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Thread: Stupid Shit in Kyiv

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  1. #2880


    Quote Originally Posted by Beijing4987  [View Original Post]
    Hasn't this "special military operation" shown the experts here that land, sea & air war has been incrementally changing? And isn't it it premature to be making predictions. Asshole Colonel Douglas McGregor has been claiming for quite a while that Ukraine would capitulate in 10 days or less.
    Land, sea and air warfare has changed even more radically than Hitler's blitzkrieg into France changed it, Drones are a major factor. The USA suffered their heaviest fatalities in Aprtil 1945 when the Wehrmacht was on its last legs. Even though the Wehrmacht were being battered, they could counter attack, albeit with less force than previously. Don; t take all your knoweldge from CNN and the pro Ukrainian ladyboys who hog this thread.

    Have you ever experienced a Russian glider bomb? A thing of beauty. Whoosh. Everything is gone. Nothing remains. War is a beautiful thing.

  2. #2879
    Quote Originally Posted by Beijing4987  [View Original Post]
    My point is that Douglas McGregor's predictions are premature. His information is from insider sources he can't disclose. The nature of war is changing. That we do know. Now back to the speculation about body count ratios. McGregor just released an address advocating isolationism and abstinence to constant foreign wars. A noble gesture we could all hope for, but wishful thinking. It's not over until one side blinks. Russia has some momentum at the moment.
    I actually agree with you about McGregor's predictions, they have been proven wrong quite often and are premature. But overall, the man is right. About the current state of affairs, and as to how this whole conflict began. I agree it's not over, but I stand by what I have said from day 1, that this conflict will end with a Russian victory.

  3. #2878

    Ukraine's imminent collapse in 10 days

    My point is that Douglas McGregor's predictions are premature. His information is from insider sources he can't disclose. The nature of war is changing. That we do know. Now back to the speculation about body count ratios. McGregor just released an address advocating isolationism and abstinence to constant foreign wars. A noble gesture we could all hope for, but wishful thinking. It's not over until one side blinks. Russia has some momentum at the moment.

  4. #2877
    Quote Originally Posted by Beijing4987  [View Original Post]
    Hasn't this "special military operation" shown the experts here that land, sea & air war has been incrementally changing? And isn't it it premature to be making predictions. Asshole Colonel Douglas McGregor has been claiming for quite a while that Ukraine would capitulate in 10 days or less.
    So, McGregor is an asshole but Ben Hodges and David Petraeus, that claimed Ukraine will have a highly successful counter offensive in 2023 are right? You don't know what you're talking about.

  5. #2876
    Quote Originally Posted by ReinerOtto  [View Original Post]
    Where do you get your special knowledge from? Good connection to the GRU?

    You often clame some so called "facts", without any (serious) source. Your private speculations (or directed desinformation? Presented as "facts".

    And when you talk about Afghanistan: Didn't the glorious Red Army (and some East-German paratroopers, helping the poor Russians) retreat without balls from Afghanistan?
    According to your simple arithmetics, the Russians should have won ...
    You can believe the numbers that Ukraine is giving, that is your prerogative. Time will tell who is right and who is wrong.

    I gave Afghanistan as an example of the treachery of NATO and the collective west. I guess that one went over your head, not surprising really. But do try to put 2 and 2 together. Of course the Red Army lost in Afghanistan. No one can defeat the Afghans. But once again I stress, I'm talking about NATO treachery here. Ukraine will see that very soon.

  6. #2875

    Pissing into your punch bowl

    Hasn't this "special military operation" shown the experts here that land, sea & air war has been incrementally changing? And isn't it it premature to be making predictions. Asshole Colonel Douglas McGregor has been claiming for quite a while that Ukraine would capitulate in 10 days or less.

  7. #2874
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    The ratio of casualties you have posted is correct. Anyone that understands warfare, artillery, manpower, etc, or anyone with any common sense would agree with that ratio.
    Where do you get your special knowledge from? Good connection to the GRU?

    You often clame some so called "facts", without any (serious) source. Your private speculations (or directed desinformation? Presented as "facts".

    And when you talk about Afghanistan: Didn't the glorious Red Army (and some East-German paratroopers, helping the poor Russians) retreat without balls from Afghanistan?
    According to your simple arithmetics, the Russians should have won ...

  8. #2873
    Quote Originally Posted by DramaFree11  [View Original Post]
    The rate is 5-1 dead Ukraine's to every dead Russian, probably closer to 7-1 or even higher. You truly live in a fantasy world. This also does not count the critically wounded, guys and girls that lost limbs or worse. They will never have normal life.
    Anyone that believes the Ukrainian propaganda is either stupid or delusional. The ratio of casualties you have posted is correct. Anyone that understands warfare, artillery, manpower, etc, or anyone with any common sense would agree with that ratio. To claim the Russians are suffering far more casualties than the Ukrainians makes no sense and defies logic. But then again, a lot of people are happy to go along with the propaganda and lies. That is, until reality catches up. And it will catch up soon.

    Remember Afghanistan? Does anyone? The media doesn't talk about it anymore. NATO spent about 20 years there, and we were told the same lies, that they will stay until the very end, that the Taliban were being defeated, and does anyone remember what happened? Suddenly we saw NATO leaving with people falling off fleeing aircraft and we had the Afghan Zelensky, Ashraf Ghani, fleeing Afghanistan with suitcases full of money to the west. The same will happen in Ukraine. Wait for it. What a horrific, needless tragedy. NATO and the collective west are pure evil.

  9. #2872
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    Is this what your employer is paying you for -- childish bickering?

    If you have this information, why ask me? What's wrong with you?

    In the meantime, Putin introduced a mind-blowing $22,000 signing bonus for Moscovites. Because, you know, the Third Rome is doing so great and there's no shortage of canon fodder, right?

    The average monthly salary in Russia is about $1 K.
    I just find it odd that you are quick to quote the Russian casualty figures but don't have the balls to speak about those for AFU.

  10. #2871


    Per Wikipedia (considered to reflect Western POV. Always read the same article in as many languages as possible as content usually differs):

    As of February 2024 Russian source (run Google translate, don't read BM comments below):

    As we follow obituaries and verify them, the UAF death toll excluding MIA, POW, deserters etc closes on a half of a million.

    Again, I wish no one even get a scratch on a hand.

    Zed of course lies. There are daily visual technical control measures to prove it.

  11. #2870

    Are you a child?

    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    Zelensky quoted some figures a while back. Are you saying they are not credible? Are you saying the very honest Ukrainian President is not a reputable source?
    Is this what your employer is paying you for -- childish bickering?

    If you have this information, why ask me? What's wrong with you?

    In the meantime, Putin introduced a mind-blowing $22,000 signing bonus for Moscovites. Because, you know, the Third Rome is doing so great and there's no shortage of canon fodder, right?

    The average monthly salary in Russia is about $1 K.

  12. #2869
    Quote Originally Posted by DramaFree11  [View Original Post]
    Ukraine had become a dump and was being over run by corruption, it was terrible.
    You know, that Russias ranking in the list of most corrupt countries is even worse than Ukraines.

    And you are not the only one, who knows both RF and UA. I worked and lived 5 yrs in the RF, and also about 5 yrs in UA. Corrupt were / are both.

    In the previous Millenium, even possible to bribe judges in the RF for a few hundred bucks.

  13. #2868
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    Because I don't make things up? How about that?

    I don't know the Ukrainian casualties. The Russian casualties are well established. They're published by Ukraine daily and turned out to be quite conservative according to the latest Western intelligence estimates.

    The Ukrainian casualties estimates, however, aren't available from reputable sources. So, be a good boy and fuck off.

    Better tell us again how much Putin loves Ukrainian children.
    Zelensky quoted some figures a while back. Are you saying they are not credible? Are you saying the very honest Ukrainian President is not a reputable source?

  14. #2867
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    Because I don't make things up? How about that?

    I don't know the Ukrainian casualties. The Russian casualties are well established. They're published by Ukraine daily and turned out to be quite conservative according to the latest Western intelligence estimates.

    The Ukrainian casualties estimates, however, aren't available from reputable sources. So, be a good boy and fuck off.

    Better tell us again how much Putin loves Ukrainian children.
    Dude, you make everything up. Ukraine has and will always lie about everything, why would they be honest about war or casualties. It amazes me how little you know about Ukraine people, that is probably because you have never visited either Ukraine or Russia. I visited both frequently, Russia was amazing, highly functioning and people were living a nice life. Ukraine had become a dump and was being over run by corruption, it was terrible. I am one of the few people that ever wrote about this. Why stop lying and making crap up.

    The rate is 5-1 dead Ukraine's to every dead Russian, probably closer to 7-1 or even higher. You truly live in a fantasy world. This also does not count the critically wounded, guys and girls that lost limbs or worse. They will never have normal life.

  15. #2866
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