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Thread: Europe general discussion.

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This blog is moderated by Hargow20
  1. #8

    Hopefully They Do Not take the Crap Vax

    Quote Originally Posted by Hargow20  [View Original Post]
    Covid is spreading again in Europe. In Germany of 10% of 15 million of the unvaccinated have had their first shot. Let's hope that vaccination rises dramatically for their sake and ours.
    So Many People's lives destroyed by the crap vax -- So many Murdered by bigPharma-.

  2. #7
    Best places to find cheap or reasonably priced BJ's. I am thinking Belium, Berlin, Frankfurt. Warsaw and Prague. Greece seems good but to out of the way.

  3. #6

    Best cities for finding good streetwalkers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hargow20  [View Original Post]
    Best cities for finding good?
    Best cities for finding good streetwalkers?

  4. #5

    Best cities for finding good?

    Best cities for finding good?

  5. #4

    Covid & lockdon

    Covid is spreading again in Europe. In Germany of 10% of 15 million of the unvaccinated have had their first shot. Let's hope that vaccination rises dramatically for their sake and ours.

  6. #3
    Yes that is one of the places I intend visit. Going to spend roughly 3 weeks in Europe and hit the major hooker places that have reasonably priced girls. Will spend a few days in Athens and then head to Rome, then head to Madrid & La possibly. From there will spend time Berlin, Brussels & then Paris, T. Hen head to Prague & Warsaw. Head home after this. I may change my schedule depending on hot & reasonably priced the girls are.

    Quote Originally Posted by CenTexCrash  [View Original Post]
    Sorry if I sound biased on this forum, but if you're down for the poor man's Amsterdam of a bender of quickies with none of the hoops, you should totally incorporate Filis Street in Athens GR to any Euro monger tour.

  7. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Hargow20  [View Original Post]
    I hoping that the lock downs end in Europe by fall. I planning a trip to Europe and intend to most of the major cities for good SW's & reasonably priced hookers. My trip plan so far is to visit Brussels and then Berlin. From there to Berlin & then to Madrid & Al Jonquera.
    Sorry if I sound biased on this forum, but if you're down for the poor man's Amsterdam of a bender of quickies with none of the hoops, you should totally incorporate Filis Street in Athens GR to any Euro monger tour.

  8. #1

    Europe general discussion.

    I hoping that the lock downs end in Europe by fall. I planning a trip to Europe and intend to most of the major cities for good SW's & reasonably priced hookers. My trip plan so far is to visit Brussels and then Berlin. From there to Berlin & then to Madrid & Al Jonquera.

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