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 Posts: 4090
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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You have to keep it real by calling a spade a spade, then act accordingly. Wasn't Chump the one talking about playing cards? Ukraine has zero cards? What are you smoking Elvis?
LOL. Uh, yeah. What do you think Zelensky did? He met with Democrats before Trump. He then met with Europeans. He planned that blowup with Trump. He thought he could maybe put a wedge between Trump and the American people or between Trump and Congressional Republicans. It blew up in his face. Those were the only cards he had, and they blew up in his face.
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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Possession is nine tenths the law, and Ukraine still holds most of its territory.
They have three months of arms left. They won't be holding any of their country after this summer.
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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Those who love freedom and democracy can't let that happen!
This from a Democratic douche whose party tried to arrest their way into power and chose a man with severe dementia in the primaries and then booted him out. I think after the last 3 elections Democrats should not be able to comment on Democracy. When you let your voters pick the nominee, get back to us.
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 Posts: 23998
 Originally Posted by Jarango
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Seems those 19th century spades are winning the war for Putin against the gangster Zelensly and the gangster Democrats. Gangster not gangsta.
Zelensky is supported by Ukrainians and even Porochenko, and legal according to Ukraine constitution, when Putin was always elected, only under fear and a criminal dictator, when he can t travel in normal countries and even Trump doesn t want to receive him, when he received and insulted Zelensky who stayed very respectful.
Senior Member
 Posts: 301
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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You have to keep it real by calling a spade a spade,!
Seems those 19th century spades are winning the war for Putin against the gangster Zelensly and the gangster Democrats. Gangster not gangsta.
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 Posts: 23998
 Originally Posted by HotDog666
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Well, there's a lot of reasons that Americans voted for him. Much as it makes us feel good by labelling all Trump supporters as stupid, it's not objective and intelligent to be so one dimensional. The reasons people voted for Trump include:
- economic: cost of living and inequality and lack of real wage growth.
- social: backlash at the perceived left swing manifested by lack of control of crime, drugs, etc.
- democrats: weak, clueless, lacking control. What exactly did you expect from a senile old man, succeeded by an untalented woman with an insecure hysterical clacking laugh?
- Zionists: the Israeli assault on Palestine has torn America down the middle, and the voting statistics show that a lot of people who would have voted for Democrats didn't because of their prostration to the Zionist alter. Trump therefore won those regions by default.
Except robbering the poor, you think your shameful crazy president will improve situation, when for sure, he put shame on your country, when he fuck your constitution and capitol. A not respectable and trustable schizophrene, but quite senile.
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 Posts: 7014
 Originally Posted by Elvis2008
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LOL. Trump has been in office 6 weeks, and he is near getting a cease fire. Biden had three years and did nothing. There would have been no talk of peace without Trump so your argument: cease fire good, Trump bad is ludicrous.
The Democratic approach was to demonize and not communicate with Putin. Trump has called Putin several times. Biden never did. Show me one example of any Democrat advocating for a line of dialogue with Putin.
So your genius notion of a cease fire is Ukrainians dropping their weapons?
You have to keep it real by calling a spade a spade, then act accordingly. Wasn't Chump the one talking about playing cards? Ukraine has zero cards? What are you smoking Elvis? Possession is nine tenths the law, and Ukraine still holds most of its territory. I say again Ukraine needs to hard bargain to get an enforceable agreement that will protect and defend its sovereignty from further aggression from Putin, who should be demonized for being the latest beady eyed Ruskie dictator that he is! And the United States isn't the only western player in this thank God! The Europeans now realize that they better get up off their dead asses and act! Ukraine was supposed to fall in 3 days but they're still standing years later. The Ruskies are bogged down and not strong enough to take Ukraine. The Ukrainians don't have to win. They just don't have to lose. Take a cease fire. Then let Putin the aggressor show if he really wants peace. He's the one who attacked thinking he was going to score a quick victory. He's the one who says Ukraine isn't even a "real" country. That proves right there just where he's coming from. Asshole Putin's "peace" has Ukraine being a vassal of Russia. Those who love freedom and democracy can't let that happen!
Senior Member
 Posts: 1752
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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Where did I say that the Ukrainians should keep fighting and not negotiate? I never said that. I said that they need a negotiated peace that protects and defends their sovereignty as a nation. Not to just give in so that an asshole Putin can just attack them again. So stop putting words in my mouth that I did not utter. They need to hard bargain for a deal that is good for Ukraine. A cease fire while the negotiations proceed would be a good thing. .
Hard bargain for a deal? You don't seem to understand that Ukraine has ZERO CARDS. Ukraine will have to make very, very painful compromises and cede a lot of territory, agree to neutrality and will be a dysfunctional rump state. That is the bitter reality they will soon face / already are facing.
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 Posts: 4090
 Originally Posted by Xpartan
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1. Get your facts straight. The UK still has 200+ functional tanks, not 25. If it enough? No.
2. There is no "if" about Putin being a monster. He is the world's worst monster and mass murderer. Only morons or scoundrels can doubt that.
LOL. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2025/02/...-battle-tanks/.
Out of those 160, the Royal Armored Corps can't find many tanks that are fully operational. They are trying to get at least 59 that are in "green" or "go" phase and many are still in "red" or "no go" status. Again, as noted by the article above, the active force of tanks has dwindled down to around 20 to 25, and getting 59 tanks ready to go will not be possible for an indefinite period of time.
 Originally Posted by Xpartan
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There is no "if" about Putin being a monster. He is the world's worst monster and mass murderer. Only morons or scoundrels can doubt that.
If he were such a monster, the average Russian would have done economically much worse under Putin. They have not. They have done better.
If Putin were such a monster, those living closest to him in Eastern Europe would be the ones most frightened of him. Not only are the Poles skeptical of this Putin devil, Zelensky angel routine, the most pro right wing countries now are in Eastern Europe.
If Putin were such a monster, when Nordstream were blown up, he would have sent a missile or nuke at Warsaw, Berlin, or London.
In reality, you Democratic douches are constantly alternating your view of him. On one hand, he is this evil, crazy murderous dictator. Then when it comes to him starting a nuclear war, he is completely rational and is smart enough to never do that.
To be honest, you dumb Dems should thank your lucky stars that Putin was in office when he was. If he was not, nuclear war was very real.
If something happens to him, it is very likely the next Russian leader will be even worse.
Senior Member
 Posts: 403
Anyone living in Kyiv now
Is anyone here actually in country?
I've been looking at ladies listed on Seeking, and there is a lot of talent in Kyiv.
I'm looking more at possible STR / LTR rather than pure P4P.
Also, I'm thinking of visiting for a weekend. Any recommendations on the past bus / train route? I'm looking at departing from either Warsaw, Budapest or Bucharest.
Thanks in advance, FJ.
Senior Member
 Posts: 4090
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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They need to hard bargain for a deal that is good for Ukraine. A cease fire while the negotiations proceed would be a good thing. And my calling American voters stupid isn't about their views regarding peace in Ukraine. It's about returning a piece of shit like Donald Trump to the White House. If you're going to address what I say then at least stay on point and stop twisting my words to make some other point you want to. You did the exact thing other Dems here rightly accuse you of doing again and again.
LOL. Trump has been in office 6 weeks, and he is near getting a cease fire. Biden had three years and did nothing. There would have been no talk of peace without Trump so your argument: cease fire good, Trump bad is ludicrous.
The Democratic approach was to demonize and not communicate with Putin. Trump has called Putin several times. Biden never did. Show me one example of any Democrat advocating for a line of dialogue with Putin.
So your genius notion of a cease fire is Ukrainians dropping their weapons?
Senior Member
 Posts: 7014
Your "facts" don't prove jack shit! Because you see it's what people feel and do! I don't give a damn how educated they think they are, including you throwing around a bunch of "big words" hahaha! Have another hot dog and hit the road bro!
Senior Member
 Posts: 136
 Originally Posted by TheCane
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Point taken and mine proven. They're too stupid and lazy to think for themselves. You prove my point! And you think the matter isn't as serious since you proclaim that the American electorate is no more stupid than the electorate of any other nation? So do you think that makes the world a better and safer place then? No, you're being too slow. Way too slow! Time to step it up and come to your senses! If that's even possible. Probably not since you're saying really stupid things here.
Dude, you are talking like a complete imbecile. There are so many non-sequiturs (look it up) and strawman arguments (look that up too) and false premises (even you won't need to look that one up. Maybe) in your self indulgent ramblings that you could confound a Philosophy professor. Give your head a shake.
I won't waste my time anymore on you, other than to give a few facts:
Senior Member
 Posts: 136
 Originally Posted by AntonySun1996
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99% Americans can't even find Ukraine on a world map, let alone understand this conflict.
Trump's logic is if you just surrender to the bully attacking you, the war will automatically stop. It does not work this way. Ask Czechoslovakians.
<<99% Americans can't even find Ukraine on a world map, let alone understand this conflict.
This is the simple point I am making that this imbecile Cane cannot understand. When I lived in America, I was astounded by the lack of news, reports and anything on overseas, and this is the single biggest issue which makes American politics so pernicious.
Senior Member
 Posts: 136
 Originally Posted by Sirioja
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When electing Trump, most Americans can t be clever, when they already have low level for culture, not knowing much more far than their nose and feet. USA and China won't improve level of our world. Trump doesn't even know the meaning of dictator, what is friend Putin is. Our world can't trust USA now with such crazies leading mostly no brained in USA.
Well, there's a lot of reasons that Americans voted for him. Much as it makes us feel good by labelling all Trump supporters as stupid, it's not objective and intelligent to be so one dimensional. The reasons people voted for Trump include:
- economic: cost of living and inequality and lack of real wage growth.
- social: backlash at the perceived left swing manifested by lack of control of crime, drugs, etc.
- democrats: weak, clueless, lacking control. What exactly did you expect from a senile old man, succeeded by an untalented woman with an insecure hysterical clacking laugh?
- Zionists: the Israeli assault on Palestine has torn America down the middle, and the voting statistics show that a lot of people who would have voted for Democrats didn't because of their prostration to the Zionist alter. Trump therefore won those regions by default.
Senior Member
 Posts: 7014
 Originally Posted by Elvis2008
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In the latest Harvard Center for American Political Studies-Harris poll, 72% of respondents said Ukraine should negotiate a settlement with Russia, while just 28% of respondents said they want Ukraine to keep fighting to win the war.
Yeah, that would be 72% are stupid now.
No, that is more like 28% siding with you now, and the numbers are continuing to go lower and lower.
Where did I say that the Ukrainians should keep fighting and not negotiate? I never said that. I said that they need a negotiated peace that protects and defends their sovereignty as a nation. Not to just give in so that an asshole Putin can just attack them again. So stop putting words in my mouth that I did not utter. They need to hard bargain for a deal that is good for Ukraine. A cease fire while the negotiations proceed would be a good thing. And my calling American voters stupid isn't about their views regarding peace in Ukraine. It's about returning a piece of shit like Donald Trump to the White House. If you're going to address what I say then at least stay on point and stop twisting my words to make some other point you want to. You did the exact thing other Dems here rightly accuse you of doing again and again.
Senior Member
 Posts: 2595
Russia Russia Russia Putin Putin Putin
Putin's president Donald Trump has quietly disconnected Ukraine from the vital US intelligence sharing. Now Ukraine, among other things, won't know when and where Putin will strike Ukraine's civilian infrastructure including apartment buildings and power stations in his drive to freeze Ukrainians to death and force Zelensky's capitulation.
U.S. Cut Ukraine Off NATO's Intelligence Channel: Reports
The U.S. has banned its allies, including the U.K., from passing on American intelligence, according to new reports, a move set to cut off Ukraine's access to vital information used to coordinate strikes and protect its cities in its fight against Russia.
Several British outlets, including the Daily Mail and Financial Times newspapers, reported intelligence agencies and military bodies in the U.K. and other allies have been ordered not to share U.S.-generated intelligence.
Like I said before, there is no doubt anymore why Putin's president Trump and his lapdog JD put on that pathetic show on Feb 28. That much is clear. Next question is when Trump orders to share US intelligence with Russia, Russia, Russia.
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