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  1. #7480
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    Maybe I spoke too soon Mr. E. Upon further research, the National University in Colombia uses a 5. 0 scale so I will backtrack with my comment and correct but most people on this forum wouldn't even admit that they were wrong. Those are the arrogant idiots to watch out for. Thanks for your insight Bro.
    I for one appreciate that you admit your mistake and would just ask that you learn further by realizing you made the mistake because it's all Yew Ess all the time in your mind. 4.0 vs 5.0 is just another example of the metric system's innate superiority, for example. As Celsius is superior to Fahrenheit, etc.

  2. #7479

    Colombia is different

    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    How can she have a 4. 6 GPA when the maximum GPA is a 4. 0?
    IN Colombia they operate on a 5. 0 scale.

  3. #7478
    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    How do you know that? Do you have an insight into the customs agents?
    You can always ask questions when you go through Customs. I have even gone to the office before when I had a question and posted about it here.

  4. #7477
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    The maximum where? It depends on the place. Some people have grade ranges from 0 to 5. Maybe her system is on a 5 point scale.

    Also, it has been a very long time, but I remember being in high school and the AP classes weighing more than the regular classes. So it was possible to have over a 4. 0 GPA.

    I do have a girl in Bogota that is in school and she told me last year that their grading system is up to 5.
    Maybe I spoke too soon Mr. E. Upon further research, the National University in Colombia uses a 5. 0 scale so I will backtrack with my comment and correct but most people on this forum wouldn't even admit that they were wrong. Those are the arrogant idiots to watch out for. Thanks for your insight Bro.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20250204-014342_Chrome.jpg‎  

  5. #7476
    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    You know absolutely nothing about me. You have never met me, and I doubt you know anyone who has met me. Your generalities about me shows your character, or lack of character.
    Uh, I was not talking about you.

    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    How do you know that? Do you have an insight into the customs agents?
    Because myself and others had this happen before this incident with Trump.

    Remember when I said I did not wish for your money to be taken from you? I take that back. When you are carrying four figures of cash in your pocket, make sure to tell customs all about it and make sure you are honest about the reason for your being in Colombia and describe in vivid detail all the women you fucked. In fact, it is best if you show them pictures of all the women you banged in the most graphic of details because when it comes to talking to customs, honesty is the best policy.

    And it is a crime to lie to customs so make sure that you tell them the truth, the whole truth.

  6. #7475
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    How can she have a 4. 6 GPA when the maximum GPA is a 4. 0?
    The maximum where? It depends on the place. Some people have grade ranges from 0 to 5. Maybe her system is on a 5 point scale.

    Also, it has been a very long time, but I remember being in high school and the AP classes weighing more than the regular classes. So it was possible to have over a 4. 0 GPA.

    I do have a girl in Bogota that is in school and she told me last year that their grading system is up to 5.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20250204_065743_WhatsApp.jpg‎   Screenshot_20250204_065809_WhatsApp.jpg‎  

  7. #7474
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    How can she have a 4. 6 GPA when the maximum GPA is a 4. 0?
    Your ethnocentricity is showing here. Most unis in Colombia use a 5 point scale where anything under 3 is failing. Some use a 10 point scale.

  8. #7473
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    What happened to you has nothing to do with the recent incident in Colombia.
    How do you know that? Do you have an insight into the customs agents?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    It is not some people. It is one person, and his attempts at virtue signaling, customs likes me more than you all, are nothing new. Why you are virtue signaling at the same time you are talking about banging hookers and drinking like a fish is beyond me.
    You know absolutely nothing about me. You have never met me, and I doubt you know anyone who has met me. Your generalities about me shows your character, or lack of character.

  9. #7472
    Quote Originally Posted by LatinaLover#1  [View Original Post]
    My girlfriend of Bogota is a very serious STEM major in the Nat'l University with a 4. 6 GPA.
    How can she have a 4. 6 GPA when the maximum GPA is a 4. 0?

  10. #7471

    I'm returning to Colombia in 3 weeks

    I have been in and out of Colombia Gazillion times in the last 14 or so years. I can't remember ever being asked how much cash I have with me. On entry I am rarely directed to the x-ray machine of my bags. My girlfriend of Bogota is a very serious STEM major in the Nat'l University with a 4. 6 GPA. She quickly got approved for a 10 year visa and She never gets questioned and depending on the arrival airport she sometimes just breezes thru the Kiosk. One time I was bringing back a friend from Costa Rica who has a questionable past was sent to secondary.

    My personable opinion is when they scan your passport on arrival to Colombia or on my return home in the States. Only basic questions, reason for travel, how many days and welcome home! When they scan your passport they ALREADY know 90 % about you. So never lie because they will know it.

  11. #7470
    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    All I can say is, you travel your way and I'll travel my way. This discussion started from you posting "It will be interesting to see what happens to guys entering Colombia now and how we are treated." I posted my experience which had never happened before. Some people on here are antagonists and are almost always proclaiming their way is the right way or finding faults with a post. I guess that's to be expected from an anonymous chat site.
    What happened to you has nothing to do with the recent incident in Colombia. I have been asked once or twice how much money I had on me way before any of this happened. And Jack Taggart has had it happen. And Mr. E says not only has it happened to him, he knows people in customs where it has happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by FunLuvr  [View Original Post]
    Some people on here are antagonists and are almost always proclaiming their way is the right way or finding faults with a post. I guess that's to be expected from an anonymous chat site.
    It is not some people. It is one person, and his attempts at virtue signaling, customs likes me more than you all, are nothing new. Why you are virtue signaling at the same time you are talking about banging hookers and drinking like a fish is beyond me.

    The reason I told you what I did is that I do not want your money taken from you or from anyone here. What was going on was theft, plain and simple. Charging your money with a potential crime is bullshit. Why the legislatures, Congress, and courts have allowed this to happen is beyond me. IMO it is clearly a 4th amendment violation.

    The purpose of this forum, for most of us anyway, is to share information and avoid pitfalls. That is all I was doing.

  12. #7469
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    FL, in the future, I would not carry that much cash through. If you had more money on you, even a legal amount under $10,000, the agents may have kept it.
    All I can say is, you travel your way and I'll travel my way. This discussion started from you posting "It will be interesting to see what happens to guys entering Colombia now and how we are treated." I posted my experience which had never happened before. Some people on here are antagonists and are almost always proclaiming their way is the right way or finding faults with a post. I guess that's to be expected from an anonymous chat site.

  13. #7468
    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  14. #7467
    Quote Originally Posted by JackTaggart  [View Original Post]
    I'm white as hell. Been in and out of Bogota 20 times at least the last 3 years. I got asked how much money I had on me at the customs desk right before the exit one time 2 years ago. I don't understand ya'lls absolutes. Sometimes things just happen.
    Not dealing in any absolutes but merely relating my own experience. Not saying others haven't had different experiences. Just reporting cold, hard facts.

  15. #7466
    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    I cannot state with any accuracy how many times I have entered a foreign country and gone through customs but over a hundred for sure. It does not ask on the customs form how much money you are bringing in. We all know that's bullshit so why did you say that? It asks if you have more than $10 k US or its equivalent. And I personally have never, not once, ever been asked how much money I was carrying. Nor have I ever been taken to a little room. I've entered Colombia mmm 15 times? If you get that a lot it's because you're black ha ha.
    I'm white as hell. Been in and out of Bogota 20 times at least the last 3 years. I got asked how much money I had on me at the customs desk right before the exit one time 2 years ago. I don't understand ya'lls absolutes. Sometimes things just happen.

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