This blog is moderated by EverythingThai
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 Posts: 16922
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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If I post "go right" you will tell the guys to go "left". I'm beginning to think your sole purpose on the forum it to disagree.
No. It is just that we have different experiences with things. When I see something where my experience is different then I comment on it.
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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Thai girls are air heads you say? But they are smarter than Pinays. To me an air head means they are stupid.
Thai chicks are on the whole pretty smart. They are Einsteins next to Filipinas. Since his post was discussing Thai Friendly and Pinay Love I decided to generalize my overall experience, while you only commented on the "seeking age" category of Thai Friendly.
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 Posts: 765
 Originally Posted by MrEnternational
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I beg to differ. It is more to do with them being airheads than being lazy. Thai chicks are much smarter than Pinay. You know how many Philipinas put a location in their profile that is not where they live? And it is not done because they are lazy. The times I have asked, they said they did it because if they had put where they live then nobody would chat to them.
I told them that is a dumb thing to do. If I am going to London and looking for someone to meet in London, why the fuck would you put that you live in London if you actually live in Paris? That is how I learned to question in what part of the city they have listed that they live in. Then the truth will come out.
I call the Dominican Republic the Philippines of that side of the world. I swear they are a mirror image. There was a chick I was talking to online. When I arrived in Santo Domingo I was on the way to see her, so I told her to send the location. Man that chick was in the Northern part of the country 3 hours away, not where she had listed on her profile. I said fuck that.
To me you are wasting your time by reading the profiles. It is best to dig in and get the story from the horse's mouth. I will also say that many girls have friends that do their profiles for them, writing what they think they should or want to write.
If I post "go right" you will tell the guys to go "left". I'm beginning to think your sole purpose on the forum it to disagree.
Thai girls are air heads you say? But they are smarter than Pinays. To me an air head means they are stupid. But I will tell you when I asked every Thai girl that told me they wanted a guy under 30 and I asked why didn't you adjust your profile setting to show that, the answer I got was "lazy to do".
End of story.
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 Posts: 16922
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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I think your tip is good, especially for the Philippines. For the Thai girls that have been in the TF game for a while, it's a good tip. However, most Thai girls are not that good and they will just leave the age setting on default and won't bother with it. It is actually more to do with laziness than anything else.
I beg to differ. It is more to do with them being airheads than being lazy. Thai chicks are much smarter than Pinay. You know how many Philipinas put a location in their profile that is not where they live? And it is not done because they are lazy. The times I have asked, they said they did it because if they had put where they live then nobody would chat to them.
I told them that is a dumb thing to do. If I am going to London and looking for someone to meet in London, why the fuck would you put that you live in London if you actually live in Paris? That is how I learned to question in what part of the city they have listed that they live in. Then the truth will come out.
I call the Dominican Republic the Philippines of that side of the world. I swear they are a mirror image. There was a chick I was talking to online. When I arrived in Santo Domingo I was on the way to see her, so I told her to send the location. Man that chick was in the Northern part of the country 3 hours away, not where she had listed on her profile. I said fuck that.
To me you are wasting your time by reading the profiles. It is best to dig in and get the story from the horse's mouth. I will also say that many girls have friends that do their profiles for them, writing what they think they should or want to write.
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 Posts: 765
 Originally Posted by MrHappyKat
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Whether you are using TF in Thailand or PinaLove in the Philippines, here's a simple tip for newbies trying to sort through dozens of profiles quickly. This is NOT a rule, just a guide.
Look at her profile data, specifically the age range of men she wants to meet:
If she leaves it open, say 18 to 99, she's looking for P4 P now.
If she sets a narrow range, say 25-40, she's probably looking for (or maybe just HOPING for) a LTR, either paid or not paid. That does not mean she won't meet you for a date and / or P4 P. But you may need to invest more time and money to get there.
From what I can see, think of paring these app and their relevant communications apps like this:
PinaLove + WhatsApp (all of the FL's I met while in Angeles City used WA).
ThaiFriendly + Line (all of the posts I have seen about Thailand FL's refer to using Line).
In either case, don't miss the key advice of this and other groups: If interested, move the conversation to the comms apps before you discuss any specific requirements or prices. Engaging in any P4 P discussion on the "dating" apps can lead to problems.
I think your tip is good, especially for the Philippines. For the Thai girls that have been in the TF game for a while, it's a good tip. However, most Thai girls are not that good and they will just leave the age setting on default and won't bother with it. It is actually more to do with laziness than anything else.
Senior Member
 Posts: 148
TF and PinaLove. Newbie tip
Whether you are using TF in Thailand or PinaLove in the Philippines, here's a simple tip for newbies trying to sort through dozens of profiles quickly. This is NOT a rule, just a guide.
Look at her profile data, specifically the age range of men she wants to meet:
If she leaves it open, say 18 to 99, she's looking for P4 P now.
If she sets a narrow range, say 25-40, she's probably looking for (or maybe just HOPING for) a LTR, either paid or not paid. That does not mean she won't meet you for a date and / or P4 P. But you may need to invest more time and money to get there.
From what I can see, think of paring these app and their relevant communications apps like this:
PinaLove + WhatsApp (all of the FL's I met while in Angeles City used WA).
ThaiFriendly + Line (all of the posts I have seen about Thailand FL's refer to using Line).
In either case, don't miss the key advice of this and other groups: If interested, move the conversation to the comms apps before you discuss any specific requirements or prices. Engaging in any P4 P discussion on the "dating" apps can lead to problems.
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Thai Friendly in Pattaya, Thailand
I ask for what I want I pay the amount that I want the pay. The prostitute involved either accepts or does not accept it. I am not looking for FREE. Since this is Thailand I don't see how my experience with girls in the Dominican Republic or Colombia would apply. But that is the attitude of a newbie. I guess OG Vets think differently. ROTFLMAO!
I agree with Everything Thai that it can pay to just go with the flow and not over think things. It also does not hurt to get out of your normal routine and comfort zone. It can be rewarding at time. I want a girl to tell what is possible. Can I fuck your ass? No. I am good with that. I don't have to put my thumb in her ass to test to see if she is telling me the truth or not. LOL!.
Senior Member
 Posts: 16922
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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Here is one example from Pattaya and one from Bangkok. The Pattaya one is very straight forward right? Read between the lines. She is single and gives her line straight away right on her profile. No need to even chat inside the APP. Then a Bangkok girl. Criteria even before chatting. Does not want cheap and stingy guys and so on. In Bangkok very few are easy going like in Patts.
Women say all kind of shit they do not really mean. Or they may say something hoping to ward off a certain type of guy. Or they may say something having one guy in mind, but a certain guy may show up and crack the code, so that shit goes out the window. You can not let their initial stance discourage you. There is no one size or one rule fits all. Get in there and see what the personal rules may be instead of just blindly following the general or stated rules.
Case in point. Girl I am with now in Philippines is not a hooker. Yesterday she told me a general rule that her ass is a virgin. I could have stopped right then. But we were fucking and I was putting my thumb in her ass. When I took it out, she said baby put your thumb in my ass again. It hurts but it feels good. So, you can abide by the sign that says this horse does not drink, or you can lead the horse to the pond and see for yourself if it is going to drink or not.
I am a leading the horse kind of guy. I never care what the sign says. It is the same as I was talking about the bar fine in Angeles before. I said how I would always pay after but there were guys here that swore it had to be paid before. They are general rule type of guys. I said no. I do not do anything special except tell them I will pay after and they so okay.
So I was in Angeles the other day after a 7 year hiatus and the girl said pay the bar fine and take me. (There, the actual bar fine and money for girl is all inclusive.) I told her I always pay bar fine the next day, never before. She did not say no that is impossible. She started pulling on my arm and said well come talk to the manager then.
Remember men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Man puts up a sign saying something then that is what he means. Woman puts up a sign saying something, then it is probably flexible depending on the circumstances or people involved. But you will never know if you are the type of guy that sees a sign and says well that is that.
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 Posts: 68
 Originally Posted by Mogwai
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I think TF will not work very well in Manila and Angeles, because 99% of the women who are using it are in Thailand.
There is no need to use WhatsApp at all. Use the app that at least 90% of the girls in Thailand are using: Line.
Yeah, I'm already feeling it. I got a lot of hits in thailand using TF than I have in manila when I change to that location. I compensate with Pinalove in Manila. The thing is I just feel like very few freelancers on Pinalove than on TF, most of them looking for boyfriend and husbands on pina. Hahahaha.
Senior Member
 Posts: 68
 Originally Posted by EverythingThai
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I could be a dick and delete your post but I won't.
It seems you were thankful for me to point you in the right direction. Often posts get buried in the Bangkok section and that's why this section was created. Therefore, don't get all messed up when I mention to stay on topic and its funny, even the Fabulous Pattaya media group and other foreigner based media outlets in Thailand reported stories about customers passing out their contact details on soi 6 to avoid bar fines, buying drinks and so on. Instead those cheap Charlies could just log onto TF to find a freelancer. In fact many soi 6 girls end up on TF after work or in between their contracts. Dont be so sensitive.
Yes, I was thankful, that's why didn't call it out the 1st time. And I always give credit when is due, but still, manners matters, you couldve simply said this, for example: 'Please guys, stay on topic. Its a TF thread, not a soi 6 one. " The rest was just so unnecessary. Its not about me being sensitive, its about you being polite.
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 Posts: 4546
Cockbang v Pattaya Thai Friendly
The only real difference is the amount of hoops they want you to jump through before they give you the pussy. They are all taking dick for money!
(Compound Profanity Redacted) just don't know what they don't know. Pay by the hour or til divorce do you part and all time frames in-between.
I only know of one OG Vet claiming to get continuous free pussy from girls all over the globe simply because he shows up with his (insert size here) (insert color here) dick.
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 Posts: 765
Bangkok TF VS Pattaya TF
Here is one example from Pattaya and one from Bangkok. The Pattaya one is very straight forward right? Read between the lines. She is single and gives her line straight away right on her profile. No need to even chat inside the APP. Then a Bangkok girl. Criteria even before chatting. Does not want cheap and stingy guys and so on. In Bangkok very few are easy going like in Patts.
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 Posts: 641
 Originally Posted by BlackPantherXX
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But can't you just take their number and take them to your hotel later? Or even pay the room and barfine, the girl, have sex, then take her number (if you like her) for future sessions, that way you don't have to do room and barfine every time?
Yes you can. I have done this in Thailand, Cambodia, Mexico and the Phillipines.
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 Posts: 765
 Originally Posted by XXL
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One good tip: girls who give their Whatsapp are those who will reply to your messages and come to your room, as opposed to ghosting you or flaking or block you. This is because Line, compared to whatsapp, is a shambles where contacts get mixed up or lost. Nearly all my regular contacts are on Whatsapp and that's how we keep in touch. Not surprisingly black girls, who keep appointments 90% of the time, will give you their Whatsapp.
Some TF girls post their Line ID on TF. Great is it? Not at all! If a girl posts her Line ID on TF you can be sure you will get no answer when messaging said Line ID. That's because that Line ID is getting spammed at the rate of 200 Indians/minute.
Excellent point. In line if the girl forgets to turn on a setting, she won't even see your message. However the draw back of what's app is many Thai girls don't use it. Only the seasoned veterans do. Once they get what's app, you know they have been in this game for a while.
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 Posts: 765
 Originally Posted by BlackPantherXX
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Opening a thread don't give you the right to be harsh nor rude. I think you're the same one who rudely advised me to come post it here instead of Bangkok's, even though the context of me using the app was in BKK. If you follow the Convo, I respectfully offered him an alternative on his soi 6 negotiable rate, not that I PERSONALLY need any pussy discount. But still,.
Watch out the way you address to people. You don't need to be an ass just because you opened a thread. It takes 2 fingers to do it.
You don't know me, nor my financial capabilities and I don't know you either to even assume I might be a "cheap charlie".
So if you want to keep playing "not so smart charlie," keep playing with someone else. Not this one. Please, Watch your tone and manners pal. Understand??
I could be a dick and delete your post but I won't.
 Originally Posted by BlackPantherXX
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Oh, didn't see we had a thread for that. Thanks. Will do. I just read some of your advices on thread too. Great insight man.
It seems you were thankful for me to point you in the right direction. Often posts get buried in the Bangkok section and that's why this section was created. Therefore, don't get all messed up when I mention to stay on topic and its funny, even the Fabulous Pattaya media group and other foreigner based media outlets in Thailand reported stories about customers passing out their contact details on soi 6 to avoid bar fines, buying drinks and so on. Instead those cheap Charlies could just log onto TF to find a freelancer. In fact many soi 6 girls end up on TF after work or in between their contracts. Don’t be so sensitive.
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 Posts: 1848
Line versus WhatsApp
 Originally Posted by XXL
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Some TF girls post their Line ID on TF. Great is it? Not at all! If a girl posts her Line ID on TF you can be sure you will get no answer when messaging said Line ID. That's because that Line ID is getting spammed at the rate of 200 Indians/minute.
I've never tried to use a posted Line ID (or QR code) to initially contact someone, I use the TF message system. Subsequently, I prefer using Line because using WhatsApp exposes my home country cell phone number. With Line, we can disappear quickly and completely.
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