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  1. #111


    I see these Jamaican "skinout" vids on the web. Is this something that is real? Where do we find these bars / parties?

  2. #110

    Runaway-like the title says

    Quote Originally Posted by Olders  [View Original Post]
    I will be staying in Runaway bay in August, withe the wife and kids, what will be my nearest place for some action if I can get away for a day or 2.
    I stayed there this past December, I was majorly disappointed. I always stay in Mobay, but I decided to give this place a try after my tour bus stopped there to let us use the restroom. I found the property very beautiful but after staying there, that became a different thing.

    First, the property, better bring lots of mosquito repellant. They sell some on the property but you know how the prices will be. I never had a mosquito problem in Mobay. I did pretty good keeping them off until one morning I ran over to get an early morning snack and I didn't apply any repellant and I paid the price.

    I always carry campho-phenique period, it came in handy to appease the bite stings.

    Second, they have time share solicitors that will ruin your stay because you spend the whole time saying no. They have them all over the property.

    Taxi rides are expensive because nothing is within walking range. They will quote you a price through a book, don't pay that price, tell them a lower price. They will accept because most people staying on the resort are content and never leave so their business is not good and they will take lower offers.

    I went into town once to pickup some items and it was expensive (just one way). We had to stay with the driver so I couldn't really scope out the area, we didn't want to bore him. It would have been nice if he could have dropped us off and we got a ride back. They jack you in Jamaica on taxis because the local cabs are hard to get around in. I know my way around Mobay.

    I didn't get out because I was messing with the talent on property. I did meet a nice cab driver that was going to drive me to Kingston, I didn't go because the weather wasn't favorable. I would pull one of the cab drivers and tell them what you are interested in. They know how to hook you up, they always did for me in Mobay.

    Last, I am done with Jamaica, I have been going since 98'. It was fun in the old days, just like anything, nothing ever lasts. Mobay isn't fun anymore because they closed the Coral Reef (used to be a casino) and the strip is pretty much dead, I never saw M'ville busy like it used to be in the old days-maybe during springbreak. I had a hook up when I stayed at the Wexford, the bellman could get on his mobile phone and a lady would be there that afternoon, he quit.

    I see Jamaica (they do have very pretty women) as place not to go to monger, if you have to go for business then you have to make the best of the trip. There are far more easier places to monger (The DR my favorite). What I have found is that the VERY pretty women don't work, they get taken care of by the men. I wonder what happens when they get older (like 50 and above).

    The jamaican women do not have the mind frame like thailand or the PI, when they see you, they don't automatically think sex. They care about jumping in the bed. You can win them over but who has time-and the money? The island has changed so much when I first went there. You know with the internet, they have picked up things from the US and other places. These girls know their value and will use it.

    I met a woman who drove her own car, its hard to find a woman who owns her own car. This woman also had her own business which really put her in the 1% club of women on the island. It took three trips and lots of schmoozing but I got her to give me some love. Afterwards, she told me she was careful who she gave it out to because she didn't want the guy going around bragging. I was lucky and I considered that the last good piece, I am done with this island.

    I can't wait until Cuba opens up!

  3. #109

    Runaway Bay

    I will be staying in Runaway bay in August, withe the wife and kids, what will be my nearest place for some action if I can get away for a day or 2.

  4. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by Freckly  [View Original Post]
    Can anyone provide information of affordable guest friendly hotels? It would be highly appreciated.
    Samsara Resort West End Rd. Negril.

  5. #107

    Budget hotels

    Can anyone provide information of affordable guest friendly hotels? It would be highly appreciated.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by Manny51  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the replies! One more question:

    Anyone have a feel for the prevalence of STDs in Jamaica? For example, I read in one of the guidebooks that the HIV rate in working girls is over 20. If HIV is that high, all the other nasties are probably high too.

    Casual sex always has its risks, but if the odds are stacked too high, sometimes I sit it out. Thoughts?
    I personally don't even know of any studies being done where std / hiv test have been done on our prostitutes. In general you should expect mongering to be a high risk endeavour regardless of which country your in. Just my 2cents on the matter. Jamaican prostitutes are educated on the matter of how std's are transfered, so not sure that I would assume its more prevalent in Jamaica than anywhere else.

  7. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Manny51  [View Original Post]
    Hi everyone,

    Just made some last minute plans for Jamaica next week for 5 quick nites. So excited! Wanted to see the Rebel Salute Reggae fest. First night Kingston, then two nites in Ochos Rios, then two nites in Negril.

    Been reading the Fun and Sun's report (excellent!) as well as a few years back on each posting region. Unfortunately, the Jamaica forum is not as active as some of the other countries, so I am forced to ask some basic questions for updates.

    Most importantly, what are some good girl-friendly hotels in Ochos and Negril? In Negril, was probably going to do Samsara, which seems to be everybody's favorite. Any thoughts on Hedonism? For Ochos, I have NO candidates. Suggestions? I would like places close to the beach and / or party / restaurant action. Ceiling of $125 if possible.

    Any updated news on venues? Shades in Ochos? Any Jamaica regulars have hot new suggestions!

    In Kingston, I was planning to hang back. From what I hear, a little dangerous. Was planning to just go to sound systems party.

    Any other advice greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!
    Probably replying a bit late to your post but I'm Jamaican & just wanted to provide info for the people thinking of coming here.

    If you want the best prices for working girls & to see a good selection of them then going to portmore port Henderson strip aka backroad is the place to go (30mins drive from Kingston). They basically have little motels if you will that the girls rent, prices last time I went was anywhere from $10-30 for 15-20mins. The girls their are usually a crap shoot, sometimes you get a few decent ones, but other times you see no good lookers at all.

    Kingston strip clubs (the ones around new Kingston) will generally have the best looking girls, Lucky 38 probably the most saught after strip club / mongering club in kingston right now.

    At the end of the day though, the best looking girls on this island are mostly middle class to upper class women who you will find in Kingston, the thing is though they probably won't ever accept P4P, hence there are better mongering destinations in the world, but if you do want to see attractive Jamaican women then Kingston is probably the only place you will find them in abundance.

  8. #104

    Another first-timer question

    Thanks for the replies! One more question:

    Anyone have a feel for the prevalence of STDs in Jamaica? For example, I read in one of the guidebooks that the HIV rate in working girls is over 20. If HIV is that high, all the other nasties are probably high too.

    Casual sex always has its risks, but if the odds are stacked too high, sometimes I sit it out. Thoughts?

  9. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Pogostick  [View Original Post]
    Any hotel in Jamaica that is not all-inclusive will be guest friendly
    Samsara should be roughly $10/20 for a guest. I just emailed them a few weeks ago to ask.

  10. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Manny51  [View Original Post]
    Hi everyone,

    Just made some last minute plans for Jamaica next week for 5 quick nites. So excited! Wanted to see the Rebel Salute Reggae fest. First night Kingston, then two nites in Ochos Rios, then two nites in Negril.

    Been reading the Fun and Sun's report (excellent!) as well as a few years back on each posting region. Unfortunately, the Jamaica forum is not as active as some of the other countries, so I am forced to ask some basic questions for updates.

    Most importantly, what are some good girl-friendly hotels in Ochos and Negril? In Negril, was probably going to do Samsara, which seems to be everybody's favorite. Any thoughts on Hedonism? For Ochos, I have NO candidates. Suggestions? I would like places close to the beach and / or party / restaurant action. Ceiling of $125 if possible.

    Any updated news on venues? Shades in Ochos? Any Jamaica regulars have hot new suggestions!

    In Kingston, I was planning to hang back. From what I hear, a little dangerous. Was planning to just go to sound systems party.

    Any other advice greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!
    Any hotel in Jamaica that is not all-inclusive will be guest friendly

  11. #101

    Suggestions for Jamaica?

    Hi everyone,

    Just made some last minute plans for Jamaica next week for 5 quick nites. So excited! Wanted to see the Rebel Salute Reggae fest. First night Kingston, then two nites in Ochos Rios, then two nites in Negril.

    Been reading the Fun and Sun's report (excellent!) as well as a few years back on each posting region. Unfortunately, the Jamaica forum is not as active as some of the other countries, so I am forced to ask some basic questions for updates.

    Most importantly, what are some good girl-friendly hotels in Ochos and Negril? In Negril, was probably going to do Samsara, which seems to be everybody's favorite. Any thoughts on Hedonism? For Ochos, I have NO candidates. Suggestions? I would like places close to the beach and / or party / restaurant action. Ceiling of $125 if possible.

    Any updated news on venues? Shades in Ochos? Any Jamaica regulars have hot new suggestions!

    In Kingston, I was planning to hang back. From what I hear, a little dangerous. Was planning to just go to sound systems party.

    Any other advice greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

  12. #100

    Might be moving to Kingston

    I am thinking of taking a job offer in Jamaica. I would be based in Kingston in a gated community living with several co-workers. My job would take me all over the island, Oches Rio and Mo Bay a lot not as much along the south cost or to Negril but hey, it's a small island and not all that hard to get around in except for the traffic.

    My experience on the island is as a tourist, traveled with family so no time or chance for some monger action in any of several trips.

    I am interested in the sex scene in Jamaica. Reading through the Jamaica posts it looks like not many people are happy with the p4p scene. Lots of stories of poor service and rip offs. Escort prices for anything decent appear to be western world or near that with much lower prices for the local SW with the attendant risks of these girls.

    What I am looking for is semi or non pro's, younger girls (18 to 30) and to have 3 or 4 regulars with the odd strange thrown into the mix. I'm white Canadian and late 50's and don't mind spending a little for results.

    My experience elsewhere is that you can often get a non pro for a quarter the price of a pro, just make sure that she does not think that the money is for sex or can at least pretend that the money is not for sex. Often nice meals and some fun non sexual times (the beach, movies etc.) is sufficient to get a girl to sleep with you on a regular basis.

    This is especially true in poorer countries where the small gifts (usually $US 50 to 100 in value) can go a long way to making a girl's life a lot nicer. However my experience is mainly with Asian girls where they don't have the same guilt and social hang ups on sex as I am reading that Jamaicans do.

    Not much here about finding this sort of action. Any good leads on web sites, areas or places where one can find the non pro girls? Been making friends on tagged. Com and had a few introductory chats but so far not much in the way of anything that will lead definitely to some real action when I get to the island. Have looked at some Jamaica dating sites but so far have not taken the plunge and paid the up front fees, any recommendations on these sites?

  13. #99

    Reply to Dred Tony

    Quote Originally Posted by Dred Tory  [View Original Post]
    Are Jamaican me crazy! If I was doing a tour of kingston, where would I start?
    For SW's start here (ripon / eureka)


    Try holborn / trafalgar

  14. #98

    New taxes coming this summer

    A report by the Associated Press has advised Tourists travelling to Jamaica to expect paying more for their travails. Finance Minister Peter Phillips announced in parliament last week that starting in August 2012, all persons travelling to the island will now pay a US$20. 00 entrance fee and persons staying in hotels will pay up to US$4. 00 per night extra under a new accommodation tax which will take effect in September. The Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association had attempted to have the Government delay these new tax measures, however following meetings the hotel room tax fee was lowered from US$12. 00 per night.

  15. #97

    Ocho Rios

    [I] Will be in Ocho Rios Sept 20-30 and really need some help in finding the local mongering hotspots. Everything seems to be in the bigger cities. Hopefully someone can help I like to know what my plan is ahead of time and won't even go if there is no action.

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