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Thread: Medellin Reports

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  1. #68639
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    A great place to take a girl or girls for a date is to have a picnic at the Jardines Botnicos in Medellin......
    I have been to the Jardin Botanico many times, it is a great pick up spot. Now, I have never seen a girl there by herself but look for those with their young son / daughter, they're easy pickings. A rudimentary knowledge of Spanish and a phone app will help. You're welcome guys.

  2. #68638

    One Simple Rule

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiwanLaowai  [View Original Post]
    He has a lot of experience dating in Medellin. In early 2023, he spent 3 months living here and did real dating by meeting girls online. Anyway, he's mixed p4 p with regular dating this trip and all was going well until three days ago when a girl tried to scope him.

    But she kept wanting to drink and get him to drink with her and got sloppy with swapping cups as part of a game, etc.
    In 20 years of going to Colombia and doing 95% regular dating versus 5% hookers, I have never had a regular dating chick want me to drink. Sure they will have a drink if we are out at a restaurant or a couple of beers if we are at a party or at the beach, but say drink this, drink this, never!.

    Once (and this was last year) a chick told me that she liked red wine. I bought some before she came over. It was sitting on the kitchen counter in plain view. After she left, I asked her why she did not drink her red wine or take it with her. She said that I never offered it to her. I ended up leaving it for the owner or next person in the airbnb.

    A regular dating chick is not going to be a big drinker and is most of all not going to suggest drinking together as an activity or coaxing you to drink. Once again proves that all these scoping stories have something to do with drinking. Even in the video of that streamer guy, you see the girls putting the cups to the guys lips getting them to take drinks. Cut out the fucking drinking and you do not have to worry about getting drugged. But as always has been the case throughout human history, when pussy says to do something, guys simply follow instructions because they do not want to lose the pussy by saying no.

  3. #68637

    Couple of things.

    Quote Originally Posted by TaiwanLaowai  [View Original Post]
    Met up with Ricki01 in Poblado a couple times this week. He has a lot of experience dating in Medellin. In early 2023, he spent 3 months living here and did real dating by meeting girls online. Cupid, FB, etc. Back then, he posted under a different handle. Anyway, he's mixed p4 p with regular dating this trip and all was going well until three days ago when a girl tried to scope him. She was from FB, maybe just 18 or 19, and based on appearance and behavior, presented as very fresh and inexperienced.

    During the date, she was nervous and he thought it was due to her lack of experience. But she kept wanting to drink and get him to drink with her and got sloppy with swapping cups as part of a game, etc. At some point, she did something to one of the drinks but he was being careful. As soon as he tasted just a drop, his heart rate jumped and he knew what was going on. He immediately got up and told her to take her stuff and get out. After she was out, he tried a drop more and looked up the initial effects of a tiny amount of scopolamine and sure enough, his reaction fit perfectly.

    He's on his way back home and asked me to share the story here as a warning. Some of these girls are extremely good actresses so you should never let your guard down. The girl might have really been inexperienced but whoever was directing here would have pounced had Ricki fallen asleep.

    Seems like there may be a lot of gems but some of the bad ones are extremely good at faking it.
    A couple of things:

    What was his previous posting name?

    Why would he change his posting name?

    Anyone who changes his name to the feminine spelling of Ricki I would run away from as he, she, it has issues.

  4. #68636

    Close call

    Met up with Ricki01 in Poblado a couple times this week. He has a lot of experience dating in Medellin. In early 2023, he spent 3 months living here and did real dating by meeting girls online. Cupid, FB, etc. Back then, he posted under a different handle. Anyway, he's mixed p4 p with regular dating this trip and all was going well until three days ago when a girl tried to scope him. She was from FB, maybe just 18 or 19, and based on appearance and behavior, presented as very fresh and inexperienced.

    During the date, she was nervous and he thought it was due to her lack of experience. But she kept wanting to drink and get him to drink with her and got sloppy with swapping cups as part of a game, etc. At some point, she did something to one of the drinks but he was being careful. As soon as he tasted just a drop, his heart rate jumped and he knew what was going on. He immediately got up and told her to take her stuff and get out. After she was out, he tried a drop more and looked up the initial effects of a tiny amount of scopolamine and sure enough, his reaction fit perfectly.

    He's on his way back home and asked me to share the story here as a warning. Some of these girls are extremely good actresses so you should never let your guard down. The girl might have really been inexperienced but whoever was directing here would have pounced had Ricki fallen asleep.

    Seems like there may be a lot of gems but some of the bad ones are extremely good at faking it.

  5. #68635
    Quote Originally Posted by FeatherStepper  [View Original Post]
    Been in Medelland a few days been lurking a few weeks. Tried to post earlier but this forum was a little difficult to figure out. First day went to casa prpura saw a girl who was very pretty and friendly. She looked just like the pictures all activities were covered. We really hit it off and she ended up giving me her personal number and we hung out the next day at a mall.

    Next day I was browsing a site for chicas en laureles (idk if I can say which site bc it has photos) I saw two I liked and messaged them both, turns out they both work at a place called casa aphrodite I believe. I ended up choosing melody, a pretty and petite venezolana. She gave amazing oral with a cover on, I'm pretty well endowed and she was able to get most of it, she could probably completely swallow 15 cm with ease. We ended up going through every position imaginable. After we were both satisfied we later there and talked for like an hour past out appointment. She was very intelligent and I honestly enjoyed the conversation.

    I ended going to look around parque lleras, never felt so handsome in my life hahaha what an illusion. Also I'm sure this is common knowledge but all the clubs around there pay girls to dance and convince you to buy them drinks. I met two of them who were so nice that I didn't mind buying them a couple drinks but I saw how fast that it could add up if you're not paying attention or asking for prices. Anyways me and those 2 ended up going to get lunch the next day and we might make plans to visit some other places.

    To be honest I was expecting really hot girls with less than average service here. Every one chica that I've met so far have all been super FRendly, great service besides the lack of GFE, and they all seemed like intelligent and genuine people. I must just be getting lucky. YMMV.

    I'll be in town until Saturday if anyone would like to grab a beer let me know! I'm in laureles but will be hanging out in Provenza / parque lleras as well.

    Let me know if why'all have any questions or recommendations.
    A great place to take a girl or girls for a date is to have a picnic at the Jardines Botnicos in Medellin. Bring some drinks, snacks, finger foods, some music and find a nice quiet place in the park. I had a great time there and Gringos don't even talk about this. It's a beautiful place to spend some romantic time and right off the metro line. Think outside the box and like a local. Don't follow the template of the Gringos and being predictable doing what the 99% do. Also taking a cable up to Parque Arvi is a good option too. It's good to find out what the locals like doing and go on a Colombian date, learn some culture and traditions. I love going places where there is little or no Gringos. Let them stay in Poblado, Provenza, Calle 10 and Parque Lleras.

  6. #68634
    Quote Originally Posted by LuckyNuts  [View Original Post]
    Great first report FeatherStepper! Hope you will tell us more of your experiences. Can I guess you are somewhat age appropriate or speak spanish that these friendly chicas wanted to meet up at the mall and / or hang out for lunch with you? But yeah compared to the rest of the world the chicas in Medellin generally treat a guy like there's a possibility of him becoming a return customer. And often we are jaja. Regarding lack of GFE (you mean BBBJ right?) I think you need to be more assertive. It's generally not a problem for chicas in Medellin. Just tell them you enjoy oral a lot more without the latex on your dick. If they still hesitate ask them how much propina for chupar sin condon. Usually it's a low enough number to make an easy decision for you.
    Thank you, I would say you're a good guesser! I'm also from a very popular place and many Colombians have never met someone from my country. It tends to spark interest, if I said I'm currently living in USA it would come with way more assumptions. My first thought is that they just want repeat business but surprisingly some of them just want to go out and have fun / try something new (for free of course). If you come out here you better at least TRY to speak and learn Spanish. Yes To me GFE would be BBBJ but also LFK / DFK. I plan on visiting someone who advertises those services and making sure that it's part of the deal.

  7. #68633
    Quote Originally Posted by FeatherStepper  [View Original Post]

    To be honest I was expecting really hot girls with less than average service here. Every one chica that I've met so far have all been super FRendly, great service besides the lack of GFE, and they all seemed like intelligent and genuine people. I must just be getting lucky. YMMV.
    Great first report FeatherStepper! Hope you will tell us more of your experiences. Can I guess you are somewhat age appropriate or speak spanish that these friendly chicas wanted to meet up at the mall and / or hang out for lunch with you? But yeah compared to the rest of the world the chicas in Medellin generally treat a guy like there's a possibility of him becoming a return customer. And often we are jaja. Regarding lack of GFE (you mean BBBJ right?) I think you need to be more assertive. It's generally not a problem for chicas in Medellin. Just tell them you enjoy oral a lot more without the latex on your dick. If they still hesitate ask them how much propina for chupar sin condon. Usually it's a low enough number to make an easy decision for you.

  8. #68632

    Boots on ground

    Been in Medelland a few days been lurking a few weeks. Tried to post earlier but this forum was a little difficult to figure out. First day went to casa prpura saw a girl who was very pretty and friendly. She looked just like the pictures all activities were covered. We really hit it off and she ended up giving me her personal number and we hung out the next day at a mall.

    Next day I was browsing a site for chicas en laureles (idk if I can say which site bc it has photos) I saw two I liked and messaged them both, turns out they both work at a place called casa aphrodite I believe. I ended up choosing melody, a pretty and petite venezolana. She gave amazing oral with a cover on, I'm pretty well endowed and she was able to get most of it, she could probably completely swallow 15 cm with ease. We ended up going through every position imaginable. After we were both satisfied we later there and talked for like an hour past out appointment. She was very intelligent and I honestly enjoyed the conversation.

    I ended going to look around parque lleras, never felt so handsome in my life hahaha what an illusion. Also I'm sure this is common knowledge but all the clubs around there pay girls to dance and convince you to buy them drinks. I met two of them who were so nice that I didn't mind buying them a couple drinks but I saw how fast that it could add up if you're not paying attention or asking for prices. Anyways me and those 2 ended up going to get lunch the next day and we might make plans to visit some other places.

    To be honest I was expecting really hot girls with less than average service here. Every one chica that I've met so far have all been super FRendly, great service besides the lack of GFE, and they all seemed like intelligent and genuine people. I must just be getting lucky. YMMV.

    I'll be in town until Saturday if anyone would like to grab a beer let me know! I'm in laureles but will be hanging out in Provenza / parque lleras as well.

    Let me know if why'all have any questions or recommendations.

  9. #68631
    Quote Originally Posted by RiceRocket99  [View Original Post]
    I've been spending Christmas and New Years in MDE for the past 5 years and simply put, I love it! I can see why many are apprehensive about being here during this time due to increased crime and girls flaking out with family events. And if you're a newbie, it's definitely one of the worst times to go, but for me it's the best time. I speak the language, immersed in the culture, and have done many barrio parties and family outings with chicas in Aranjuez, Buenos Aires, Manrique, and even up in Popular. And that's without even mentioning the North side. I've known a lot of the chicas for years (pre-Covid) and some I don't even mess with anymore, but they're fun to hang out with and would hook me up with new and cute barrio chicas that need some gringo money and I'll say to them, take my money honey! Better get them now before they turn jaded and spoiled by the passport bros / weekend warriors / poblado papis.

    BTW, I'm a fellow chino, in my 40's, and can pass as 30's. I definitely don't blend in and don't expect to be treated as a local. I'll always be the typical "gringo with money" to the barrio folks, but they're friendly, fun and filled with a thirst for guaro and I'm here for it! I love it when the grandmas introduce me to their fellow barrio neighbors and almost always there's a young hottie to meet. Don't get me wrong, I still hang out in Poblado / Lauleres spots for a nice dinner date, and as matter of fact those were the places I exclusively stayed at my first couple years here (before the gringo gold rush) and I've been coming here for over 10 years.

    In closing, I just read a couple reports about the recent pricing out in Parque Lleras and the strip clubs. And it's crazy what the going rates are now. I'm just glad it doesn't affect what I pay and who I pay because I hunt in a whole different way. For those here right now, enjoy the 'hoe'lidays!
    Thanks for the useful info. Fellow chino here going to Medellin for the first time in April. Having travelled in other LatAm countries, sometimes I get mixed reactions from the locals. Based on your experiences though it seems like we're well received in the area though. Much appreciate it if you have any specific advice but otherwise I'll be back after my trip to post reports.

  10. #68630

    Noob, in town Feb 22-3/1

    Hey all. I've gone back about 40 pages in the forum related to Medellin. Looking forward to my first trip during or after my trip!

    Let me know if anyone else will be in town, would be happy to grab a drink and people watch around Lleras!

  11. #68629
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTallMan  [View Original Post]
    Now just imagine if you lived in Medellin for 15 years like a handful of us on this forum / that's to say a very few, I am talking full time, also your a single mid aged fit gringo who enjoys Latinas, so too you have disposable income to travel and spend how you wish, over the course of a decade or more in Medellin you have tried all avenues of P4 P in Medellin and every other city and pueblo in Colombia for that matter and have seen the transformation of the various sources to find fresh girls, new stock every week, have a stable of friendly and over the top sensual paisas whom are reliable and trustworthy who are eager and just literally a text away / come on over in an hour and you get the best passionate sex in your lifetime and it only gets better with each and every visit!

    By god I am a lucky man.

    The Tall Man.
    What a arrogant piece of chit. I also lived in Cartagena and Santa Marta many years, and in Puerto Vallarta for over 25 years, but do I need to brag about it on a sex forum, absolutely not. You are a lot of hot air Tall man.

  12. #68628
    Quote Originally Posted by LR123  [View Original Post]
    Had a nice trip down in December around the holidays. Lots of great information found on this page, and a few very helpful members made me look forward to my return visit!


    Night one. Prearranged girl recommended by a frequent poster. Had a good time. No complaints, easy, direct to my room. Hotel du Parc seems to have no issues with a single visitor (135 mll for extras).

    Night 2: Loutron. HIGHLY recommend, esp for newbies. Beautiful women, amazing set up, felt super safe with my shitty Spanish. Probably my favorite session.

    Day 3: them massage: handy only, but oh my. Again, strong recommendation. Prebooked their recommendation and walked over. Easy access. Showed up, paid, and the lovely lady got me ready. Nice full body sensual massage with a weird use of a feather (for each their own). On the flip, nice nude face to face massage, then onto the handy. She placed her pussy for easy access to my hands which was a nice touch, and after a bit, grabbed my hand, took two fingers and put them inside her. SWEET! I have trouble finishing that was so in defense of my penis and her time, I took matters into my hand and she then crouched at my side and played with me while riding my thumb that was buried in her box. If you can't get FS. Not a bad way to go!

    Night 3: Santa's Spa. Late arrival, didn't prebook anyone, just verified availability. Showed up, girl met me at door and led me upstairs. No lineup. She was more than acceptable, just a bit more T+A than my preference. AMAZING cocksucker. I usually don't ask for an extended session of that, but she put her head back on my thighs and kept it going. Little bit of a dive place, only real downside was when we finished she didn't put on new sheets, just straightened the bed as we talked:

    Day 4: Heading out of town, so went quick an easy to Jade Palace. It was easy and quick, but probably wouldn't repeat unless only option. Attendant gave a mediocre massage and service.

    For my last day, arranged a meeting with say 1 girl and for her to bring a friend. Actually ended up being a bit of a pain (lost papers, excuse after excuse, friend bailed, I need more money, etc, uber more expensive on Christmas). Finally said to cancel when she said 'No I'm on my way' Solo session, fun but not the amazing repeat that I was hoping for (no crazy chemistry). When she was leaving, she said that her friend was suddenly available if I wanted her to come over! I declined, cut losses and went out for drinks with another ISG buddy!

    Hope this helps some newbies. My ISG friend that I hung out with used Seeking with amazing success. May try that next time.
    Now just imagine if you lived in Medellin for 15 years like a handful of us on this forum / that's to say a very few, I am talking full time, also your a single mid aged fit gringo who enjoys Latinas, so too you have disposable income to travel and spend how you wish, over the course of a decade or more in Medellin you have tried all avenues of P4 P in Medellin and every other city and pueblo in Colombia for that matter and have seen the transformation of the various sources to find fresh girls, new stock every week, have a stable of friendly and over the top sensual paisas whom are reliable and trustworthy who are eager and just literally a text away / come on over in an hour and you get the best passionate sex in your lifetime and it only gets better with each and every visit!

    By god I am a lucky man.

    The Tall Man.

  13. #68627
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbox  [View Original Post]
    The only problem I have in Colombia is that I never seem to have enough time or energy to meet more girls. Some of them get pissed off because I can only see them once.
    Sad to see so many tattoos. Maybe she was in prison and her cell mate did those. They are all the same color ink. Or maybe she was owned by the drug cartel. Makes me wonder.

  14. #68626
    Quote Originally Posted by Sparky12  [View Original Post]
    Elixir Purpura, Tantra, Playboy club, Conejitas Playmates, Ellas Erotic, and Sexy Amigas.
    He should not omit New Life, Energy and Loutron.

  15. #68625
    Quote Originally Posted by FFlintstone69  [View Original Post]
    What about Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.
    What about them? They do not speak Spanish there and I have not been to them[Deleted by Admin]

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