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Thread: Stupid Shit in the Philippines

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  1. #598
    Quote Originally Posted by KbNagar  [View Original Post]
    Amazing report that Westie has cached. Phil -- your experience also seems amazing. Seems like a dream. I wonder whether such surprise reports are limited to folks with a skin color predominantly white. I hear folks with black skin color also get surprises. What about folks who are brown skinned? Have we seen experience reports? Just wondering.
    Hi KB,

    I haven't seen any specific reports here regarding brown skinned guys.

    I'll be honest, I have been with a few girls who won't sleep with Asian Indians and then there are others who are over dealing with old, fat, Australian, British and American alcoholics. A few girls have also told me they won't sleep with Germans. Basically, it's an economy. If they really need the cash (and the vast majority do), they'll open their legs for anyone.

    The most consistent feedback I've had from girls, is that foreigners generally smell of BO after a day in warm weather or don't take care of their personal hygiene. If you take care of yourself you'll probably experience more of a GF experience as opposed to a rushed job for cash. Just my experience. Phil.

  2. #597
    Quote Originally Posted by NapaSlapper  [View Original Post]
    As someone that lives and works very near angeles and is in the bars very often expecially Q bar then my up to date information, visits and experiences show that in fact Qbar is heavily populated with korean customers hence why I call it korean orientated
    You are totally fully of shit. You are a fake. You've never been to the Q bar. Virtually every time in the Q bar, less than half are Koreans.

    I challenge you again. Take a picture on Walking Street with a handwritten note saying something like NS is real, or piss off GB. Can't do that? Because you're a fake.

    Over the years, a lot of the crap you write is BS, fake, or an exaggeration. Recently, I've been calling you out of many of the stuff you write. Most of them you don't have any answers. Some you reply with BS.

    Quote Originally Posted by NapaSlapper  [View Original Post]
    And you know this how? By your own admissions your last very short angeles visit was last year, the 1st one for you in a few years, so not sure what up to date information or experience you can offer this board.
    More BS. When did I write that I haven't been there in a few years. Prove it and I will apologize to you. Nope, you can't, because what you write is BS.

    Quote Originally Posted by NapaSlapper  [View Original Post]
    quote misinformation like your misinformation of angeles XS bar is not run by koreans and also has a korean manager
    Again, you are full of shit. I have never seen a Korean manager, or even a Korean papasan at XS.

    Quote Originally Posted by NapaSlapper  [View Original Post]
    your recent claims of no nudity could be found in thai bars of nana plaza Bangkok until you were corrected by a fellow board members who lives in Bangkok stating that in fact you did not know what you were talking about and that there are several such bars in nana plaza just as I had correctly said and written previously in the angeles forum.
    You know nothing about Nana Plaza. You never mentioned anything when asked. All you write about is a poster who contradicted me and said there was fully nudity in Nana. I still question that, but I am not going to get into a flame war with him on that subject. NO ONE has written about fully nudity in Nana Plaza in the Bangkok thread for many years. Maybe they stop it in December; maybe there's definition issues between organized fully nudity and lady drink nudity. I will check and report on it in December. Something you are not able to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by NapaSlapper  [View Original Post]
    correctly said and written previously in the angeles forum
    Many of the things you write is incorrect. Most of them when you are called out, you don't even answer back. Some you write back with incorrect info.

    Also, the things you write on your obnoxious PMs are so childish. All you ever write is insults and accusations of being in grandma's basement. Are you looking in a mirror?

  3. #596

    Skin color?

    Quote Originally Posted by PhilJoy  [View Original Post]
    Great read Westie. Loved the bit about the Starbucks girl leaving her phone number on his coffee cup. On a business trip to Cebu a while back, I decided to buy a cheap local phone on Mactan just for hook-ups in the Phils and I had the girl / lady set it up for me.

    Within an hour I received a text message saying, "Hello Sir, I'm the phone sales lady. Would you like to meet me when I finish work?" Yes indeed.

    Well, it was a very memorable night and she was absolutely outstanding in the sack and extremely petite and pretty. The tip was 1000 pesos and a cheap 200 peso meal. I think when I said 'Mahal Kita" after she set up the phone for me, it may have helped.

    Just disappointed I didn't keep in touch with her for future visits. Phil.
    Amazing report that Westie has cached. Phil -- your experience also seems amazing. Seems like a dream. I wonder whether such surprise reports are limited to folks with a skin color predominantly white. I hear folks with black skin color also get surprises. What about folks who are brown skinned? Have we seen experience reports? Just wondering.

  4. #595
    Quote Originally Posted by ExpatAmerican  [View Original Post]
    Actually that's not unreasonable. Whats to stop 6 people going in there, one person getting the buffet and everyone sharing the food? Its very common that if there is buffet, all people on the table must take that option. Its got nothing to do with you being a foreigner. I would have not made a fuss over 200 peso either.
    Most of the AYCE buffets I've been to, you have to pay to get in the door, and probably give you a plate or ticket. Six people trying to get in on one ticket would be highly unlikely. Some places have a time limit as well.

    I remember one place I used in Sydney a few years ago. The place was near empty, so I took my time, and went back to the food a few times to get small servings of different dishes. After about the 4th or 5th time, the waitress came over and asked if I'd like a clean plate. She took the dirty one away, and never came back LOL.

  5. #594
    Funny how Asia functions. Some are open to all and some are exclusive to lifetime commitments.

    I met a 40 year old virgin ones from Bandung, she flat out told me, she will visit me and stay with me in my hotel room, she will give me BJ, HJ and I can go down to her except no insertion of any sort unless I marry her. I found similar one in Medan too, not sure if they have some sort of guide for rules of engagement to preserve virginity but just out of respect and to not to get hitched, I steered off.

    My Batanguena MILF that I'm going to spend time with in Manila, has a 19 yr old virgin sister and apparently she has a Philipino American BF and preserving herself for him. Sadly non FnF package for me here.

    Lastly, one of my best friend in Jakarta, Inactually met her at airport no dating site or any of those dens. We go on a date every time I'm in Jakarta and always an awesome pleasant quality time with her. So yeah, I can see and understand both sides and respect equally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goferring  [View Original Post]
    The PI and Asia in general has the false reputation that all girls are happy to jump into bed with any foreigner for a few peso / baht / rupiah. Out in the wider world, away from the bars and clubs, this couldn't be further from the truth. Sure there are many who will but there are many many more who won't. The surprising thing is that there are never any surprises. The girls are very upfront before even meeting or going out. I've had several tell me that that she is a virgin, happy go out but won't be sleeping with me. I believed them. And I'm talking about attractive and personable girls. Definitely not hags that are too ugly to find a guy.

    I received flack before for saying this but as a resident, where pussy was available 24/7, day after day, it was actually refreshing to go on a platonic date with an attractive girl who could actually string together a conversation beyond 'where you from, where you stay?

    It should go without saying that I didn't meet these girls in a bar or on hook up apps.

    Cheers. G.

  6. #593
    Quote Originally Posted by ExpatAmerican  [View Original Post]
    Actually that's not unreasonable. Whats to stop 6 people going in there, one person getting the buffet and everyone sharing the food? Its very common that if there is buffet, all people on the table must take that option. Its got nothing to do with you being a foreigner. I would have not made a fuss over 200 peso either.
    EA has a reading comprehension problem. Other than that he might be an ok guy I dunno.

  7. #592
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    Some people need lead through the head. If two people go to a buffet, that is the price of two buffets, irrespective of what either eats.

    Buffets, all you can eat jobs, have ways of keeping costs down. One way is to insist you first have a specified entre filler, so there is less room for the good stuff. They have to factor in half starving engineering students, lumber jacks and the like.

    A pity there was not more kitchen staff on hand to straighten the Cups out.

    Coffee shops and the like exist for those who do not want the buffet option.
    Let me add Jarango to the list of stupid shit in the Philippines or wherever the hell he is.

  8. #591

    Two bullet buffet

    Quote Originally Posted by ExpatAmerican  [View Original Post]
    Actually that's not unreasonable. Whats to stop 6 people going in there, one person getting the buffet and everyone sharing the food? Its very common that if there is buffet, all people on the table must take that option. Its got nothing to do with you being a foreigner. I would have not made a fuss over 200 peso either.
    Some people need lead through the head. If two people go to a buffet, that is the price of two buffets, irrespective of what either eats.

    Buffets, all you can eat jobs, have ways of keeping costs down. One way is to insist you first have a specified entre filler, so there is less room for the good stuff. They have to factor in half starving engineering students, lumber jacks and the like.

    A pity there was not more kitchen staff on hand to straighten the Cups out.

    Coffee shops and the like exist for those who do not want the buffet option.

  9. #590
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    A moment's reflection would see the truth of that for those who do not spend all their time in go go girls. There is not a third world country that does not have legions of single mothers on the game. Lots of the tubbies who post here turn their noses up at tummy stretches like they themselves are oil paintings.
    Good point J. I'm no oil painting but then again, not a tubby. But I will say some of the best quality action I've experienced has been provided by girls that wouldn't slot right into the go-go scene. On my last visit to Makati I asked the security guy at the hotel if he knew any hot girls. He asked if it was okay if she was a bit chubby and showed me a photo of her on her FB profile. Not a problem. And Ashley turned out to be amazing in the sack and in the shower. And we keep in touch via WhatsApp so she's my first meet-up when I arrive back in Manila and I 'compensate' her 3000 for the LT and overnight experience. Yes, crazy shit in the Philippines can happen if you think outside of the box and don't think your only option is a peso syphoning go-go bar _ Phil.

  10. #589
    Quote Originally Posted by ExpatAmerican  [View Original Post]
    Actually that's not unreasonable. Whats to stop 6 people going in there, one person getting the buffet and everyone sharing the food? Its very common that if there is buffet, all people on the table must take that option. Its got nothing to do with you being a foreigner. I would have not made a fuss over 200 peso either.
    I'll side with EA. If Cup's gal had eaten 4 plates of food, by his same logic (paying less for a smaller amount), would he have offered, say, p1500 (about 4 x the buffet price)?

    Caveat: Cup's point is valid if the resto has separate buffet and also regular menu at the same time (not mentioned in his post). He could claim that the GF ordered ala carte from the regular menu.

  11. #588
    Quote Originally Posted by DCups  [View Original Post]
    Took a date to brunch at this place last Sunday. They have a 395 p buffet which I ordered. My date just wanted a pancake and a coffee. The waitress brought me the bill for two buffets. When I told her I'm not paying for the second buffet she got all pissy so I asked to see the boss who told me I have to pay for two buffets. I asked her would you pay 395 p for a pancake and coffee she said yes so I said ok you pay it then. She said no and called me an asshole. This is the PI where people are usually nice. So I said here is 200 p for a pancake and coffee -- more than enough. Then she wanted to charge me extra for leftovers which I did not even take with me. When I was leaving she said don't come back. Don't worry, I won't. Wasn't that good anyway. It's not about the money. It's the principle. Sometimes the Filipinos play Fuck the Foreigner. Well, not this time. This is the stupidest thing I have seen in the PI for awhile. And I live here.
    Actually that's not unreasonable. Whats to stop 6 people going in there, one person getting the buffet and everyone sharing the food? Its very common that if there is buffet, all people on the table must take that option. Its got nothing to do with you being a foreigner. I would have not made a fuss over 200 peso either.

  12. #587
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    They are wired differently to cope with all this.
    That sums it up.

  13. #586

    No Fucky Fucky

    Quote Originally Posted by Goferring  [View Original Post]
    The PI and Asia in general has the false reputation that all girls are happy to jump into bed with any foreigner for a few peso / baht / rupiah. Out in the wider world, away from the bars and clubs, this couldn't be further from the truth. Cheers. G.
    A moment's reflection would see the truth of that for those who do not spend all their time in go go girls. There is not a third world country that does not have legions of single mothers on the game. Lots of the tubbies who post here turn their noses up at tummy stretches like they themselves are oil paintings.

    There is a huge drop in fortunes for those who have babies and no provider. You don't have to scratch far to find them.

    The good girls will know all the stories backwards and will have go the fear of the fall drilled into them.

    I have a lady, who wants me to give her a baby because I am a stud. No sense of making the kid a success in life. Just pack the future ladyboy off to her mom in the province. If I don't do it, she wants someone else to and that is fine with her extended family. Her sister is back home now, dropping a calf. Americans would think trailer trash but they don't have a trailer, just a bamboo hut that might survive the odd typhoon season.

    They are wired differently to cope with all this.

  14. #585
    Quote Originally Posted by Jingo10  [View Original Post]
    I don't find it weird at all. If genuine, good on the girl having the courage of her convictions. She isn't the weird one.
    The PI and Asia in general has the false reputation that all girls are happy to jump into bed with any foreigner for a few peso / baht / rupiah. Out in the wider world, away from the bars and clubs, this couldn't be further from the truth. Sure there are many who will but there are many many more who won't. The surprising thing is that there are never any surprises. The girls are very upfront before even meeting or going out. I've had several tell me that that she is a virgin, happy go out but won't be sleeping with me. I believed them. And I'm talking about attractive and personable girls. Definitely not hags that are too ugly to find a guy.

    I received flack before for saying this but as a resident, where pussy was available 24/7, day after day, it was actually refreshing to go on a platonic date with an attractive girl who could actually string together a conversation beyond 'where you from, where you stay?

    It should go without saying that I didn't meet these girls in a bar or on hook up apps.

    Cheers. G.

  15. #584

    Face Change

    Illegal dens offering plastic surgery and more. You would want to be mad or desperate.

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