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 Posts: 264
Holidays in hell
 Originally Posted by Aml3740
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Of course stuff like this happens. It has happened on occasion in many places, even where I live. I must say, of my travels in the Philippines, I felt the safest in Mindanao. It has gotten a bad rap based on things that happened in the past, but I never once felt unsafe there. I just stayed with my partner and stayed away from places I might not ought to go. Locals know those places. Don't dress showy, and trust your gut. And, if can, have a trusted partner / friend with you if you go out of the normal places. My Filipina partner is 4'9" tall and wouldn't scare a fly, but she knows the difference between good and bad places much better than I do.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holidays_in_Hell Kinda reminds me of PJ Rourke's classic. I think I am getting too old for that. I stayed in Balibago and commando style break ins are a way of life there. There are guys scouting all the time. Foreigners live in caged houses but the motorbike guys are swanning around all the time, watching and waiting. Trust your gut = give all these palces a miss, stay in the West, or at least those parts of the West wereyou don't get executed for a fistfull of pesos.
Youtube is good in that it gives you recommendations on your prior views. In my case, that means all these horror stories of penniless foreigners in the Philippines. At my age, it is very hard to see how relocating there could be worth the candle.
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 Posts: 140
 Originally Posted by Jarango
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Yank was first shot and then robbed. "The victim, identified as 56-year-old Ralph Eugene Maneckle, was a resident of 159 Cottage St. , Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
According to the initial investigation by the Trento Municipal Police Station, Maneckle had just arrived at the location with his live-in partner, Jerald Ceasar" so probably a gay guy.
https://www.google.com/search?q=american+dead+mindanao+robbery&sca_esv=88727 e9 b8 f42 f71 d&rlz=1 C1 GCEA_enIE1106 IE1106&sxsrf=AHTn8 zrQMsw3 Nj9 voPfaVjw2 ARov6 SK9 XQ%3 A1738776238000&ei=rZ6 jZ87 aPL2 shbIPrOfEiA8&ved=0 ahUKEwiO5 Ymghq2 LAxU9 VkEAHawzEfEQ4 dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=american+dead+mindanao+robbery&gs_lp=Egxnd3 Mtd2 l6 LXNlcnAiHmFtZXJpY2 FuIGRlYWQgbWluZGFuYW8 gcm9 iYmVyeTIFECEYoAFIwUFQ6 QZY9 C9 wAXgAkAEAmAFUoAHwAqoBATa4 AQPIAQD4 AQGYAgegApQDwgILEAAYgAQYsAMYogTCAggQABiwAxjvBcICBRAAGO8 FwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGBJIHATegB7 cZ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp.
The Philipines has its downsides and I don't think I want a belly full of lead.
Of course stuff like this happens. It has happened on occasion in many places, even where I live. I must say, of my travels in the Philippines, I felt the safest in Mindanao. It has gotten a bad rap based on things that happened in the past, but I never once felt unsafe there. I just stayed with my partner and stayed away from places I might not ought to go. Locals know those places. Don't dress showy, and trust your gut. And, if can, have a trusted partner / friend with you if you go out of the normal places. My Filipina partner is 4'9" tall and wouldn't scare a fly, but she knows the difference between good and bad places much better than I do.
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 Posts: 4546
 Originally Posted by LoveItHere69
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Yet the admins love SubCommander posting endless toxic stuff on my stupid threads.
That is news to me! Maybe it is because I make extensive, accurate, interesting, detailed and informative posts about having sex with girls in other threads in multiple country forums.
Senior Member
 Posts: 264
Yank executed in Mindanao for 50000 PHP
Yank was first shot and then robbed. "The victim, identified as 56-year-old Ralph Eugene Maneckle, was a resident of 159 Cottage St. , Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
According to the initial investigation by the Trento Municipal Police Station, Maneckle had just arrived at the location with his live-in partner, Jerald Ceasar" so probably a gay guy.
https://www.google.com/search?q=american+dead+mindanao+robbery&sca_esv=88727 e9 b8 f42 f71 d&rlz=1 C1 GCEA_enIE1106 IE1106&sxsrf=AHTn8 zrQMsw3 Nj9 voPfaVjw2 ARov6 SK9 XQ%3 A1738776238000&ei=rZ6 jZ87 aPL2 shbIPrOfEiA8&ved=0 ahUKEwiO5 Ymghq2 LAxU9 VkEAHawzEfEQ4 dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=american+dead+mindanao+robbery&gs_lp=Egxnd3 Mtd2 l6 LXNlcnAiHmFtZXJpY2 FuIGRlYWQgbWluZGFuYW8 gcm9 iYmVyeTIFECEYoAFIwUFQ6 QZY9 C9 wAXgAkAEAmAFUoAHwAqoBATa4 AQPIAQD4 AQGYAgegApQDwgILEAAYgAQYsAMYogTCAggQABiwAxjvBcICBRAAGO8 FwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGBJIHATegB7 cZ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp.
The Philipines has its downsides and I don't think I want a belly full of lead.
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 Posts: 16922
 Originally Posted by OldAndUgly
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True, thanks for the reminder, I didn't thought of that one, but I didn't buy a ticket yet.
I have 2 passports. The document number is only matched for an international flight. Only the name needs to match for a domestic flight.
Senior Member
 Posts: 872
 Originally Posted by OldAndUgly
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True, thanks for the reminder, I didn't thought of that one, but I didn't buy a ticket yet.
Sorry the admins deleted my first post with the answer you needed. I will not post it again. Even in the stupid section my posts get deleted. Not posting anymore. Yet the admins love SubCommander posting endless toxic stuff on my stupid threads.
Senior Member
 Posts: 385
 Originally Posted by LoveItHere69
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FYI. Your new passport will have a new ID #. Just in case you made a future flight reservation and may need both to prove who you are or need one versus the other for some reason. Because if there is a chance for a problem it will happen!
True, thanks for the reminder, I didn't thought of that one, but I didn't buy a ticket yet.
Senior Member
 Posts: 397
Saw this too Jarango.
I was just wondering how they all managed to cover-up with 'hoodie' jackets without knowing a sting was going to happen.
I know it works for a lot of guys, but this is one reason I don't have time for the online approach, especially when I'm on the ground in the Phils.
There are so many opportunities in person, and with well practiced negotiating skills learnt over time, the contact list is still looking pretty good for me _ Phil.
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Mega Makati Love Scam hub
Senior Member
 Posts: 16922
 Originally Posted by Jarango
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Anyone know this UK based travel agency? They offer too good to be true flights to the Philippines with estabushed airlines.
You do not know what they offer until it is checkout time. I went to a site the other day that was like a Thai airline site but had that name to make you think it was the particular airline's website. The price was better until I got to the checkout part and they added a $152 fee for themselves. I think there is a Philippines website the same way. Cebupacific when the actual airline's site is cebupacificair. I was on thaivietair, but the real one is thaivietjetair or whatever.
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 Posts: 264
Money earned
 Originally Posted by ChochaMonger
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At least, she left behind his banjo and cowboy hat. Clearly, she was his caregiver as the Filipino fella said. She took the 10,000 pesos as payment for care-giving services rendered.
Given his attitude, she probably earned it. Guy better watch out for a heart attack.
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 Posts: 872
Duh. Need old passport for the entry stamp into the Philippines to show when exiting.
Senior Member
 Posts: 872
 Originally Posted by OldAndUgly
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My passport expires in August, I cannot buy in country airfare anymore, because it has less than 6 months validity as of yesterday. I taught it only applies to people entering the country, not the ones already in. Soon I have to book a flight to the US to renew it, I wander how that one will go, maybe I will be restricted to using american airlines only.
FYI. Your new passport will have a new ID #. Just in case you made a future flight reservation and may need both to prove who you are or need one versus the other for some reason. Because if there is a chance for a problem it will happen!
Senior Member
 Posts: 385
 Originally Posted by Dg8787
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You can use home country drivers license to fly PH domestic. Or maybe any picture ID.
Can't you renew your American passport in the Manila USA Embassy? Or USA Consulate office in Zcebu?
Yes, there are a million workarounds, and now I'm booking the flights using an 2024 expired filipino ID card, because on that they don't ask the expiration. I just found the 6 months entering the country rule stupid, when applied to internal flights, and worth mentioning here.
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 Posts: 2657
At least, she left behind his banjo and cowboy hat. Clearly, she was his caregiver as the Filipino fella said. She took the 10,000 pesos as payment for care-giving services rendered.
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