If you are coming over to be a International Trick, Sosua and many other places in the Dominican Republic are excellent for that. I just wouldn't want to live there.

    Because for me to deal with Latinas, I got to keep my hand up with a can of act right spray in it and use it liberally. Managing my relationships here with Thai girls is effortless and provides me with a lot more peace in my life. I tell a girl here what I want and I get it! Once they are comfortable with you they will try you but years of dealing with Latinas made me ready for it. A quick spray of act right and they get back into line.

    BTW, I find everything I could want when it comes to body shapes in Thai Girls. There are many that are much more than knock kneed bimbos walking like hos. The best combination is when I find a Thai girl with a latina body. It is is simply exquisite. It is the metric system over here. 90 pounds is 40.9 kilograms. Those girls do not even even register on from my moisture seeking missile guidance system. I am good with them being 50 - 60 kilograms. Start having a problem with them 60 KG +.

    Also, I speak Spanish. I do not speak Thai. I need to learn how to speak Thai. In the Dominican Republic I can talk to any girl. I cannot do that here if she does not speak Spanish. That (which I can personally correct if I put some work in) and the fact that I cannot own land are the only disadvantages of spending extensive time here. I keep in mind that is a country in Asia under a monarchy. Things do not work the same way here as the do in the west. So do not drag your tired and fucked up western ideas and attitudes half way across the world and expect to have a good time. Here your western system of values to do not serve you well. Criticize the monarchy, you will do six months in jail. Fuck your status as an citizen of the United States of America.

    In fact the absolute worst thing about being here are my fellow Americans. The ones who do not look like me. I am farang dam. This is a certain type of farang that comes over here (and as always come over here) and simply do not like seeing farang dam in what they consider their personal playground. I present an example of posts from the Thailand threads:

    while I rarely go these days decided to go walking street 808 and saw a number of black travelers and it kinda shock be as I can remember when going there just say six years ago you have a few African Americans and some Africans mixed now there are several of them most of the younger than 40. My guess is these are former DR Colombia travelers that previously wouldn't go because of the long flight but that no longer deters them.
    This one was directed at me specifically:

    Thats the part that gets you, right boy? The fact that I am and always will be better than you.
    I have enchanted more racism in the Thailand treads than I ever have in the entire time of posting here on ISG. For the first time ever I have had to put multiple people on ignore.

  14. #354

    I like the infrastructure and cost of living

    I have seen videos the bar seen with 100's of girls and lady boys. The vast majority of women do not appeal to me. What is your take on the quality of women. I tend to like them thick. I am sure there is some of everything but the 90 pounders don't do it for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    I am actually doing quite well in Thailand. But unlike some people think it is not my new home. I have multiple homes throughout the world. Including one in the Dominican Republic.

    I have been quiet because since it has been quite a while (14 months) since I have been in the Dominican Republic I don't have much to contribute.

    Thailand has excellent infrastructure compared to to the Dominican Republic and the cost of living is one third of the Dominican Republic. The girls act right and the crime is low. The police don't fuck with you and the government does not either. Oh, and I am a 10 minute walk to the beach.

    So, lower infrastructure, low crime, rule of law, girls that have the right attitude and a government that believes in the rule of law. What is there not to like.

    I am enjoying myself

  15. #353
    I am actually doing quite well in Thailand. But unlike some people think it is not my new home. I have multiple homes throughout the world. Including one in the Dominican Republic.

    I have been quiet because since it has been quite a while (14 months) since I have been in the Dominican Republic I don't have much to contribute.

    Thailand has excellent infrastructure compared to to the Dominican Republic and the cost of living is one third of the Dominican Republic. The girls act right and the crime is low. The police don't fuck with you and the government does not either. Oh, and I am a 10 minute walk to the beach.

    So, lower infrastructure, low crime, rule of law, girls that have the right attitude and a government that believes in the rule of law. What is there not to like.

    I am enjoying myself

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