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  1. #7791
    Quote Originally Posted by Sangnyc21  [View Original Post]
    Yea if you're in Colombia or DR or Cr I agree get their currency. But in Cuba I would prefer dollars. Because of the uncertainty of going back and you can't change it back over.
    Yes, I could see that not being sure if you will return, would be reason not to exchange money.

  2. #7790
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    You'the think so but it's not true.
    Like you said. They prefer it. Doesn't mean they won't take pesos. If you told them you only had pesos left you think they are going to turn pesos down? Sigh.
    They prefer dollars because pesos deflate so quickly in value. Dollars are considered a safe storage of value. They prefer it.
    They will take pesos. You said they p prefer cash. If you only had pesos left, you think they are going to turn that down?

  3. #7789
    Quote Originally Posted by JinaWrangler  [View Original Post]
    Sorry but yes you are a poor. $100 "that much money" LOL. If you think $100 is a lot of money, you should find a cheaper hobby. Last time I was in Havana, I dropped $100 on a model chick (I've seen her IG, legit model) and it was the best $100 I've ever spent. The kind of experience that costs $2 K in Vegas or Miami. And I assure everyone here that there is no way you you're going to pull 8's and 9's in Havana with $30-$40. Maybe stinky street walkers, but not the higher tier amateurs.

    You get what you pay for in this world. Life is too short to fly coach or screw 5's.
    Sorry. Cornball, I'm not poor. I make over 6 figures a year, own property and travel every two months. Just because you're m your silly ass spend that, doesn't mean you have money or any brains for that matter. I can tell you dumb ass hell. Just because a chic looks good doesn't mean she can fuck you fool. I've fucked the baddest choice in dr and Colombia and none of them got more than $60. Your silly ass think spending more equates to good sex. God, you're a simple fool.

  4. #7788
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH  [View Original Post]
    You said the perfect word, "LAZY". That's why most of these dudes won't even try to fit in, and pay in the currency of the country they are in.. True Gringos. Even when I go to many different countrys with my boys, they always talking dollars, and I try to teach them, only pay in that country's currency. That's the best way to get the best rate, very simple.
    Yea if you're in Colombia or DR or Cr I agree get their currency. But in Cuba I would prefer dollars. Because of the uncertainty of going back and you can't change it back over.

  5. #7787
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterJam  [View Original Post]
    I agree. You don't pay in dollars in Colombia or Dominican Republic. Why would you pay in dollars here. People are just lazy. They can't negotiate Probably because they don't speak any Spanish and doing the conversion is too much for them. I read someone saying they don't take their own pesos. Dumbest shit I've read. I hit a he chics up on badoo and told them I pay in pesos and they didn't have a problem.
    You said the perfect word, "LAZY". That's why most of these dudes won't even try to fit in, and pay in the currency of the country they are in.. True Gringos. Even when I go to many different countrys with my boys, they always talking dollars, and I try to teach them, only pay in that country's currency. That's the best way to get the best rate, very simple.

  6. #7786
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterJam  [View Original Post]
    Sorry but yes you are a simp. You offer that much money and you don't even know if they are good in bed. Now you're committed to someone that can just turn around and just lie there because she knows she is going to get that money regardless of her performance. Then there's the issue of them feeling entitled with everyone they meet going forward. You can justify that the money is going towards food, medicine, etc. But you have no idea. It could be towards drugs or to her boyfriend. It's your money so you spend it the way you want but it's foolish. One day you should just befriend chics and ask them what they think of us gringos when we pay more for things. They will tell you that it's stupid.
    Sorry but yes you are a poor. $100 "that much money" LOL. If you think $100 is a lot of money, you should find a cheaper hobby. Last time I was in Havana, I dropped $100 on a model chick (I've seen her IG, legit model) and it was the best $100 I've ever spent. The kind of experience that costs $2 K in Vegas or Miami. And I assure everyone here that there is no way you you're going to pull 8's and 9's in Havana with $30-$40. Maybe stinky street walkers, but not the higher tier amateurs.

    You get what you pay for in this world. Life is too short to fly coach or screw 5's.

  7. #7785
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterJam  [View Original Post]
    Sorry but yes you are a simp. You offer that much money and you don't even know if they are good in bed. Now you're committed to someone that can just turn around and just lie there because she knows she is going to get that money regardless of her performance. Then there's the issue of them feeling entitled with everyone they meet going forward. You can justify that the money is going towards food, medicine, etc. But you have no idea. It could be towards drugs or to her boyfriend. It's your money so you spend it the way you want but it's foolish. One day you should just befriend chics and ask them what they think of us gringos when we pay more for things. They will tell you that it's stupid.
    I 100% know we are seen as temporary refuge and access to money. Did I indicate I believed that I would parachute into a foreign country, stay for a time barely measured in minutes, and that I'the experience anything authentic?

    Of course this is a transaction. It's just a matter of how passable the veneer of it being anything otherwise is. I have no illusion that it's anything else. I still believe that giving generously is the way to go. A few hundred dollars to us is nothing. To them it's over a months salary. It's an easy way to do something good while you're doing something bad.

  8. #7784
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH  [View Original Post]
    He mentioned he is paying $100 usd. I NEVER pay in usd, always pesos, because hey, that's their currency. It's like people coming to the US, from Mexico, and paying in Mexican Pesos. No way would we except that. All women will take pesos, they have no choice.
    You'the think so but it's not true.

    They prefer dollars because pesos deflate so quickly in value. Dollars are considered a safe storage of value. They prefer it.

  9. #7783

    Cubas situation is unique

    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    Around these parts this is kind of controversial. I'm about to get flamed.

    I offer 100 dollars a night. 200 if they are special goodness.

    Guys here will say I'm ruining it because I can get away paying 40 or something.

    They are right and wrong. I can pay less. I choose to give generously because these ladies will use tomorrow to buy food and medicine and life supplies. I even offer give far more and I have no regrets.
    I agree. When I was there I actually felt bad for these girls. If you give them 100 $ it will literally change their life for a couple weeks. The situation is very dire out there and they have some beautiful women.

  10. #7782
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH  [View Original Post]
    He mentioned he is paying $100 usd. I NEVER pay in usd, always pesos, because hey, that's their currency. It's like people coming to the US, from Mexico, and paying in Mexican Pesos. No way would we except that. All women will take pesos, they have no choice.
    I agree. You don't pay in dollars in Colombia or Dominican Republic. Why would you pay in dollars here. People are just lazy. They can't negotiate Probably because they don't speak any Spanish and doing the conversion is too much for them. I read someone saying they don't take their own pesos. Dumbest shit I've read. I hit a he chics up on badoo and told them I pay in pesos and they didn't have a problem.

  11. #7781
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    Around these parts this is kind of controversial. I'm about to get flamed.

    I offer 100 dollars a night. 200 if they are special goodness.

    Guys here will say I'm ruining it because I can get away paying 40 or something.

    They are right and wrong. I can pay less. I choose to give generously because these ladies will use tomorrow to buy food and medicine and life supplies. I even offer give far more and I have no regrets.
    Sorry but yes you are a simp. You offer that much money and you don't even know if they are good in bed. Now you're committed to someone that can just turn around and just lie there because she knows she is going to get that money regardless of her performance. Then there's the issue of them feeling entitled with everyone they meet going forward. You can justify that the money is going towards food, medicine, etc. But you have no idea. It could be towards drugs or to her boyfriend. It's your money so you spend it the way you want but it's foolish. One day you should just befriend chics and ask them what they think of us gringos when we pay more for things. They will tell you that it's stupid.

  12. #7780
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterJam  [View Original Post]
    How much are you paying the girls?? And why not in pesos?
    He mentioned he is paying $100 usd. I NEVER pay in usd, always pesos, because hey, that's their currency. It's like people coming to the US, from Mexico, and paying in Mexican Pesos. No way would we except that. All women will take pesos, they have no choice.

  13. #7779
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterJam  [View Original Post]
    How much are you paying the girls?? And why not in pesos?
    Around these parts this is kind of controversial. I'm about to get flamed.

    I offer 100 dollars a night. 200 if they are special goodness.

    Guys here will say I'm ruining it because I can get away paying 40 or something.

    They are right and wrong. I can pay less. I choose to give generously because these ladies will use tomorrow to buy food and medicine and life supplies. I even offer give far more and I have no regrets.

  14. #7778
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomars777  [View Original Post]
    Short trip, long report, so here goes:

    Yep, only 2 full days, a crazy nightmare of a trip.

    My preferred taxista picked me up at the airport. He's got a nice 2015 Peugeot with awesome air conditioning, super clean, well maintained, nice ride. Creature comforts, I need them. Probably why Havana frustrates me so much.

    Got to Miramar area apartment. Got settled, walked down to Hotel Copacabana and grabbed a late lunch. Prices in CUP were reasonable, but I didn't realize that because this is a state owned hotel, the conversion rate there is 120 pesos to 1 USD. So I paid 3 x more than I should have for my lobster and 3 pina coladas and 1 mojito. Still at $30 USD, I didn't cry too much.

    Lesson learned, always have at least 10-20 k in pesos on you, so if you stumble into a place with a bad exchange rate, you just pay in pesos.

    WhatsApped my little teacher friend who showed up in record time to meet me (less than 20 minutes from Capitolio area, so she was primed to come fuck), we walked around and found a place that exchanged $ to pesos at 350:1 and all 1 k notes! YESSS!

    Went back to my place, fucked like mad people for about 2 hours. Awesome. I showed her my end of June STD test results prior to going and she showed me hers, recently dated, and we fucked raw, which was amazing. Didn't cum inside her, but it was ok. Sent her home at the Primera and Setenta area, which is not what I thought it was, basically it's not an inside centro commercial, but rather a bunch of 2 story separate buildings, most with upstairs seating areas that overlook the ocean. At sunset, it was incredible. Had some ok shrimp tacos and mojitos at Mercy Bar and Grill. Not great, but the sunset view was spectacular. Got great photos.

    As I was about to leave Mercy Bar, I look down and see a darker, thin, long wavy haired woman, about 30, who waved to me. I was drunk and horny, so I went down to see what was what. Bought her a mojito, then 2, we walked back to my place. Fucked her every which way, then the ass request came, "pontelo en mi culo, por favor". Ok, sure. Fucked her ass, it was great. Then she said she wanted $100, I laughed. Worked my way down to $40 USD plus $2 k pesos for a tax, so about $45. For over an hour, it was fine. As we were walking back to the Primera & Setenta area, she pulls me over under some trees, pulls down her panties and says, "fuck me more". Yeah, ok. Fucked her again for about 5-10 minutes, then we walked to Copacobana to see if they were open and stil serving drinks. Open, yes, drinks, no. She leaves, I go home, but then decided I wanted more drinks.

    Walked back and had 2 more mojitos at a place directly west of Mercy Bar called Salsa Mora. Cheap drinks, well made, very nice. A table of 3 cuties near me waved me over and so I went and chatted with them. Could've had all 3 for $100 total, but I was completely fucked out at that point and declined. Bought them all 2 Cristal beers each over an hour and they seemed content with that.

    Walked back to my place, then walked to Mio why Tuyo (zero customers, although it was open) and then to 2. 45 (closed). This was between 1 AM and 2 AM on a Wednesday, so probably my fault for choosing that night to walk around and check out the clubs, which was my main reason for staying in Miramar. Primera & Setenta ended up being the shit though, for sure.

    Back to my place, slept till noon, my teacher friend comes back and we fuck again for 2 hours, then nap for about 4. Gave her some cheap lingerie I had bought for her at Target, she was super pleased, then she asked if I would contribute to the misa of her mom, who recently died of lung cancer (horrible coffin photos. Oof) anyway. Gave her $60 and sent her on her way. Of course she then asked for $250 USD, then $200 USD and that was when I blocked her phone number in WhatsApp.

    Took another nap, went back to Primera & Setenta about 9 PM, this time to Marina Bar & Grill. Had some chicken fajita, which were really just fried chicken fingers. Considering this place has the best ratings on Google, I expected more, but it is what it is. Had 1 mojito, so as not to get hammered, and saw this super cute young morena come up and sit down with a guy about 4 years older than her who I thought was her boyfriend. So freaking cute it was incredible. Long straight hair, darker cinnamon skin, just my type. Best was, she got up and was dancing to the music and the way she moved her body, I thought, man, too bad she's taken or I'd be ALL OVER that. Paid my bill walk downstairs and guess who's there waving me over?

    Yes, the cute morena. Claudia is her name. She wants to go home with me. Guy she was with was her brother, who apparently is gay. Whatever, not my deal. But yeah, let's talk. I'm pretty well fucked out at this point, due to the teacher having just left at 4 PM and it's now about 10 PM, but she is SO CUTE, I just couldn't take it, raging hard on ensued, and so we negotiate $60, but she says, "if I'm really good will you tip me?" I said it would have to stupendously good, but we will see. She laughs and says, Oh I am, so be ready. I will even offer the culo. Ok, sure. We go buy some Cristales, take them to my place and she does some dancing for me, taking her clothes off nice and slowly one by one, but leaving her panties on. I said, "those too now!" and she finally takes them off. Wow, what a body, almost too perfect to imagine. Ass just like it looked in the corduroy pants she was wearing, but so much better nude.

    She sucks me, puts the condom on and rides for a while, I flip her over and fuck her missionary, legs over my shoulders, deep penetration and her pussy is quivering inside, which I really like. Then her legs and then, oddly, she jumps up and says, come with me. I'm like, where are we going? She takes me to the shower, bends over and says, "por cuatro". I still don't understand, but ok. Start fucking her from behind when she squeezes me so hard with her pussy I pop out and then she SQUIRTS all over the place. It was a squirt shower, in the shower! I love that shit.

    Anway, then she says, "you know how I mentioned that I would do the culo?" I said, yeah. She goes, let's do it. I said, sure, but no condom, and with lube. It will work better that way. She thinks about it and agrees.

    Lube her up, lube me up, slide it in, she gasps, grabs the sheets and reaches around to have me start stroking her. I figure wow, she's got experience, so I just start pounding away at her ass. She's screaming "Pinga. Pinga. PINGAAAAA. " This goes for about 5 or 10 minutes until I finally nut a tiny nut on her ass and we head to the shower.

    She's gasping and shaking her head and says, you know, I lied when I said I had done that before. This is my first time giving up the culo. She seemed out of it, which was kinda funny. She asks, when is my asshole going to stop quivering? I said, "sorry about that, you made it seem like you were experienced in this, so I just went to town!" She seriously seemed dazed, then shook it off, we got dressed and she says, "You want to go back and we can drink and dance?" My brother is there, he's gay and will probably try to pick you up. I laughed and said, that's not a problem and no he won't. Good looking guy, not my speed. So we go back to Salsa Mora, upstairs, had 3 rounds of Cristales, which I paid for, danced, she grinded on me, they walked me home and I fell asleep.

    Woke up to some bullshit on my phone from work, as well as my family here at home who needed me on Saturday, so I changed my flight back from Monday to Friday and that was the end of my trip.

    I will say I had a great time, especially with Claudia who was a true gem. I ended up giving her $100 just because she was so nice, and we did so much crazy shit for 2+ hours and she was actually genuinely nice, so I didn't mind at all.

    This trip was MADDENING however because my phone's e-SIM worked way worse in Miramar than in Havana Vieja, about 70% of the time I had zero internet, or very intermittent, so I couldn't even bring up Google Maps to search for a place to eat, or anything. Taxis were SUPER difficult to find, especially on Thursday evening for my teacher friend (ex-friend now due to her constant begging for money) and that was frustrating. Worse, while I was able to get my phone to work to change my flight at 7 AM on Friday morning for later that afternoon, it then stopped working till 12 Noon, so I had to go to Copacobana to use their internet and decided to get breakfast there for 1,500 pesos. Complete average crap. The sweet breads were good (palmier things with honey / cinnamon).

    But, coffee. No cream, no milk. Sugar, yes. Napkins, no. In the bathroom, zero toilet paper and they didn't have any. I am thinking, What in the ACTUAL FUCK is going on here? But that was the frustration.

    Finally get to Havana airport, and it's even worse than 3 weeks ago. The A / see is still not working and worse, the fans weren't blowing. It was nearly 2 hours in sauna like conditions.

    Final verdict: Havana, at best, is about a 5/10 for me. Girls are hot, and if you find genuine ones, they are truly gems. The prices are all over the board, the constant need to figure out what exchange rate any particular place offers is maddening, the lack of consistent internet, or power, or toilet fucking paper is also maddening. I really wanted to love this place because I can fly out of my home airport at 9 AM and with no delays be in HAV by 2 PM. Short travel day, leaves lots of time for putas.

    But I guess I'm a spoiled American now, but it is what it is. For now, I've compared Cuba to my previous favorites Bogota and Medellin and Aruba and all 3 of those are better. Truthfully Santo Domingo / Boca Chica is better because hotels are nice, food is consistently good, prices are reasonable and the girls fuck your brains out for $40-60 or $100 in the clubs and you never hear from them again vs. The constant nagging via WhatsApp from the Cubanas for phone recharges and sending money, it's ridiculous how consistently they ask for money. They at least have a different list of excuses vs the standard 2 that other girls use (my kid is sick, my grandma is in the hospital).

    Anyway, I'm good with Havana, probably won't be back. I have $150 in pesos that hopefully my buddy who's going there in 2 weeks will buy from me, otherwise I have a stack of 200 peso notes as my final souvenir.

    Nomars777 out!
    No way these chics are worse than the begging chics in dr. I stopped going to Dr because of that. 9 out of 10 there are going to all you to western union money with all types of excuses. In Colombia its about 1 or of 10 that will ask. Dr is the worse!

  15. #7777
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    Dude don't exchange 500 dollars to pesos. That's so much money here. I changed 150 to about 50000 pesos. I'm paying the girls in dollars. And 50000 pesos is kind of hard to spend. I'm at a nice restaurant now (sadly solo. Girl bailed) and drinks are like 4 dollars.
    How much are you paying the girls?? And why not in pesos?

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