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Thread: Bogota Reports

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  1. #15350

    I'll be in Cali the same time as you

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn6430  [View Original Post]
    I also have this place on my to-do-list. That send in the next statement was brilliant. I also have some bucket list ideas to knock off as well, so if why'all have Golden shower knocked off your life bingo card send point me in the right direction.

    My upcoming tour dates if your in town DM me and let's grab a beer.

    Bogota - 3/2.

    Cali -3/4.

    Medellin - 3/6.
    I'll be in Cali at the same time as you. Let's get a beer.

  2. #15349
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackPage  [View Original Post]
    How the hell could you find such a place??

  3. #15348
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenBud  [View Original Post]
    Are you saying 2 hours for 50 + 40 + 30 + 50 + 20 = 190?

    Do I need to increase my price at Santa Fe from my normal 200?

    People everywhere in the world are saying prices are going up.
    No. 50 K you can fuck all the girls there 20 minutes at a time. You pay the 50 K when you walk in. The rest of the amounts are upcharges if you want additional services from each one.

  4. #15347
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    This is from my notes:

    Cra 17 #53-36 50 K 2 hours all you can fuck, anal40, kiss30, trio50, oral sin 20.
    Are you saying 2 hours for 50 + 40 + 30 + 50 + 20 = 190?

    Do I need to increase my price at Santa Fe from my normal 200?

    People everywhere in the world are saying prices are going up.

  5. #15346
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    This is from my notes:
    Cra 17 #53-36 50 K 2 hours all you can fuck, anal40, kiss30, trio50, oral sin 20.
    How the hell could you find such a place??

    I must admit I have never ventured so much South in Bogota, not seeing a reason.

  6. #15345
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    This is from my notes:

    Cra 17 #53-36 50 K 2 hours all you can fuck, anal40, kiss30, trio50, oral sin 20.
    Awesome 👍127996;.

  7. #15344
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    I might have to check this place out. When I first seen the ads I was like, "I remember Mr. E mentioning something similar to this" and I also think that you mentioned an address in Bogota on Carrera 17.
    This is from my notes:

    Cra 17 #53-36 50 K 2 hours all you can fuck, anal40, kiss30, trio50, oral sin 20.

  8. #15343

    Send in the next!

    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    I might have to check this place out. When I first seen the ads I was like, "I remember Mr. E mentioning something similar to this" and I also think that you mentioned an address in Bogota on Carrera 17.
    I also have this place on my to-do-list. That send in the next statement was brilliant. I also have some bucket list ideas to knock off as well, so if why'all have Golden shower knocked off your life bingo card send point me in the right direction.

    My upcoming tour dates if your in town DM me and let's grab a beer.

    Bogota - 3/2.

    Cali -3/4.

    Medellin - 3/6.

  9. #15342
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    That is when Master Monger took me to that all you can fuck place. There were 4 or 5 girls and you could fuck all you wanted within a 3 or 4 hour time frame for 50,000 pesos 20 minutes at a time. So when 20 minutes were up, I would be like send in the next one.
    I might have to check this place out. When I first seen the ads I was like, "I remember Mr. E mentioning something similar to this" and I also think that you mentioned an address in Bogota on Carrera 17.

  10. #15341

    Short trip report

    My first time in Bogota was just for a long layover. My flight got in at 8:30 last Friday, and I had a flight out to Santa Marta the next morning at 5 am. I took a cab to el centro and got a room at Costa Dorada. Thanks Woodman for the recommendation! 60 k for the room and the staff there was really nice and helpful. A short walk to all the clubs. I decided to just get with girls in the clubs rather than finding a street girl to take back to the hotel. First I went to Troya. It was like the el centro Medellin clubs I've been to before, but much more brightly lit. Helps in seeing the girls. First girl wanted 200 k, and I passed. Second girl was probably better looking, and she only wanted 130. We had a good time, but they come with that knock at the door really early! Maybe it was 15 min. Then I went to Atoni's club nearby. I will say that the bar be que place right there at Troya looked really good, but I had already eaten. Anyways, Atoni's was pretty good. First girl wanted 150 and took a pass. Second girl only 110 and she took good care of me. No one came to knock on the door, which was nice. I'm not sure if I have plans for a full vacation to Bogota, but I will likely find myself in the same situation of a long layover in the future. Great variety in the Bogota clubs! I had a similar layover on my way back home, but it was a Sunday night instead of Friday, and I had been fucking all day in Santa Marta anyway. So, I took a pass in going back to el centro and just got a hotel by the convention center. Thanks to everyone for their input on this board. It helped me line up a good time.

  11. #15340
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    I've always wondered about this ad when I'm in Bogota but never pulled the trigger. Sounds to good to be true in a way. I think that Mr. E had mentioned something similar to this awhile back. This ad is always posted. Anyone have any experience at this place?
    That is when Master Monger took me to that all you can fuck place. There were 4 or 5 girls and you could fuck all you wanted within a 3 or 4 hour time frame for 50,000 pesos 20 minutes at a time. So when 20 minutes were up, I would be like send in the next one.

  12. #15339

    Anyone been to Lido Recently?

    Has anyone been to Lido recently? Curious what rates for drinks, short time and long time are sitting at. Is there a bar fine there if you take a girl back to your place?

  13. #15338
    Quote Originally Posted by Prelude141  [View Original Post]
    Lux: 270 k.

    Sensity: 270 k.

    Colorin: 270 k.

    Via: 300 k.

    Absolut: 300 k.

    Nanxiang: 300 k.

    There are sill all open. Quality varies. Much better that the casas though but far more expensive. Girl are also of better quality I find.
    Deluxe Spa.

  14. #15337


    I've always wondered about this ad when I'm in Bogota but never pulled the trigger. Sounds to good to be true in a way. I think that Mr. E had mentioned something similar to this awhile back. This ad is always posted. Anyone have any experience at this place?

  15. #15336
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete6  [View Original Post]
    Thanks. How is Via Spa? It has a very convenient location. Any recommendation?
    I liked it better than Colorin. The room I had was a bare bones massage table, but they had a good selection of girls. I think I probably got gringo price as the base was 300 k and 100 k more for oral natural and 50 k for DFK. Colorin had a nicer 'bed' but on the Thursday at 7 pm I went they only had two girls and the one I picked wasn't real into it- also 300 k base and 100 k for oral natural.

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