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Thread: Rants, Raves and stupid shit in Bombay

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  1. #783
    Hi Undertake Bro.

    Your inbox is full. Trying to get in touch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Undertake  [View Original Post]
    Well said buddy, Jooeey can't even answer your questions for the next 70 years I guess. He is a joke in not just Mumbai but Delhi also. He came to Delhi and just shagged in his pants without any mongering!

  2. #782
    Quote Originally Posted by FckMyWife  [View Original Post]
    You are an ordinary member without DM facility then who gave you her contacts? And does someone who did not pass her contacts be a pimp?

    Please direct your ire to whoever gave you her contacts.

    She comes and starts an argument at the reception yet you take her to your room, order vodka, coke, chicken tandoori, fuck her twice? You had the option of giving her conveyance and sending her home from the reception itself.

    I am not supporting that female but pointing out at your fake story.
    I do have a working PM facility. And your cover is blown, so its pointless talking to you. Its your business do as you feel like. Who told you I fucked her twice. She is not even worth touching and you are talking about fucking her. The photos are also fake, right? Only the person who was convincing others to take her, and was sharing her early twenties photos (BTW she is 45-46 now) is right, everyone else is fake.

    I do not want to engage in any further arguments with you. Not worth it.

  3. #781


    Quote Originally Posted by Tughlaq  [View Original Post]
    LOL If the FR is written in Mumbai forum, then the girl must be from Mumbai only. On the other hand, I don't see any FR in your 500 odd posts. Instead of preaching others, why don't you write few FRs to show your own credibility LOLA!
    Most of your posts deleted by Admins for pointless unproductive dramas?

  4. #780

    No bro

    Quote Originally Posted by Punkaj  [View Original Post]
    Hello bro, did you get mallu he contact?
    No bro. It seems that mallu lady was some imaginary woman for guys to just vomit here.

  5. #779

    Muslim divorcee

    Quote Originally Posted by BountyHunter23  [View Original Post]
    1) If a WG is screaming, falling down from bed, spilling foods and drinks on the bed, and is highly intoxicated, what do you do? Keep her in the same room and continue the night? Call the cop on her? Or you just wished that she was not there. You obviously request her with your folded hands to leave. So booked an uber for her.

    2) I met her in Mumbai. Andheri East, Sahar Road.

    3) Could you please mention the beans spilled by my "friend"?

    To the members of Mumbai forum.

    Your forum has been overtaken by the pimps. They unnecessarily target genuine FR's with photo evidence. They are trying to defend this WG I don't know why. I had a bad experience and I shared that with the members so that no one else falls prey to these lying pimps.

    I do not understand this member's argument and his side on the matter. Why is he so concerned and trying to prove me wrong?.
    You are an ordinary member without DM facility then who gave you her contacts? And does someone who did not pass her contacts be a pimp?

    Please direct your ire to whoever gave you her contacts.

    She comes and starts an argument at the reception yet you take her to your room, order vodka, coke, chicken tandoori, fuck her twice? You had the option of giving her conveyance and sending her home from the reception itself.

    I am not supporting that female but pointing out at your fake story.

  6. #778

    LOL Fake preacher

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheWings  [View Original Post]
    After all that unpleasant happenings you fixed a Cab for her so that she reaches home inviting no more trouble. And by the way, you met her in Mumbai or Pune (as claimed by one of the VFM gang member). And dear boy, your friend just spilled the beans in excitement while writing the story. And got exposed. How long will this continue. ?
    LOL If the FR is written in Mumbai forum, then the girl must be from Mumbai only. On the other hand, I don't see any FR in your 500 odd posts. Instead of preaching others, why don't you write few FRs to show your own credibility LOLA!

  7. #777
    Quote Originally Posted by FckMyWife  [View Original Post]
    I have actually shared her digits with almost 40 people here. Most have asked her about pics, nudes, breast pics etc and would call and talk, none of them met. So she has instructed me not to give her no.

    To anyone here and so I have stopped giving.

    In your case if your genuine then do PM me your no with specific time you can pick up and I will tell her to call & discuss. Thanks.
    Just see the amount of devotion put into for the forum members. He is even ready to fix a callback.

    Disappointed because 40 people took her number and nobody met her. And communicating the same with a WG, means she is informed about this forum too.

    Mumbai people please decide.

  8. #776
    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheWings  [View Original Post]
    After all that unpleasant happenings you fixed a Cab for her so that she reaches home inviting no more trouble. And by the way, you met her in Mumbai or Pune (as claimed by one of the VFM gang member). And dear boy, your friend just spilled the beans in excitement while writing the story. And got exposed. How long will this continue. ?
    1) If a WG is screaming, falling down from bed, spilling foods and drinks on the bed, and is highly intoxicated, what do you do? Keep her in the same room and continue the night? Call the cop on her? Or you just wished that she was not there. You obviously request her with your folded hands to leave. So booked an uber for her.

    2) I met her in Mumbai. Andheri East, Sahar Road.

    3) Could you please mention the beans spilled by my "friend"?

    To the members of Mumbai forum.

    Your forum has been overtaken by the pimps. They unnecessarily target genuine FR's with photo evidence. They are trying to defend this WG I don't know why. I had a bad experience and I shared that with the members so that no one else falls prey to these lying pimps.

    I do not understand this member's argument and his side on the matter. Why is he so concerned and trying to prove me wrong?

    Guys, please be careful of these guys.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_7537.jpg‎  

  9. #775
    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  10. #774
    [Deleted by Admin]

  11. #773
    [Deleted by Admin]
    Last edited by Admin3; 07-23-24 at 00:35.

  12. #772
    [Deleted by Admin]
    Last edited by Admin3; 07-23-24 at 00:35.

  13. #771
    [Deleted by Admin]
    Last edited by Admin3; 07-23-24 at 00:34.

  14. #770
    [Deleted by Admin]
    Last edited by Admin3; 07-23-24 at 00:34.

  15. #769
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    Last edited by Admin3; 07-23-24 at 00:33.

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