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Thread: Rants, Stupid Shit and Coronavirus in Thailand

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  1. #2900
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyezhov  [View Original Post]
    Calling out your adherence to a thuglike culture doesn't make one a racist. Your being a classless, rude, arrogant, insecure, trolling, basement imposter with an internet history of acting like all of the aforesaid in multiple venues overrides whatever skin colour you may or may not have.

    You aren't hurting my feelings playing the race card, it just shows that you hope you aren't judged by the content of your character.

    But regardless, MessBoy, keep living your thug fantasy life.
    Thank you for sharing your opinion. I believe I will lose exactly 0 hours and 0 minutes of sleep over what you think of me.

    How you like me know?

  2. #2899
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    No it isn't. But you have the testicular fortitude to address me directly as a real man should. Girly men write fictional stories.

    I am at peace with myself and all others
    Ok, I am comfortable with where I am in this material world too. I never post fictional reports. I never understood the motivation for doing that.

  3. #2898
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Here is where Nyezhov starts with the dog whistle comments making the kind of implications that will appeal to those of his type.

    I've always been willing to come out from behind my keyboard. You have to have been living under a rock if you do not know where to find me.

    Exactly, we all know why this particular thread exists. Nyezhov is a heavy participant.

    Yet, Nyezhov have not been able to point to a single factual error I have posted in an other area of the Thailand country threads.

    Nobody cares about his personal issues with me. He is a ist and has always been. I've only been posting in the Thailand country threads for a year. It took him only a couple of months after I started posting to show us all his favorite type of outerwear: The white hoodie! LOL!.
    Calling out your adherence to a thuglike culture doesn't make one a racist. Your being a classless, rude, arrogant, insecure, trolling, basement imposter with an internet history of acting like all of the aforesaid in multiple venues overrides whatever skin colour you may or may not have.

    You aren't hurting my feelings playing the race card, it just shows that you hope you aren't judged by the content of your character.

    But regardless, MessBoy, keep living your thug fantasy life.

  4. #2897
    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    It isn't that hard to figure out Commander.
    No it isn't. But you have the testicular fortitude to address me directly as a real man should. Girly men write fictional stories. But if it for the entertainment of everyone that is fine. Let's keep in mind that each and everything writing by me and anyone else in this thread is in the:

    Rants, Stupid Shit and Coronavirus in Thailand

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    Many of your posts are interlaced with blatantly aggressive, or openly hostile, or just plain overtly belligerent opinions stated as undeniable facts like you are itching for a fight.
    Not at all. I never state an opinion as if it were a fact. Point to a single post where I have made a inaccurate.

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    They are somewhat entertaining to read over a cup of coffee, and once in a while I might even agree with you.
    I don't care who agrees with my opinions. They are for me. I write for new people. FACTS! Is everything a FACT that I write, no. Can grown men tell the difference? They sure can. But I am old and have a completely different concept of manhood than the younger generation. This keyboard warrior bullshit is nothing more than having a hitting partner on a tennis court where you practice keep the ball in play. In the end, if you are getting what you want out of your life it does not matter what I have to say. Or how I say it. I don't take this stuff too seriously. Maybe everyone just needs to easy up a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    But the problem, if there is any, is all in your delivery. Just saying since you brought it up.
    Are we not all men up in here? If individuals need breast milk then they can talk to their chicas / ladies. Not here to coddle anyone. The ignore function is always available.

    I am at peace with myself and all others

  5. #2896

    Antonyms for "Passive-Aggressive" Behavior

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Thank you MassageLover81. I still have not figured out why none of them is willing to come out from behind their computer screens in order to meet me.

    Most of them are just full of their passive aggressive girly man bullshit!
    It isn't that hard to figure out Commander. Many of your posts are interlaced with blatantly aggressive, or openly hostile, or just plain overtly belligerent opinions stated as undeniable facts like you are itching for a fight. They are somewhat entertaining to read over a cup of coffee, and once in a while I might even agree with you. But the problem, if there is any, is all in your delivery. Just saying since you brought it up.

  6. #2895

    Who says no one is interested in free pussy on ISG?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    Well I'm coming to Bangkok in October after my trip to Medellin in the next few weeks and it was funny to see you rampaging around this forum with the same tired shtick.
    You simply cannot get enough of me. I'm not in Bangkok. I am in Pattaya. If you are coming to Pattaya let me know. I'll meet you at the Bus Bar. I'll get the first round. I would like to see if you can cash the checks that your fingers write on the keyboard in a man to man discussion face to face.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    That's weird, buddy. Why would dudes on a P4 P forum care about how much you spend to buy your girlfriend stuff? I don't see people here talking about how they take their wives / gfs / FWBs on dates and then get some free top, but somehow that felt like a relevant point for you because. . . ????
    Why would individuals with wives and girlfriends be posting here? Are they in open relationship where their wives and girlfriend know they are hiring prostitutes. Is that how you roll? Flying around the world fucking prostitutes while your wife, girlfriend or both is waiting for you return?

    Now, I'm judging. Just saying anyone that has ANYTHING negative to say about me better make sure they are not living in a glass house. Because I don't do that shit. I am not lying to ATF Thailand, ATF Colombia or ATF Dominican Republic.

    After all it is a P4P site right?

    Wrong! Read the FAQ of the ISG forum and it clearly states the following:

    The purpose of the forum is to share information on having sex with girls Period Full Stop. Founder put that shit in red for the color blind among us.

    You are wrong about the free pussy part!

    For your reading pleasure from the Bangkok Reports thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by EverythingThai  [View Original Post]
    For all you Bangkok mongers that think you have to pay every time, you are sadly mistaken. Bangkok is not like Pattaya. There are plenty of normal girls here. Talk to them out in the shops and restaurants as they work. Meet them in the clubs. Here is a pic from one of my dates that ended up over at my place. Feebies can be had, Just go out and chat them up. You will be surprised.
    Then another poster follows up:

    Quote Originally Posted by Andres901  [View Original Post]
    I like your post. There are free boom boom. If you are there long and have a routine of meeting girls, being nice, taking them out, and have your apt, then the chances of getting sex without paying directly increases. But I think most dudes cannot stay for a long time so they resort to fast and quick paid programs.
    Now for your further education TheDerilious the purpose of ISG is to share information on having sex with girls Can you please explain WHY you do not know the purpose of ISG? Can you tell me why people in Bangkok are talking about free pussy? Are you going there for free pussy?

    In my opinion, you pay for all pussy. You pay with your time, emotional sanity, resources or any and all combinations of all three. I choose to pay my prostitutes with resources. A girl has to bring more to the table than just her pussy if she wants any more than that.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Not their own facts!.

  7. #2894

    Nyezhov strikes again; he just won't give up; The ignore function is available to you

    Quote Originally Posted by Nyezhov  [View Original Post]
    Such a tough guy. Big talk from behind the keyboard.

    Enjoy your time in Thailand, boy.

    P.S. You talk like a two-bit wannabe pimp from the South Bronx in New York City. That must be why you go to Sosua.
    Here is where Nyezhov starts with the dog whistle comments making the kind of implications that will appeal to those of his type.

    I've always been willing to come out from behind my keyboard. You have to have been living under a rock if you do not know where to find me.

    Quote Originally Posted by MassageLover81  [View Original Post]
    I like SubCmdr's posts!

    I find his posts informative and helpful.
    Exactly, we all know why this particular thread exists. Nyezhov is a heavy participant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nyezhov  [View Original Post]
    I've been on the Forum since 2007. He is the biggest asshat ever seen here. Its for guys like him that this sub forum exists.
    Yet, Nyezhov have not been able to point to a single factual error I have posted in an other area of the Thailand country threads.

    Nobody cares about his personal issues with me. He is a ist and has always been. I've only been posting in the Thailand country threads for a year. It took him only a couple of months after I started posting to show us all his favorite type of outerwear: The white hoodie! LOL!.

  8. #2893
    Quote Originally Posted by MassageLover81  [View Original Post]
    I like SubCmdr's posts!

    I find his posts informative and helpful.
    I've been on the Forum since 2007. He is the biggest asshat ever seen here. Its for guys like him that this sub forum exists.

  9. #2892
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    Word. I usually bail on Thailand once High Season starts, mostly I go to South America for December. March.
    I try to skip Thailand during Songkran. If I am already in Thailand I will fly out to Phnom and return after all the water stuff is over. Apparently, I am not the only one who wants to get out of town. 555. I have noticed that flights out of Bangkok are substantially higher priced right before the holiday begins and hotel prices in BKK are at their lowest price point during the festivities. It's a bargain if you want to stay and participate.

    RJ & SP, from November to March, usually has great weather, but it can vary. I was in SP from the middle of last November all the way through to Jan 11,2024. Everything was normal ie great until a day or 2 before Christmas when everything started to slow down. It was a good thing I had plenty of back up in the form of my favorite girls or I would have suffered for choice a little. 555. To give you an idea of what it was like, here is a passage from my travel notes at the time: "visited Taj Mahal on December 30th in the early afternoon right before New Years eve. Some clinicas were closed on account of the holidays. The night before I had paid a visit to Bomboa. For all intents and purposes, it was dead. I have never seen Bomboa that empty ever. " And things did not really get back to normal until the weekend after New Years!

  10. #2891
    Quote Originally Posted by MassageLover81  [View Original Post]
    I like SubCmdr's posts!

    I find his posts informative and helpful.
    Thank you MassageLover81. I post for those interested in my work. The hater obviously are not getting laid very much if they have time to respond to my every post in several different country forums on ISG.

    When are you coming to Pattaya? Meet me at the Bus Bar and I'll get the first round. We can share knowledge and experiences with each other face to face. I get tired of the keyboard warriors constantly talking their shit. I still have not figured out why none of them is willing to come out from behind their computer screens in order to meet me.

    Most of them are just full of their passive aggressive girly man bullshit!

  11. #2890

    Pussy IS NOT a Fungible Commodity

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    "Pussy is Pussy" references that all pussy feels the same when you close your eyes so just pay 25 bucks to bang the granny down the street with missing teeth.
    Pussy is one of my favorite subjects. I wish all pussy felt the same to me. It would have saved me a small fortune. Ha Ha Ha. Just kidding, but what you describe in your post is just one variable in the marketplace. There are many other significant variables that affect my demand, desire, and ultimately the price I am willing to pay like face, body type, smell, skin tone, all natural body or not (fake tits), tatoos, ect plus the girl's location, venue, and yes, perhaps most important variable of all; personality.

    But getting back to the topic at hand; The physical feel of a pussy varies from girl to girl, country to country. Some countries are known for their petite, soft pussy. Some countries are not. Some pussy smells sweet and I want to go down on her. Other pussy I can take a pass on. And still other pussy I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole. My obvious point is Pussy IS NOT a fungible commodity. If it were, I would repeat with friendly, outgoing, goodlooking girls regardless of the condition of their pussy.

  12. #2889

    I like SubCmdr's posts!

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Relax, I have beef with you. Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

    I am at peace with myself and all others
    I like SubCmdr's posts!

    I find his posts informative and helpful.

  13. #2888
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Please explain to my how this is any different from my expression Pussy is Pussy?. I have clearly explained the that is my perception of things when it comes to hiring prostitutes.
    Well if you read the context rather than clipping it out of context you would have understood. Mongering is mongering all across the world in the way that women charge market rates and provide different levels of service that generally correlate with the price they charge in comparison to other levels (there is variance here). Most places have "fuck and dash" joints that charge less and GFE providers that provide more service for a higher price. More attractive women or women with niche services generally command a higher price tag and are harder to book due to popularity. There is a market equilibrium that forms and we, mongers, visit places where we can arbitrage that equilibrium to pay less for the service than we would have to pay in our country of origin. For example, the difference in price between sex workers in Toronto and DC is about $100-200 USD for equivalently priced service.

    "Pussy is Pussy" references that all pussy feels the same when you close your eyes so just pay 25 bucks to bang the granny down the street with missing teeth. My example is an edge case to illustrate that the ideology believes that there exists no difference in service that can be tangibly quantified when you choose to pay a certain market rate - there is an equal chance to get the same service by going to a 50 k casa or going to Loutron. In all of my experiences, that hasn't proven to be true.

  14. #2887

    TheDerelict says: Do as I say not as I do!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDerilious  [View Original Post]
    Agreed, but mongering is mongering. I've been to Chile, Argentina, SEA, Japan, China, Canada, and the good ol' US of A to engage in this hobby (maybe I have a problem) and it's all the same.
    Please explain to my how this is any different from my expression Pussy is Pussy?. I have clearly explained the that is my perception of things when it comes to hiring prostitutes.

  15. #2886
    Well I'm coming to Bangkok in October after my trip to Medellin in the next few weeks and it was funny to see you rampaging around this forum with the same tired shtick.

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    First clarification: she is not sex worker There endeth the lesson for you.
    That's weird, buddy. Why would dudes on a P4 P forum care about how much you spend to buy your girlfriend stuff? I don't see people here talking about how they take their wives / gfs / FWBs on dates and then get some free top, but somehow that felt like a relevant point for you because. . . ???? It seems like another case of incoherent dick waving in a report forum (Pattaya reports) that contributes nothing other than stroking your ego.

    And as you said, "Pussy is pussy. " As far as I see, you just paid $500 USD to get your dick wet on date night. Does her saying that she's exclusive change that? If she charges another dude while giving it to you for free, is she now just "pussy"? If she's not a sex worker (as far as you know), is there is a limit to how much you can pay before you become a simp? If you spend 7 k USD to fly your ATF, first class, to Paris, for a weekend getaway is that the line? If I go to Thermae and pay some chick 6000 baht to spend the night with me eating dinner, hanging out, and then we just "happen" to have sex afterward, is that kosher since I didn't explicitly pay for pussy? All of these questions show the same thing; Your entire worldview on "Pussy is pussy" is just stupid. You added some arbitrary distinction (she's not P4 P) to make yourself feel better about paying to have companionship.

    There's literally nothing consistent about your worldview outside of dick waving about how cool you are for getting cheap / free pussy. In the end, "Pussy is pussy" is just a catchphrase for you to criticize mongers who do things you don't like while you sit there with worshiping some random girl. In this business, we call that GPS, LOL.

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