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Thread: Globe Club

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  1. #8171
    Quote Originally Posted by Cahdgui  [View Original Post]
    When Laura is working from little I was in the club she seemed almost hiding in between sessions. Dose she still ask for guest review on her days as supervisor? (to any who don't know Laura is WG and some day still work ad a supervisor. I'm pretty sure girls not happy with that breach of interest).
    From what I can tell she was quite busy. I did see her dance on occasion and she is respecting the other rules like all WGs. It's still weird.

  2. #8170
    Quote Originally Posted by ManoloX  [View Original Post]
    Maybe he has 100 years and likes to watch youngsters fucking.

    So be careful with measuring things from your perspectives. There are others.

    Jokes aside.

    Please give people a freedom to have their own tastes.

    Some people like Chopin some Metallica. And that is great.

    I am actually in the same camp and also like public sex Tuesdays.

    As for mass of people masturbating. In my judgment, it was like that in the early days of the public sex Tuesday concept.

    But now the situation has improved and lamsi Nine are left. Nd most people just don't care.

    I can also understand that for some, it can be exciting to have sex in front of others.

    So excitement goes both ways.

    It is one day of the week, and I like it. It would be more boring if all the days were the same.

    Then, on Tuesdays, it would be as empty as on Wednesdays.
    You are excited to see girls fucked like piece of meat? I m not excited by fake porn and I would never accept to have a small dick masturbationg close to me. I remember how my 2 girls seemed happy when I closed Jupiter door. On the other hand, I hated when Ekaterina smiled to me while fucked in doggy by a bald, but thinking about next. I didn t go with her.

  3. #8169
    Quote Originally Posted by MrExperienced  [View Original Post]
    I don't know man, if your thing is to watch 70 to 80 year old guys being blown in public by worn out looking roma women, who look like they'd rather be anywhere else, then I guess public day is for you. Personally it seriously creeps me out to see a nose coming around a corner when you're with a girl followed by some fat geriatric that gets his rocks off watching. I won't be going back Tuesdays.
    Maybe he has 100 years and likes to watch youngsters fucking.

    So be careful with measuring things from your perspectives. There are others.

    Jokes aside.

    Please give people a freedom to have their own tastes.

    Some people like Chopin some Metallica. And that is great.

    I am actually in the same camp and also like public sex Tuesdays.

    As for mass of people masturbating. In my judgment, it was like that in the early days of the public sex Tuesday concept.

    But now the situation has improved and lamsi Nine are left. Nd most people just don't care.

    I can also understand that for some, it can be exciting to have sex in front of others.

    So excitement goes both ways.

    It is one day of the week, and I like it. It would be more boring if all the days were the same.

    Then, on Tuesdays, it would be as empty as on Wednesdays.

  4. #8168
    Quote Originally Posted by Samplerr  [View Original Post]
    A short promotional video for Ingo's YouTube channel.

    I'm surprised that quite a few of the girls appear at the end with their faces unpixellated.
    It was filmed quite a long time ago, for example Angel or Yvonne were not in the club this year.

  5. #8167
    Quote Originally Posted by MrExperienced  [View Original Post]
    I don't know man, if your thing is to watch 70 to 80 year old guys being blown in public by worn out looking roma women, who look like they'd rather be anywhere else, then I guess public day is for you. Personally it seriously creeps me out to see a nose coming around a corner when you're with a girl followed by some fat geriatric that gets his rocks off watching. I won't be going back Tuesdays.
    This is new quality at Globe. But if You don t only eat porn, You should know You could get the best from girl in private, when others can t see her.

  6. #8166
    Quote Originally Posted by Sweden3000  [View Original Post]
    A reflection. I almost exclusively visit Globe on Tuesdays, both to watch AND to "perform". Because it is an experience I don't get anywhere else and that I really enjoy. All if you that have so strong opinions against the Tuesdays why do you go? Go on any other day instead. Strange discussion to me.

    I don't know man, if your thing is to watch 70 to 80 year old guys being blown in public by worn out looking roma women, who look like they'd rather be anywhere else, then I guess public day is for you. Personally it seriously creeps me out to see a nose coming around a corner when you're with a girl followed by some fat geriatric that gets his rocks off watching. I won't be going back Tuesdays.

  7. #8165

    On the topic of Tuesdays.

    A reflection. I almost exclusively visit Globe on Tuesdays, both to watch AND to "perform". Because it is an experience I don't get anywhere else and that I really enjoy. All if you that have so strong opinions against the Tuesdays why do you go? Go on any other day instead. Strange discussion to me.


  8. #8164
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    What I like most is the convenience of not having to go to a room. The entertainment of viewing the club ... while being serviced. Proximity of the bar. ... I love just hanging around the club floor and deciding right there in the moment when I want service, and for how long and with what scenario (bar, couch, bed, stool, standing, dark corner, whatever). It gives you the sense of a private club where everyone knows and respects the rules and more importantly, each other .
    Hear, hear, exactly right. I don't do public sex often, a few times per year, but when I do, it was a good night.

  9. #8163
    Quote Originally Posted by Lalabo  [View Original Post]
    I am not surprised to hear that some girls don't perform well in public, especially if guys watching in close proximity and especially if they are jacking off. Just go on other days to enjoy the privacy, and no one going to stop you doing it in public if you choose.
    My meaning is my Globe regulars never wanted public sex with me, on any day, telling they prefer more privacy with me.

  10. #8162
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    do You think You will get best from girls in public? Funny, my Globe regulars didn t want in public with me, when they did with others. Megan didn t even want in Jupiter, telling: I prefer more private. When I visited on a Tuesday, putting voyeurs out of Jupiter and blocking the door, Tina who was new and Sofia. Ro were full smiling for my 2 rooms without voyeurs sitting on my knees.
    I am not surprised to hear that some girls don't perform well in public, especially if guys watching in close proximity and especially if they are jacking off. Just go on other days to enjoy the privacy, and no one going to stop you doing it in public if you choose.

  11. #8161
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    It is how brothels are nostalgically depicted in moves of the Roman and Greek era.
    That's exactly what came to my mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    What I dislike most about Tuesday is the big spike in men who want to masturbate in public and leer over couples in uncomfortably close proximity.
    This surprised me too. All I hoped was that they don't shoot / finish on me and my girl. 😟.

    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    They will stand on couches and look over the walls, they will walk by and try the door handle to check if anyone is inside. Sometimes they will just take a seat in the same room as the couple. This behavior is very telling to how obsessive these men can be on invading privacy and personal space. Which is a weird thing to say at a brothel promising public sex, but even here, there must be rules. It is as if the exhibitionist is of no interest, but rather the timid they seek.
    I have seen one guy sitting very close the action and jacking off. I did that multiple times. Maybe some should do the same when these individuals fuck to let them know how it feels if someone sits too close and not just watch but jackoff.

    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    It is my understanding that these are the rules.
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    How Tuesdays public sex days, exposes bad behaviours.
    I didn't realize there are rules. Are they posted on their site or somewhere else?. If there are rules then I don't understand why violations are being tolerated. If everyone visits the club on Tuesdays just to voyer then there would nothing for anyone to voyer. The bad behaviors you have mentioned may not have bothered me too much as it was my 1st visit and someone who might visit in future once in a blue moon. They definitely might bother me if I visit frequently. The good thing about Globe is that you can have public sex on any day of the week. As ShoesAndSocks said, avoiding Tuesdays and doing it on others days maybe a good option.

  12. #8160
    Quote Originally Posted by ShoesAndSocks  [View Original Post]
    This is the weird result of Public Sex Tuesday. It makes the best days for enjoying public sex any day other than Tuesday.
    Exactly this!

  13. #8159
    Quote Originally Posted by Martin39  [View Original Post]
    I heard from one of the girls that Aurelia got a time out from Globe whatever that means.
    My understanding is that she will be allowed to come back after a while.

  14. #8158
    Quote Originally Posted by Cahdgui  [View Original Post]
    I've been on public sex Tuesday just twice (years ago).

    The prev more nympho style girls like it.

    The more elegant and " normal " hate it, also new girls don't like it and use to it.

    Selena ex globe was crazy about public sex.
    When she proposed me to keep on after 3 am outside, when we finished shower together at 3. 15 am, and came to me often after, but she never proposed me to fuck in public. I could never repeat silicon, even tornado for sex and really lovely. I was happy when she found other, rather than coming to ask: we repeat, I loved what You did to me.

  15. #8157
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeIt  [View Original Post]
    You don't have to be an exhibitionist to enjoy the globe atmosphere. What I like most is the convenience of not having to go to a room. The entertainment of viewing the club and listing to the DJ (when he is on) while being serviced. Proximity of the bar. Basically I am happy to be taking out the boring routine of getting a key, finding a room, and waiting for the cleanup ecetra, ecetra. I love just hanging around the club floor and deciding right there in the moment when I want service, and for how long and with what scenario (bar, couch, bed, stool, standing, dark corner, whatever). It gives you the sense of a private club where everyone knows and respects the rules and more importantly, each other. Once you grow accustomed to it you realize that this is how a brothel should truly be. It is how brothels are nostalgically depicted in moves of the Roman and Greek era. You then realize that it is the erosion of common decency, etiquette, good manners, honor among thieves, camaraderie and respect for each other that has led to the imbalance of power that we now see in places like Sharks. Where woman prance around bullying weak men into paying whatever they so please for whatever service they please. Spend a day in Sharks and a day in Globe and notice the behavior of customers, and then try to rationalize that with the way the girls treat men at each club.

    And this is what leads me to my second point. How Tuesdays public sex days, exposes bad behaviours.

    Sure I like to see how girls perform, but I'll take a peek at a polite and reasonable distance and move on. If I want to watch and linger over a girl performing live sex for longer than a minute, then that's what the Stage and Kino is for. It is my understanding that these are the rules.

    What I dislike most about Tuesday is the big spike in men who want to masturbate in public and leer over couples in uncomfortably close proximity. It's these men that are a blight on the club and should be dealt with with harsh words. If you are reading this you know who you are. The keen eyed of us will remember that 'public sex' Tuesdays used to be called "voyeur day" until management realized that it sent the wrong message and quickly changed it to the more active 'public sex' as opposed to the passive 'voyeur'. You can easily identify these men because they can be irrationally and compulsively focused on what is happening inside Spartacus or Moscow. They will stand on couches and look over the walls, they will walk by and try the door handle to check if anyone is inside. Sometimes they will just take a seat in the same room as the couple. This behavior is very telling to how obsessive these men can be on invading privacy and personal space. Which is a weird thing to say at a brothel promising public sex, but even here, there must be rules. It is as if the exhibitionist is of no interest, but rather the timid they seek. Don't get me wrong. I think those two rooms should remain locked and taken out the equation on Tuesdays, but if for whatever reason they are open, they serve as honey pots for voyeurs to expose their selfish and shameless true form. I don't know if anything will ever be done about this sort of mad behavior. I think management will find a way to weed them out eventually. Parasites of Public Sex. If enough high roller customers point fingers at them, I am sure they will be banned. The club knows who spends and who's a freeloader.
    Voyeurs pay entry when business is falling like quality. My tip like I did: put voyeurs out of the room, close and block the door and enjoy privacy with your girl, letting voyeurs crying outside.

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