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Thread: Havana

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  1. #7905

    Cuba in December

    Hi everyone, I'll be in Cuba in December and will be traveling with a group for a few days, while I'll be alone for a few days in Havana. It's my first time there and I have a few questions for you:

    - money: I read that you only need to bring cash, is that right? Do you go to the host to change money? What's a good exchange rate today?

    - safety: can you walk around Havana day and night without any worries?

    - accommodation: do you have any airbnb to recommend that obviously allows guests? And maybe with a good breakfast and wifi?

    - I read about this pharmacy where you can find the blue pills, where is it approximately? In Thailand I took tadalafil and my performance has improved a lot!

    - girls: are they so easy to find, even just walking? And if I wanted to go to some place, is there one you recommend?

    Thanks to anyone who wants to help me.

  2. #7904
    Quote Originally Posted by Mondo707  [View Original Post]
    It seems like they're back to before the collapse of the grid. Some deficits, it seems to me this happens mostly in different areas mostly in eastern Cuba. Food, water and gas the situation is like it's been for a while.

    To sum it up, if you are in Habana, there is less chance of power outages, specially near the tourists areas, Old Habana, Vedado, Miramar.

    Again, this is my take from what I'm hearing, reading.

    I have a trip plan for the end of January. I'll update if I hear anything different and of course once I come back from my trip.

    I will be there next Friday, so will definitely be able to give an update upon my return to the states. Just a weekend trip, but hopefully will have some decent news

  3. #7903
    Quote Originally Posted by Mondo707  [View Original Post]
    It seems like they're back to before the collapse of the grid. Some deficits, it seems to me this happens mostly in different areas mostly in eastern Cuba. Food, water and gas the situation is like it's been for a while.

    To sum it up, if you are in Habana, there is less chance of power outages, specially near the tourists areas, Old Habana, Vedado, Miramar.

    Again, this is my take from what I'm hearing, reading.

    I have a trip plan for the end of January. I'll update if I hear anything different and of course once I come back from my trip.

    Looking forward to your update and trip report. I'm hoping to be out there in March or April.

  4. #7902
    Quote Originally Posted by Mondo707  [View Original Post]
    It seems like they're back to before the collapse of the grid. Some deficits, it seems to me this happens mostly in different areas mostly in eastern Cuba. Food, water and gas the situation is like it's been for a while.

    To sum it up, if you are in Habana, there is less chance of power outages, specially near the tourists areas, Old Habana, Vedado, Miramar.

    Again, this is my take from what I'm hearing, reading.

    I have a trip plan for the end of January. I'll update if I hear anything different and of course once I come back from my trip.

    ChrisH and I can both also ready the news. I will point out again: Someone visiting there now or living there.

  5. #7901

    Re: food, water, gas etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisH  [View Original Post]
    Any info in regards to what the outcome has been from the Hurricane and power outage? Food, water, gas, etc?
    It seems like they're back to before the collapse of the grid. Some deficits, it seems to me this happens mostly in different areas mostly in eastern Cuba. Food, water and gas the situation is like it's been for a while.

    To sum it up, if you are in Habana, there is less chance of power outages, specially near the tourists areas, Old Habana, Vedado, Miramar.

    Again, this is my take from what I'm hearing, reading.

    I have a trip plan for the end of January. I'll update if I hear anything different and of course once I come back from my trip.


  6. #7900
    Quote Originally Posted by Mondo707  [View Original Post]

    Today the grid is back to normal in the whole island.

    Any info in regards to what the outcome has been from the Hurricane and power outage? Food, water, gas, etc?

  7. #7899

    Re: Power grid info


    Today the grid is back to normal in the whole island.


  8. #7898
    Quote Originally Posted by SpanishBlack  [View Original Post]
    Apparently there's a huge nationwide power outage in Cuba right now. This means people food will go back and imminent food shortages. My trip to Havana was supposed to be in 5 days but I delayed buying the ticket and I'm thankful. Headed elsewhere. I would advise against planning a trip.
    Hurricane Oscar coming soon to the eastern side of the island. You sure made the correct choice and dodged a bullet (actually more like dodged a missle). If anyone is there visiting or living there please let us know what is really happening there. What living conditions are like. All meat and dairy products will be rotten within 3 days even if the freezer is not opened. No water without electric pumps. Right? No wifi or even phone service without electricity. What is there to even eat? OMG! What a horrible situation.

  9. #7897

    Power blackout in Havana

    Apparently there's a huge nationwide power outage in Cuba right now. This means people food will go back and imminent food shortages. My trip to Havana was supposed to be in 5 days but I delayed buying the ticket and I'm thankful. Headed elsewhere. I would advise against planning a trip. If you think this will make prices go down, what you'll save in money will be nothing to how poor the experience will be. Unless you're the type of monger that likes taking advantage of people in a crisis.

  10. #7896

    Clear your inbox

    Hi Showdown,

    I tried to send you a message, but got a notification that you've got to many messages in your mailbox. So you need to clear out some.


    Quote Originally Posted by Showdown  [View Original Post]
    Team I am wondering if you can help me with a few things:

    1. This is going to be a 48 hours trip so my goal is to screw as many girls as possible. I prefer street girls though I may pick a Badoo or two. Where are the streets I can find these girls? Given I have 48 hours I do not want to waste any time. My goal is to grab a girl, recuperate afterwards and get another.

    2. I would imagine I need to stay in Old Havana. Any airBNB is the middle of the action you can recommend?

    3. Any contact to get to and from the airport? I always like recommendations for drivers..

  11. #7895
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomars777  [View Original Post]
    Super long post, apologies! But I swear the story is good!
    Nomars, that's next level trip reviewing!! Sounds like you found more activity on the streets than I did back in March. I hope that means more people are going out.

    Anyways, congrats on what sounds like a fantastic trip.


    Sorry for ruining the girls for you. Unfortunately, my last trip, I was one of those 10-15 minuters. Lesson learned that I need to either "prime the pump" or hit 2 girls a day so that the 2nd girl gets the longer session. 😁.

  12. #7894

    No worries man, I'm mostly joking.

    Honestly, I don't think the guys who come in 5-10 minutes are ruining anything, I was mostly joking.

    What I do think it has done, at least with some of the girls, is that it's conditioned them to think they're going to get their $20-30-50-100 USD for just 15-20 minutes of "work". That was definitely true of the chunkier girl from Badoo. She seriously thought she was going to collect $100 USD for 15-20 minutes of time in the sack with me. Uh, no sweetie, that's not happening!

    Of the ones I was with last week, several told me that they were just not accustomed to going well over 30 minutes. Like that just does not happen for them usually. The truth is, most of them are pleasantly surprised to be taken to the mat and given a good workout.

    Mostly I was trying to do a compare / contrast for those who complain that guys who spend $40-50 USD are somehow overpaying and ruining the market price for those who want to pay $25 USD. The truth is the value is in the wallet of the spender.

    In trying to determine value I calculated an hourly rate to make it easier to compare. I was getting between 1. 5 to 2 hours for my average cost this trip of $52 USD per chica. That's completely reasonable, in my opinion, and even tallies with the cheapest you can get in Bogota or Medellin centro. In Santa Fe Bogota, it's about $15 USD (50 k = $12.50 USD, then the room cost) for "short time", meaning 15 to 20 minutes (tops) in the sack upstairs with the chica. Multiply that by 3 or 4 and you're looking at $45-60 USD per hour in the cheapest places in Colombia with comparably hot chicas.

    Now, contrast that with Habana this trip, it's just as good or better. Taking my average of $52, divided by 1. 5 hours, you're looking at basically $35 USD per hour rate. For the ones that I stretched to 2 hours+, it was an even better value.

    Of course, I'm not doing that math when I'm with the girls, I'm just trying to enjoy and maximize the experience, so when it's going very well, and they're obviously enjoying it, I move through many different positions, activities, etc. And completely enjoy the experience. They seem more than happy with that, even if I only give them $40 or $60 USD at the end of 2 hours.

    Bottom line, everyone needs to do what's best for them, and enjoy their experience, since it's their trip, their preferences, their money. All the rest really doesn't matter.

    Can't wait to get back!

    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPi  [View Original Post]
    If ever there were a report of distinction this was it. Well done. Enjoyed it with my morning coffee and it was a way better read than Wall Street journal today.

    Apologies I'm one of those guys that ruins it with quick nuts. I'm middle aged and can bust 4-5 times in 24 hours if I'm excited. But my downside is I rarely go more than 10 minutes. My first nut, the super excited one with a new chick, can be like 2 minutes and I can't hold it. Reality is we probably get the same amount of banging time but mine is more spread out. Never realized I was ruining it for anyone else. I don't like that I can't hold it. Usually after the first bust with a new girl I'm like sorry I'm really excited by you. Which is true.

    Anyways great report. Thanks for writing it.

  13. #7893

    Yeah, also surprised on Sildenafil

    But it was from a lab called MedSol, pill pack says Sildenafilo, so it's some sort of generic. Actually fewer side effects with this one than my generic here in the states.

    Not young, an in-shape 55, but I tell you what, when I'm on vacation, I like to have a mojito. And I've had some spectacular ones in Cali and Medellin Colombia, also in Aruba, but man, the very best mojitos ever are in Havana. Since I like them, I like to try them at new places to see if I can find the best one, and so far, they're all about as good as each other.

    100% agree on long sessions over a long trip, that would be very difficult. I knew I basically had 2 full days and my arrival day of probably 10 hours or so free, so I wanted to maximize that with "penetration time".

    I don't think I could pop 4 times a day over 2 weeks, even back in my 20's, although I would definitely have loved that challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by JinaWrangler  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the hilarious and detailed report Nomars.

    I'm surprised you could find the blue pill in Cuba. Has anyone else experienced the weird vision side effects of it?

    As I have mentioned before, Havana is black girl aficionado heaven. But they also have light skinned girls with bright blue eyes.

    I love that your idea of cutting back is 4-5 drinks LOL. You must be young.

    I'm going to be contrarian here on the marathon sessions. When you stay for 2 or even 3 weeks, you got to pace yourself. Can't fuck all night and pop 4 times for 2 straight weeks, at least not if you are deep into middle age, blue pills or no.

    Out of dinero and leche, LOL. Good stuff.

  14. #7892
    Quote Originally Posted by Nomars777  [View Original Post]
    Super long post, apologies! But I swear the story is good!
    If ever there were a report of distinction this was it. Well done. Enjoyed it with my morning coffee and it was a way better read than Wall Street journal today.

    Apologies I'm one of those guys that ruins it with quick nuts. I'm middle aged and can bust 4-5 times in 24 hours if I'm excited. But my downside is I rarely go more than 10 minutes. My first nut, the super excited one with a new chick, can be like 2 minutes and I can't hold it. Reality is we probably get the same amount of banging time but mine is more spread out. Never realized I was ruining it for anyone else. I don't like that I can't hold it. Usually after the first bust with a new girl I'm like sorry I'm really excited by you. Which is true.

    Anyways great report. Thanks for writing it.

  15. #7891
    Thanks for the hilarious and detailed report Nomars.

    I'm surprised you could find the blue pill in Cuba. Has anyone else experienced the weird vision side effects of it?

    As I have mentioned before, Havana is black girl aficionado heaven. But they also have light skinned girls with bright blue eyes.

    I love that your idea of cutting back is 4-5 drinks LOL. You must be young.

    I'm going to be contrarian here on the marathon sessions. When you stay for 2 or even 3 weeks, you got to pace yourself. Can't fuck all night and pop 4 times for 2 straight weeks, at least not if you are deep into middle age, blue pills or no.

    Out of dinero and leche, LOL. Good stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nomars777  [View Original Post]
    Super long post, apologies! But I swear the story is good!

    Girl #1 - Fantastic! - Jaila 2324 years old - $120 USD for just under 2 hours of bareback sex in the room.

    Arrived Thursday, 10/3, about 12:30 PM, checked into my Airbnb and immediately set out to meet a girl from Badoo. In so doing, I realized I forgot my "blue pills", so I was a little bummed. Unbelievably, while looking for this girl, down by Parque de las Palomas, I see a "Farmacia" on the corner, right nearby. I walk in, ask for Sildenafil. The super cute black girl is told by the other, much more flirtatious but definitely chunkier light completed manager to go look in the store room. She goes to the back, comes back with nothing. I'm even more bummed, but the manager says, "Hey, don't worry, let me call some people. " She calls 2 places, and says, yeah, I can get you a 10 50 MG pill blister pack for $10 USD. I'm thinking, well, I don't need 10, but ok, sure. She informs the person on the phone and 5-7 minutes later, in walks a woman with the pills! I look them over, they look authentic, and I'm a risk taker, so I go ahead and pay, thank them and go back to trying to locate the Badoo girl who only has internet when she has WiFi. She finally sends me her location, a little restaurant called La Cucana, but then texts back and says her baby has a fever and she has to run home.

    Ok, well that sucks. In the meantime, I see a place that has 2 hot, hot waitresses, and so I sat down and got a mojito just to see how they respond to some flirting. Super cute, but not flirtatious, although there was a Chinese tourist and her not cute friend make eyes with while I finished the mojito. No way I was going to try to do Google translate on shitty Cuban cell phone data service in Chinese! In hindsight, the one girl's tits were popping out the top of her dress, so who knows, might've been a winner there!

    On the way to that place, called El Bosquecito or something similar, I saw another place with a tout out front who said they had the best mojitos and that I should come back. I told him I was looking for some stuff and a person, but that I would return. He was surprised when I did. I get a drink, he starts grilling me as to why I don't have a pretty girl to hang out with and I said, I was looking for one I met online, but she had to go home. He asks if I like white or black girls, and I told them that as long as they're non-white, I'm down. He says, hold on. I have a friend who lives around the corner, let me go get her. Real pretty, great body, you'll like her.

    He comes back, we have a snack, plus more food and she is very cute, small tits but an ass to absolutely die for and after a few drinks as she's walking by headed to the bathroom, I reach over and grab a handful of ass. She just gives a beaming smile and I knew it was going to be fun.

    So, critical mistake: didn't confirm price ahead of time. That's ok. I was 4 deep in mojitos and 1 Cuba Libre, so I was pretty well gone.

    Took a bicitaxi to my place, go upstairs, and she proceeds to get naked and shower. I rinse off as well, and we're in the bed. Great oral skills, and she's just about to fuck, when she says, "Preservativo?" I say, nope. She says, No? Me, nope. She's like ok, but that's another $20. I said, maybe, if it's good. How much is this anyway, she says $100. Goddamn it. Oh well.

    She mounts up and has the smoothest, nicest, and beautifully naturally lubricated pussy I've been inside in a while. So that was awesome. Being tipsy was another benefit and we go at this for well over an hour and a half, until I finally tapped out because I was tired. Gave her the $120, she was super happy. Kept messaging me via WhatsApp to see if I wanted to repeat and I told her, maybe, but let me see how things workout. Walk her downstairs, she heads home and I head up to see what shaking on El Prado.

    Girl #2 - walking el Prado with her friend $10 k Cuban Pesos, plus $2 k for a short time room in a small, clean hotel on Consulado street. About $35 USD total.

    This girl and her friend see me and could spot a drunk-ass American opportunity a mile away. They sell me on their wares, but one of them, the smaller one, was JUST my type. I ask how much, they tell me, and I'm sold. They want to come to my place, but I said, no, I don't think that will go over well to have another girl or 2 come over so soon after the first one left. So they say, no problem, there's a place around the corner we can go to. Sure enough, small hotel, allows short time room rental, including a condom, for $2 k CUP. Awesome.

    Whiskey dick in full force with this girl, but she was sooooo enthusiastic and persistent, that it went a good 40 minutes. I have to give her credit, she was maybe the most energetic of any of the girls on the trip. Since I was drunk, I didn't get her name or number. That was sad, because even though I nearly never repeat, I would like to see that one again.

    Girls #3 Dirmelis (lots of Cuban girls have names that end in "elis" for some reason) and #4 Anabel. Also on el Prado - $30 USD each, plus another $20 tip each for staying over all night and sleeping with me.

    These 2 see me on El Prado and also spot an opportunity. Both of them are my type. One a skinny black girl with an awesome afro, probably 24, great body, the other one looked super young, but was 19 on her Carnet / ID, so I went with it. Got to the room, we all shower, lots of oral sex between all of us. Both girls have super nice pussies and were actually very tasty. Older one took a shower, so she was just fresh tasty. The second one quickly showered, and so had a slightly sweaty tasty, either way super great.

    The young one didn't like it when the older one was in the room. They asked if I was going to come, I said nope, saving it. They were like, WTF? Anyway, I talked them into staying over night and that was super pleasant. AC in my room was ice cold and so I snuggled with one naked body, my dick nestled in her ass crack, then moved to the young one, back and forth till 6 AM. At that point, I'm no longer drunk and was ready to fuck. Hit afro girl first, after going to town on her clit with tongue and fingers till she shook so hard she actually pushed me away. Got the condom on, made her ride me, then hit it from the back, while the young one was pretending to sleep. That ass slapping sound, no way she was sleeping. Either way, all good. 40 minutes or so, she tapped out because I fingered her clit from behind, that she shook again and almost fell over. She says, "No mas! Goes to shower.

    I tell the younger one, you'd better get ready, because you're next. She uses the toilet, while the other one was showering and comes back. Puts the condom on and it was. Ok. She was obviously embarrassed a little with her friend close by, even with the friend moving to a chair in the hall after showering. So that made her nervous and that made her dry. She would NOT use my lube, even though it's water based astro-glide and pretty fucking amazing, in my opinion. Anyway, finally tell her to stop after I felt like it just wasn't working (friction = bad with no lube) and this was about 35 minutes in. I realize it's just not going to happen for me to come with these 2, so I send them on their way.

    Interesting note here: The guy who's the security / cook / guest check-in, etc. Pulls me over when the 2 are leaving and point-blank tells me. Hey man, no more girls, ok? There's guests on the floor below you and I don't think they'll like it. I'm like, all good man, gave him a fist bump. I didn't ask ahead of time, my mistake, so yeah, no worries. I walk them out, go back to the room, sleep about 90 minutes to get my head right. Then walk out of the room to ask about the rooftop breakfast. All of a sudden he's all friendly, asking how I want my eggs, do I want coffee, etc. And I say yeah, on the rooftop, right / Yep.

    Ok, go to the rooftop, he brings the fruit, bread / basically dinner rolls, coffee, and then later scrambled eggs with salchicha. Coffee was just stupid, stupid good. So good, I finished the entire Thermos of it, and almost asked for more.

    As I'm finishing breakfast, he says, "Hey man, don't worry about the girls. You're good to go. I just wanted to make sure that you know to be careful with a lot of them because some are bandoleras. " Robbers. Ok, yeah. Look, I was hammered and neither of these girls took money from my shorts, from the safe (key was easily located), or anything else, so I do appreciate that advice and I'll be more careful. Much respect, thank you!

    From there on out, he would just give me an eyebrow raise and a smile every time I brought a girl back. Super funny.

    Girl #5 - China. Not my preference or normal selection, but good nonetheless- 38 yo MILF. Down by the museums near the harbor entrance, I am just wandering around, trying to walk off breakfast and my slight embarrassment at being identified as an obvious working girl aficionado, when I see a woman, MILF type, with just tig-o-bitties hanging out of her top, which is laced down from the top to about her belly button. Not at all my normal type, but she's got some cool sunglasses on, and I move to the side of the walkway she's on to get a better look. She's no slouch at gringo-hunting, so she notices, and comes right over to ask me where I'm from, what I'm doing, looking for, etc. And I say, well for now, I'm just trying to walk a bit, probably will stop for a drink and a snack and then I'll see where my afternoon leads me. She says she'll walk with me, gives me a nice kiss, and off we go.

    Name is China, she's 38, has beautiful firm titties, like just really nice, and also a "dented from the side" mom-ass, which. Whatever. But she's an incredible shit talker. She asks me to take her back to my room, and I say, Oh heck no. Finally, we stop at la Cucana, same place I was on my way to meet the Badoo girl the prior afternoon, and we have a drink and some pretty amazing shrimp tostones. I go light on the drinks this time, with just a sangria (menu translates it as "bleeding". Nice). All throughout midday snack she's stroking my leg, my dick through my shorts, giving me eye fucking, etc. Finally she says, look up the street, I live just by the Capitolio why don't you come to my place and I'll give you a massage.

    OK, sure. How much? $20 USD and if we fuck, it won't cost more. Interesting. Ok, let's go.

    I get to her place, was not going to fuck, the place is in an old building that she and her family inherited from the grandmother who died last year, it has the corrugated metal roof, needs a lot of improvement, but seems totally functional. Bed is in a loft area up the steepest flight of stairs I've seen, and is. Unmade. Let's say that. Not dirty, necessarily, but definitely not hotel room level of cleanliness.

    Anyway, those beautiful full lips of hers, I want to see them wrapped around my dick, so she gets to work and is absolutely terrible. Like the worst dick sucker I've probably ever been with. What a waste of spectacular lips. It makes zero sense. While she's blowing me, I finger fuck her her mainly to see if the pussy stinks (it does NOT, no small at all, super fresh) and discover she's tight as fuck. Goddamn it, now I'm horny when just 5 minutes ago, I was trying to think of how to get out of there as quickly as possible.

    Put the condom on and she does a very good job of riding. I make her work for her $20 USD and take her to about 30 minutes. Downside is, no AC, upside 2 rotating fans. Of course, I don't finish because I'm just imagining what could be on that bed, on that dirty floor, in that room and yet shockingly I keep it up, even without a blue pill friend and the heat. But I just don't want to be there anymore, so I tell her, stop. I have to go.

    Now, on the way in, she introduced me to her friend who is smoking hot, and she says, "I can send her to you, yeah?" I think and think and think, but the steam room conditions and general dirtiness make me think, no, not now. I'm good. We agree that she'll bring her friend to meet me at 6 PM in Parque Central where I can make a better in-person evaluation and decide if I want to fuck her or not. Ok, cool. She walks me down and as I'm leaving I get a look at her sister, beautiful 23 year old black girl with big tits like the older sister, but not 1/2 Chinese like China, and all of sudden, I'm thinking of staying. Then I think better of it, and leave.

    Never did get her number, it rained monsoon style at 5 PM, so by 6 PM, even though the rain stopped, they were nowhere to be found when I walked the park 2-3 x. I wasn't surprised, and in a way happy I didn't have to go through the dilemma of getting the light skinned, brown haired friend or the smoking hot black girl body with what appeared to be perfect "stand up on their own" tits, no bra required.

    Girl #6 - Yusi. So while I'm wandering Parque Central looking for China the MILF and her friend and sister that she wants to present to me, not finding them, I'm standing on the corner of Parque Central Hotel (Iberostar brand) near the entrance to El Prado and trying to figure out if that was the place the other ISG member said had good breakfast. If the security / manager guy changes his mind on letting me bring back girls, I'll change Airbnbs and then I'll need a place to eat and that seemed like a good option. Anyway, I'm looking at the thread to try to figure out if I'm in the right spot or not when this super slim, athletic looking girl, with a green top, ball cap and tight shorts riding up her ass, with the cheeks hanging out below walks by and gives a look. I double-take, she looks over her shoulder, smiles, but keeps walking. I was like, wait, what the fuck was that?

    Another stroll through Parque Central, nothing to my liking, I'm right by La Floridita, when lo and behold here she comes walking back across the parking lot. Gives me a big smile, we exchange names and pleasantries and she says, "let's go to this bar and get one of Che Guevara's favorite cocktails" Yeah, ok, sounds amazing. We get there, it's a place where they give you a pen and you write your name on the wall and the country you're from. Now, I already know that she's going to get a commission for bringing me there, because the place was tiny and I would never have found it on my own. Called Vagabond or something. We get 1, 2 of the Che drinks, I buy 2 more for a guy there at the bar, and finally she's like, "let's go". Ok. On the street, she asks if we can go to my place and I'm still a little gun shy to take girls back, so I say, no, they don't allow guests. She tells me she lives with her parents on the next street, do I want to go there? Yeah, sure, why not, this will be interesting. Yep, definitely was. Get there, she introduces me to her mom, her dad, her grandma, and then we go to her room where we ass-slap fuck for 40 minutes. Jesus, what a life. Room was clean, she's one of the Santeria practitioners and has a lot of little statues, etc. In the room. No bother to me. She's tight, has great tits, excellent smile with beautiful teeth and she's just very much into riding me cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, etc. And I still don't finish. Not sure what the deal is, but still no cumshot yet.

    No worries. She fucks for a good long time. I give her $60 USD for her troubles, she asks for $10 for "the mama" and I say, Ok, fine. $70 USD total to fuck this girl in her bedroom, with the parents just outside the door, like I'm back in high school. What a life, seriously.

    Pretty happy with my day so far, would've been happy to call it a night and go home to sleep, but for some reason I just had permadick the whole time in Havana this trip. Like I COULD not stop wanting to fuck all the time.

    First ran back to the room to shower and get ready to eat. I see a super cute, thin black girl at the little tienda right next door to my Airbnb, and I say out loud, "Goddamn!" She understands enough English that she comes over to say Hi, ask if she can come upstairs. The security guy is sitting next to me on the stoop and gives me the raised eyebrow and tilts his head in the direction of the stairs. I tell her I'm pretty much tapped out at the moment, but I'll message her later and we can see. Or maybe tomorrow. Name is Barbara, see below for her review.

    Finally hungry, took a break to eat at Sibarita. Highly recommended on Tripadvisor. Not crowded and one of the best meals I've had period and for only $24.96 USD, plus a tip, it was just the absolute best.

    Leave the restaurant to go walk El Prado and run across Anabel from the night before, #4, and she's chatty, wanting to walk with me, etc. I had been messaging with her off and on all day, and she really wanted to come with me again. Finally, after walking around, going by V&S (dead at 11 PM on a Friday), I say, "Look, you were not into it, I do not understand why you want to go again, apart from another $30 USD. " Not trying to be mean, but more like why should I waste my time?

    She says, I'm sorry, I was weirded out with the other girl there, she's my "friend" from Prado, but not a true friend and the whole thing was very odd to me. I promise it'll be a lot better with just me there, and I'll treat you super great.

    She is very cute, black girl, 19 years old, nice braids, spectacular smile and the tone of her voice is just so nice to listen to. I relent and say, Fuck it, let's go.

    Yeah, the second time was a lot, lot better. Wet pussy for nearly an hour, still wouldn't let me use lube (still don't get that either) and she finally tells me I'm her second client ever and only the 3rd dude she's ever been with (boyfriend when she was younger, client #1 and me #2).

    Now, I am not sure I believe her, but it was interesting because it tallied with her just general lack of demonstrated experience and hesitation to try different positions, lube, etc. After fucking for a good long time, I asked if I could eat her out again and her face lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree. She'd been messaging me all day that no one had ever eaten her pussy and she loved it so much she was hoping I would do it again.

    Done. Ate that pussy for almost another hour, then we laid down and snuggled for another hour. I asked her stay the night, but she said she stays in Vedado with her aunt, and the aunt wasn't home, and she's worried about it getting broken into and shit stolen. Not sure I buy that either, but I walk her out, down to El Prado, then all the way down to just in front of Hotel Grand Packard, where I drop her off at the "gua-gua" bus stop. She tells me, don't stop for any other girls now, with a big smile. Yeah, already knows how I am!

    Girl #7 - Noryelis or something like that - 18 and 3 months old. Checked her carnet. Yep, year 06, month 06, day 17. Motherfucker. Can't pass that up!

    Start the long trek up El Prado, but don't really see anything to my liking. It's just after midnight and I'm at the very, very end where there's a break in the pavement for a lane, then I will turn left to head down San Juan de Dios to the Airbnb.

    At this point, I'm super happy with my day, 3 sex sessions in the bag, after 4 the day prior, so yeah, all good, when I spot HOLY FUCKING SHIT one of the nicest bodies, cutest faces, and this girl has bright red lipstick which kinda covers up that she looks SUPER young. She whistles real softly and waves me over. Tell her I do not think she's over 18 and so I'll pass and she's like, I am, hold on and let me show you. Gets out her ID and yep, 18 years and just over 3 months old.

    Ask how much, she says $30 USD, and then I tell her maybe I'll give her $40 USD if she's the first one to finally get the nut out of me after 2 days and 7 visitas of action. She's incredulous. Like, "no nut? How is that possible? I'mma get that leche! Challenge accepted.

    Well, yeah, holy fucking shit. An 18 year old body, with spectacular tits, beautiful lips and the most perfect milk chocolate color, with straight hair and little silver stars in it, she rocked my world. I took her from 12:30 AM to just at 2:15 AM in my room (didn't care if the guy yelled at me or not, this girl was getting the treatment). Wet pussy, no need for lube, smelled perfect as she'd just gotten out of the shower before she came to Prado, prettiest pussy around, sucked cock with no condom like a 15 year veteran, and rode me like her life depended on it. Finally, she asks for doggie, I give it to her, then have her lie flat on the bed while I hit that perfect pussy with her ass staring up at me. She's watching me over her shoulder while she's swiveling her hips around and I finally can't take it anymore and bust the biggest nut since a girl in Medellin and the Dominicana back in Aruba.

    Fuck me, an absolutely perfect end to a spectacular day. Walk her downstairs, watch that perfect ass flick back and forth as she walks up the hill and finally go to sleep.

    Next day. Saturday - last full day as my flight leaves at 8:20 AM the next morning, so I have to be out of the Airbnb by 6 AM-ish.

    Actually kind of worn out and my dick isn't as lively as it's been on Thursday or Friday, and I see during breakfast that my taxi guy Yandy messaged to say he's free all day and do I want to do a driving tour like I had mentioned when he picked me up at the airport. I think yeah, that sounds good. So I say yes, he asks when I say now. I love that he is SUPER punctual, says he'll be there in < 10 minutes, and yeah, was there in 9. Now that's how you run your own business!!

    Nice drive around town, Cementerio Colon, Unversidad de Habana, Marina Hemingway (where they wouldn't let me take pictures, weird), Fusterlandia neighborhood near the marina with a lot of mosaic tile work on the buildings, walls, etc. And that was cool. He finally stops at Hotel Nacional, tells me it was the mob headquarters back in the 30's or something, and I should try the mojitos. Ok, done. Place is architecturally very cool. Went to the back of the hotel, plaza area, ordered a mojito, wandered the grounds, took pictures of the cannons, the buildings, the entry area, etc. And got another one. He finally texts me and is asking if I liked the mojitos maybe just a little too much! Yeah, perhaps, I was comatose relaxed!

    Get back in the car, he runs me to the Morro, the Christ statue, and then it looks like a thunderstorm to end the world is coming, so I say, yeah, let's call it a day. Plus my dick is lively again, and Barbara, the girl from the bodega, was messaging me like crazy for her to come over.

    I get back to the hotel and yeah, just as I'm getting out of the taxi, all hell breaks loose and it rains cats and proverbial dogs. I message her and say, yeah, you can come over, but it's raining cats and dogs. She says, "Eso tiene nada que ver, vivo super cerca". Pues ven, entonces.

    Less than 5 minutes later Girl #8 - Barbara from the tienda shows up, I go downstairs, let her in, and wow. What a body. She's 24, basically the same body structure as the 18+3 month old girl, slightly smaller tits, but bigger nipples, which are just begging to be sucked.

    Takes a thorough shower, lays down and just goes to work! Great blowjob, I eat her and finger her and rub that clit till she shakes and taps out. Then I make her get on and ride me. She goes to town and then asks me to give her missionary. Ok, done. Do that, move through a few other positions and finally she asks if I'm going to finish. The good thing about the Cubanas is they don't ask for leche till they've been working at it for well over 30 minutes. I hate the "leche, leche" shit that the Dominicanas put you through, so that makes me happy that the Cubanas don't start that at the 5 minute mark. Fucking hate that!

    Anyway, I take her to the nearly 1 hour mark, and she's done. Can't take it anymore and wants me to come. I say, nope, want to do a few more girls. She cannot believe this, but finally realizes I'm serious. She asks if we can just cuddle with my dick inside her pussy and her laying on top. Sure thing! Then she does this thing when she tightens her Kegel muscles tightly around my dick and then I respond / reply by flexing the same muscle making my dick jump inside her. She really enjoys this and we got back and forth for about 15 minutes like this before she finally snoozes for a few minutes, then gets off, dressed and tells me to message her if I want her to come back later tonight. Maybe, I say, maybe. She was fun!

    The whole rest of the day she's messaging me, telling me she loves what I did to her and wants to see if I can repeat it. I tell her, maybe, but I'll have to get back to her. Got a couple of others potentially on the line.

    At this point, Melissa the girl from Badoo from Thursday has reappeared on WhatsApp and wants to come into town to see me. I tell her, ok, sure. I'll meet you at cucana, since you at least know where that is. Takes an hour for her to get there *after* I got there. No worries. She has an energy drink, I finish my mojito and have a cerveza while eyeballing her body to decide if I can get it up for her chunky ass. She's a good shit talker though and she's pretty, great attitude, so I say, fuck it. Let's go. Walk back to my place. She takes a long shower, and we get to fucking. Condom only, no kitty sucking, no titty sucking, wants me to massage her, just generally a pain in the ass, but a nice pain in the ass. Cute smile, pretty face. Whatever. I tell her, look, I want to fuck, so just fuck already. She makes it to 25 minutes before she too TAPS OUT. Then asks for $100 USD, I laugh, tell her $30 USD. She almost snorts her water, and says, how is that? I say that's the market price, especially if you're not going to last longer. And by the way how long do guys usually last? I ask this of all the girls. To a chica they said, most guys are 5-10 minutes.

    Sarcastic, not serious rant starts now:

    You quick cumming motherfuckers are ruining things for us who want to go longer!! Stop being such quick cumshots! Complaining about price paid, how about value? Pay a little more, but take them to the mat and get your damn money's worth! Ok enough sarcastic bitching. I'm joking, don't start up anything stupid. But seriously, last a little longer, get your money's worth.

    Anyway, send her on her way and wander down the Prado to La Macorina to see if it's as good as when I went there in June. Interestingly, they have it setup like a speakeasy and have a 3 piece band playing nice music, with a beautiful black girl with a perfect Afro belting out the songs. Super good. Mojitos still great, still cheap although slightly more expensive than in June, and decided to get some boiled shrimp in a "spicy" red sauce. Yeah right, nothing is ever spicy here, even when it's named that. That said, the Morro rice was pretty damn great, and the shrimp were tasty and the food overall was good. 2 mojitos, tipped the singer (goddamnnnnnn she's hot!) and then wandered out and up el Prado.

    For the first time this trip, nothing was good on el Prado. I was sad, but then another Badoo girl who had been actively engaged in really good conversation with me asked if I was finally ready to get together with her. Knowing now that all these girls live forever away, I ask, how far away are you? She already knows I mean minutes, she tells me, 50-60 minutes. Maybe less, but she wants to get ready, put on a nice dress, etc. And then come. I ask what she wants to do, she asks what do I want to do. I say I don't want to waste time, so I say, not to be a grosero, but I'd like to spend a good ratito with in the cama. She responds, "OK". I say fuck it, come on already. Gets there at 50 minutes, I don't see her coming down San Juan de Dios because I'm chatting with the security guy and buying him a beer, so she kinda sneaks up on me.

    Goddamnnn. Yeah - looks exactly like her pictures, the very best lips on a dark skinned girl I've seen so far, and nearly all of them have been awesome, so that's saying something, and holy hell, she's smart! We go to a place called "Louvre" like the museum, sit on their rooftop. I get a mojito, she has a drink, doesn't really like it. Asks if she can get something to eat, I say sure. Gets some taco, not anywhere near as good as I had in Sibarita, but tolerable. Then she asks the waitress what's a good cocktail and says she'd like something sweet. Girl recommends Bailey's and as soon as I heard that, I was like, oh hell yeah, this girl is going to want to Fuck! She had already been kissing me for the whole hour plus we were there, great conversation, super personality, I'd actually go out with her just on a regular date. By now, 2 double Bailey's down, she's absolutely ready to fuck and we go to the room. Her in her crushed velvet dark red dress, pops her heels off and just lays under the covers. She waves me over, let's snuggle. Ok, sounds great. We make out, and I take the dress off. Tits are perfect, just like her lips. Suck them for a good 10 minutes, finger her pussy, she's all wet, and she reaches over and grabs me by the hips, since I'm laying perpendicular to her. Obviously she wants me to penetrate her, so I do. Bareback fucking is truly the best. She's wet, nicely tight, smooth as silk, and really into it. Hit her from every position, but she will NOT ride me. I couldn't figure that out, but it became clearer in the end.

    As we're fucking, going through the positions, the inside of the top of her vaginal canal started opening up more and I could feel that I was going deeper and deeper. Probably 40 minutes in, maybe longer, I lost track, she flips me on my back and gets on top. I could feel the tip of my dick hitting her just perfectly in the G-spot area, with a very slight tapping on the top near her cervix. She's going wild, riding and riding harder and harder, grabbing my ass, my hips and just hammering on me, when the lightbulb went off and I was like, "She wants me to blast the nut in her!" Oh yeah, nut #2 out of 10 girls and it was nearly as big as with the 18 year old (plus 3 months), but all the way up in her. She is panting heavily and just smiling at me, jumps up, goes to the shower and calls out that that was great and she'd been needing a fucking like that.

    I asked her what the standard time guys last in bed with her, you guessed it, 5-10 minutes. Ridiculous.

Ok, pulled out 3 x $20 USD and said, "Aqui tienes". She's happy with that, gives me a huge smile, get dressed and asks if I'll walk her up the hill since I have to drop the keys off to the other Airbnb I rented "just in case" the first one would've been serious about no more girls. Nice place, I had a credit, so it only cost me $9 USD to have that on standby. Closer to Prado, so it would've been perfect. Ended up not needing it.

    Get to Prado, right in front of Hotel Telegrafo, when I hear "Max, Max", which is not my name, but this girl from June just cannot remember what my real name is, so every time she sees me, which has been daily to this point, she yells out Max and asks when I'm going to go with her. I tell her, you know I never repeat, at which point she asks the Badoo girl if I just went with her. Badoo girl laughs, thanks me, wishes me the best of luck and says, "probably would be best if you just went straight home" to which I reply, oh yes, I know, I will do exactly that after I drop the keys.

    Walk to the other apartment on Consulado, lock the crazy girl and her 2 friends outside the front door, climb the 5 flights to the top floor, find the place, go inside, leave the keys on the counter. Exit. Head back downstairs and realize there are NO OTHER EXITS. Goddamn it, and not a GODDAMMMNNN expression like when I see the hot girls.

    Walk out the front door and am immediately accosted. Tell them, no. I'm done, I'm at #10 in 3 days and I'm happy with that. My dick is dead, I have no leche and hardly any money with me. The first girl says, "well, you've been with me, and also with girl number 2, but you haven't been with the 3rd one". And also It's girl #2's birthday so I should go get a drink with them. Yeah, ok, I say, let's just go get a birthday drink and call it good.

    Get to this little shithole bar, and even though they promised me it wasn't a commission place and the drinks were reasonable, they were not. Fine, get them all 2, me one, and I get up to pay the bill when girl I haven't been with yet pulls / pushes me to the bathroom, right next to our booth. Go inside, she locks the door, rips my shorts down and starts sucking my cock.

    Goddamn, what a life.

    She says, just $20 USD please, I'll chupi-chupi till you come. I tell her, yeah, go for it, I just shot a massive load less than an hour ago, you're probably not going to get anything out. She says she can do it, she sure of it. She sucks and sucks, pulls out those big titties of hers, I suck on them while she's jerking me, she pulls my hand to her pussy and it's wet as fuck. I play with her clit, then she turns around and bends over. "Fuck me!

    Fuck me, I think. No more holding out now, I have to leave in 4 hours. The bathroom has a little bathtub in the end of it, so she grabs the edge, sticks her ass and pussy in the air and I fuck the living daylights out of her until I nut inside her. Only took me .10 minutes. Jesus. Apparently I'm a quick cumshot too, especially when I feel like I'm doing something I shouldn't be. The bar security guy hard eyeballed me when I walked into the bar with the 3 chicas, and we only snuck in when he went back outside for a few minutes. Now here I am, knowing he's out there, and I have to walk out. I send her first, then take 5 minutes or so to clean myself up and walk out. He just smiles.

    I go to pay the bill and only then realize my mistake in giving her $30 USD instead of $20. I'm just under $15 USD short of the elevated, commission based tab at the bar, after giving the bartender the $30 USD I still had, plus about $8 in pesos. She would've let me slide with a deficit of less than $5 USD, but $15, she can't do it. Unbelievable.

    I tell the bartender, I do not have it, but can walk to my room and get it. She says ok, but the security guy will walk with you. Turns out he's super cool, I give him a $20, tell him to keep the $5 and tell him I'm not going back with him. He just laughs and wishes me a safe flight home. Great guy.

    And that was the end of my trip. 4 hours later, on the way to the airport, which now has functioning Air Conditioning! Woohooo!

    Final tally:

    Basically 3 full days, 3 nuts, 11 girls, 12 fuck sessions. My best Havana trip yet. If I can get a cheap flight, I'll definitely try for a repeat!

    Lessons learned. Not be in a hurry to get fucking the chicas. I started very slow on Thursday, worked into a rhythm talking to the Badoo girls, street girls, just entering every day with zero expectations. Prior to the trip, I thought if I knock out 2 per day, 6 total, I'the be fine with that. Honestly, I'the be fine with 5. By letting each day just come to me, and not jumping on the first halfway hot girl I saw, things just flowed perfectly this trip.

    Other lesson, don't get too drunk, it definitely hampers the memory making and just isn't as fun. After day 1, I stuck to about 4-5 drinks for the entire day, with 1 at lunch, 2 at dinner and maybe one more at night. With a lot of bottled water in between. Made the whole of days 2 and 3 much much better. Plus when I'm drunk I don't care what price the girls quote, I'm horny and just want to get the fucking underway.

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