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Thread: La Romana

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  1. #151

    Do it

    On my recent trip to Boca Chica, I tinder matched with a number of good looking girls in La Romana and San Pedro. I think its worth the stretch. And its funny you are banned, because I am too. I have my second burner phone with Tinder and its paid off more than a few times.


    Quote Originally Posted by MamaGuevos  [View Original Post]
    I am going to Punta Cana next week, and intend to get some old friends from San Pedro to keep me company. But these chicas can be flakes, and sometimes do not show up. I gather there is noting in Punta Cana, and saw this old report about La Romana. Are waitresses and chicas still available in the Calle Gaston Fernando Deligne area?

    I suppose I could try Tinder, but I have been banned for life ever since some girl in Bangkok complained about me, and I would need to use a second cell phone and fake email address to get a new account. It doesn't seem worth the bother.

  2. #150

    Might help

    I give my chicas incentives to be in compliance let the girls know if they show up they get a gift that they like Perfume, tennis shoes. There choice. Things they crave and are cheap for me to buy.

    Quote Originally Posted by MamaGuevos  [View Original Post]
    I am going to Punta Cana next week, and intend to get some old friends from San Pedro to keep me company. But these chicas can be flakes, and sometimes do not show up. I gather there is noting in Punta Cana, and saw this old report about La Romana. Are waitresses and chicas still available in the Calle Gaston Fernando Deligne area?

    I suppose I could try Tinder, but I have been banned for life ever since some girl in Bangkok complained about me, and I would need to use a second cell phone and fake email address to get a new account. It doesn't seem worth the bother.

  3. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by JohanBrauer  [View Original Post]
    I will be there (Bayahibe) in February next year, family thing at an AI so opportunities will be limited. Based on what I have read so far best options on foot are the massage girls on Av Eladia. It does look like there is a small casino / disco nearby called Kviar that I may try my luck at. Couldn't find a Casino Diamente via Google any clue where that is?
    I took a scuba course there in 2022. There is as close to zero action as any place I have ever seen in the world. Fortunately, I had a few friends from La Capital (Santo Domingo) with me.

    In the other hand, Bayahibe has great Italian food. It would be interesting to know if Johan had a better experience.

  4. #148

    Any updates on la romana?

    I am going to Punta Cana next week, and intend to get some old friends from San Pedro to keep me company. But these chicas can be flakes, and sometimes do not show up. I gather there is noting in Punta Cana, and saw this old report about La Romana. Are waitresses and chicas still available in the Calle Gaston Fernando Deligne area?

    I suppose I could try Tinder, but I have been banned for life ever since some girl in Bangkok complained about me, and I would need to use a second cell phone and fake email address to get a new account. It doesn't seem worth the bother.

  5. #147

    Can anyone add any recent reports

    Thinking about going here more for relaxing than mongering. But would like to know if there is still any action.

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by ACE9892  [View Original Post]
    ...The thing to know is that the Colmado closes around 9 and the scene dries up pretty quickly after that. My chica told me that the girls all go to the Casino Diamante after that to continue looking 4 business. I didn't go but I'm assuming it will be all the same girls plus some more who don't bother with the Colmado. You will need your own transportation or a taxi to get to the Casino from Bayahibe but it seems that is where you will have to go if you don't want to start your night on the early side.
    I will be there (Bayahibe) in February next year, family thing at an AI so opportunities will be limited. Based on what I have read so far best options on foot are the massage girls on Av Eladia. It does look like there is a small casino / disco nearby called Kviar that I may try my luck at. Couldn't find a Casino Diamente via Google any clue where that is?

  7. #145
    Well propably too late for the dude that asked but maybe some other peeps in future want to know as well.

    I am not a really a Pro for mongering in LA Romana too. But I skipped from North coast and sd area to La Romana for some years now and know the city.

    I did had some pros from La Romana in La Romana yes but not going there to hang around all days with putas.

    About the casa de campo question. Casa de campo is a high society area east of la romana. There are plenty of villas, high class apartments and so on. Its for touists and rich people. So far I know visitors have to pay a fee to enter. I can't commit this 100% but if its true it will be costly to get chicas there if you did not put there name on your reservation before. But I don't know 100% because never was in casa de campo and until I will be millionaire won't go there.

    About La Romana. La Romana is the richest city in the DR. It was a company owned city not even 100 years old. Theres alot of business, for DR lot jobs and alot tourism with casa de campo, the cruise terminal and bayahibe close. It got for dominican towns alot middle class inhabits. But the City itself does not has much tourism, not many gringos and nothing interesting to see.

    But because the good life standard it has alot of Bars, Restaurants and discos which are for the few tourists (I don't count the bayahibe and cruise toursits here because only a few will come to La Romana) which are based for the dominican middle and upper class.

    In La Romana almost EVERY Disco or Drink or how you will call it has a ton of waitresses which are available for sexual services. It does not has lots of casas. I think theres just one casa.

    These discos and drinks are mostly located in the center of the city and alot are on calle gaston fernando deligne and close to that street.

    About inviting chica from SD or Puerto plata what someone else mentioned. These chicas are there in La Romana for working in the discos. Chicas come from all parts of the DR to work there because the town has a big nightlife fo dominicans and for dr lot jobs.

    In all discos you have to pay the chica AND have to pay a fee for salida for the chica + the cabana. So in the end it won't be so cheap. The chicas in the discos must look for Guys to make addicional deals with salida per week or the have to pay a fee and get cut on their salary or kicked at some point if they won't do. That is the truth. So its not like puta has no client no gain money. No in La Romana she has to pay money for not going with monger LOL. The chicas range mostly from 3 to 7. Got a few 8 and 9. These days alot are Chamas (venozelanas). These daysi would say only 50% of the bar chicas are dominicanas.

    Forget about making a deal with the bar chicas in their free time for not paying the take out fee. Because that they only can do on their DIA libre or on stupid times like in the morning in their late shifts or late at night ine early shifts. Becouse if they don't go to work they also have to pay a multa. Also they need to find their clients in the bar to avoid the multa.

    Near the discos are some short time hotels but for serving dominicans so standard is low. Theres also a short time hotel near the shopping mall multi plaza and if you are in the beach town caleta you can rent rooms in the hotels there also for short time. Cabanas with good rooms are in west La Romana on the Autopista to San Pedro.

    The town also got Street or casa working chamas. But so far I did see most have dominican chulos. So I don't know about prices.

    Also at night la romana is not so safe. Theres quite some robbery and hold ups. So for a guy solo not so good. Even if the discos are close each other I would not recomend to go by foot at night. The discos itself have good security though. Inside the discos you do not have to worry.

    For searching putas in romana you also can look at But to be honest these days most working girls are chamas not much dominicanas.

    You can find chicas on internet to go in a cabna with for 1000 poesos upwars. Average price in la romana is about 2000-2500 per hour. Of course negiocable. But for low price don't expect much. Most of these chics have to deal with dominican clients all day long. So everyone will atleast try to get most out of a gringo.

    So yeah Romana has alot of mongering but you don't see it in the first place. But its no monger town and for sure its not for mongers without expierence in the DR or that ones that do not speak spanish.

    The town can have alot of fun but it an get a bit tricky.

    And now I have a question myself to my fellow mongers. Because I did not come around for chicas in other towns the last time much. Are the other citys also packed with chamas?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stalesihonim  [View Original Post]

    I will be staying in Casa De Campo for a few days, but want to wonder out to La Romana. Where can one find some girls? I won't have too much time to waste, so would prefer a sure thing.

    Thank you!

  8. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Stalesihonim  [View Original Post]

    I will be staying in Casa De Campo for a few days, but want to wonder out to La Romana. Where can one find some girls? I won't have too much time to waste, so would prefer a sure thing.

    Thank you!
    I was there for a day in Romana last month. So I am not a pro for Romana. But from what I saw. I think you are better off inviting a girl from Sosua or Punta Cana or Santo Domingo to your place. I was there during the day so I am not sure about the casas or clubs in romana close to casa de campo.

  9. #143

    Looking for advice.


    I will be staying in Casa De Campo for a few days, but want to wonder out to La Romana. Where can one find some girls? I won't have too much time to waste, so would prefer a sure thing.

    Thank you!

  10. #142

    Where is the action at these days?

    I will be in La Romana for a week or so in Feb. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for hot spots with the chicas. Last year I went to a few places, all on the same road, blasting music, like crazy loud, nothing great, so I did not indulge. The freelancing has been my route but it takes time and wins and losses are plentiful. Thanks in advance. Are there no Casas in La Romana like you would find in the capital?

  11. #141

    Local girls in casa de campo.

    Posted this in general info but should probably be here:

    Does anyone know when staying in casa de campo how far in advance must you register local girl? If you find a local girl you like can you call and register on your way back to the villa? We found a villa we like and when asking about girl policy he said that they had to be registered.

  12. #140

    La Romana Tuesday 10-17-17

    In the afternoon I caught a motoconcho to Jumbo supermarket to meet up with a chica that I met on Tagged. As far as I can tell she was a non pro. Got to Jumbo and she was there sitting and waiting at the food court. She looked like her pictures, nice Tits but a little more on the thick side. Darker skin but not Haitian. We hugged and kissed and conversated a bit. We ate lunch there at Pollo Victoria, got a combo meal for both of us. Chicken was quite tasty. Afterwards I asked did she want to drink and she suggested the bar across the street from Jumbo. It was call El Obelisco and has a coconut stand out from. We sat and downed several Presidente Grandes for 150 pesos each. Loud music blaring, hard to conversate but not impossible. 7 chicas behind the bar ranging from a 4 to 7 in looks. Working girls as far as I could tell but didn't ask as I was with my chica. When I was heading to the baņo I noticed they had rooms in the back. When I asked about them the price was 500 pesos for 2 hours. Bed, chair, bathroom and shower. After beers I paid for the room and another chica have us soap, 2 towels and 2 condoms. Spent and 1 and a half hours Fuckin her every which way. Good action and her talking sexy in Spanish. After 2 pops. We cleaned up together and talked more. I have her 1500 pesos in a greeting card, 2 shirts and some good smelling body spray. She was surprised and excited. Awesome! We left the room and had one more Presidente before I left. We keep in touch via Whatsapp.

    Heading to Aruba and Curacao next.

  13. #139

    Short time hotels

    Does anybody know where any short-time hotels are in La Romana?

  14. #138
    Anyone can recommend this chica?

    I want to stay a few Days in a Resort in Bayahibe End of the Month.

    I like to go with a chica and do some GFE.

    I found her on Badoo a while back and so far she is my Fav from the Romana Chicas I know.

    So if anyone know something good or bad of her let me know please.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 12715260_1016778698378383_6084999317323750904_n.jpg‎  

  15. #137

    Local Places

    If you walk down the street directly across from the Hotel Olimpo, you will come across the Nueva Ambiance. Its been a few things but the chicas sit around ready to service. The motocross drive and park inside the bar. I like this venue better then the loud car wash bars where you cannot converse and it is unclear if the chica bartenders are available. Around the corner from Nueva Ambiance is club Intimo. Check it out soon!

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