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Thread: Nuevo Laredo

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  1. #3689
    Quote Originally Posted by CenTexCrash  [View Original Post]
    Traveling to Mexico City in years past flying out of NLD airport was somewhat of a hassle and raised unwanted attention. It was easier (in my silly head) to take a bus to Monterrey and fly out of MTY to get to Mexico City.

    In year's past, flying out involves negotiating with a cab to get from Centro to the aeropuerto, then to enter the terminal you have to show Migracion staffer your FMM card and they make up lame excuses why your card might not be valid and have to pay fine / fees whatever.

    Then in years past heading back to NLD at arrival / baggage the same Migracion staffer collects your FMM card. Then the fun of ordering a taxi at taxi stand.

    After much math, $35 bus ride each way to from Monterrey, another $10 bus from Monterrey's center to their airport, plus sometimes a hotel $25-40 night, plus nothing fun to do in Monterrey, just added up and decided next trip to CDMX to cut out Monterrey as getting less and less relevant. Worst case if they charge me the $43 FMM then damnit it is what it is.

    Present day: Fill out FMM online, print out keep with me. Allegedly need to get this stamped at Nuevo aduana but took my chances. Nuevo now served by Uber knockoff DiDi easy ride from Centro to NLD airport. At airport just showed US passport and Viva boarding pass, no Migracion agent hassling me, made my flight.

    Returning: Plane landed, expected a Migracion agent there to demand an approved FMM card I didn't have and fine me heavily. Nope. Walked into baggage area, no agents messing with us, I walked out of airport no further questions. The DiDi app gives hassles about picking up directly at airport so just walk 5 minutes to edge of highway and order ride and a group of bored DiDi drivers who know the arriving flight schedule will pick you up in 30 seconds.

    Entire trip was never asked to show my FMM printout. I know I'm only 1 for 1 but this seems way more sensible than utilizing Monterrey as a fifth wheel, cut out the 5th wheel and go direct to Mexico City.
    I am in MTY now and I also was figuring out how much I am spending; it is way more than what I spend in CDMX. I have so much fun in CDMX. Monterrey is getting crazy expensive, honestly it is just not worth anymore and Monterrey gets boring fast.

    I love CDMX, the food and girls are the best.

  2. #3688


    I have never been asked for my FFM when the flight is completely in country. A month ago I walked across in Laredo and didn't get the FFM. Flew MTY to OAX and they never asked for it at either airport. Returning, I flew out of Oaxaca to Dallas, and I didn't offer it, and they didn't ask. That was just plain luck. The attendant was a young guy and long line behind me. So, my passport has an exit stamp but no entry for that trip. Several years ago I was flying out MEX to DFW and didn't have for the same reason. They asked for it and I had to go to an office where they filled one out and charged me. I can't remember if it was the regular rate ($36?) or a little more.

    Now that Viva is flying out of Nuevo Laredo I may have to rethink flying out of there to DF. I did it once years ago on AreoMexico. It was expensive but not unreasonable.

  3. #3687


    Quote Originally Posted by CenTexCrash  [View Original Post]
    Entire trip was never asked to show my FMM printout. I know I'm only 1 for 1 but this seems way more sensible than utilizing Monterrey as a fifth wheel, cut out the 5th wheel and go direct to Mexico City.
    I don't recall others mentioning how strict they are about the FFM in MTY. Your story on how easy it is just going out of NLD has been my experience when flying out of TIJ and never asked for FFM when arriving anywhere in MX.

    I wonder if your problem was due to COVID restrictions or had you traveled with this issue before 2020?

    The DIDI / Uber issue happens at every airport I go to. Last year they were supposed to be allowing them in airports but it hasn't materialized yet from what I read on this board.

  4. #3686

    Infiltrating into Mexico City, updated for 2025

    Traveling to Mexico City in years past flying out of NLD airport was somewhat of a hassle and raised unwanted attention. It was easier (in my silly head) to take a bus to Monterrey and fly out of MTY to get to Mexico City.

    In year's past, flying out involves negotiating with a cab to get from Centro to the aeropuerto, then to enter the terminal you have to show Migracion staffer your FMM card and they make up lame excuses why your card might not be valid and have to pay fine / fees whatever.

    Then in years past heading back to NLD at arrival / baggage the same Migracion staffer collects your FMM card. Then the fun of ordering a taxi at taxi stand.

    After much math, $35 bus ride each way to from Monterrey, another $10 bus from Monterrey's center to their airport, plus sometimes a hotel $25-40 night, plus nothing fun to do in Monterrey, just added up and decided next trip to CDMX to cut out Monterrey as getting less and less relevant. Worst case if they charge me the $43 FMM then damnit it is what it is.

    Present day: Fill out FMM online, print out keep with me. Allegedly need to get this stamped at Nuevo aduana but took my chances. Nuevo now served by Uber knockoff DiDi easy ride from Centro to NLD airport. At airport just showed US passport and Viva boarding pass, no Migracion agent hassling me, made my flight.

    Returning: Plane landed, expected a Migracion agent there to demand an approved FMM card I didn't have and fine me heavily. Nope. Walked into baggage area, no agents messing with us, I walked out of airport no further questions. The DiDi app gives hassles about picking up directly at airport so just walk 5 minutes to edge of highway and order ride and a group of bored DiDi drivers who know the arriving flight schedule will pick you up in 30 seconds.

    Entire trip was never asked to show my FMM printout. I know I'm only 1 for 1 but this seems way more sensible than utilizing Monterrey as a fifth wheel, cut out the 5th wheel and go direct to Mexico City.

  5. #3685
    Thanks for asking around BBond. Just sad state of affairs. Oh for the good ole days. I'm glad I still have some contacts.

  6. #3684
    Quote Originally Posted by Bbond  [View Original Post]
    I have not heard anything to support that thought, but I have seen a few more working back streets than usual, I wll ask some I know what is up with that. Last I heard, working streets after dark is strictly prohibited.
    Ok, so I asked a couple girls I know that used to work streets, they both say no, not allowed. There will always be exceptions of course, girls that have connections, and know when it is safe and when it isn't.

  7. #3683
    Quote Originally Posted by Motcar  [View Original Post]
    Any outside chance that the powers that be will let the girls work the bars in centro to make a little Christmas cash? Bbond you heard anything regarding this? One can only hope.
    I have not heard anything to support that thought, but I have seen a few more working back streets than usual, I wll ask some I know what is up with that. Last I heard, working streets after dark is strictly prohibited.

  8. #3682

    Centro bars NL

    Any outside chance that the powers that be will let the girls work the bars in centro to make a little Christmas cash? Bbond you heard anything regarding this? One can only hope.

  9. #3681
    Quote Originally Posted by RikyMichaels7  [View Original Post]

    Hope you are doing well. I heard that the Blue Fox bar is open again. Right across from Hotel Fiesta. Can you confirm this? I used to know the owner pretty well unitil she moved to Shamrock over in the zona.
    Well, it is open but it is not Blue Fox any longer, it's now called Coqueta, I have no idea who runs it. Also, Shamrock in the zona has, for some time now, added a a letter to it's name, it is now Shambrock, and that too, I have no idea who runs it now.

  10. #3680

    Blue Fox


    Hope you are doing well. I heard that the Blue Fox bar is open again. Right across from Hotel Fiesta. Can you confirm this? I used to know the owner pretty well unitil she moved to Shamrock over in the zona.

  11. #3679
    Quote Originally Posted by RikyMichaels7  [View Original Post]

    How are things in NL? My friend and I are thinking about coming down tomorrow and going to BT. Any recommendations on whether or not to come down from a safety perspective? Thanks.
    I saw this a bit late, so maybe you made the trip already. You should have no problems in BT, as awful as it is though, it's not really worth the ride out there. Not a lot of places to go nor things to see. NL pretty dead in a mongering sense, all over these days. No where near what it once was.

  12. #3678

    Coming to Nuevo Laredo


    How are things in NL? My friend and I are thinking about coming down tomorrow and going to BT. Any recommendations on whether or not to come down from a safety perspective? Thanks.

  13. #3677
    Quote Originally Posted by CocrBrotheler  [View Original Post]
    Yeah that is what I mentioned in my original post. Is this limited to and. L. Or Tamps state across the board?

    If anyone visits other Tamps cities (Matamoros, Progreso, Reynosa etc.) and you see it for open sale please can let me know?

    They replicating USA Control drug 'controls' for valid use yet they letting all the fentanyl in. WTF?
    The restriction is country wide. The illegal purchase my lead to conterfiet or fake medications.

    That said, check your PMs.

  14. #3676
    Quote Originally Posted by Bbond  [View Original Post]
    It is now a controlled drug, not as easiy available as it once was.
    Yeah that is what I mentioned in my original post. Is this limited to and. L. Or Tamps state across the board?

    If anyone visits other Tamps cities (Matamoros, Progreso, Reynosa etc.) and you see it for open sale please can let me know?

    They replicating USA Control drug 'controls' for valid use yet they letting all the fentanyl in. WTF?

  15. #3675


    Quote Originally Posted by CocrBrotheler  [View Original Post]
    I might try Progreso next, they sold it in every pharmacy in summer 2020 when I drove down to Padre for 4 nights stay during the pandemic.
    It is now a controlled drug, not as easiy available as it once was.

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