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Thread: Stupid Shit in Kyiv

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  1. #3790

    Age is just a number

    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    How old are you?
    Age is just a number and is often the same number as their IQs. They remind me of the French SS soldiers, who were the last to defend Hitler's bunker in 1945. The difference is the SS fought. These yobs just spout crap.

  2. #3789
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnClayton  [View Original Post]
    This is a lie. The war was started by Russia in an act of territorial aggression. NATO did nothing to provoke it. Moderator: the poster should be blocked from posting in this forum.
    How old are you?

  3. #3788

    Return to relevance

    Now can we get back to how the thing in UA can give mongers access to prime young pussy and BJ's?

    Russia needs to have embargo lifted to mongers can freely enter Russia and enjoy the Tatars, Siberians and many other smoking hot beautiful young women who are curious about America and Europe guys who are far more polite, better dressed, good dental care, money for nice hotels and than the local guys. In St. Petersburg I had two 20 somethings who left me speechless in their skill set and mastery of male anatomy and nerves. Their frilly lingerie, thigh highs and flashes and bee stung dick sucking lips live on in my dreams. I mean look at that corrupt policy fool John Bolton, prolly has erectile dysfunction from years of anger. Has probably forgotten the joy of young women, if he did, they would gladly have these beauties spreading joy and understanding by human touch and shattering orgasms.

    What's everyone here think? Kiev is probably a rubble zone, fuck that. Where are the hot UA women going to? Thank goodness they are not maiming and killing them in conscription, or at least not yet as this scam continues.

    Maybe a board of mongers rate hotties, and they can get a chop in their passport and eventually improve the genetics of USA (and happiness in the meantime).

  4. #3787

    Anti-semetism. Distraction from follow the money trail

    See my earlier post on genetics between arabs and jews. Waves of people criss-crossing the planet. Many jews have traces of Chinese from the silk road and mongol invasions, many were deported by the Ottomans from central europe to far flung parts of the Ottoman empire, and so on. War, drought, economic opportunity have all had an impact. So all this talk of "arabs" and "semitic" is nonsense once the DNA is examined. Ancient Babylon was a tumble dryer of genetics. Ancient Rome spread DNA far and wide, especially England.

    We are hopelessly intermixed with DNA. Religion and ideology are just labels to justify what is basically greed and stealing of resources from somebody on the other made up side and artificial differences. There is more variation of genetics within causcasions than as between Africans and causcasions.

    The "anti-semitic" thing is mostly a reductionist rhetorical tool / trigger to castigate and marginalize anyone who has a problem with the policies of those who claim to speak for the Israeli people, any more its "anti-American" to peak badly of whatever administration is power (virtually all are finacially corrupt and don't give a toss about the population or the future). Another cheap tool to manipulate and divide.

  5. #3786

    Follow the money

    Facts is that USA via Victoria Nuland and some others destabilized the Russian puppet for a USA puppet (insert usual emotional jingoism, flag waving, freedom, democracy etc). The difference was a dramatic increase in cash from the US treasury to the US arms industry who gave the weapons to uncle same who gave "free" weapons to Ukraine. Meanwhile, various payoffs and side deals flowed to the corrupt insiders of the USA and their various propaganda outlets. Same as the corrupt puppets in South Vietnam with uncle sam paying for phantom armies etc. Really it was a joint venture between arms industry, corrupt US officials encouraging war to unlock cash and the corrupt South Vietnamese puppets. Naturally they used the bogeyman communism / democracy blah blah to keep the gravy train rolling. Same playbook for Ukraine. Zelinksi and buddies have beautiful houses in the west, assured immigration, cash and much more. They don't lose. Neither do the arms industry or the neocons manufacturing or stoking conflict. Israel is the same underling model, a tiny group of Israelis benefit, most get permanent lack of peace and conflict because the tiny group keep pissing off the neighbors and more cash from the USA because of guilt about the holocaust. Once again, peace by everyone getting a slice, stable land rights and taking the "nothing to lose" out of the equation undermines the business model.

    The winners are the insiders who made a fortune. The losers are US taxpayers and young people being maimed and killed. Maybe they could skip the killing and directly transfer from the treasury to the insiders and cut out the middlemen so as to do away with the pretense of war being anything other than a fig leaf to cash in.

    Peace is clearly against the business model.

    We need to have transparency and corrupt leaders or those with official positions and unexplained wealth can be thrown into a penal camp and all their loot (under whatever name or shill) confiscated. They already do this for drug dealers. We need to see the war guys as inflicting death and misery as surely as a meth dealer. Removing all privacy of elected officials would go a long way. The money saved can provide BJ's to create serene minds and calm. Legalizing prostitution in the USA would create many opportunities and keep money within the USA rather than passport bros. I'm happy that President Clinton had BJ's the Oval Room, as apparently did President Kennedy in the 1961 missile crisis. BJ's may have save the world. There is no doubt they calm the male mind and create a happy and positive outlook about life and reduce aggression.

    Sex binds us and reminds us of interconnections and social mobility and personal patronage.

  6. #3785
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    ...needless savage war instigated by NATO...
    This is a lie. The war was started by Russia in an act of territorial aggression. NATO did nothing to provoke it. Moderator: the poster should be blocked from posting in this forum.

  7. #3784


    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]

    Had the bureaucrats been willing to settle with Putin two years ago, they would have gotten a much better deal, but Putin is in a much stronger position now.
    I had to snip your pet lunacies like masks, Covid, neocons, swam and your perceived connection between Ukraine and Covid because they don't belong in this thread.

    But I must ask you this if you don't mind:

    1. Why do you believe they would've gotten a much better deal in April 2022?

    2. In what way or ways is Putin in "a much stronger position now"?

    3. Is it possible that you have no idea about the real military situation in Ukraine and Russia and are just "borrowing" these talking points from Blood Red because he's been regurgitating them forever?

  8. #3783
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    I have nothing but the utmost respect for the innocent Ukrainians caught in this needless savage war instigated by NATO. The Ukrainians fight with honor and my hats off to them for that.
    Only Putin attacked. Other is only his paranoļa.

  9. #3782
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    The funny part about this is if you say most neocons are Eastern European jews, which they are, you are anti-Semitic, but "Palestinians" is okay. I read some of the most disgusting racist things about them I have ever seen. I wanted to flip the conversations and put in other races to demonstrate the racism. How about those "Jews" or "blacks" or "Mexicans" or "Whites" or "Chinese"?

    As for why the Gaza matter is related to Ukraine, it is because the same American groups cheering on the destruction of Gaza are cheering on the Ukrainian war. It would be okay if this was just political support but when we look at USAID money and the NGOs, you can see how many off the book financial transactions were flowing to these positions.

    If you did not support Ukraine, you wanted to suck Putin's dick.

    With Ukraine, the truth is slowly coming out. If the American / Western bureaucracy did not create this war, they certainly were fundamental in keeping it going to justify their gravy train payouts.
    I totally agree with so many of your points that I tried to quote them. If you understand Russia's position in this war, you're automatically labelled a Russian or a Putin apologist. This shit is so old. I have nothing to do with Russia, I have never ever even been to Russia but I have followed history / international relations for over 4 decades now so I know the facts.

    As far as this Anti Semitism accusation goes, that is also so fucking old now. It's a tool to suppress the truth. Telling the truth is not anti-semitic for fucks sake.

  10. #3781
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    At least, try to respect courage of Ukrainians here, when this war have nothing with Israel versus Palestinians never ending story.
    I have nothing but the utmost respect for the innocent Ukrainians caught in this needless savage war instigated by NATO. The Ukrainians fight with honor and my hats off to them for that.

  11. #3780
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    Dodged the question like the spineless coward that you are. You're a sick, disgusting racist. And of course, a delusional idiot, that's why it's fun owning your dumbass which I shall continue to do so.
    The funny part about this is if you say most neocons are Eastern European jews, which they are, you are anti-Semitic, but "Palestinians" is okay. I read some of the most disgusting racist things about them I have ever seen. I wanted to flip the conversations and put in other races to demonstrate the racism. How about those "Jews" or "blacks" or "Mexicans" or "Whites" or "Chinese"?

    As for why the Gaza matter is related to Ukraine, it is because the same American groups cheering on the destruction of Gaza are cheering on the Ukrainian war. It would be okay if this was just political support but when we look at USAID money and the NGOs, you can see how many off the book financial transactions were flowing to these positions.

    I joked before that Democrats should be happy with Putin as he singlehandedly stopped the pandemic with the invasion of Ukraine. The media went from Covid, Covid, Covid to Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine overnight. In reality, the American people were waking up to the scam that was Covid and with a flick of the wrist, the new symbol that you belonged to the bureaucratic cause went from surgical mask to yellow and blue ribbon.

    If you did not wear a mask, you wanted to kill your fellow American. If you did not support Ukraine, you wanted to suck Putin's dick. The people opposed to the war were spewing Russian propaganda but now we know there was a helluva lot more money in having a proUkraine position. We know about the tens of millions that flowed to Politico. Now there is the Internews network. My favorite independent journalist Matt Taibbi posted, USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6 m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has "worked with" 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training" over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives.

    He then responded, Have you ever come across a big piece of plywood lying flat in a field, or a junkyard? Sometimes you pick it up and it's just dirt, and sometimes it's a mass of snakes and maggots and wriggling things. Please bear with me on Internews. This one's going to take a minute.

    At this point, as you can see, the biggest pro Ukraine war guys (John Clayton, Paulie97, and Xpartan) were also the most pro Covid guys. With JC, he wrote about how terrible Mexico's covid policies were and then was driving around the whole country banging Mexican strange a month later. I suspect the three guys accusing others of being on Putin's payroll are / were actually on USAID's payroll.

    Prior to the pandemic, when I used in Mexico City, the best I did was a 7 or 8. Once Covid hit, in one trip, I wound up with four of the 10 types. Nothing like mass Covid driven layoffs to get women more desperate.

    As Pahlus says, this is how you deal with the insanity. With so many of the automatic causes, they made no sense until you followed the money. Once you get that, you look for the ways to play it and bang on the cheap. In recent times, that would have been scowering the nearby nations for Ukrainian or Palestinian refugees. Once this war ends, and it will end, maybe it is time to take a trip to Siberia.

    If there is any revenge to be had, keep in mind JC, Xpartan, and Paulie, were trying on masks in their basements the whole time Covid was ravaging the world.

    It has become apparent now that the same mask loving bureaucracy that so loved destroying our freedoms created Covid to begin with.

    With Ukraine, the truth is slowly coming out. If the American / Western bureaucracy did not create this war, they certainly were fundamental in keeping it going to justify their gravy train payouts.

    In the USA at least, the DOGE team led by Musk and his pack of zoomers have attacked the bureaucratic swamp faster and harder than ever seen before. The swamp is in retreat as their food source AKA money has been cut off. The bureaucrats have responded with lawsuits postponing things but the inevitable is coming. If you fucking bureaucrats cannot account for how our tax dollars are being spend, then why the fuck do we taxpayers need to keep giving them to you? This privacy and security bullshit will only work for so long.

    Had the bureaucrats been willing to settle with Putin two years ago, they would have gotten a much better deal, but Putin is in a much stronger position now. Of course, now we know this was never about the country of Ukraine in the first place. After the Covid narrative was being questioned, the bureaucracy needed a new cause to keep the $ flowing, and that cause was Ukraine.

  12. #3779
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Here, this is about so courageous Ukraine, when Israel and USA who want to eradicate Palestinians have nothing to do with Putin aggressing Ukraine, after he fucked Crimea elections and tried for Georgia, Moldavia and Romania.
    At least, try to respect courage of Ukrainians here, when this war have nothing with Israel versus Palestinians never ending story.

  13. #3778
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    I couldn't be happier for you now that you've met a long-awaited anti-Semitic russophile soulmate (although it's sad that your newly acquired soulmate doesn't have the guts to respond to me directly). Still I can see how he's made you so chirpy and bubbly, exuberant even. Good for you!

    But like I told your BFF -- if you want to discuss the plight of so-called "Palestinians", all you have to do is go to the appropriate section of this forum and start a new thread. That's not too complicated, is it?

    This thread is not about Palestine. It's about the blood the Russian Failed Mafia Terrorist State is spilling in Ukraine. Stick to the subject matter.
    Dodged the question like the spineless coward that you are. You're a sick, disgusting racist. And of course, a delusional idiot, that's why it's fun owning your dumbass which I shall continue to do so.

  14. #3777
    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    I couldn't be happier for you now that you've met a long-awaited anti-Semitic russophile soulmate (although it's sad that your newly acquired soulmate doesn't have the guts to respond to me directly). Still I can see how he's made you so chirpy and bubbly, exuberant even. Good for you!

    But like I told your BFF -- if you want to discuss the plight of so-called "Palestinians", all you have to do is go to the appropriate section of this forum and start a new thread. That's not too complicated, is it?

    This thread is not about Palestine. It's about the blood the Russian Failed Mafia Terrorist State is spilling in Ukraine. Stick to the subject matter.
    The reason I didn't respond to you directly in the first instance was. As I've said in another thread- because I honoured Mark Twain's admonition: "don't argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you through experience".

    Your accusations of anti-semitism are as contemptible as they are pathetic- and most reasonable people can see through your lies which people like you use as a shield to commit genocide and get away with it.

    As for the reasons for bringing Palestine in the Ukraine thread- that too was explained. Try removing your head out of your posterior to read again, perhaps airing it will help. I doubt it though.

  15. #3776

    Don't get me wrong Igor--

    Quote Originally Posted by BloodRed  [View Original Post]
    So are you okay with what Israel is / has been doing in Gaza? Also, why did you put Palestinians in quotes?
    I couldn't be happier for you now that you've met a long-awaited anti-Semitic russophile soulmate (although it's sad that your newly acquired soulmate doesn't have the guts to respond to me directly). Still I can see how he's made you so chirpy and bubbly, exuberant even. Good for you!

    But like I told your BFF -- if you want to discuss the plight of so-called "Palestinians", all you have to do is go to the appropriate section of this forum and start a new thread. That's not too complicated, is it?

    This thread is not about Palestine. It's about the blood the Russian Failed Mafia Terrorist State is spilling in Ukraine. Stick to the subject matter.

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