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Thread: Seeking Arrangements

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  1. #6452
    Quote Originally Posted by FilthyBeaver  [View Original Post]
    It's not very good. I did hit a very expensive home run in Frankfurt and met an otherwise fuckable girl in Munich that I didn't fuck, just had dinner, but it was a hell of a lot of work as the pool is small and there are just as many time wasters as there are in the states.
    Yeah, EU seems to be requiring more effort and time when compared what everyone is posting about South America. Also since in Germany paid sex is easily available with large variety from FKKs to flat rates, there are less regular girls on seeking. It's mostly professionals who try to score extra money by acting like a virgin.

  2. #6451
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve9696  [View Original Post]
    Not only should "getting it for free" not be the goal it is in fact counterproductive! I have made this mistake. I had a lovely non-pro that I met several times in London and elsewhere. Always did the allowance SB thing. Flew her to LA and agreed no allowance. Just covering her trip was enough. This was a big FAIL. She began acting like a GF and not in a good way. "I'm too tired". "I have a headache". All thing she's quite entitled to say as a GF not an SB.

    Well I fucking learned my lesson. I don't want a girlfriend. I want an SB and that means paying is not only on the table but part of the deal so both parties are happy. No free sex for me. Thank you.
    I have had a few freebies from SA. A long time ago in the US when SA was new, there were a lot of girls on there who were happy to be taken on a nice date where the guy didn't split the bill. More recently in Asia I have had several freebies. For example a married girl whose husband had cheated on her and she wanted some side fun. She had her own business and car and clearly wasn't the type to react to a hundred bucks (this is Asia not the West) that others would. Another was a Muslim girl, hyper sexual, divorced and super horny. She can't fuck local guys in her culture and I was an easy way to get her rocks off. Didn't even have to buy dinner. I don't mind paying for it, but getting it for free from a girl 30 years younger is an ego boost you have to admit. You wouldn't expect to pay a Tinder date and these girls are fucking someone for free, so why not me? I consider it a win.

  3. #6450
    Quote Originally Posted by DwayneJohnson  [View Original Post]
    To some it's taking sand to beach and to some it's Epsteinesque elite lifestyle of trafficking for a weekend. YMMV, good to know you are leaving white girls for rest of us.
    It seems like you have problem with rich people and luxury girls. Do you some Post Sex PTSD by some rich escort insulting you?

  4. #6449

    Getting it for Free

    Quote Originally Posted by FilthyBeaver  [View Original Post]
    This is more of an observation than a criticism but why wouldn't you give a girl half your age (or more) something when she spends time with you? You're obviously on different planets financially and she'll really appreciate it at a minimum, who knows what kinds of doors it will open with her. The money probably doesn't mean anything to you but it means a lot to her. Why is that a bad thing? You guys calling the girls hoors pr whatever are missing the point. If you want free pussy date your own age or build a time machine and walk through it. Aside from that the quickest way to get it is a quid pro quo. If you're proud about getting a girl half your age for a dinner or a trip to Walmart that's great for you but that doesn't work for me and I would never brag about it.

    Not about you Elvis, just an observation on the last few posts.
    Not only should "getting it for free" not be the goal it is in fact counterproductive! I have made this mistake. I had a lovely non-pro that I met several times in London and elsewhere. Always did the allowance SB thing. Flew her to LA and agreed no allowance. Just covering her trip was enough. This was a big FAIL. She began acting like a GF and not in a good way. "I'm too tired". "I have a headache". All thing she's quite entitled to say as a GF not an SB.

    Well I fucking learned my lesson. I don't want a girlfriend. I want an SB and that means paying is not only on the table but part of the deal so both parties are happy. No free sex for me. Thank you.

  5. #6448
    Quote Originally Posted by FilthyBeaver  [View Original Post]
    This is more of an observation than a criticism but why wouldn't you give a girl half your age (or more) something when she spends time with you? You're obviously on different planets financially and she'll really appreciate it at a minimum, who knows what kinds of doors it will open with her. The money probably doesn't mean anything to you but it means a lot to her. Why is that a bad thing? You guys calling the girls hoors pr whatever are missing the point. If you want free pussy date your own age or build a time machine and walk through it. Aside from that the quickest way to get it is a quid pro quo. If you're proud about getting a girl half your age for a dinner or a trip to Walmart that's great for you but that doesn't work for me and I would never brag about it.

    Not about you Elvis, just an observation on the last few posts.
    FB, first off, everything I mentioned, I have gotten. Except for the BB sex, it was a minority of women I saw though. This was not by some grand plan but trial and error. I literally slept with women and price did not come up. If I liked the woman, I actually would not give her payment and typically spent way more on her than the hooker types in the long run. It would almost have been an insult to have paid her in some cases.

    As for the women I was not interested in as SB, I would insist they take payment even if they did not want to. My message was this is P4P even if you do not want it to be.

    But yeah, the goal is to get a woman to fuck you without payment because she likes you more so than getting it for free.

  6. #6447

    Very spotty

    It's not very good. I did hit a very expensive home run in Frankfurt and met an otherwise fuckable girl in Munich that I didn't fuck, just had dinner, but it was a hell of a lot of work as the pool is small and there are just as many time wasters as there are in the states.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    I know that's right LMAO! I want that "paste" with a bright pink butt hole between those alabaster cheeks hahahaha! Anyone have a lot of experience using Seeking in Germany? I plan to go there later this year and would like to have more opportunities for sex with attractive German girls. I love the FKKs and the Romies, but really want more of the "indigenous" German arsch as well. Come on somebody has to know something about Seeking in Germany! Do tell.

  7. #6446

    Don't get it

    This is more of an observation than a criticism but why wouldn't you give a girl half your age (or more) something when she spends time with you? You're obviously on different planets financially and she'll really appreciate it at a minimum, who knows what kinds of doors it will open with her. The money probably doesn't mean anything to you but it means a lot to her. Why is that a bad thing? You guys calling the girls hoors pr whatever are missing the point. If you want free pussy date your own age or build a time machine and walk through it. Aside from that the quickest way to get it is a quid pro quo. If you're proud about getting a girl half your age for a dinner or a trip to Walmart that's great for you but that doesn't work for me and I would never brag about it.

    Not about you Elvis, just an observation on the last few posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    If you want to make your relationship all about money, the women will likely accommodate you. If you talk money before you meet the girl, you will never get laid for free. If you reach for a condom when you want sex, you will never get BB sex. If you tell her it is okay that she is fucking other guys, she will likely do so.

    If you think that a woman is into you for more than just $, you might be right. If you do not bring up price, maybe she fucks you nothing. If you do not go for a condom, maybe you get BB sex. If you indicate to a woman that you are not okay with her fucking other guys, maybe she is exclusive to you.

    You are not playing the game. You are conceding defeat.

  8. #6445
    Quote Originally Posted by VanessasClient  [View Original Post]
    Ancheating. And, the only thing the daddy could do to enforce it is cut off the money supply. Since the woman can always find another daddy who has money, then she has no fear of punishment, and therefore all the reason not to be exclusive.
    If you want to make your relationship all about money, the women will likely accommodate you. If you talk money before you meet the girl, you will never get laid for free. If you reach for a condom when you want sex, you will never get BB sex. If you tell her it is okay that she is fucking other guys, she will likely do so.

    If you think that a woman is into you for more than just $, you might be right. If you do not bring up price, maybe she fucks you nothing. If you do not go for a condom, maybe you get BB sex. If you indicate to a woman that you are not okay with her fucking other guys, maybe she is exclusive to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by VanessasClient  [View Original Post]
    I think anyone who expects exclusivity from a prostitute, is the same person who is playing a game of rugby with a hockey stick.
    You are not playing the game. You are conceding defeat.

  9. #6444
    Quote Originally Posted by VanessasClient  [View Original Post]
    I think anyone who expects exclusivity from a prostitute, is the same person who is playing a game of rugby with a hockey stick. A prostitute's number 1 motivation is ALWAYS money; ..

    Thus leaves the question: if more than one customer is willing to pay, then what is the incentive to be exclusive with anyone? She is trying to make as much money as possible; she's not trying to reduce her income potential by staying with only 1 guy.

    Sex worker / client relations are held together by money....sugar daddy is not living with the woman long term, and would never have the time to observe all of her movements to verify that she was not "cheating. " And even if so, the only thing the daddy could do to enforce it is cut off the money supply. Since the woman can always find another daddy who has money, then she has no fear of punishment, and therefore all the reason not to be exclusive.
    I have a Sugar Baby who was a strip / pole dancer when younger. I met her on Seeking, about 5 years ago. She has code words she uses, says she is going to an "Antique Auction" when she travels to other cities looking for new Johns and an "Antique Sale" and is looking for "Antiques". Its pretty clear to me that she is doing multiple older guys, she enjoys the sex more than I do. And is very talented at it!!

  10. #6443
    Quote Originally Posted by Midwestern  [View Original Post]
    Totally agree with you. I don't expect exclusivity from an SB whatsoever.

    This is someone who I met about seven years ago. She worked a regular job and I tried to turn her into an SB and she was disgusted at my suggestion and deleted my contact, but after years of persistence, and eventually due to her poor economic situation, a couple of years ago she finally agreed to be my SB. It was going well, though she hated herself for being a SB, she was great in the sack. But meanwhile, since she was 26, her parents were pressuring her to get married and they found someone for her. She was devastated, but she finally did what her parents asked and we were suddenly done.
    I think anyone who expects exclusivity from a prostitute, is the same person who is playing a game of rugby with a hockey stick. A prostitute's number 1 motivation is ALWAYS money; that's why she is working that particular job. If her most important motive was sexual gratification, fame from being a well known porn star, or revenge against a lover / ex lover, then she could have sex with as many guys as possible for free; without bringing money into the equation. Sure, she can have secondary motives, but by very definition, money will ALWAYS surpass all other motives.

    Thus leaves the question: if more than one customer is willing to pay, then what is the incentive to be exclusive with anyone? She is trying to make as much money as possible; she's not trying to reduce her income potential by staying with only 1 guy. Why would a drug dealer only sell his goods to the richest guy in town, when the 2nd richest guy in town still has more than enough money to pay $100 for a gram of cocaine? You really think the dealer is going to approach the richest guy and say "All right, I'm raising your price to $130 a gram, because I know the 2nd richest man in town can't afford that. And to top it all off, I'll make only $130 a day by selling to 1 person, instead of $200 by selling to 2 people!"

    People who think like that are playing the wrong game. Sex worker / client relations are held together by money. The divorce rate in the USA is about 50%. If love cannot ensure exclusivity, then why would a business woman who never took the vow of "till death do us part" even consider a concept like that? No matter how much money is offered, chances are the sugar daddy is not living with the woman long term, and would never have the time to observe all of her movements to verify that she was not "cheating. " And even if so, the only thing the daddy could do to enforce it is cut off the money supply. Since the woman can always find another daddy who has money, then she has no fear of punishment, and therefore all the reason not to be exclusive.

  11. #6442


    Quote Originally Posted by DwayneJohnson  [View Original Post]
    Good to know you are leaving white girls for rest of us.
    I know that's right LMAO! I want that "paste" with a bright pink butt hole between those alabaster cheeks hahahaha! Anyone have a lot of experience using Seeking in Germany? I plan to go there later this year and would like to have more opportunities for sex with attractive German girls. I love the FKKs and the Romies, but really want more of the "indigenous" German arsch as well. Come on somebody has to know something about Seeking in Germany! Do tell.

  12. #6441
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve9696  [View Original Post]
    M. Brasilian living in Rio. Met two years ago now. Flew her to So Paulo for three days, Barcelona for five, and then spent three days in Rio together.

    L. Mexican living in Dallas. Met in April. Flew her to Las Vegas in May.

    T. Mixed race girl living in Milan. Met in Milan. Spent time together in Rome. Flew her to Prague for 5 days. .
    To some it's taking sand to beach and to some it's Epsteinesque elite lifestyle of trafficking for a weekend. YMMV, good to know you are leaving white girls for rest of us.

  13. #6440

    Seeking is Soooo Good

    Afraid this may come off as bragging but that is not the intent. Rather, I want to express how grateful I am for true Seeking GFE and tell any guy here it's completely possible to do as well as I did this past year if you put in the time, find the gems, and treat them like GFs. The below are the major relationships I had last year and doesn't count the myriad of one or two day affairs.

    Wound it down with my mistress and she moved out. Damn that was painful. Still love that girl but it was not meant to be.

    Picked up a new home girl who was often DTF but frustrated by my I consistency due to travel and me distracted by her not being a big BJ girl. So it was great for several months but always on the prowl.

    Found a new home girl and trained her up. Still going strong whenever I'm in town.

    On the travel front I had three long term home runs:

    M. Brasilian living in Rio. Met two years ago now. Flew her to So Paulo for three days, Barcelona for five, and then spent three days in Rio together. Total GFE and affection. Still a thing.

    L. Mexican living in Dallas. Met in April. Flew her to Las Vegas in May. Spent time in Dallas in the fall. Dancing Queen. We dance for hours. Still a thing.

    T. Mixed race girl living in Milan. Met in Milan. Spent time together in Rome. Flew her to Prague for 5 days. In the wind.

    There were tons of other girls and clubs. But to think I could find three girls that I want to spend days at a time with is just stunning. Plus my home girl! It was a banner year. Thank you Seeking. And my undying thanks to the girls I e shared time with.

    PS for the guys about to say it’s much easier with dark and mixed race girls I will simply say Yep. 100% true. Thankfully I have no interest in pasty white girls. Latinas. Jungle Asians. Mixed. Black. That’s my thing and happy Seeking slants my way.

  14. #6439
    Quote Originally Posted by Josh44  [View Original Post]
    I find older men to be more gullible when it should be younger men that are less experienced. don't fall in love.
    Seeing as you are so far from naive, Josh, do you think your not falling in love with seeking women is the quality you have experienced is sub par or do you think it is because of your amazing self control?

    The exclusivity I was talking about was not some random hooker but a woman a guy sees on a regular basis. If there is a dip in her performance, there is a pretty good chance that she has another guy she has started fucking and whatever price you agreed on, you are getting less for your money.

    And yes, when you meet some women, they will fuck just as many guys as before they met you no matter what they say. Some already planned on fucking just you, but there are some women, a lot in fact, that are on the fence and what keeps them from fucking other men is they are putting at risk the reward that you are giving them.

    So the goal is not exclusivity or honesty or love but continued great sexual performance. So when you are banging the head cheerleader on a regular basis and she is thinking about getting back with the QB, she hesitates a little because of the expected exclusivity with you. You know what it is like banging the head cheerleader after she saw the QB for a late night fuckathon? You know what I mean by that dip in desire and performance right Josh?

    Or is the sex you are having with seeking women so fucking amazing it never takes a dip? Yeah, I bet that is it.

  15. #6438
    Exclusivity on Seeking that's funny, they probably also believe when a woman tells them they have a brand they work on or they donate their money to animals in need. I find older men to be more gullible when it should be younger men that are less experienced. Yes there are some wonderful women on Seeking, but you should always expect them to say what you want to hear. Stay smart, don't fall in love, and have a great time.

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