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  1. #988
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    My rules to avoid getting robbed are simple, while I made them for me I don't mind sharing them here if it will help other mongers:

    1.) Never bring 2 women into your place, just one at a time.

    2.) Never leave anything of value out in an easy to steal location.

    3.) Never leave her alone in your room to shower.

    4.) Always keep eye sight on her hands (if not eyesight atleast make sure you can always feel her hands, such as when you're getting a blowjob make sure you can feel both her hands, one on your dick and one on your balls for example).

    5.) Don't get intoxicated with her. This means zero alcohol and zero Marijuana or anything that can change your state of awareness. You can always drink after the deed while chatting with your buddies or something.

    6.) If you decide to drink a non-alcoholic drink such as coca-cola or Hit or water or something make sure you pour it yourself, into a glass that you grabbed from your cabinet and first rinsed off and then poured your drink into...
    Thanks for posting the Rules Gabacho, very thorough and well thought out. Twice I have violated 2 of those separate rules and have been robbed each time. Again, thanks for posting!

  2. #987

    Contact Who?

    I hate Threads called Other Areas.

    W. S. G. Has over 500 areas. Which ONE?

    Admission, Name All Threads!

    That is What Us Members Pay You to DO!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover2  [View Original Post]
    Elvis delete some messages tried to pm you but your inbox is full.

  3. #986
    Elvis delete some messages tried to pm you but your inbox is full.

  4. #985
    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  5. #984

    The Cmdr Speaks

    The Topic for today is: Prosecutorial Discretion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    I believe the girl's age was mentioned as 15.

    Here is an article from Minuto30 that has more details than DCRob's video.

    It is interesting to see how the Chinese man from last week was released without being charged while this American is being treated like Bin Laden. I guess the difference is that the girl with whom the chinese man was caught had a fake ID.

    I'm not condoning what either of these two guys did, but it does appear quite clear that Colombia is treating US men caught up in these situations differently than locals and / or Chinese people.
    You are making a solid point here my brother. A point that flys over the head of many. The point you made is called prosecutorial discretion. The controlling legal authorities are at liberty to treat people how they wish. It is only after your case proceeds to a judge that you receive your rights under the law (maybe, depends upon what country you are in). From the street cop right up the to charging attorney, each one of these people have the option of sending you to the next stop in the criminal justice system or letting you walk.
    Last edited by Admin3; 05-02-24 at 16:02.

  6. #983
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]

    Why would the Colombians not arrest you? After this last head shaking post, do you have any reason you can give to be in Colombia outside of fucking hookers?
    I saw him about 2 months ago, and that was not behind bars. .

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]

    Why would the Colombians not arrest you? After this last head shaking post, do you have any reason you can give to be in Colombia outside of fucking hookers?
    We are all seeing our GFs, aren't we.

  7. #982
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    I tell people about the change in expression of the customs agent when she thought I was a monger and when she realized I was seeing my GF and her kid. I went from being the biggest scumbag on earth to an upstanding man in the literal blink of an eye.
    And you really are full of yourself, Elvis. As another poster pointed out, the immigration officer was treating you the way she was because you were in the line for Colombian citizens instead of the line for foreigners. When your girlfriend and her kid walked by then she changed her attitude toward you because she felt sorry and didn't want to make them wait on you. The correct thing to do would have been to go to the foreigners line, even if there wasn't an immigration officer there, and then wait for an immigration officer to arrive and open up the counter. I have done just that plenty of times in Cancun when I get off the plane fast and then speed walk in front of the rest of the people to get to the from of the line and then I follow the signs to the "extranjero" side and if there isn't an officer there I wait for one to get there, I don't just cut out of the line and go to the cuidadano line unless if the other officers instruct me to do so. Get over yourself Elvis, you aren't special.

  8. #981
    Quote Originally Posted by JustTK  [View Original Post]
    Right. Which means you couldn't care less. But you wrote you could care less.
    Ahh gotcha. Sorry for the grammatical error. You're right I meant "couldn't care less" instead of "could care less. "

    By the way Google says they both mean that you don't care and either one is informal, but I get where you're coming from, if I say I could care less that implies that I must have cared somewhat.

    Thanks for the English lesson.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails‎  

  9. #980
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    Yea that's what I said that I don't care or could care less what her career is outside of being a puta. For me I'm looking for a quick fuck not marriage. So why would I care what her profession is?
    Right. Which means you couldn't care less. But you wrote you could care less.

  10. #979
    Quote Originally Posted by JustTK  [View Original Post]
    Here "I could care less if she was a nurse or if she was a homeless person".
    Yea that's what I said that I don't care or could care less what her career is outside of being a puta. For me I'm looking for a quick fuck not marriage. So why would I care what her profession is?

  11. #978
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]

    And where did I say I could care less?
    Here "I could care less if she was a nurse or if she was a homeless person".

  12. #977
    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Isn't this how you got robbed? Bringing multiple women to an Airbnb?
    Oh and by the way Elvis, I have long since replaced my stolen electronics with new better replacements, I now have a much better Samsung tablet than the one I had before, I have a better laptop as well. And while currently I'm using the same crappy Sony DSC-W800 (I actually bought this camera twice as the first one was stolen) I'm currently saving up to purchase a Cannon G7 X which will be my next good camera since I sold my Sony RX100 m3 (not the camera that was stolen, I sold it in summer 2022 when the flash burnt out).

    So I guess I can almost thank those two stupid vennies for stealing my $300 usd worth of electronics because I have developed my "Monger's Safety Rules" because of them and most likely have averted subsequent stupid vennies from stealing more from me such as the as the one that told the Indriver dude to buy beer and then I'd pay him back, I straight up canceled the service before she even arrived.

  13. #976
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    I believe the girl's age was mentioned as 15.

    Here is an article from Minuto30 that has more details than DCRob's video.

    It is interesting to see how the Chinese man from last week was released without being charged while this American is being treated like Bin Laden. I guess the difference is that the girl with whom the chinese man was caught had a fake ID.

    I'm not condoning what either of these two guys did, but it does appear quite clear that Colombia is treating US men caught up in these situations differently than locals and / or Chinese people.
    This was a reply to the post by XXL in the general info thread, this post:

    Quote Originally Posted by XXL  [View Original Post]
    This is bad. They don't even say how young/old the girl was. Could have been just minor for prostitution purposes, not even minor as per common law. And the guy gets arrested on camera like he was Bin Laden.

    Colombia = foreign monger entrapment country number one now.
    Not sure how it ended up quoting JustTK's post in this thread. Although my post about the monger Safety rules was quoting JustTK.

  14. #975
    Quote Originally Posted by JustTK  [View Original Post]
    I assume the rules are for you and no one else, LOL. After all, I doubt the girls are going to have a few drinks and then decide to rob you.

    I thought you were explaining that you couldn't care less? But you wrote you could. So please make up your mind.
    I believe the girl's age was mentioned as 15.

    Here is an article from Minuto30 that has more details than DCRob's video.

    It is interesting to see how the Chinese man from last week was released without being charged while this American is being treated like Bin Laden. I guess the difference is that the girl with whom the chinese man was caught had a fake ID.

    I'm not condoning what either of these two guys did, but it does appear quite clear that Colombia is treating US men caught up in these situations differently than locals and / or Chinese people.

  15. #974

    Monger Safety Rules

    Quote Originally Posted by JustTK  [View Original Post]
    I assume the rules are for you and no one else, LOL. After all, I doubt the girls are going to have a few drinks and then decide to rob you.

    I thought you were explaining that you couldn't care less? But you wrote you could. So please make up your mind.
    My rules to avoid getting robbed are simple, while I made them for me I don't mind sharing them here if it will help other mongers:

    1.) Never bring 2 women into your place, just one at a time.

    2.) Never leave anything of value out in an easy to steal location.

    3.) Never leave her alone in your room to shower.

    4.) Always keep eye sight on her hands (if not eyesight atleast make sure you can always feel her hands, such as when you're getting a blowjob make sure you can feel both her hands, one on your dick and one on your balls for example).

    5.) Don't get intoxicated with her. This means zero alcohol and zero Marijuana or anything that can change your state of awareness. You can always drink after the deed while chatting with your buddies or something.

    6.) If you decide to drink a non-alcoholic drink such as coca-cola or Hit or water or something make sure you pour it yourself, into a glass that you grabbed from your cabinet and first rinsed off and then poured your drink into.

    6 b.) Never leave said drink unattended, drink it all at once and then rinse the glass and put it back in the cabinet, or bring it with you to the bedroom. And place on nightstand and again keep track of her hands the entire time (see #4).

    7.) Always keep cellphone and wallet in your pants pocket and when you take off your pants put them out of arms reach of the bed but still within your eyesight (I. E. Not in another room or living room as this could give an opportunity for her to try to steal something if you are in the bed and she uses the restroom).

    8.) Lock the front door with a lock that needs a key to open from both inside as well as the outside (These are common in Colombia as well as Mexico). Although leeds common in an Airbnb, but preferably the double sided lock is better so the door cannot be opened from the inside without the key. After locking the door keep the key in your pants along with your cellphone and wallet. Now she can no longer open the door to let anyone else in.

    9.) install security cameras that you have access to on your cell phone. At a minimum have atleast one outside pointed at the front door so you can see who is at the door before you open it. You can do this with an old cell phone and linking it to your current cellphone through the Wi-Fi and an app called Alfred Camera.

    10.) if something doesn't feel right it probably isn't.

    She is there to provide a service. (I. E. To have sex) and then to get paid and leave. She's not there to drink alcohol, eat your food, to waste time, to be constantly on her cellphone messaging someone, etc. Any of those behaviors are red flags, tell her to put her phone away and get to the deed. If she doesn't follow your direction cancel the service and send her on her way with just transport money.

    Those are my basic rules JustTK.

    Since I've been implementing those rules I have not had anything stolen.

    And where did I say I could care less? I believe what I said is I don't care what a chicas career outside of being a puta is. That was me responding to Elvis. And I don't care what their careers are. The best service providers are the ones whose career is being a full time puta.

    Anyone can feel free to use my Monger Safety Rules. Who knows maybe they will help save someone's life or at the very least save someone's belongings from getting stolen.


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