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  1. #4911


    Quote Originally Posted by VW1936  [View Original Post]
    Does anyone know the name of the Reddit group about mongering in Monterrey?
    It was shut down months ago. Reddit shut some things down for the IPO in March.

  2. #4910

    Reddit group about Monterrey

    Does anyone know the name of the Reddit group about mongering in Monterrey?

  3. #4909

    6 Months of dine-in mongering

    It's been a LONG while since I've posted. So, here's my attempt to add some content wrapping up my last 6 months in MTY. I'll lead off with it having been somewhat of a difficult time for extracurricular activities, but I did find some time over the months to enjoy some girls.

    I did my usual (most of the time) and continued to work through Gigi's girls. My goal is to try some new girl and try them all. I've only repeated twice, but mainly based on availability rather than me really wanting that girl again.

    Before I start, here's a quick guide to how Gigi's girls works:

    - Know the girl you want. Her X handle is ggsloredoc From there you can figure out how to get access to see the girls. Look at her twitter or telegram and figure out who you want. Her telegram is the best source. She also publishes some "special" girls on her whatsapp.

    - Don't ask her questions about the girls. She won't give you recommendations. There is a telegram group with recommendations (it's all in Spanish).

    She does say she's bilingual, but most of the info is in Spanish.

    - When you say you want info on girls she'll send you a graphic with her information. All prices are in pesos. All encounters require a deposit. The deposit averages around MX $700 for 1. 5 hours. The deposit is deducted from the total. Most girls range from MX $2400 to MX $3000. So you pay MX $1700 to $2300 to the girl. Depending on your location, you'll also pay $200-300 extra or so for transit.

    - You can pay the deposit with Western Union using a debit card and to her debit card. She'll give you the number when you ask for the girl's details. WU charges $3 I think. You can also use a credit card with WU, but it costs more and it may be treated like a cash advance.

    Enough of that. Here's my summary of the girls. I'll rank all the girls on the current Gigi roster at the end. As for this writing, there are only 2 that I've not experienced, but meet them next time.

    Bella was a teen that was on her roster for a couple of months. She's since disappeared from the scene. Her cousin is now on the roster and apparently she's in Germany with her boyfriend. I've also seen news that she'll be back this winter. In terms of the girls, she was likely the cutest that there was at the time. I'the put her at a solid 7/10 for body and 7/10 for service. She had nice perky tits and a tight body. Her service was good. We ran through the usual menu. BJ and various positions. The BJ wasn't the best (-3 pts), but she is somewhat new to it all. She did make me pop in reverse cowgirl position. It was a first for me in that position. She had no baby damage and was very nice and tight. Damage was 2800 pesos + 200 for uber.

    Alma is still on the roster. She was apparently active for a while with Gigi. Then she got pregnant (and still worked during that time). Then post pregnancy she came back. That said, she is skinny. If you like them thin, she is thin. No baby damage from stretch marks or anything, but she is definitely not as tight as Bella or Maddie. She does a pro level BBBJ and everything else is good. She doesn't really like doggy or reverse cowgirl. I think she's afraid of it getting shoved in her butt. That was apparently on the menu pre-baby, but isn't any longer. Her body for me is a 6/10 and service 7/10. I like doggy. Damage was 2700 pesos.

    Angela was a new girl when I got her. I rolled the dice thinking it would be something special. Well, now I don't really want the new girls. If you get a girl that's been on the roster longer, they are much better with their service. I'm not really one to turn a girl away, but this would have been it. She had a great attitude and great BBBJ, but her body was likely the worst that I've ever stuck it in (paid and unpaid). But I was needing some attention and she got me off. I didn't bother keeping her around for the full time though and had her leave after. Service gets an average 5/10 and body for me was a 1/10. Damage was 2600 pesos + 200 for uber.

    Alma, again, but not during the same visit. This was during the same visit as Angela. Had a lot going on at work, so she was a last minute girl. She came in looking very cute. Service was good like the first time. She knows what to do to get you off, but still doesn't like all positions. No change in rating here. One note, Alma lives close to the Heinikin factory, so she's quick to get in the Centro area. Damage was 2700 pesos.

    Pao was a girl I found on ADH. I didn't really have anything planned with Gigi that week and decided to try something different. The process with ADH was pretty easy and Pao showed up on time. She was the girl in the pictures, although not as good looking without filters and photoshop. But everything else was good with her. Condom BJ got me warmed up and then we fooled around. She let me make her cum and then she got me off in reverse cowgirl for the 2nd time in my life. In terms of rating, I'the give her body a 5/10 and service a 7/10. I'the give her an 8/10 if she did BBBJ. As with anything ADH, don't bother with the "super premium" girls. You won't get them. Damage was 1900 pesos.

    Gisela was a new Gigi girl. You'the think that Iearned my lesson with Angela, but no. No, I don't learn lessons. So Gisla was a trial girl. She's young, but already had baby damage. Her nipples were an inch long, if you are into that, but the baby damage left her boobs saggy. But she didn't have any stretch marks. She was very self conscious, but had a good attitude and was cool to talk to in Spanish. Good BBBJ and all the positions. Apparently she had her kid with a client that promised to take care of her, but ditched her after she gained baby weight. I don't know why any guy would want a kid with these girls. So for her, I'the give her body a 4/10 and service a 7/10. Good but nothing entirely too memorable. Gisela is not on the roster anymore, and she told me that she wouldn't be. Damage was 2700 + 350 for uber.

    Bianca was a newer Gigi girl. She's still on the roster and maybe there longer term. Bianca has nice fake tits, but still has some baby damage. Maybe that will reduce over time. Her BBBJ is pro-level. Everything else was fine. Problem with her tits is that she says her nipples are very sensitive and doesn't seem sucked. She also said she didn't like when I touched her. She seemed self conscious about the baby damage. She was still a good time. I'the give her body a 6/10 and her service a 6/10. I can see her improving over time. Damage was 2900 + 200 for uber.

    Maddie, dear maddie. Maddie is Bella's cousin. She's a good option if you are in San Pedro since I think she lives that way. Maddie is nice and thin with no baby damage and a very, very tight pussy. I was actually concerned if I could get into her at first, but it all worked out. We kissed, sucked, 69'ed, and I ended up finishing doggy. She's one that I'm tempted to repeat. If I don't resolve to finish Gigi's roster next visit, I'll go for Maddie again. For me her body is a 7/10 and service a 8/10. The only Gigi girl that could do better (that I've been with) is Renata. Damage was 3100 + 300 for uber.

    So, my roundup of girls (currently active with Gigi).

    Renata (9. 5) - would repeat.

    Maddie (7. 5) - would repeat.

    Sarahi (she's back!) (7).

    Amanda (6. 5).

    Emma (6. 5) - would repeat.

    Alma (6. 5).

    Bianca (6).

    2 that are unrated currently are Evelyn and Catalina. Gigi also has a trans girl, Kim, but that's not my kink. In terms of offerings, Renata and Emma do anal. Emma would certainly rise up the list if / when I have that experience with her.

  4. #4908

    New Flight Option for Monterrey

    I hope all of you in this forum, as well as across the ISG spectrum, are enjoying your 2024 mongering adventures! It's hard to believe that the year is half over, and that 2025 is practically right around the corner.

    I ran across the following story recently. For those of you willing to drive to Brownsville, Texas, you've got a new flight option to Monterrey:

    More on Aerus Airlines, courtesy of Wikipedia:

    If any of you opt to try this new flight service, please let the rest of us know of your experience, good or bad.

  5. #4907

    Sugar babby allowances

    How much are you guys paying for SA girls right now? Whats your per date offer? What sounds like a reasonable monthly allowance for a bb girl? Wondering what sort of deals yall getting and how often or what you expect if you put them on monthly allowance?

  6. #4906
    Quote Originally Posted by Magik  [View Original Post]
    Thanks, Drama. I completely overlooked Mother's day as well. I'm going to answer your questions in order. These are, of course, just my personal opinions.

    1. Tijuana is a world famous mongering destination for good reason. MTY is a convenient option that is easy to get to from where I live in Texas. I first went for business and I have maintained a sugar baby there as well that I like to see with some regularity.

    2. CDMX is the largest city in North America and has the dining options to match. To be honest, I've never really gone out of my way to get out of the zona in Tijuana. MTY has decent dining options in my opinion, but I've never taken a lot of pictures there for my food blog for what it's worth.

    3. I met my current regular in MTY on SA, and I have met other chicas from SA in MTY in the past as well. It is definitely a very viable option to meet attractive semi-pros and sugar babies.
    Thank you. For some reason, I thought you lived in California. Yes, MTY is convenient if you live in Texas.

    You, can no longer call, it Mother's Day in Mexico. It goes all weekend, in traditional Mexican Catholic families.

    One of my biggest complaints about MTY, is the girl's crazy ass families. It is just insane the time that they are forced to be with their families. It is just insane, not to mention the rules and restrictions that are put in them. Many are not able to go out on Sundays, some also are not available on Saturdays, they have to be with their family. I think it totally different for the guys.

  7. #4905
    Quote Originally Posted by DramaFree11  [View Original Post]

    1. You fly in Tijuana. I like MTY but Tijuana is way more fun. Do you like MTY better than Tijuana?

    2. The food is ok in MTY, but way better in Tijuana, GDL and CDMX. Do you agree?

    3. I appreciate your reports, I have been to the strip clubs a couple of times, but in the past I was able to get better looking girls on SA, but now I am having trouble meeting new girls. SA is great in CDMX. SA is ok in MTY, but honestly not that great anymore. I am fortunate I have several regulars. Have you tried SA in Tijuana or MTY.

    I like MTY, but mostly because I can drive there. I like CDMX and Tijuana much better. I appreciate your detailed reports.
    Thanks, Drama. I completely overlooked Mother's day as well. I'm going to answer your questions in order. These are, of course, just my personal opinions.

    1. Tijuana is a world famous mongering destination for good reason. MTY is a convenient option that is easy to get to from where I live in Texas. I first went for business and I have maintained a sugar baby there as well that I like to see with some regularity.

    2. CDMX is the largest city in North America and has the dining options to match. To be honest, I've never really gone out of my way to get out of the zona in Tijuana. MTY has decent dining options in my opinion, but I've never taken a lot of pictures there for my food blog for what it's worth.

    3. I met my current regular in MTY on SA, and I have met other chicas from SA in MTY in the past as well. It is definitely a very viable option to meet attractive semi-pros and sugar babies.

  8. #4904
    Quote Originally Posted by VW1936  [View Original Post]
    I can't remember the last time I saw a phonebook in Mexico. Where can you get access to one? Seriously, please forgive my ignorance, I'm not from Mexico.
    No need to apologize. Telmex or whoever the service provider is will typically provide one to their customers. We have one at our office. I haven't had a landline in the US in several years, but a paper copy is still delivered to my house. I threw it away recently. LOL.

  9. #4903
    Quote Originally Posted by Magik  [View Original Post]
    I caught an early flight into Monterrey this Thursday for another weekender. I stayed at Krystal as I have previously, but this time I was surprised at the desk when they couldn't find my reservation. I double checked and realized that in my excitement I had actually booked at another of their properties rather than the Centro location. The girl at the receptions desk made a couple calls on my behalf and was able to cancel that reservation and book me into a junior suite there at the Centro location instead. By the time I got situation and ready to go, it was still only about noon so I decided to walk down toward LP / Cleops, but I ended up going to Samars instead.

    At Samaras I met Dalia and a couple other chicas. I selected Dalia right away. Forty minutes with her was 1200 MXN. At the time there was another chica available that I wasn't interested in, and one other that would have definitely made for a good time had Dalia not been available. We made our way up to the room and I admired the view as we headed up the stairs. I washed up a bit since it was 110 degrees outside before joining her on the bed. I spread her wide and ate her for a while which was really into. She got off that way and also giggled whenever I pressed my tongue to her asshole. After I had had my fill I got up and she started to stroke my cock and rub on my balls which felt great. I asked her to suck me and she inspected my shaft for about a minute before she was satisfied I was clean enough to blow raw and began to work me over for a few minutes. At some point she told me that my time was running low and so I suited up and banged her for the remaining time and then busted on her tits..

    I was in MTY this weekend. It turned out Mother's Day was all weekend. In Mexico Mother's Day started Friday and ended on Sunday, I swear holidays in Mexico are getting longer and longer. Many of my girls were not available all weekend they had to be with there family. It sounds crazy, but true.

    Couple of of questions:

    1. You fly in Tijuana. I like MTY but Tijuana is way more fun. Do you like MTY better than Tijuana?

    2. The food is ok in MTY, but way better in Tijuana, GDL and CDMX. Do you agree?

    3. I appreciate your reports, I have been to the strip clubs a couple of times, but in the past I was able to get better looking girls on SA, but now I am having trouble meeting new girls. SA is great in CDMX. SA is ok in MTY, but honestly not that great anymore. I am fortunate I have several regulars. Have you tried SA in Tijuana or MTY.

    I like MTY, but mostly because I can drive there. I like CDMX and Tijuana much better. I appreciate your detailed reports.

  10. #4902


    Quote Originally Posted by Magik  [View Original Post]
    I read your post and couldn't help but laugh as I thought to myself, but there is! It's the literal phone book. Travel here, or most anywhere outside the USA and everything is simply listed. The spa's openly advertise, and are in the phone book. Ditto, for the strip clubs. The independent women advertise (perhaps most prominently on Twitter here) and include their phone numbers. LOL Regardless, like everyone else I'd still recommend at least reading through the last few pages if you're new, or returning.
    I can't remember the last time I saw a phonebook in Mexico. Where can you get access to one? Seriously, please forgive my ignorance, I'm not from Mexico.

  11. #4901
    I caught an early flight into Monterrey this Thursday for another weekender. I stayed at Krystal as I have previously, but this time I was surprised at the desk when they couldn't find my reservation. I double checked and realized that in my excitement I had actually booked at another of their properties rather than the Centro location. The girl at the receptions desk made a couple calls on my behalf and was able to cancel that reservation and book me into a junior suite there at the Centro location instead. By the time I got situation and ready to go, it was still only about noon so I decided to walk down toward LP / Cleops, but I ended up going to Samars instead.

    At Samaras I met Dalia and a couple other chicas. I selected Dalia right away. Forty minutes with her was 1200 MXN. At the time there was another chica available that I wasn't interested in, and one other that would have definitely made for a good time had Dalia not been available. We made our way up to the room and I admired the view as we headed up the stairs. I washed up a bit since it was 110 degrees outside before joining her on the bed. I spread her wide and ate her for a while which was really into. She got off that way and also giggled whenever I pressed my tongue to her asshole. After I had had my fill I got up and she started to stroke my cock and rub on my balls which felt great. I asked her to suck me and she inspected my shaft for about a minute before she was satisfied I was clean enough to blow raw and began to work me over for a few minutes. At some point she told me that my time was running low and so I suited up and banged her for the remaining time and then busted on her tits. We go cleaned up and then I headed back out into the heat.

    I had something to eat at El Rey Del Cabrito and then I had planned on heading over to Harem to start my night. However, while I was waiting on a park bench outside my hotel for my Uber to arrive I struck up a conversation with a civilian chica. I needed up cancelling my Uber and just staying with her for the next 4 hours. Got some beers together, some more food, and waled around for a while before showing her my suite.

    The following morning I had a regular come over and visit me for a few hours. I have been seeing her every visit to Monterrey for nearly a year ever since I originally found her on a sugar dating site. I also texted on WhatsApp with another prospect for this trip but the back and forth negotiation with her was a little too tiring so I ended up backing out.

    After a great slam session with the regular I wen for a coffee and then decided to walk down to hit Cleops in the afternoon. I passed their sister location LP on the way and they had a sign up that they were closed for Mother's Day which I took to be a bad sign. My regular had mentioned that it was Mother's Day in Mexico, it hadn't dawned on me until just then that it might impact my hobbying. I got to Cleops and sure enough they had the same sign up that they were closed. So, I walked over to Samara's again. I was really getting in my steps this trip. Samara's was thankfully open and about 5 chicas were presented to me. None of them looked good, but I could see Dalia in the back in street clothes doing her hair. I asked for her, but I was told that she wasn't working. When I told them that I was going to leave since I didn't see anyone else I liked they talked to her a bit, but she confirmed she was waiting for her ride. So, I made my way out on my way. I decided to try some of the lower end shops along the side streets of Av. Francisco I. Madero.

    I ended up seasoning with a chica in Deseo's. Upon entry I was greeted by two chicas and a guy who asked whether I'the like to see the girls. Two more came out the back and one actually looked good so I chose her. Her rate was 500 MXN for 30 minutes or 1000 MXN for an hour that came with two shots. I decided to go with the former since I doubted I'the be able to go twice. She led be to a small, very dingy room with a little massage table and red light on. I stripped down and she came back in a few minutes. She introduced herself as Emily and had a good attitude. She was pale with jet black hair and pretty in the face. Her body was all natural. She had a condom with there but told me that for another 500 MXN she'the blow me without. I was good with that and she got to work. She had really good oral skills and was really enjoying her efforts. She was definitely putting in the work for me to get another load out. At some point she got up dropped her thong and turned around in front of me. I hot dogged her ass cheeks for a couple minutes. She asked if I wanted to fuck her, but I was honestly really wanting to bust in her mouth. Emily got back on her knees and I finished down her throat.

    I went for dinner at La Nacional and then after taking a trip back to my hotel for a change of clothes I headed to Harem. It was definitely a slower night for a Friday. I was there for about 3 hours and there were only 15 chicas in there at most. Most were not particularly attractive to me. I asked one that sat with me and she said that many were off for Mother's Day. I decided to head over to Pasarelas. They were also a little thin on talent, but I ended up finding one that I liked and taking her upstairs for a bang. She said she was 19 and pretty hot. She gave a decent blowjob and then I suited up and banged her over the little bed in there until I eventually shot a nut across her back. Between the beers that I had, her girl drink, and the cost to take her up, the total was about 3000 MXN.

    I returned to the USA just in time to catch a few hours of sleep before waking up to get sick from both ends for about a few hours, but I'm feel like I'm over it now. A small price to pay for a few days of eating delicious street tacos and banging hotties.

  12. #4900
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinburnz  [View Original Post]
    Just curious why you stick to that one agency for escorts. I've heard mixed things? Have you ever tried La boutique VIP?
    I have only used Mileroticos because so far, I have had good luck with the site.

    I have never tried La boutique, but I will check it out, thanks.

  13. #4899
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinburnz  [View Original Post]
    There's a search button. I'm new and using that. It works really well if you're looking for the most recent information on a particular establishment or agency. Other than that, you just need to scroll through.

    ]I agree there's some good information here but there's got to be a better way other then reading through years of past posts to find information. Back in the day if you needed a plumber there was a section in the phonebook with a list of all the local plumbers. LOL Where's the phonebook for our people the mongers? LOL.
    I read your post and couldn't help but laugh as I thought to myself, but there is! It's the literal phone book. Travel here, or most anywhere outside the USA and everything is simply listed. The spa's openly advertise, and are in the phone book. Ditto, for the strip clubs. The independent women advertise (perhaps most prominently on Twitter here) and include their phone numbers. LOL Regardless, like everyone else I'd still recommend at least reading through the last few pages if you're new, or returning.

  14. #4898

    Please Don't Include All of Original Post When Responding

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinburnz  [View Original Post]
    Great post Tom. Just curious why you stick to that one agency for escorts. I've heard mixed things? Have you ever tried La boutique VIP?
    OMG can we please respond to posts with just a small portion of original post or something in the Subject line? I know I have done it too and when I research so very time consuming. Thanks!

  15. #4897
    Quote Originally Posted by VW1936  [View Original Post]
    I agree there's some good information here but there's got to be a better way other then reading through years of past posts to find information. Back in the day if you needed a plumber there was a section in the phonebook with a list of all the local plumbers. LOL Where's the phonebook for our people the mongers? LOL.
    I'm sorry I wanted to call out the 2 very recent posts in here from TomJackin and KB Toys with very good summaries then you don't have to go back far.

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