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Thread: Stupid shit in Medellin

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  1. #7503
    Quote Originally Posted by Nounce  [View Original Post]
    Have you considered that is only because it is the only reasonable choice?;
    That's kinda the point, right? Why are we harping on boats and ferries when you acquiesce that certain modes of transportation (e. G. Flying) are easily the most reasonable for most people? For international travel, flying is pretty much the only reasonable choice for one reason; time saved. Boats, driving, and trains are all "generally" slower for any trip longer than 4 hours, especially when crossing a body of water. The whole point that has made by many people in this thread over and over again is that flying is the defacto mode of transportation for international trips for "most" people because it's advantages outweigh all of the negatives. This exhibits a major point; Flying is, tangibly, a better quality choice for "most" people in "most" international situations. To tie this back to the main context of the thread, "travel is travel" or "pussy is pussy" is a foolish argument that ignores that certain options are tangibly better than others. Everything isn't some sort of randomized crapshoot where paying bottom dollar to ride in the back of a pickup for 6000 miles is equivalent to taking an economy flight from NYC to Medellin. Busting a nut with a 60 year old crackhead isn't, on average, going to be the same quality as 7/10 25 year old.

    What do you think would have happened if MB admitted that he did not know about the boat and agree with the perspective of the 2%?
    Well, then the previous pages of discussions regarding Medellin taxis and buses wouldn't have happened and his response afterward would have been different. Seems we are still ignoring the major context of the thread to harp on a narrow point that has already been conceded.

  2. #7502
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    developed nations like China
    Are you sure that is true?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    like China have embraced flights for when they leave the country.
    Have you considered that is only because it is the only reasonable choice?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    Europe is the only outlier but that's clearly because of the small distances traveled to leave a nation.
    China borders with many countries. There is a well known initiative that the name escapes me right now. 🤔

  3. #7501

    Do you think others don't know that?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    MiamiBoy can gladly correct me if my perception was wrong
    What do you think would have happened if MB admitted that he did not know about the boat and agree with the perspective of the 2%?

  4. #7500

    TeDerelict and MBoy be tag teaming now!

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    But it was never about general travel trends.It was about one thing and one thing only: not being able to take a boat from the USA to the DR unless it was a cruise ship. It was not about preference. It was not about the norm. It was not about what people do in general. It was not about what is easiest or quickest. It was about you are not taking a boat from the USA to the DR unless it is a cruise ship.
    You are right.

    Why is the TheDerelict fighting the battles of MBoy?

    Oh shit! Mother fuckers are entitled to their own opinions. Not their own facts!.

  5. #7499

    Sub = Submissive

    Sub is just a submissive little btch who enjoys starting trouble wherever she goes. You all have to question even if she gets laid. The mind of a child at best will get her no where!

  6. #7498
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Example: European content. South East Asia. Train travel. Oh shit facts continue to fuck with people up in here. Don't get triggered by them.
    Yup, what a great "fact" you just dropped. Sourced and everything.

    What is being displayed is a north american perception, on a web site wita international perspective.
    No, what's being presented is the perspective of someone with a brain, my pobrecito. It's true that I have an American bias and yes the stats here do show that international travel is majority Air-oriented.

    Most poor countries don't have a lot of international travel and maybe that's your general budget, but it's clear that developed nations like China have embraced flights for when they leave the country. Europe is the only outlier but that's clearly because of the small distances traveled to leave a nation. But I guess you can pull out another "fact" from your ass to counterpoint. Long distance travel is the relevant notion for international travel since it encompasses how people view their global experience, not the edge case of a dude living on the border and biking back and forth across it to get a drink at the pub.

  7. #7497
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    But it was never about general travel trends. It was about one thing and one thing only: not being able to take a boat from the USA to the DR unless it was a cruise ship. It was not about preference. It was not about the norm. It was not about what people do in general. It was not about what is easiest or quickest. It was about you are not taking a boat from the USA to the DR unless it is a cruise ship.
    If you're going to deny that the discussion 5 pages was about people taking buses to Centro vs. Paying for the airport taxi, then we'll just have to agree to disagree. Go back and look and you'll see a multi-page discussion on quality vs. Price. The topic was floating from "pussy is pussy" to buying MCDonald's burgers to travel costs. It was all generic discussions on finding tangible value in some things that cost more money. IMO, I think you're just being obtuse and harping on one point where you won a point without actually addressing the larger point. As some might say, missing the forest for the trees.

    MiamiBoy can gladly correct me if my perception was wrong and that he was solely focused on boats from the US to DR as opposed to making a broader discussion where he happened to be somewhat wrong about one given point which, incidentally, means nothing to the larger point.

  8. #7496

    TheD man ranting in Colombia is still having the same problem of perception

    So go ahead and talk shit; Talk shit about me; And go ahead and talk shit; About my g-g-generation - My Generation Limp Bizkit.

    Hey I see you are back in Colombia. Came over to the Rants section in Thailand and I broke it off in your ass half way around the damn world. Still have not had enough. Ok, lets play some more. Your serve.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    On a side note, I support PR (and DC) being formally adopted into the United States as a state.
    Never happen! You know why!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    Air travel has almost become synonymous with international travel for a myriad of reasons.

    Example: European content. South East Asia. Train travel. Oh shit facts continue to fuck with people up in here. Don't get triggered by them.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    Air travel is generally synonymous with most all long term travel that requires passing a body of water.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    Cmdr: I don't take a flight.
    Never said that.

    What is being displayed is a north american perception, on a web site wita international perspective.

    Next argument will be: we millionaires up in here. What is best: Private jet or Commercial First Class?

    Cause we don't, don't give a fuck, and We won't ever give a fuck until you; You give a fuck about me; And my generation - My Generation, Limp Bizkit.

    That is some classic shit right there my ISG Brothers.

  9. #7495
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    It's definitely a motte and bailey to continue on the point of Miami being wrong about the ferry to ignore the broader the point being made about general travel trends.
    But it was never about general travel trends. It was about one thing and one thing only: not being able to take a boat from the USA to the DR unless it was a cruise ship. It was not about preference. It was not about the norm. It was not about what people do in general. It was not about what is easiest or quickest. It was about you are not taking a boat from the USA to the DR unless it is a cruise ship.

  10. #7494
    Maybe this is the wrong place for this but I find it annoying. I have a girl that I see regularly when I am in Medellin and I guess its a sugar baby relationship. She knows I see other girls and I don't ask what she does when I'm away. I met her at a soccer match. Of late while I'm back home I have been sending her money to hold her over until I get back. Nothing big just maybe $100 or so even few weeks. I told her if she wants more she needs to go look for a real boyfriend. I am willing to do it because she offers A+ GFE does what I want and is a 9. The problem is even though I think we are on the the same page on what our relationship is whenever she wants money she will begin by texting me to see how I'm doing how's my mom, job etc. It will be sometimes a full day of texting before she gets around to ask me for money and does this every time. All the fake concern gets under my skin and I want to just tell her to just send one text to ask for money if that's what she wants. From reading posts here I guess this a thing in Colombia but how does this not seem insincere in Colombian culture. Could be a lot worse I could complain about I guess.

  11. #7493
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    Puerto Ricans are "Americans," as you ignorantly use the term, and they don't have to do that. Just sayin'.
    Most people, with a brain at least, can understand that making an assertion that 98% of a group has a "trait" doesn't not invalidate the existence of the 2% that doesn't. One can easily generalize that Americans have to fly / boat to PR even if Puerto Ricans (Americans) in PR don't have to. If I say that Americans as a population, like guns, are you going to point to the 20+% that want to repeal the 2nd amendment to say that I'm wrong? No, because everyone understand generalized analysis versus blanket statements since I never said "all". Best to take arguments in good faith rather than showing your ass and getting triggered. On a side note, I support PR (and DC) being formally adopted into the United States as a state.

    Travel example
    Thank you for making my point. Rationale humans take public transportation that works best for them. In this case, Air travel has almost become synonymous with international travel for a myriad of reasons. Air travel is generally synonymous with most all long term travel that requires passing a body of water. Clearly the broader population (I didn't say all) values the benefits of air travel over other methods, usually due to time savings. When time traveled is equivalent, you see more variance. I'm actually not even sure what's being argued here except for you guys deflecting from the main point by using edge cases to try to refute and inductive generalization. Let me reframe the logical fallacy at play (you're close to a atomistic fallacy and definitely a motte and bailey) for you and Mr. E.

    Broader Discussion: Some types of travel are superior are better than others. Most pay to fly to Med and like to take the more expensive taxi to their hotel rather than use the bus and that should be considered acceptable. Broader back and forth on the validity of taking the bus and whether one is being a weekend warrior or a cheap charlie depending on their chosen travel options.

    Cmdr: I don't take a flight. Then some *incoherent dick waving*.

    Pointless Digression into where people live and taking boats.

    Main Assertion: Americans take flights to DR, and Americans can't take a ferry to get to DR.

    Counter: Here is a tiny percentage that can.

    Miami: Okay, but I talking about the vast majority that can't to illustrate my point.

    Counter: More anecdotes. If you can't resolve my tiny edge case, your point is invalid.

    In the end, it's an absurd reduction of the argument to boil down the main arguments of traveling to whether a ferry exists from PR to DR when the argument was always generalized in nature (arguably an atomistic fallacy). It's definitely a motte and bailey to continue on the point of Miami being wrong about the ferry to ignore the broader the point being made about general travel trends.

  12. #7492
    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBoy1  [View Original Post]
    I actually responded saying SubCmdr was correct.
    That is all I needed to read. Respect.

    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBoy1  [View Original Post]
    BTW, SubCmdr did not confirm nor deny taking that ferry on a consistent basis, not once in a lifetime, to get to DR..
    I have never taken the ferry ever. But I have also never gone to the moon in a space craft. It does not mean that it is not possible. That is not being technical. That is being logical. Using words precisely is a skill. I practice it.

    I am at peace with myself and all others

  13. #7491
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    You would not know the continental Yew Ess from the conterminous Yew Ess from a steaming plate of piss. What continent do you think Puerto Rico is in, Mars?
    Continental United States: The 49 States (including Alaska, excluding Hawaii) located on the continent of North America, and the District of Columbia.

  14. #7490

    What you need is less perception and more perspective.


    You are not any more informative when it comes to girls in Medellin than you are giving lame ass political commentary in another thread. Miami Boy was wrong about the Ferry. Period. Full Stop. He needs to man up and admit it. Did you see the picture I posted. I took that picture myself out the window of my ocean view apartment in Santo Domingo Este.

    It takes no special skills to hire prostitutes. That is the lesson all new people should learn. All the rest of this is just mental masterbation by wage slaves that are bored to death waiting for their next trip to get some pussy because they are professional tricks and cannot get any pussy where they live.

    Every place I have a residence I have pussy waiting for me. Can you or MiamiBoy say the same? LOL! If you are calling me a moron I am not interested in being what you think is smart. LOL!

    I am a peace with myself and all others

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Just stop MB! If ever the Medellin morons distinguished themselves at how fucking stupid they can be, it has been this thread.

    I remember one time I tried to debate someone with dementia and I laughed at myself. What does it say about me that I think I can convince someone mentally ill of anything?

    The boat from Puerto Rico? HPV but not green discharge? You have not lived until you have had Syphilis? WTF?

    Tell them to have a nice day and then if you want to have success with women, you just do the exact opposite of everything they say.

  15. #7489
    Quote Originally Posted by MiamiBoy1  [View Original Post]
    I actually responded saying SubCmdr was correct. However my point is still valid. In the context of this discussion it was obvious that I meant the continental USA, there was no need to clarify. But you and SubCmdr wanted to be too technical about it, and came up with this BS about Puerto Rico and the ferry. This doesn't change my fucking point. BTW, SubCmdr did not confirm nor deny taking that ferry on a consistent basis, not once in a lifetime, to get to DR.
    You would not know the continental Yew Ess from the conterminous Yew Ess from a steaming plate of piss. What continent do you think Puerto Rico is in, Mars?

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