Thread: Cebu
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01-31-25 22:32 #95
Posts: 36Originally Posted by QuackUp [View Original Post]
But like all places, these places change by the day depending on which girl blows in and how much money she needs. Like anywhere in Ph you just need lots of options.
01-31-25 20:19 #94
Posts: 91Originally Posted by TheCane [View Original Post]
If you want any extras then let her add some pesos to that price.
01-31-25 00:39 #93
Posts: 223Originally Posted by KrumeLurer [View Original Post]
01-30-25 23:52 #92
Posts: 6958Extraordinary
Originally Posted by KrumeLurer [View Original Post]
01-30-25 06:55 #91
Posts: 91I have heard from one guy that he paid 1000-1500 pesos for sex one time and around one hour. I don't get it how sex one time can be 50 us dollars + transport fee in a country where a montly salary for an ordinary job can be 250 usd. But it seems lots of guys on this forum enjoy overpaying. Guys paying 50 usd dollars is paying 20% of a montly salary for sex one time.
01-30-25 04:52 #90
Posts: 539Since I'm not an online type of guys I knew it would a challenge here in Cebu. Stayed at the Holiday Inn Cebu Cty and it's a very nice and pretty new hotel near the Ayala mall. I read the Ayala mall was a good place to hook up but the times we were there I only saw two working there. What I did notice, it seem the mall was a good place to meet an online hookup. There were at least three girls who looked pretty good on the area called the terrace. I wasn't sure if they were working since they were just standing around but not trying to engage anyone. I was about to talk to one but as soon as I got up, an older man approached her and I see her nod like yes I'm her and off they went. Now not 100% it was an online hookup but if they knew each other from before I'm sure they would have at the minimal give each other a hug. This scene played out with the other two girls. I guess I need to learn the online routine because the girls looked very good.
Just an aside, it took us over an hour to go from the airport to the hotel because of the traffic. Because of that we didn't go to any of the clubs on G / M. Going back to the airport only took 25 minutes with no traffic. Sorry to disappoint with this report but if you are good with the online game, I think you would be golden. Just my opinion.
12-08-24 09:13 #89
Posts: 8Originally Posted by JackLad100 [View Original Post]
11-28-24 04:55 #88
Posts: 26Price Update
Hey just returned after three weeks in Cebu City.
I was staying in the Ayala centre as far as paid girls go.
Was very easy on WeChat, - Discover. - People Nearby (feature).
Staying the night the price was about 4000 to 5000 peso.
Maybe video chat, as there are ladyboys on the platform, as well.
11-24-24 00:53 #87
Posts: 5Originally Posted by Alexandra2525 [View Original Post]
11-23-24 11:57 #86
Posts: 167Originally Posted by VonPlyr [View Original Post]
11-23-24 11:13 #85
Posts: 5Originally Posted by RawhHigh [View Original Post]
As far as safety, just use common sense. Maybe meet at a coffee shop or restaurant first and get her vibes before inviting her to your hotel. If she tries to get you to go somewhere strange, that would be a red flag.
11-23-24 04:30 #84
Posts: 9Samo samo
Originally Posted by RawhHigh [View Original Post]
11-23-24 00:08 #83
Posts: 5Barfine girl to resort in mactan?
Hi. Has anyone bar fined a girl in Mango Ave or East Paris and taken her to a resort in Mactan like Crimson or Shang? Is it too far for a girl to go for a 1-2 hour stay? Are those resorts okay with you discreetly taking a girl there?
I know the recommendation is probably to just use an app, but I'm Filipino and I think it's harder to find working girls for pinoys versus white guys. I tried Pina love and didn't have much luck.
11-09-24 07:11 #82
Posts: 8How to practice precautions in Cebu?
So thru a dating app a Cebu girl reached out and we are friends where she would send naked pics and videos for a small "tip" so that I help her with a nice meal etc. We weren't planning on meeting anytime soon because of the distance until now I might just have an chance for a quick stopover.
It's definitely going to be an exchange. I'm curious what is the right amount for a short stay and what kind of precaution should I gear myself for? The spam seems to be very common here and I don't want to lose an arm / leg over some a very nice habit.
10-20-24 15:10 #81
Posts: 343Originally Posted by Apprenticed [View Original Post]