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Thread: Rants and stupid shit in Dominican Republic

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  1. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    My world is a happy place.
    I am happy for you. In that sense we are very similar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    But I am not into CosPlay like you are? LOL!

    I am at peace with myself and all others

  2. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    You got a problem with me? Take your best shot. But do it in the right thread.

    Personally I am glad I do not live in your world seems like a dismal place.

    My shots are neither cheap or free. They are all very expensive because I use my very valuable time and mental energy writing these elegant works of prose.


    Because sometimes bitches like you and Coolie High just need to be slapped
    My world is a happy place. You sound like one of those Sosua bitches, that screams on the street at 2 am.



  3. #127
    This is quite rich coming from a punk ass ***** who is afraid to come out from behind his computer and back up his strong words in IRL.


    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    Nah, Your just an anonymous internet ranter, who gone batshit crazy!

    A typewriting pussy!



  4. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    You got a problem with me? Take your best shot. But do it in the right thread.

    Personally I am glad I do not live in your world seems like a dismal place.

    My shots are neither cheap or free. They are all very expensive because I use my very valuable time and mental energy writing these elegant works of prose.


    Because sometimes bitches like you and Coolie High just need to be slapped
    Nah, Your just an anonymous internet ranter, who gone batshit crazy!

    A typewriting pussy!



  5. #125

    The Cmdr has something to say to King Oakiedoke

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    But you continue to take cheap shots at me by name, and inference.
    You got a problem with me? Take your best shot. But do it in the right thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]

    You must either be on some seriously strong stuff, or there is somebody using your handle, over in the Rant Thread, to write a 5 PART long winded essay, , personally insulting and attacking one of the nicest guys I've met in Sosua. He's very popular with the guys, the chicas and and the hotel and bar staff. I'm asked about him all the time, When's he coming back down?

    In my world, you don't throw shit like that around, and not expect flame wars.
    Personally I am glad I do not live in your world seems like a dismal place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    You can take all the shots you want, but in my world, you don't get free shots!
    My shots are neither cheap or free. They are all very expensive because I use my very valuable time and mental energy writing these elegant works of prose.


    Because sometimes bitches like you and Coolie High just need to be slapped

  6. #124
    King Oakiedoke has gone on the offense:

    I don't misrepresent anything. I disagree with you. On almost everything. But those are differences of opinion. For whatever reason (I am sure you have them) that bothers you. Well I don't give a fuck. Most posters to Sosua Reports are not in Sousa. You are and instead of posting fuck reports you choose to play fuck fuck games with me online. Your time, your money, your dick, your choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    I'd respectfully request our Man in the Arena use the English quotation protocol when posting. As in putting quotation marks around other's direct quotes, and not incorporating their comments as your own, as in your post above. It confuses and actually misrepresents who said what to who. I wouldn't mention it but it is not the first time you have done that recently. Thanks!
    I would request that The King of Sosua learn to properly use the quote function of that is provided by ISG. You are a master of putting your own spin on the worlds of others without using the quotes.

    Exhibit 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    I don't see any useful mongering information there, LOL.

    One other thing, there was an inference, related to me by PM, that my reference about a poster going over to the "dark side" might be meant as racism.

    The folks I have in my immediate circle in Sosua are all dark skinned, my best buddy there is an expat black American, and if I'm prejudiced at all it's against the miserable, jaded, old white mongers, who sit around the place complaining about everything, but never leave!

    Maybe you remember this one, from just last month?

    "Great post. Good big picture perspective on the issues in Sosua".

    So what changed, Subby? Maybe I don't frequent your own special forum? LOL.
    Yes, it is all there for everyone to see.

    Exhibit 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    Originally Posted by SubCmdr.

    "Where I am at right now, it is mother fucking hot. Hot as fuck. Real close to Vietnam. You remember that opening to Good Morning Vietnam. The stuff the radio personality said about the heat in the region is true. Took a month or two but now I am used to it!

    Thank you for your service! LOL.
    You didn't use the quote function in order to quote me. You did that so that people do not actually know what I wrote. LOL!

    Lastly I never plagiarized anything that you wrote. Most of my posts about Sosua were from personal experiences in Sosua. You can find quite a few of them in the "basement" that is the User Blog Section. In the ISG world it's ancient history. I usually avoid the Sosua Reports but you want to call names and play fuck fuck games on line instead of fucking and writing about it even after you challenge me about doing the same shit. You are a hypocrite. Not a cheap shot. My opinion.

  7. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    See this. See how full of bullshit you are.

    It was meant well. LOL.

    But you continue to take cheap shots at me by name, and inference.

    You can take all the shots you want, but in my world, you don't get free shots!


  8. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    See this. See how full of bullshit you are.

    I'd respectfully request our Man in the Arena use the English quotation protocol when posting.

    As in putting quotation marks around other's direct quotes, and not incorporating their comments as your own, as in your post above.

    It confuses and actually misrepresents who said what to who.

    I wouldn't mention it but it is not the first time you have done that recently.


  9. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    Anyway I really do wish him well!, and he'll get no more arguments from me.
    See this. See how full of bullshit you are.


    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    Originally Posted by SubCmdr.

    "Where I am at right now, it is mother fucking hot. Hot as fuck. Real close to Vietnam. You remember that opening to Good Morning Vietnam. The stuff the radio personality said about the heat in the region is true. Took a month or two but now I am used to it!

    Thank you for your service! LOL.

  10. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Since I share useable intelligence and it is about what I am doing. Of course I refer my own activities. I am not critical of the activities of others.

    I do not really like Puerto Plata. Visited the place on my first trip to Sosua in 2016 and didn't like it then. Still don't like it now.
    Sosua and puerto plata and blackbeards is good for rookie and new P4 P people starting out for the first time. As you advance through your travels, you realize that there's way better places to go.

  11. #119

    A rant directed at Coolie High: Part 5

    Part 5

    I am tired of the all the so called OG vets of the Dominican Republic. You are all full of yourselves. Intensely critical of everyone. Most do not file reports that have any useful intelligence anymore. You all:

    talk a lot of shit and practice what you preach - Little Wayne.

    I did a 10 year stint in the Dominican Republic Everyday with "boots on the ground". Not flying in and flying out. Collie High you addressed your post to the wrong person. You stepped into the open forum and spoke. I say you spoke out of turn. Over here you do not have the protection of King Oakiedoke. You wanted speak as me. Well here you have it.

    If the idea was to educate me then you failed. If the idea was to educate new people then you should have addressed your post to new people. But you were not trying to help new people. You had an axe to grind with me personally. From the posts you continue to make you still do.

    I have done nothing but treat new people how I would like to have been treated when I was new to the board. You so called OG Vets are still up to your same bullshit 10 years later. Stuck in a mother fucking time warp of past glory days. (Roll Bruce Springsteen).

    I would like to see a place where new people felt that their contributions were valued and welcomed. I am going to tell you the way I felt when I was new and that was those with experience were simply not interested in helping others. They were more interested in calling attention to themselves and patting each other on the back.

    Fuck all you mother fucking wheels down wheels up mother fuckers. That sentence was directed at you Coolie High! How about giving some help to new people that need it, instead of talking down to someone who all ready knows what time is?

    Is your ego so fragile that you cannot handle someone disagreeing with you? Live and let live. Give your advice and keep stepping.

    Be a man in the arena Because the critics, they simply don't count.

    I said it's on by the way, I'm in the zone by the way
    You can call me Mr. SubCmdr by the way
    I did it by the way, I was with it by the way
    I talk it like I did it cause I lived it by the way
    - Young Jezzy.

    My rant is complete LOL!

  12. #118

    The Cmdr sets the record straight

    Since I share useable intelligence and it is about what I am doing. Of course I refer my own activities. I am not critical of the activities of others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cestme  [View Original Post]
    Youre welcome, SubCmdr! I have learned from DR veterans in this hobby. Keen, thoughtful observers like you.
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    I said it's on by the way, I'm in the zone by the way
    And you can call me Mr. SubCmdr by the way
    I did it by the way, I was with it by the way
    I talk it like I did it 'cause I lived it by the way - Young Jeezy.
    I do not really like Puerto Plata. Visited the place on my first trip to Sosua in 2016 and didn't like it then. Still don't like it now.

  13. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Can we make note that Canada did not officially fight in the Vietnam war? So what would he know about that? Very confused about the reference to Vietnam that has been made by the OP.
    Originally Posted by SubCmdr.

    "Where I am at right now, it is mother fucking hot. Hot as fuck. Real close to Vietnam. You remember that opening to Good Morning Vietnam. The stuff the radio personality said about the heat in the region is true. Took a month or two but now I am used to it!

    Thank you for your service! LOL.

  14. #116

    A rant directed at Coolie High: Part 4

    Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    You and I spent enough time down there to know that 5600 pesos is ALOT of money down there. So when a chick doesn't accept that she can take her, delusional, don't take me to the cheescake factory because I'm worth more then a hundo ass, the fuck away from me.
    Your money, your dick, your time. You starting to see my point here. Your choice to pay less is just as valid as the other persons choice to pay more!

    You made the comment that 5600 DOP is a lot of money

    I would simply suggest that you look up the average amount of money a Dominican household earns then live that way for a month. After you have done that come back and tell me that 5600 DOP in isolation is a lot of money.

    5600 DOP is not a lot of money for me, I am speaking on a relative basis. The Dominican Republic is as expensive as FUCK now. The days of me having a 1500 DOP / week food budget is long gone. Now maybe it is a lot of money for "just one time please" from a prostitute. But that is not what you said. Words have meaning. I suggest you use precise language when you reply to my posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    Because theres plenty of where she come from. And if I notice a grown ass man particularly the 40 and over crowd that doesn't care and doubles down and give the cheescake fatty $200 dollars and be a simp to those stretch mark titties that's fine because life is ultimately about free will BUT he won't be around me and my peoples.
    Who gives a fuck about you and your people? Who gives a fuck about what you think? You think I do? You think other people do? Do you need two seats for your ego when you fly down? Nobody gives a fuck what you think! Especially if they are not even on ISG and do not have access to the knowledge you think they should have.

    There ARE plenty more where she came from. I take no issue with that. But why you so angry? Using the word "simp"? Worried about how another man is using his money and dick? We are all buying pussy mother fucker. The word is TRICK. You paying money for pussy you are TRICKIN.

    Grown men going to do what grown men want to do. All you can do is what I do, give advice on how YOU do things. That is what helped me. People giving advice and showing how they do what they do. Not just talking a bunch of shit about what not to do. Not just talking a bunch of shit about what they think I should do. I make reference to the "Art of the Pussy deal":

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Day 1: I'm in The Sue. Tinder hit. I want (2 leches, two hours oral natural, leche where I want it). She agrees but all covered. I tell her all covered is fine. She wants 4000 DOP short time all covered. Declined. No counteroffer. I wish her success with her activities. She replies that she wants to go with me. And wants to know what I am willing go pay. I counter with 1500 DOP plus a 500 DOP bonus if I am happy with her service. No response from her.

    But if you have just read my post and you do not like it: "I don't give a fuck if you don't like my shit. 'Cause I was high when I wrote this so suck my dick" - Eminen.
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    And afterwards when she takes all his money, and fucks him over gandam style without even kissing him and he cries back to the fellas asking for advice and some taxi money because he now can't afford a ride back to the POP airport to catch his flight as he expects the fellas to have sympathy for his ass, I'll be the first one to say, its your money right. Nevermind our advice. You spent your money exactly how you wanted to spend it.

    Que the DJ Khaled Congrats meme.
    My problem with this statement is you think people should follow your orders. You don't give advice. You give orders to grown men. You are telling people what to do without providing any advice on how to do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    So unless a newbie has an advanced OG monger that can guide him down there, then yeah he should stick to dealing with 1 female at a time. Especially when you're dealing with these new age street chicas. Newbies don't have the instincts and knowledge in being able to pick quality ladies down there yet. They can try the sink or swim philosophy and start swinging for the 3 some but that trial by fire is NO joke as you're swimming in the ocean now not a pool, meaning life can get INSANE really quick and drown your ass while being eaten by sharks if you choose the wrong female let alone pick 2.

    So yeah I highly recommend the traditional crawl before you walk, one chica at a time approach first. Baby steps.
    This post is pure unadulterated bullshit. It's click bate just like on YouTube. The underlined part is the only part that concerns new people. The rest of the post you are simply whooping it up for yourself and others. What a joke. LOL!

    Since we are speaking frankly to each other, you and all other so called vets should go back to giving advice and stop with all the criticism. You all need to stop with the bullshit economics that says if someone over pays it is going to drive market prices up. You need to teach people how to negotiate. Explain to them that they need to have an abundance mentality and share both the mistakes they make and the successes.

    Most of you so called OG Vets write as if you were never new. Most of you don't make any errors ever. None of you never make any mistakes anymore. At least you don't post about it. Come on people. Why projecting that you are perfect and that you expect everyone else to be perfect too. You all need to stop riding your own dicks and each others dicks over the exploits of your glory days. There are chias to do that. You can chat about glory days over whatever beverage is your favorite. This is just my opinion.

    Grown men going to do what grown men are going to do. I have strong and strident opinions. But they are just that, opinions. I am not right about everything. I am NOT using diplomatic language in this post because mother fuckers such as yourself are not listening to anyone but yourself. You are not reading the words that you write. You Coolie High are not moving around the world to gain perspective. Yet, you are comfortable trolling me in the Thailand Country threads and others in various threats around ISG.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    Yea this guy Coolie is just a troll. He was trolling me in the Havana Cuba section and now he is trolling you over here. He's just a hater and a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another and then trying to talk shit to other people as of he is some saint or something.

    Coolie get off your high horse bro, instead of criticizing other people who actually offer informative posts, wouldn't it be more constructive if you invested a little effort into posting some reports from your trips instead of just insulting people on various threads throughout the forum?

    Oh wait I forgot, you still live in mommy's basement eating your doritos and drinking your mountain dew and you're probably some douchebag who has never traveled outside of the US. You just get off on trolling and insulting people who actually have real experience in the mongering world.
    Coolie High, you have been found out. You are a hypocrite. Put down your bag of oreo cookies. Time to step down from your pedestal of OG Vet and return to the real world with the rest of us. I don't need an apology from you. I just need for you to shut the fuck up and keep my handle out your mother fucking posts!

    Get off your own dick mother fucker! While you are at it stop being Oakie's man *****. It is so unbecoming for you.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Oakie  [View Original Post]
    This is a sex theme park, not Viet Nam campaign! Adjust your attitudes accordingly.
    Can we make note that Canada did not officially fight in the Vietnam war? So what would he know about that? Very confused about the reference to Vietnam that has been made by the OP.

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