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Thread: Curacao

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  1. #4670
    Quote Originally Posted by ILuvBrownGirls  [View Original Post]
    So someone crunched the numbers and it doesn't look profitable? I hear that Campo charges $60 a day in rent to the girls. I guess them making a killing doesn't necessarily equate to Campo making a killing since the girls don't give Campo a percentage. On the other hand, it seems that keeping a session around $35 might not be that attractive to some of the mid tier girls when they would need to have two clients just to cover daily rent. I have had some great times there for sure, though and would love to see it reopen.
    They made significant portion from entrance fee + drinks / food.

    Study is likely being conducted to see how much $ needs to be invested to renovate rooms and whole place.

  2. #4669
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    According to this article, they are conducting some studies and it looks like the final decision will be made in 3 months. . "In response, Pisas acknowledged the government's intent to utilize Campo Alegre as a regulated prostitution center but underscored the pending feasibility study by the SOAB accounting firm. He committed to awaiting the study's conclusions within three months before making a final decision on the property's future. ".
    So someone crunched the numbers and it doesn't look profitable? I hear that Campo charges $60 a day in rent to the girls. I guess them making a killing doesn't necessarily equate to Campo making a killing since the girls don't give Campo a percentage. On the other hand, it seems that keeping a session around $35 might not be that attractive to some of the mid tier girls when they would need to have two clients just to cover daily rent. I have had some great times there for sure, though and would love to see it reopen.

  3. #4668
    Quote Originally Posted by JustWatching69  [View Original Post]
    So with the purchase of the property and the govt approval its safe to say it should be open within a year??
    According to this article, they are conducting some studies and it looks like the final decision will be made in 3 months. . "In response, Pisas acknowledged the government's intent to utilize Campo Alegre as a regulated prostitution center but underscored the pending feasibility study by the SOAB accounting firm. He committed to awaiting the study's conclusions within three months before making a final decision on the property's future. ".

  4. #4667

    So than

    So with the purchase of the property and the govt approval its safe to say it should be open within a year??

  5. #4666
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMoon22  [View Original Post]
    Wish they would get it up and rolling. I loved that place.
    Had a conference in Willemstadt some years ago and spent the rest of the time at Happy Camp. It was great! Banging chicas fom Venezuela, Colombia, DR, Costa Rica, even Mexico. For $30/ pop.

  6. #4665
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    From "Curacao Chronicle" Prime Minister advocates establishment of prostitution center amid controversy over Campo Alegre.


    By Correspondent June 28,2024 Link

    WILLEMSTAD. Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas sparked debate during a parliamentary session by endorsing the establishment of a prostitution center on Curaao, suggesting it could potentially be located at the former site of Campo Alegre or elsewhere. Pisas made these remarks while addressing questions regarding the government's current lack of a prostitution policy.

    Speaking from his experience as a former police officer, Pisas emphasized the necessity for such a center. "I have never visited Campo Alegre for pleasure, but I understand the need for a regulated facility," he stated.

    The debate intensified as Pisas disclosed receiving numerous appeals to reopen Campo Alegre, a topic that has stirred controversy since its closure.

    Independent parliamentarian Zita Jesus-Leito raised concerns about the government's approach, highlighting that the purchase of Campo Alegre nine months ago lacked clarity on its future use. She criticized the government for allowing Prime Minister Pisas to negotiate the property's fate hastily, without prior public consultation.

    "The government's actions are premature and unacceptable," Jesus-Leito asserted, questioning the rationale behind acquiring Campo Alegre for a purpose that lacks a defined policy framework.

    Jesus-Leito also drew attention to the proliferation of illegal prostitution centers elsewhere on the island, pressing Pisas on his awareness and plans to address the unregulated sector.

    "We previously operated under a policy of tolerance with strict oversight. The situation has since escalated. What concrete measures does the prime minister propose to restore order?" she demanded.

    In response, Pisas acknowledged the government's intent to utilize Campo Alegre as a regulated prostitution center but underscored the pending feasibility study by the SOAB accounting firm. He committed to awaiting the study's conclusions within three months before making a final decision on the property's future.

    The debate reflects ongoing tensions over the island's social and economic policies, particularly concerning sensitive issues like prostitution regulation.
    Wish they would get it up and rolling. I loved that place.

  7. #4664

    Campo news June 28,2024

    From "Curacao Chronicle" Prime Minister advocates establishment of prostitution center amid controversy over Campo Alegre.


    By Correspondent June 28,2024 Link

    WILLEMSTAD. Prime Minister Gilmar Pisas sparked debate during a parliamentary session by endorsing the establishment of a prostitution center on Curaçao, suggesting it could potentially be located at the former site of Campo Alegre or elsewhere. Pisas made these remarks while addressing questions regarding the government's current lack of a prostitution policy.

    Speaking from his experience as a former police officer, Pisas emphasized the necessity for such a center. "I have never visited Campo Alegre for pleasure, but I understand the need for a regulated facility," he stated.

    The debate intensified as Pisas disclosed receiving numerous appeals to reopen Campo Alegre, a topic that has stirred controversy since its closure.

    Independent parliamentarian Zita Jesus-Leito raised concerns about the government's approach, highlighting that the purchase of Campo Alegre nine months ago lacked clarity on its future use. She criticized the government for allowing Prime Minister Pisas to negotiate the property's fate hastily, without prior public consultation.

    "The government's actions are premature and unacceptable," Jesus-Leito asserted, questioning the rationale behind acquiring Campo Alegre for a purpose that lacks a defined policy framework.

    Jesus-Leito also drew attention to the proliferation of illegal prostitution centers elsewhere on the island, pressing Pisas on his awareness and plans to address the unregulated sector.

    "We previously operated under a policy of tolerance with strict oversight. The situation has since escalated. What concrete measures does the prime minister propose to restore order?" she demanded.

    In response, Pisas acknowledged the government's intent to utilize Campo Alegre as a regulated prostitution center but underscored the pending feasibility study by the SOAB accounting firm. He committed to awaiting the study's conclusions within three months before making a final decision on the property's future.

    The debate reflects ongoing tensions over the island's social and economic policies, particularly concerning sensitive issues like prostitution regulation.

  8. #4663
    Quote Originally Posted by ClubTed  [View Original Post]
    Per the Curacao chronicle, government meeting by end of June to determine next steps with the property. Stay tuned.
    Yes, you are right, something is starting in the Campo case, copy of the article from Curacao Chronicle here: Local

    By Correspondent June 4, 2024. Government set to reveal plans for former brothel by end of June.

    WILLEMSTAD. The government has announced that it will provide clarity on its plans for Campo Alegre by the end of June. This decision follows a request for a question hour from independent Member of Parliament Zita Jesus-Leito.

    During the budget debate of 2024, it came to light that a special committee had been established to further develop plans for Campo. However, Leito has voiced concerns that no information has been made public regarding these plans, despite the expenditure of 9 million guilders for acquisition and investments.

    A question hour allows all Members of Parliament to submit written inquiries, which will be addressed orally by the minister during a public meeting.

  9. #4662

    Campo update

    Per the Curacao chronicle, government meeting by end of June to determine next steps with the property. Stay tuned.

  10. #4661
    Quote Originally Posted by NewtonYork  [View Original Post]
    My only hobbying regret is not visiting Campo. I thought to myself, oh sure it'll be around for ages, I can go anytime, etc. And then boom! It vanishes almost overnight. It was my one and only reason to visit the Caribbean. Never been anywhere south of Miami. And now without Campo, practically no reason to go. I tell ya fellas, if it does ever come back, I'll definitely be there.
    You have other options in Caribbean too now, St. Maarten or Aruba.

    Each is different setup and you can read thru forums to get a better sense of how each island works.

    Been to Campo few times but my preference is St. Maarten.

  11. #4660

    My only hobbying regret

    My only hobbying regret is not visiting Campo. I thought to myself, oh sure it'll be around for ages, I can go anytime, etc. And then boom! It vanishes almost overnight. It was my one and only reason to visit the Caribbean. Never been anywhere south of Miami. And now without Campo, practically no reason to go. I tell ya fellas, if it does ever come back, I'll definitely be there.

  12. #4659
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    I checked the news from the local radio station Dolfijn FM but it says nothing about the opening of Campo, only about an increased number of prostitutes from Venezuela. I provide a translated copy from Dutch " 04/25/2024.

    More prostitution due to opening of Venezuela borders.

    Curacao is experiencing an increase in prostitution. Morning newspaper Vigilante thinks this is due to the opening of the borders with Venezuela and an increase in scheduled flights between the South American neighboring country. Upon arrival at Hato, the ladies are included in an organized prostitution network that is active through various websites. The women would perform their services from neighborhoods around the airport. ".
    Thanks for the reply! Wish they'd open campo!

  13. #4658
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMoon22  [View Original Post]
    It no longer shows permanently closed when you google it and it actually shows it is currently open and open 24 hours. I'd love to see this place come back!
    I checked the news from the local radio station Dolfijn FM but it says nothing about the opening of Campo, only about an increased number of prostitutes from Venezuela. I provide a translated copy from Dutch " 04/25/2024.

    More prostitution due to opening of Venezuela borders.

    Curacao is experiencing an increase in prostitution. Morning newspaper Vigilante thinks this is due to the opening of the borders with Venezuela and an increase in scheduled flights between the South American neighboring country. Upon arrival at Hato, the ladies are included in an organized prostitution network that is active through various websites. The women would perform their services from neighborhoods around the airport. ".

  14. #4657

    Is campo coming back?

    It no longer shows permanently closed when you google it and it actually shows it is currently open and open 24 hours. I'd love to see this place come back!

  15. #4656
    Quote Originally Posted by JustWatching69  [View Original Post]
    I am hearing that it is anybody can confirm?
    There is no information about the opening of Campo in the local newspaper "Curacao Chronicle" link

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