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Thread: Stupid Shit in Bogota

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  1. #416

    STD testing in medellin

    Does anyone know of a good blood test center in poblado area?

    Both for me as well as for any girl I may find and want to keep hero for 3-4 days as my companion.

    Does anyone do it that way?

    Also can we buy PreP in local pharmacy? Read in another post it's a good safety net.

    Any comments?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    No problem bro.

    Some vaccines that you may look into with your Healthcare provider are:





    Some of these are multiple dosage vaccines that need to be administered over 6 months time. But they will help protect you from Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hep A&be, and Typhoid Fever (which can be sexually transmitted through anal sex).

    Hope this helps.


  2. #415

    Good blood testing center in poblado

    Can anyone recommend a good blood test center near poblado?

    I want to both test myself and any nice girl whom I may find for multi day sessions. 😀.

    Also, can I buy PreP in pharmacy as a preemptive safety? Does anyone do it? Saw in one of the post that its a great idea. Any comments?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    No problem bro.

    Some vaccines that you may look into with your Healthcare provider are:





    Some of these are multiple dosage vaccines that need to be administered over 6 months time. But they will help protect you from Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hep A&be, and Typhoid Fever (which can be sexually transmitted through anal sex).

    Hope this helps.


  3. #414


    Quote Originally Posted by ReachJM  [View Original Post]
    Thought of asking help here as google is not giving expected results. Please ignore if it is not relevant to ask.

    I am traveling in 3 days to Bogota and Cali for work related (for about 5 days altogether).

    I basically want to do complete / exhaustive health check up / scans.

    So my last sexual encounter about 4 months back had some anxiety and 4th generation STD test came clear. The pain in anus area seemed to be herrmiods which was unrelated to my encounter. I still have other issues in the body which I want to get tested completely. I could do this in NYC but I need referral plus insurance etc.

    Some labs I found in Google search were idime and synlabs but I want to know from any friend who can share thoughts about reliable & cost effective place to get this done in Bogota or Cali.

    I will do mostly std 4th gen, prior hep infections checks and antibodies, complete blood count and other blood related.

    Also some scans like abdomen, fatty lever, anoscopy, ecg / heart related. Some vaccines depending on blood work like hep be and other sexual related.

    Gobacho: thanks for all inputs last time.
    No problem bro.

    Some vaccines that you may look into with your Healthcare provider are:





    Some of these are multiple dosage vaccines that need to be administered over 6 months time. But they will help protect you from Genital Warts, Gonorrhea, Hep A&be, and Typhoid Fever (which can be sexually transmitted through anal sex).

    Hope this helps.


  4. #413

    Help with medical / health checkup

    Thought of asking help here as google is not giving expected results. Please ignore if it is not relevant to ask.

    I am traveling in 3 days to Bogota and Cali for work related (for about 5 days altogether).

    I basically want to do complete / exhaustive health check up / scans.

    So my last sexual encounter about 4 months back had some anxiety and 4th generation STD test came clear. The pain in anus area seemed to be herrmiods which was unrelated to my encounter. I still have other issues in the body which I want to get tested completely. I could do this in NYC but I need referral plus insurance etc.

    Some labs I found in Google search were idime and synlabs but I want to know from any friend who can share thoughts about reliable & cost effective place to get this done in Bogota or Cali.

    I will do mostly std 4th gen, prior hep infections checks and antibodies, complete blood count and other blood related.

    Also some scans like abdomen, fatty lever, anoscopy, ecg / heart related. Some vaccines depending on blood work like hep be and other sexual related.

    Gobacho: thanks for all inputs last time.

  5. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    It looks like the specific drug you are looking for is called Apretude.

    I've attached some screenshots with some info that I found.

    Just get the shot atleast 7 days beforehand to be protected against HIV.

    See photos below.
    Thanks for your details. I will look for the clinic when I am Bogota next time.

  6. #411
    Quote Originally Posted by FlawlessZeal  [View Original Post]
    Like JackTaggart said, see your own doctor. Tell them you have many different sexual partners and you do not know the sexual history / behavior of all of them and that sometimes you travel to areas that have higher risk for HIV etc. (look up where that is, basically poorer parts of central / south america) and you want to make sure you have had all advisable vaccines for STDs and that you want to discuss taking prep. They have to test for HIV first and they have to do so regularly while you are on it (I believe if you already have HIV, it can make it much worse) and you have to have been taking it for 7 days for it to be effective.
    Thanks. I will find out. I am not much into this hobby and all good from my end.

  7. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by FlawlessZeal  [View Original Post]
    Like JackTaggart said, see your own doctor. Tell them you have many different sexual partners and you do not know the sexual history / behavior of all of them and that sometimes you travel to areas that have higher risk for HIV etc. (look up where that is, basically poorer parts of central / south america) and you want to make sure you have had all advisable vaccines for STDs and that you want to discuss taking prep. They have to test for HIV first and they have to do so regularly while you are on it (I believe if you already have HIV, it can make it much worse) and you have to have been taking it for 7 days for it to be effective.
    I agree with Jack and Flawless. Eventhough I am answering your questions and telling about the availability of different vaccines and medications that may help to lower your risk of HIV and STDs you should still talk with your doctor or other medical professionals before taking any of these drugs or vaccines and the shit I post about is only a medical suggestion and should not be considered as medical advise. It is best to consult a medical professional.


  8. #409
    Quote Originally Posted by ReachJM  [View Original Post]
    So is prep always good to take before every encounter? If not, are there any protective vaccines or shots that give extended safety like 3 months or so? (Like Hep B). Is prep always better to take?

    Also any cost effective testing centers in Colombia for doing routine tests (including std related and general) as well as scans?

    Also any good doctors for consultation for STD or general deed related precautions and what to be considered?

    Thanks in advance.
    Like JackTaggart said, see your own doctor. Tell them you have many different sexual partners and you do not know the sexual history / behavior of all of them and that sometimes you travel to areas that have higher risk for HIV etc. (look up where that is, basically poorer parts of central / south america) and you want to make sure you have had all advisable vaccines for STDs and that you want to discuss taking prep. They have to test for HIV first and they have to do so regularly while you are on it (I believe if you already have HIV, it can make it much worse) and you have to have been taking it for 7 days for it to be effective.

  9. #408
    Quote Originally Posted by ReachJM  [View Original Post]
    So is prep always good to take before every encounter? If not, are there any protective vaccines or shots that give extended safety like 3 months or so? (Like Hep B). Is prep always better to take?

    Also any cost effective testing centers in Colombia for doing routine tests (including std related and general) as well as scans?

    Also any good doctors for consultation for STD or general deed related precautions and what to be considered?

    Thanks in advance.
    You should consult with a doctor. Or simply google about prep. The forum should not be your source of information on preventing aids. Lots of info online. Your questions do not make any sense.

    To be honest. You sound like someone that has not had sex or had any sexual contact. I don't say this to criticize you. But to encourage you to discuss things with a real medical professional. Maybe try telemedicine that is free with most health insurance.

  10. #407
    Quote Originally Posted by ReachJM  [View Original Post]
    are there any protective vaccines or shots that give extended safety like 3 months or so? (Like Hep B). Is prep always better to take?

    Thanks in advance.
    It looks like the specific drug you are looking for is called Apretude.

    I've attached some screenshots with some info that I found.

    Just get the shot atleast 7 days beforehand to be protected against HIV.

    See photos below.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails‎‎  

  11. #406
    Quote Originally Posted by ReachJM  [View Original Post]
    So is prep always good to take before every encounter? If not, are there any protective vaccines or shots that give extended safety like 3 months or so? (Like Hep B). Is prep always better to take?

    Also any cost effective testing centers in Colombia for doing routine tests (including std related and general) as well as scans?

    Also any good doctors for consultation for STD or general deed related precautions and what to be considered?

    Thanks in advance.
    I believe prep is taken each day whether you are having unprotected sex or not. This is to keep the amount of the drugs in your body at a constant level to provide the protection needed to stop an HIV infection if you were to be exposed.

    I believe the drug cabenuva is an injection that is once every 3 or 4 months and provides protection against HIV.

    I just recently received my first dose of bexsero vaccine which will help to ward off gonorrea (it's a 2 dose series for bexsero so in 4 to 8 weeks I get the second dosage). Supposedly I will be up 40% less likely to contract gonorrea from. Unprotected hetero sex. I will still take azythromycin and ceftriaxone obviously if I do have any gonorrhea infections, we will have to wait until my next trip (late 2024) to test out and see if I get gonorrea less often (on this last trip of 8 months I contracted it 3 times). It is important to mention that there are different serotypes to all these Stds and the vaccines may not provide protection against all serotypes. Nonetheless it's better to be vaccinated than to not be.

    As far as Std testing in Colombia I know there is a clinic called ProFamilia I believe they provide low cost testing and treatment for Stds. There are also other clinics depending on where you are just Google it or do a forum search for "std testing. ".

    Hope this info helps.


  12. #405
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    Since we were on the topic of Stds, treatments and vaccination, I just came across some information that suggests that a vaccine originally intended to vaccinate against Meningitis-be had been found to offer protection against gonorrhea.

    People who have received two doses of the Bexsero meningitis vaccine are atleast 33% less likely to contract gonorrea than those who have not been vaccinated with the Bexsero vaccine.

    See attached photos.

    While 33% is not a great number it is yet another tool to throw into your BBFS toolbox that can help you to lower your chances of getting Stds while still being able to enjoy BBFS.
    So is prep always good to take before every encounter? If not, are there any protective vaccines or shots that give extended safety like 3 months or so? (Like Hep B). Is prep always better to take?

    Also any cost effective testing centers in Colombia for doing routine tests (including std related and general) as well as scans?

    Also any good doctors for consultation for STD or general deed related precautions and what to be considered?

    Thanks in advance.

  13. #404
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    Since we were on the topic of Stds, treatments and vaccination, I just came across some information that suggests that a vaccine originally intended to vaccinate against Meningitis-be had been found to offer protection against gonorrhea.

    People who have received two doses of the Bexsero meningitis vaccine are atleast 33% less likely to contract gonorrea than those who have not been vaccinated with the Bexsero vaccine.

    See attached photos.

    While 33% is not a great number it is yet another tool to throw into your BBFS toolbox that can help you to lower your chances of getting Stds while still being able to enjoy BBFS.
    So is prep always good to take before every encounter? If not, are there any protective vaccines or shots that give extended safety like 3 months or so? (Like Hep B). Is prep always better to take?

    Also any cost effective testing centers in Colombia for doing routine tests (including std related and general) as well as scans?

    Also any good doctors for consultation for STD or general deed related precautions and what to be considered?

    Thanks in advance.

  14. #403
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    I have stated repeatedly when that I have had stds in the past and I have also posted the treatments to the stds as well.


    I000 MG ceftriaxone intrsmuscular injection and 1500 MG or azythromycin.

    Chlamydia: 1500 MG azythromycin all at one or alternatively 100 g Doxycycline twice daily 12 hours apart for 7 to 10 days taken with food.

    Syphilis: same treatment as chlamydia.

    Herpes: Valacyclovir 1000 MG once daily in the morning taken as soon as you notice an outbreak beginning to start and taken for 5 days or can be continued to be taken for up to a year to keep outbreaks from ever occurring. Also there is currently an HSV vaccine in clinical trial testing at university of Pennsylvania it is a new MRNA vaccine I believe it might be made by moderna the same makers of the covid vaccines.

    HPV aka genital warts: Gardasil 9 vaccine taken in 2 doses 6 months apart will protect you from the strains of HPV that cause genital warts and or cancer.

    HIV 1 and 2 : besides herpes is the only other STD that isn't curable or currently have an approved vaccine (probably because there's no incentive for pharmaceutical companies to make a cure or vaccine while they are making windfall profits from selling expensive treats such Truvada and Descovy).

    That being said transmission rates from an HIV possitve female to a non possitve mail thru unprotected vaginal sex remain to be negligibly low (less than 1!10th of 1%.

    Furthermore the same drugs that are given to people who already have HIV can be taken by people who don't have HIV and it will shield them from getting infected even if they have have sex with someone who is positive. This is called PREP or pre exposure prophylaxis.

    Drugs that can be used for prep include but are not limited to the following:



    Cabenuva (only taken 2 o 3 times a year).


    I believe a vaccine as well as a cure to HIV should have already been created, especially given the fact that they were able to create covid vaccines in such a small amount of time in comparison to the amount of time HIV has been around. I however think that because there is so much money to be made from selling the above mentioned medications, that these pharmaceutical companies don't want to make a vaccine because they would be hurting their own bottom lines.

    Anyways there you have it, besides HIV all the other STDd are really no big deal they all have treatments or even vaccines available or in testing. As always it is your (and the girl's) choice to decide to use a condom or not but don't listen to everything these guys are saying trying to paint a picture that unprotected sex is the end of the world because it is not.

    Also in Colombia many of these drugs can be purchased for very cheap and in developed countries such as US, Canada or EU countries they are often provided for free or reduced cost by the government.
    Since we were on the topic of Stds, treatments and vaccination, I just came across some information that suggests that a vaccine originally intended to vaccinate against Meningitis-be had been found to offer protection against gonorrhea.

    People who have received two doses of the Bexsero meningitis vaccine are atleast 33% less likely to contract gonorrea than those who have not been vaccinated with the Bexsero vaccine.

    See attached photos.

    While 33% is not a great number it is yet another tool to throw into your BBFS toolbox that can help you to lower your chances of getting Stds while still being able to enjoy BBFS.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails‎‎  

  15. #402

    Why do you think my account is on probation? Because you YOU!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    You should just shut your mouth Sang, unlike you I actually contribute valuable information. Just recently I posted an updated report on Pereira (somewhere you've probably never been). And I just helped WT69 update his Armenia map as well.

    So stop the personal attacks, stop lying and saying I said things I never said and most importantly stop being an idiot. If you want to pay girls in Cuba $80 usd when everyone knows they put out for a roll of toilet paper or tube of toothpaste, then that is your business. Same thing in Medellin you want to pay lleras girls 600 mil or seeking girls 1 milland then that's your business. You seem to take offense for no reason. So why don't you just keep your stupid comments to yourself and stop trying to start flame wars with the real mongers on here such as myself and Mr E.
    You're the one that came into my posts and decided to chime in on it.

    My account has been on probation because I replied to you post where you said you hoped more guys would get drugged so then they'll stop coming. But the admin took down that post. And as well I said exactly how I felt about someone like this and my account got put on probation twice.

    There is no need for me to ever lie about anything in a place like this.

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