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Thread: Punta Cana

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  1. #1195

    Getting Girls into resorts

    This is a mix answer because every resort is different, your best bet is a cabana.

    If you're staying at any of the Bahia Principe resort 24 hour notice and $40 fee also have to e-mail the security.

    RIU Palace Punta Cana no guest in the daytime but at nighttime after the club you show up with a guest its A ok, shit is weird yes I know.

    Also, sometimes you can find working girls on the resort they usually travel together, keep in mind they will try to beat you over the head price wise, seen a guy get hit up for $400 thought he would of said hell no, but next morning I seen her walking out is room she was worth no more than 2500 pesos.

  2. #1194


    Quote Originally Posted by RandomLetters6  [View Original Post]
    Overall I had a pretty good time, although I didn't do many beach things. I got on tinder a couple days before I went there and connected with a bunch of beautiful womenit seems that every women under the age of 25 in the PC area on tinder is selling herself.

    So, the day I arrived, I met up with one woman. Her price was a bit high but I was okay with that, she was tall and lean with big tits and a big ass, and when we did it, she truly seemed to enjoy it. The next morning I met up with another woman, ridiculously good looking. She told me the price, I said fine, we went to the bedroom and started. No kissing, basically wouldn't let me touch her anywhere except a wrapped dick in the pussy. That was kind of a turn off for me, but she got on me and started riding me and it was pretty glorious. She did a lot of fake moaning, like she was sucking me and moaning, come on now. I didn't cum within 3 minutes so she seemed to get bothered and wanted to switch positionsI really got the feeling she just wanted to get me off as quickly as possible and leave. When we were done she asked me for a tip, I laughed and said tu eres muy caro (you are very expensive) and left it at that.

    Well, later that day woman #1 hit me up again, turns out she lived right down the road from the AirBnB I was staying in. Long story short, I would up staying with her the rest of the time and she fucked my brains out twice a day, every day, and cooked for me the entire time. It was pretty awesome. She did ask for some money since she was spending time with me instead of working, and I totally respected that and gave her some, but overall a good way to spend the time. I think I had sex 8 times total over those 5 days, which was exactly what I needed.
    Glad you had a great time RL, I am heading in a week and never used tinder in the past other than FB and some members contacts and thru hotel staff.

    May I know how much you paid for each girls? Are they negra or blanca?

    For now I got round 150 to 300 short time.

  3. #1193

    Way to go

    You made the right move. You can have great time when you find that GFE experience. The sex is better and the next time you come back you have a got to girl. Punta Cana is not an easy place to monger but you made it work for you. When you fine a keeper they can make your vacation. Glad you had a good time a lot of guys could learn from you.

  4. #1192

    Just got back from 5 days in Punta Cana

    Overall I had a pretty good time, although I didn't do many beach things. I got on tinder a couple days before I went there and connected with a bunch of beautiful women—it seems that every women under the age of 25 in the PC area on tinder is selling herself.

    So, the day I arrived, I met up with one woman. Her price was a bit high but I was okay with that, she was tall and lean with big tits and a big ass, and when we did it, she truly seemed to enjoy it. The next morning I met up with another woman, ridiculously good looking. She told me the price, I said fine, we went to the bedroom and started. No kissing, basically wouldn't let me touch her anywhere except a wrapped dick in the pussy. That was kind of a turn off for me, but she got on me and started riding me and it was pretty glorious. She did a lot of fake moaning, like she was sucking me and moaning, come on now. I didn't cum within 3 minutes so she seemed to get bothered and wanted to switch positions—I really got the feeling she just wanted to get me off as quickly as possible and leave. When we were done she asked me for a tip, I laughed and said tu eres muy caro (you are very expensive) and left it at that.

    Well, later that day woman #1 hit me up again, turns out she lived right down the road from the AirBnB I was staying in. Long story short, I would up staying with her the rest of the time and she fucked my brains out twice a day, every day, and cooked for me the entire time. It was pretty awesome. She did ask for some money since she was spending time with me instead of working, and I totally respected that and gave her some, but overall a good way to spend the time. I think I had sex 8 times total over those 5 days, which was exactly what I needed.

  5. #1191

    My Punta Cana experience

    Quote Originally Posted by OldKool  [View Original Post]
    If you have cash you can get sex any where in the world. 13 years ago they were asking 150 an hour at the casas. PC is a family vacation venue. They do not want working girls but some girls manage to go on the stroll.
    I completely agree with OldKool. This is not the place for wild fun. First, the people on the beach are mostly Europeans and Americans with children. Second, the airbnbs for rent are either 1) in a gated community or 2) far away from anything that might be fun.

    I imported two chicas from San Pedro for my time in PC, but I expected to be able to pick up one or two other girls for a fun time (my girls are very tolerant of other girls, and they knew of my plans ahead of time). However, I was mystified as to where I could find a chica in PC without going a long distance to La Romana, or wherever. My taxi driver suggested Coco Bongo as a disco to find chicas, but I was not capable of late, late night revelry. Basically, while the beach was pretty nice, neither I nor my chicas are into sitting on hot sand in the sun. And there is a paucity of restaurants in the area unless you head into the city (there were restaurants on the beach, but they were part of all inclusives and did not let outsiders dine).

    I did learn one important thing from my chicas. There are lots of colmadas that you can call for food, even meals. My girls typically asked the delivery guys for marijuana, which was always delivered shortly thereafter. I suspect (indeed, I am certain) that I could have asked the delivery guys for a chica.

    But all things being said, PC is the most boring part of the Dominican Republic I have visited. If you want to sit on the beach and tan, it is fantastic. But for food, chicas and other diversions it was quite dull. If I hadn't been with my imported chicas from San Pedro, I am certain I could have found someone but Santo Domingo and even Santiago have so much more to offer for mongerers.

  6. #1190

    Hard rock

    Is it hard to get a girl into your room if you're staying here?

  7. #1189

    Heading to Punta Cana in 2 weeks, would love some tips

    Hey guys,

    New member here. Newly single, 42, fit, pretty good looking, so from what I understand it shouldn't be too hard. Looking to get laid a lot down in Punta Cana. I rented a condo on AirBnB for my trip after reading on here that you often can't bring girls back to hotels / resorts. I know a bit of broken Spanish, probably enough to flirt some. I'll need to touch up on that.

    From what I've read, just being on tinder and similar dating apps I should meet plenty of locals. Also I've read that even just walking on Bavaro beach I might get approached, and then of course going to pretty much any nightclub I'll see a bunch of women.

    Haven't been single in years, so a lot of this is going to be new to me. Punta Cana seems to be more expensive than other areas from what I see. What are acceptable prices for a good-looking woman? Around $150 or so? I dunno, any advice you guys could throw my way, I'd really appreciate it.

  8. #1188

    Thank you

    Thank you for the advice. From what I'm reading, it looks like Sosua or Puerta Plata would be a better option for the next trip.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tusabes  [View Original Post]
    Evaluate if it's really worth your time and hassle. Your opinion of "not too far away" versus others can be very different / misleading for various reasons. NO ONE just walks into a resort. Maybe consider going to Steve's bar if still open or dropping by Exclusivo RD Punta Cana. Try to enjoy yourself and don't get caught up with doing to much. Especially if you're only staying one day.

  9. #1187
    Quote Originally Posted by Tusabes  [View Original Post]
    Your opinion of "not too far away" versus others can be very different / misleading for various reasons.
    You mean like the chick on Cupid that lives in Santo Domingo that I had been talking to. I arrived in Santo Domingo and told her to send the location because I was headed her way. She sent a location in Las Terrenas, 2 hours away. Date cancelled!

  10. #1186

    Needed a getaway

    Found a getaway to venture into town. I did insane research to see if there were any casa. Man its so tough. Only escort agency available. So I took an uber and ran an errand. Talk to the uber guy and he immediatly knew a place north of the airport.

    He honked at a closed gate. And they let us in.

    Was in the small dance floor with 1 stripper pole. 7 girls walked in from outside. A bunch of 6's and 7's and more milfs. I grabbed ome and mama wanted 2. 0.

    Uber driver before told me 150. So I said I'm leaving and mama agreed to 150. Wapoed back outside into this shanty of a bedroom with ghetto ac.

    It was worth it. She gave me two condoms but I only needed 1 and needed to peave ASAP.

    Covered everything. Sorry this isn't much helo but ask your driver.

  11. #1185


    Quote Originally Posted by WpGuy  [View Original Post]
    I will be flying into Punta Cana and staying at an all-inclusive resort booked by the cruise line. I leave the next morning. I have been working Dominican Cupid for a couple of months finding a couple of single mothers not too far away willing to join me for dinner and the night. I am booked as one guest. The cruise line travel agent told me it's a hotel; they just walk in. I thought I had read that I have to purchase a pass or something even for dinner let alone an overnight stay. What do I need to do? Thanks in advance for the help.
    Evaluate if it's really worth your time and hassle. Your opinion of "not too far away" versus others can be very different / misleading for various reasons. NO ONE just walks into a resort. Maybe consider going to Steve's bar if still open or dropping by Exclusivo RD Punta Cana. Try to enjoy yourself and don't get caught up with doing to much. Especially if you're only staying one day.

  12. #1184

    Getting local into resort

    I will be flying into Punta Cana and staying at an all-inclusive resort booked by the cruise line. I leave the next morning. I have been working Dominican Cupid for a couple of months finding a couple of single mothers not too far away willing to join me for dinner and the night. I am booked as one guest. The cruise line travel agent told me it's a hotel; they just walk in. I thought I had read that I have to purchase a pass or something even for dinner let alone an overnight stay. What do I need to do? Thanks in advance for the help.

  13. #1183

    Her luggage will most likely be checked

    Quote Originally Posted by Jbj64  [View Original Post]
    Has anyone brought a Colombian with them? And were there any problems entering the country? I'm going to bring my Colombian S. Be.

    Thinking of staying in a apartment in the LOS Corrales resort area.
    Both times my ex had her luggage opened in PC.

    Once we both went from Colombia together but mine was never opened. But other than that shouldn't be a problem entering.

  14. #1182

    Bringing my own fun

    Has anyone brought a Colombian with them? And were there any problems entering the country? I'm going to bring my Colombian S. Be.

    Thinking of staying in a apartment in the LOS Corrales resort area.

  15. #1181

    Punta Cana is not a good spot for our hobby

    If you have cash you can get sex any where in the world. 13 years ago they were asking 150 an hour at the casas. PC is a family vacation venue. They do not want working girls but some girls manage to go on the stroll.

    Quote Originally Posted by SaltyDawgs  [View Original Post]
    Lots of colombias around, But they want 250 an hour or 600 all night.

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