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  1. #6001
    Great Report! With all the political unrest my Lima plans had taken backseat but reading Kapn's report regarding the Chongo's I need to plan a trip sooner.

    Quote Originally Posted by KapnAmerica  [View Original Post]
    After exploring the chongos on Monday afternoon and having my balls drained by a generous Venezuelan street walker later that night, I rested my body on Tuesday while enjoying the food and historical sites of Lima. Late Tuesday night, I ventured back out to Sumisa Club and got there about midnight. Cover was still 5 soles and there were actually chicas this time. Maybe 7 or 8. There might have been 3 other guys in there. However, the chicas did not seem very friendly and not all that attractive. I talked to two Venezuelans standing by a table who were college-aged decently cute. They told me I needed to buy a drink for 40 soles to talk with them. I was not that interested in them and had better use for my soles, so I politely excused myself and left.

    I then traveled to the higher club area near Ero's. Very sketchy part of town where I probably should not have been walking alone at 1 am I ran into 3 streetwalkers, who appeared to be trannies, at the intersection of Avenida Nicolas Arriola and Principal. I saw another two streetwalkers further down Principal close to where it meets Avenida Carlos Villaran. I ignored their aggressive cat calls. These women were hardcore protitutes like the kind you see in the USA Lots of cosmetic surgery and zero shame. Not the cute little semipros you see walking around Lince.

    I stopped by Ero's and ducked out once they told me the cover was 130 soles. I knew it was a high cover, but I wanted to check out the area. It definitely seemed like a nice club but I wasn't in the market for overpriced girls that night. There is another club right around the corner from Ero's on Avenida Nicolas Arriola. Can't remember the name. Anyway, they charged 80 soles for cover which included a drink. The door guy let me take a peek inside, and I saw zero customers and about 7 pudgy chicas huddled together near the bar. None of them was better than a 4. Did he think that was supposed to entice me to pay the cover? I politely excused myself and went back to the hotel to get some rest.

    By Wednesday afternoon, I was fully recharged and ready to try my first chongo girl. In short, the experience was not what I was expecting. It actually blew my expectations away.

    I don't want to cause a stampede of Westerners to Lima, but the reports I read on here are seriously underselling the value and quality of the Las Sirenitas chongo. At least that was my experience on the evening of Wednesday, June 12th. I recognize that it changes from day to day and from chica to chica. On Monday, I was not very impressed and was a little disgusted by the whole setup. But oh, what a difference a couple days can make.

    I arrived at Las Sirenitas right at 5:00 pm. There was a line out the door of guys waiting to get in. 10 soles to get in and they take your water and condoms. Ah, but I was prepared this time. I wasn't about to sally into battle without my amour of choice. I had a roll of 3 Trojan Magnums and a couple of dental dams stuffed into each shoe. I also kept two Mags in my pocket, as a decoy. I half-hearted pleaded with the door man not to take the condoms in my pocket. Of course, he did, but I got them back when I came out.

    The first thing I did when I entered was stop by the bathroom, pull the Mags and dental dams out of my shoes, and stuff them in my pockets. Now I was ready for some action!

    I would estimate there were at least 50 chicas working that day, and most of them were standing outside their assigned rooms. I mentioned in my last report that there were no "free range" chicas. That's true, but they do wander around to get food and drinks. So it is common to see them lingering at the bar while they wait for their order, and it provides a great opportunity to chat them up in the common area.

    The quality of the chicas was high. Not just in looks, but personality and demeanor as well. Generally speaking, these are not the type of women you see in Colombia or Thailand who stare coldly at you while they cat-call for your attention. A few are like that, but they are the exception. If they are interested in you, they will give you a friendly smile and say "hola" as you pass by. If they are not interested, they will avoid eye contact.

    There were more men than chicas. I would estimate there were 60-70 men when I arrived and the number swelled to over 100 before I left. By 8 pm, the halls and common area were swarming with men. Not exactly the Tokyo metro station at rush hour, but maybe the Kyoto metro station in the late evening hours. It was packed and had a very "Friday night" feel. There was one white gringo among them all, and that was me.

    With 2 guys for every chica, you would think there would hardly be any available chicas, or at least the good ones would be taken. Nope, actually quite the opposite. It seemed like smoking hot chicas, with friendly and approachable demeanors, were everywhere.

    Of the 50 or so chicas that were there, I would say that I saw 4 or 5 that could possibly have been 8's on my scale. The kind who, if the vibe was right, I would be very tempted to shell out 400 k pesos at a club in Colombia to spend 45 minutes with them, out of fear of regretting it if I passed up the opportunity.

    I would say another 12-15 were 7's, which is really the sweet spot for me. They turn me on like crazy but I can enjoy my time with them without getting starstruck or feeling like I am out of my league.

    The quality fell off gradually from there. I would say there were maybe 7 or 8 that I would not bang even in desperation. The other 40+ were in play depending on their vibe and personality.

    All of the chicas asked 50 soles for 20 minutes, except for one young hottie by the entrance who insisted on 100 soles for 30 minutes. She claimed to be from Ecuador and she was a straight up brat, probably an 8 and 20 years old at the most, who felt like she was God's gift to men. With beautiful women everywhere available for half that price, I politely declined her offer.

    The beautiful thing was, at the cost of 50 soles each, I didn't have to choose just one. I could enjoy a quick roll in the hay with five tantalizing chicas for the total price of 250 soles, which equates to about $70 USD. But even then, it was going to be hard to choose just five. The talent level was that good that night.

    So I went to work introducing myself and chatting up girls who showed interest when I walked by. I was hoping to sample from four or five different countries, but I soon realized that almost all of them were from Ecuador, or at least claimed to be. A couple I met were from Venezuela and one from Colombia. None from Peru. Seemed like 90% were from Ecuador that night.

    All the ones I chatted with were very friendly and none made me feel like I was wasting their time. They did get a little frosty when I thanked them and told them I might return. I guess that is to be expected.

    About the 4th chica I talked with was an Ecuadorian named Domenica with slightly darker skin. She was probably right around the middle when it came to her face and body, which was still a solid 6, but she had amazing eyes and a charming personality. The way she looked at me when we talked indicated to me that she felt genuine, primal sexual attraction and made my loins tingle. I felt like she was a good starting point for the night, so I asked her if I could get 25 minutes (an extra five minutes) for 50 soles. She gladly agreed.

    We stepped into the room, and I offered up my 50 soles. The room was small but clean. There was a bed about six-feet by four-feet wedged against wall, with a mirror covering the wall behind the bed. It reminded me of some rooms I have seen in the pictures posted by Tom Jacklin in his Latin America reports. It was clean and tidy inside, had an electric fan mounted against the wall for air circulation, and had a generally pleasant, vaguely feminine odor.

    With the money in hand, I fully expected the young lady to adopt a more business-like demeanor and try to turn me out so she could move on to the next customer. I was pleasantly surprised. Domenica was actually more amorous inside the room than she was in the doorway. She seemed genuinely excited for sex. It was a very sensual experience, with nipple-sucking, neck kissing and ear lobe licking. Sex in multiple positions, with doggy seeming to be her favorite. I enjoyed admiring her facial expressions in the mirror while I hammered her in doggystyle. The mirrors in these rooms are very valuable. Not only do you get sex with these chicas, you get to admire them from multiple angles during the act. It was hot.

    It was also hot temperature-wise, as Domenica did not turn on her fan. I was pouring with sweat when we finished. She never hinted that time was up, but my plan was to enjoy multiple chicas before blowing my load. So after 20 minutes of screwing, I pretended to finish inside of her and we cleaned up. It was time to change to condoms anyway. After I got dressed, she gave me her WhatsApp and we exchanged kisses on the cheek. She did not ask for a propina (tip). My first experience with a chonga girl was a smashing success!

    I stumbled out of her room punch drunk, confident and aroused. Similar to how I typically feel right after I get a good lap dance at a strip club where the girl plasters herself all over me and grinds on my cock. I was turned on and ready for more action. I went down the hallway and turned the corner to head downstairs. Just then, I saw a magnificent ass bent over the balcony by the stairwell. Cute face and nice full rack to boot. Stopped me dead in my tracks. The kind of girl who walks by you at the mall and you just think "damn, I'd love to tap that. " Well fortunately I wasn't at the mall. I was at the chongo!

    I introduced myself and found out she was from Ecuador. Her name was Eva M. (I'm not writing the full second name she gave me because I've never heard it as a first name, so it could have been her last name. She wrote it in my phone when she gave me her WhatsApp.) A little small talk and soon she agreed to give me 25 minutes in her room for the total sum of 50 soles.

    In the room, Eva was just as amorous as she was on the balcony. No shift in demeanor at all once I had given her the money. Not as passionate as Domenica but still very sensual. She gave a fantastic (covered) blowjob. Of course, my dick was already throbbing after my 20-minute warmup session with Domenica. It was also quite a thrill to be getting serviced by a beautiful girl just minutes after I had pulled out of a different one.

    I started her off in missionary to get comfortable and then flipped her over for doggy. This chica had a gorgeous toned ass with wide hips. Whereas Colombian girls typically have a good amount of fat hanging on and around their butts, the Ecuadorian form is more similar to Cubans with butts that are more spherical, symmetrical and toned looking. I prefer that look, so I was definitely enjoying the view. But it was the pussy that did me in. This chica's pussy had just the perfect amount of moisture, depth and tightness, hot as a rainforest, and her hips hovered at the perfect height for my preferred angle of attack. Just a few minutes in, and my balls were boiling. I stopped and changed condoms, but it only delayed the inevitable. The pussy was just too damn good.

    I can usually last for an hour or more, and had every intention of doing that on this occasion as I sampled multiple chicas in the chongo before finally blowing my load. But this pussy had different plans for me. After I re-entered Eva with a fresh condom, I knew it was pointless to fight it. A hot wave of intense pleasure rushed over me as I dug my fingers into her waist and allowed her amazing pussy to take me to heaven. Ahh, que rico! Eva gave me her WhatsApp and did not ask for a propina.

    I staggered down the stairs to the common area and ordered a water. It was just a few minutes past 6:00 pm. I was very lucky to get a seat at one of the tables in the common area because the place was really starting to fill up. I thought I was just going to relax for a little bit and then head to dinner. Little did I know, my experience at Las Serenitas was about to get a lot more interesting.

    I mentioned in my last report that there is no entertainment at Las Serenitas. That is only true until 6:00 pm. And again, I can only speak to Wednesday night. A few minutes after 6, a man wearing a suit and sunglasses that looked like they came from 1975 began chattering on a microphone in the common area like a game show host. The host would ask a question and then stick a microphone in the face of one of the men sitting in the room to give a one word answer that completed the senetence. I'm glad he didn't put the microphone in front of me, because I didn't know what he was saying. I gleaned that the gist of it was he was reminding everyone to keep their phones off and that pictures / recordings were not allowed.

    At 6:15 pm, the tables were cleared out of the center of the room and the stage curtain opened to reveal eight dancers. Four girls and four guys. They were all in scantily-clad uniforms but not nude. It soon became clear that these were professional dancers. They performed a Latin dance routine which involved the men raising the girls above their heads and spinning and twirling them. The routine continued as the dancers came down from the stage and danced in the open space in the common area. I was seated right at the edge of the open space and had a great view. It was a very entertaining show.

    After the show ended, the host returned and began talking again. He seemed to be killing time. A few minutes later, the stage curtains open and seductive Latin music began to play. A single chica appeared on stage. She was tall and slender, early 20's, and had a very focused and intense demeanor. The host announced that her name was Erika, she was from "Door 32" - one of the doors surrounding the common area. And was from Ecuador. She began dancing on the pole on stage and performed a routine that appeared meticulously rehearsed. It was a slow, hot, sensual dance. She stripped her top off and danced in nothing but her panties.

    Erika then came down from the stage and began slowly strutting through the crowd of men who were seated for the show. A security guard followed her to ensure that no one touched her as she performed. She stopped and made one of the guys pull back his chair as she gave him a slow, sexy lap dance while everyone else watched. The security guard held the guy's wrists above his shoulders while she grinded against his chest and cross, to ensure that he did not try to touch her. She then sauntered over to another guy on the other side of the room, and did the same thing. This guy crossed his hands behind the back of his chair so that the security guard did not have to restrain him. When she had teased him to her satisfaction, she went to a third guy and did the same thing. She strutted through the room full of men with such confidence and in such perfect rhythm with the music that it sent a shiver down my spine. This girl was like a jaguar pacing through the jungle.

    After Ericka rose from the lap of the third man, she strutted through the crowd, crossed over the open space in the middle of the room, and began walking directly towards me. She motioned for me to pull back my chair. I knew the drill. I put my hands down by my side. The security guard still hovered over me menacingly. Ericka slid into my lap and began grinding her body against me. A few moments into the lap dance, she reached down and grabbed both of hands and placed them on her bare tits. I squeezed and groped her breasts while her body convused against me to the rhythm of the music. All while dozens of other men watched us from just feet away. She then guided my hands down her body and to her hips, while she stimulated my crotch with her gyrations. After I had been teased enough, she rose from my lap and walked over to the bar, where she climbed on to the bar top and continued her "Flashdance" esque performance. She then came down from the bar and slowly walked toward the stage in the rhythm of the song, one step at a time. She went onto the stage and the curtain closed behind her as the music faded away.

    One of the hottest things I've ever seen in my life!

    Can you guess who was nailing that seductive starlet in Room 32 about half an hour later? You got that right!

    (Apparently, some girls keep the same room. I am writing this report one week after the fact, and Erika is back is Room 32 tonight according to her WhatsApp story.).

    I was pretty sure after that amazing dance performance that every guy in the house was about to line up in front of door #32. To my amazement, no one came over to her for several minutes even after she resumed her place at the door. I figured maybe the guys were intimidated, maybe it was because her door was in the middle of the common area, or maybe the girl who dances for the crowd costs triple the price. Of course, none of that mattered to me. I would have walked over immediately but I was waiting for the little white pill I swallowed after the dance to take effect. It was an uncomfortable wait, except for the fact that more dancers came out and a Colombian girl took the stage for a solo performance. Over the next 30 minutes, I watched from my seat at the table in the common area while various guys wandered over in Erika's direction. It seemed that she was not interested on them, because she would retreat into her room as they approached and lay on her bed scrolling through her phone until they passed.

    One handsome buff guy who looked like he was in his late 40's walked over to her and they began talking and laughing, like they knew each other well. He looked like the Peruvian version of Vin Diesel. I assumed he was about to step into the room with Erika and was burning with jealousy. Fortunately, he walked off. I had waited long enough and the itch in my groin hinted at a raging hard-on that was on the way. I walked over and introduced myself. We chatted for a bit. Soon I asked her what her charge was. Would you believe it? 50 soles, just like all the rest. She agreed to 25 minutes. We stepped into the room, and I'm glad the fan was blowing hard and the music was loud, because it got hot, heavy and noisy in there. So much sexual tension had built up from that dance (maybe for her, too) that the sex was intense. I don't know who got the best of who, but I damn sure got her WhatsApp after we were done. Whew!

    Well, I stumbled out of Erika's room nearly exhausted, drunk with satisfaction, and with that same stupid afterglow swagger that I always have. So I started walking to the exit, but one of the girls I had passed earlier called out to me and I couldn't help myself. Her name was Stefania. Another Ecuadorian. I was riding such a high at the moment, that I couldn't say no. Well, Stefania turned out to be a total flake. She was very annoying the whole time and made random comments about my body and how I must have a lot of money so I should pay her more. I got zero satisfaction and was glad to get out of that room. Wish I would have quit while I was ahead with Erika.

    All in all, it was a fantastic night at Las Sirentas. Four girls (3 winners and 1 dud), over an hour and a half of sex, two bottles of water, and four entertaining dance routines for the grand total price of 280 soles ($75), including gratuity!

    My thoughts: Although I was originally skeptical and a little disgusted at the concept, the chongo at Las Sirenitas is definitely the best mongering experience I've had in Latin America, especially when it comes to value and variety. There is a lot to be said for being able to step behind a door and get it on with a sexy Latina almost immediately after deciding you want her. In any other setup, including your typical brothel, there is always a mood-killing delay between agreeing to sex and actually getting down to business. Usually you have to walk to some counter, and pay some third person, get the key to the room, etc. Especially for someone who is not fluent in Spanish, this delay usually creates the opportunity for awkward moments that dampen the mood. Sometimes the anticipation can enhance the experience (especially with your top tier women), but for mid-tier girls more times than not it makes you get in your head and wonder if you're making the right decision, or gives the girl time to figure out how she can squeeze more money out of you or make you want to end the session sooner. Well the chongo solves that problem. You can go from "hola" to clothes coming off in 2 minutes flat. It is a very seamless experience with no time wasted.

    Also, the risk of choosing wrong at the chongo is very low. If you choose wrong in Poblado, you are going to be out 300-400 k pesos ($75-$100) at a bare minimum AND you probably have very little chance of finding a replacement girl on short notice. If you choose wrong at the chongo, you're down 50 soles ($14) and you just get dressed and go to another door down the hall. Not to mention, at least in my experience, the chongo girls aim to please. They want you to be a repeat customer and are glad to give their WhatsApp in case you want something more private on the side. In the club, street or brothel, many girls think that their job ends the moment they have the cash in their hand. They could care less whether they ever see you again.

    Bottom line: I feel like the chongo model is so tilted in favor of the male customers, that it is a marvel that such a thing even exists in the Western world. I feel like it is only a matter of time before it gets shut down somehow. Not that it is bad for the chicas, because they seem to making money and having as good of a time as chicas in the clubs. It just leads to too much sex on demand and not enough money changing hands. It's like hunting at the zoo. Mongering is supposed to be time-consuming, expensive, and character-building! This is way too easy and cheap for the quality of the experience. Only still allowed because few people know about it.

    I almost hesitate to post about my experience for fear that word will spread too widely, but then I quickly remember that I never would have even known about this without the fine gentlemen on this site who steered me to the promised land. You fellas put me on the "X", both in Lince and in LOS Olvidos, and I am forever grateful. Because my trip to remember would have been a comedy of errors without the information on this forum. So I guess the least I can do is pass it along.

    I just have one humble request: Please don't screw this up for us. One thing that struck me about the chongo experience, and Peru in general, is that I felt very accepted and welcomed as a gringo foreigner. From being called up to spin the wheel of fortune at La Colmena, to receiving a "special" public lap dance at Las Sirenitas, I felt very much part of the group and even like people went out of their way sometimes for me. It was a very nice feeling, especially in comparison to Medellin, where gringo customers are looked upon as human garbage and fools to be shaken down. I did not pay any "gringo tax" and no one made me feel out of place. Of course, I dressed nicely (like I was going on a date) and I treated all the chicas with sweetness and respect, even the one I didn't like. So guys, do not go into the chongos, act like a dickhead, and give the foreigners a bad reputation. I can tell you that the gringos before me must have done it right, and I tried my best to keep it going so that the next gringo will be welcomed too. The last thing we want is for these places to start rejecting gringo foreigners or treating us like third class citizens. They already have a name for a place like that. It's called South Korea (shudders).

    Anyway, continuing on. I thought I was exhausted and done for the night, but not quite. I walked down the main street toward the bus station in the dark, trying to get close enough to the main drag to be able to call an Uber. On the block before La Colmena & La Miel, there were three guys standing in the sidewalk. All three of them started to approach me. At this point, I have to remind you that while some parts of Lima are "ridiculously" safe, other parts are quite sketchy. Anyway, I thought my time had come and I was finally going to get robbed in Latin America. As one got close to me, he whipped something out of his pocket. It was a flyer to a new chongo that had apparently just opened called Mona Lisa. Open Monday to Sunday, cover is 5 soles and service is 40 soles. Of course, I agreed to check it out. As the four of us walked down the dark, dusty and deserted street off the main road, I was half way sure that the flyer was just a ruse to lure me to a quiet place so they could mug me. These were some pretty rough looking hombres. But as we got further down the street, I saw a little flickering light hanging over a dimly lit door, and I'll be damned, it was actually a chongo.

    Paid my 5 soles at Mona Lisa and at 9 pm, I was the only customer there. Probably 50 or so doors, but only two chicas working. Well, one was pretty cute, like a 6, so I introduced myself. Turns out she was an actually Peruvian from the little jungle town of Iquitos deep in the Amazon. She had very pale skin and exotic eyes. Reminded me a lot of the Brazilian soccer player Tamires in her younger days. She looked much closer to a Brazilian than any girl I had seen on the streets of Lima. Found out later she is 32 years old and has 4 kids. Great bubbly personality that is just infectious and we immediately had a connection.

    Anyway, I was not going to pass up the chance to bang a real Peruvian girl, and definitely not a cute exotic one from the Amazon. The flyer said 40 soles, but I ended up staying with her for 30 minutes and she charged me 100 soles. Not sure how that worked out, but I was fine with it. Very smitten with this girl, the sex was so comfortable and very GFE, and she made all those desperate pleading sounds that I love to hear during sex. I got her WhatsApp and she offered to come stay all night at my hotel for 200 soles and 4 slices of pizza. Haha. The only problem was, she didn't get off until 1 am And I had an early flight. But I definitely plan to take her up on that the next time I am in town. She is a very cool girl with a great personality and we have actually become friends over WhatsApp. I clarified that I wanted to be friends with benefits and she liked the idea. It is cool, because she is the type of girl you could go watch a baseball game with, but would also like to get some action on the side. So we continue to message regularly and I am kind of excited about this FWB dynamic. It seems like Peruvian jungle girls are quite open minded. Meeting her was probably the best thing that happened to me on my trip. Of course, she does not speak one word of English, but that will only help me practice my Spanish while I am away.

    And so that concludes my first trip to Peru. Mongering-wise, the city of Lima does not have near the talent of Colombia, Thailand or the Philippines. But the chongo setup more than makes up for it by offering a variety of quality women in a safe condensed environment and at a bargain price. So all other things being equal, Lima is right near the top of my list now for mongering destinations, and well above Colombia and Thailand.

  2. #6000
    Quote Originally Posted by KapnAmerica  [View Original Post]
    She strutted through the room full of men with such confidence and in such perfect rhythm with the music that it sent a shiver down my spine. This girl was like a jaguar pacing through the jungle.

    After Ericka rose from the lap of the third man, she strutted through the crowd, crossed over the open space in the middle of the room, and began walking directly towards me. She motioned for me to pull back my chair. I knew the drill. I put my hands down by my side. The security guard still hovered over me menacingly. Ericka slid into my lap and began grinding her body against me. A few moments into the lap dance, she reached down and grabbed both of hands and placed them on her bare tits. I squeezed and groped her breasts while her body convused against me to the rhythm of the music. All while dozens of other men watched us from just feet away. She then guided my hands down her body and to her hips, while she stimulated my crotch with her gyrations. After I had been teased enough, she rose from my lap and walked over to the bar, where she climbed on to the bar top and continued her "Flashdance" esque performance. She then came down from the bar and slowly walked toward the stage in the rhythm of the song, one step at a time. She went onto the stage and the curtain closed behind her as the music faded away.

    One of the hottest things I've ever seen in my life!

    Can you guess who was nailing that seductive starlet in Room 32 about half an hour later? You got that right!

    Another fantastic report Kapn! Thank you so much for sharing your findings and experiences with us!

  3. #5999
    Quote Originally Posted by Jockey16  [View Original Post]
    It could be because you pay the entrance fee and for one pop, so they give you one condom.

    If you want another pop, I believe you have to "buy" another one from them.

    If you have an extra condom, you can make a deal with the girl and the place doesn't get the slice of the deal.

    I am not into the chongo scene so this is just an opinion.

    I am not into the chongo scene either but you just made me remember something from my youth. I remember that when you entered the brothel (it could be Las Cucardas but I'm not sure) they gave you a ticket and a condom, and when you entered the room with the girl she kept the ticket. If you wanted a second pop (or a third or a fourth) you had to go back to the entrance and pay for another entry ticket; They did not control the condoms, in fact, the Ministry of Health distributed lots of free condoms to the girls, which you could recognize by the words "Ministry of Health. Sale Prohibited" printed on the cover.

    I'm not entirely sure of the details, it was a long time ago (in the last century), and I don't know if that was still the modus operandi in the 21st century, but what you say makes sense to me. It's as if the ticket only grants you one service, which makes sense given the low cost of the ticket. Controlling condoms seems to me more effective than the ticket system.

    J. J.

  4. #5998


    It could be because you pay the entrance fee and for one pop, so they give you one condom.

    If you want another pop, I believe you have to "buy" another one from them.

    If you have an extra condom, you can make a deal with the girl and the place doesn't get the slice of the deal.

    I am not into the chongo scene so this is just an opinion.


    Quote Originally Posted by ChicaChaser  [View Original Post]
    Hi guys,

    I think I went to Sirenitas back in 2015. If not then someplace like it. At that time they held phones at the door. Now, I guess, they don't do that but confiscate condoms? Why? I buy My Size condoms because normal ones are too tight. Why would they care that you bring your own?

  5. #5997
    Wow! There are guys that try to get them pregnant? I can't think of any other reason so that must be it. That is deranged.

    Anyway thanks for responding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph2099  [View Original Post]
    Probably the same reason why a lot of escorts prefer using their own condoms. To make sure they haven't been tampered with. It wouldn't be too difficult for someone to take a needle and puncture the outside of a condom wrapper. Would be difficult to detect by the chica who sees it and then be a point of failure for the condom. Then you get those suprise pregnancies by chicas who only have penetrative sex with condoms because of some deranged guys.

  6. #5996
    Quote Originally Posted by TonyEm  [View Original Post]
    How loud is it in chongos? Is the music as deafening as in Colombian clubs or can one have more or less normal conversation without too much yelling? Awesome report.
    It is not as loud as the Colombian clubs, but loud enough that you can't hear what is going on inside the rooms. I never had a problem talking to the chicas due to the music.

  7. #5995
    Probably the same reason why a lot of escorts prefer using their own condoms. To make sure they haven't been tampered with. It wouldn't be too difficult for someone to take a needle and puncture the outside of a condom wrapper. Would be difficult to detect by the chica who sees it and then be a point of failure for the condom. Then you get those suprise pregnancies by chicas who only have penetrative sex with condoms because of some deranged guys.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChicaChaser  [View Original Post]
    Hi guys,

    I think I went to Sirenitas back in 2015. If not then someplace like it. At that time they held phones at the door. Now, I guess, they don't do that but confiscate condoms? Why? I buy My Size condoms because normal ones are too tight. Why would they care that you bring your own?

  8. #5994

    Why does Sirenitas confiscate condoms at the door?

    Hi guys,

    I think I went to Sirenitas back in 2015. If not then someplace like it. At that time they held phones at the door. Now, I guess, they don't do that but confiscate condoms? Why? I buy My Size condoms because normal ones are too tight. Why would they care that you bring your own?

  9. #5993
    Quote Originally Posted by KapnAmerica  [View Original Post]
    ...exploring the chongos ...
    How loud is it in chongos? Is the music as deafening as in Colombian clubs or can one have more or less normal conversation without too much yelling? Awesome report.

  10. #5992

    One of the best reports I've read in a while!

    Quote Originally Posted by KapnAmerica  [View Original Post]
    After exploring the chongos on Monday afternoon and having my balls drained by a generous Venezuelan street walker later that night, I rested my body on Tuesday while enjoying the food and historical sites of Lima. Late Tuesday night, I ventured back out to Sumisa Club and got there about midnight. Cover was still 5 soles and there were actually chicas this time. Maybe 7 or 8. There might have been 3 other guys in there. However, the chicas did not seem very friendly and not all that attractive. I talked to two Venezuelans standing by a table who were college-aged decently cute. They told me I needed to buy a drink for 40 soles to talk with them. I was not that interested in them and had better use for my soles, so I politely excused myself and left.
    Thanks for the amazing report and your attention to details. I've never tried Chongos in Lima (don't like quickies in general), but I'm sold, LOL.

  11. #5991

    Planning a trip to Peru

    Hey guys, I'm fairly new to the international I got 3 trips and 6 months in Medellin under my belt.

    I was just wondering how easy is it to get a regular girl or girls that will offer a long wet GFE blowjob. I prefer a skilled and wet blowjob to condom sex. The chongos don't seem like they would offer that. Also not having a phone means I can't communicate well in there. If you guys have any advice let me know thank you. Also prices for a service like this is appreciated.

  12. #5990


    Quote Originally Posted by SonicBoom1  [View Original Post]
    What a great report! You have a knack for writing. And tons of patience to finally snatch the gazelle.

    Loved the Botero reference!
    Thanks. I had her tentatively scheduled for Wednesday night, as a backup plan if the chongo scene didn't work out of for me. But the chongo was such a blast I didn't have enough energy left to meet up with her for a repeat session. Which is a shame because that girl really is a star performer. At least I can still enjoy all her cute photos and videos she posts on WhatsApp and reminisce. There are several nice gazelles to be found on the streets of Lince, if they can just stay out of the grips of those yellow-vested hyenas.

    If you want to read some really good writing on this subject, check out Amazake's posts on the Taipei thread. Literary gold.

  13. #5989

    Peru Part 2 (Night At The Chongo)

    After exploring the chongos on Monday afternoon and having my balls drained by a generous Venezuelan street walker later that night, I rested my body on Tuesday while enjoying the food and historical sites of Lima. Late Tuesday night, I ventured back out to Sumisa Club and got there about midnight. Cover was still 5 soles and there were actually chicas this time. Maybe 7 or 8. There might have been 3 other guys in there. However, the chicas did not seem very friendly and not all that attractive. I talked to two Venezuelans standing by a table who were college-aged decently cute. They told me I needed to buy a drink for 40 soles to talk with them. I was not that interested in them and had better use for my soles, so I politely excused myself and left.

    I then traveled to the higher club area near Ero's. Very sketchy part of town where I probably should not have been walking alone at 1 am I ran into 3 streetwalkers, who appeared to be trannies, at the intersection of Avenida Nicolas Arriola and Principal. I saw another two streetwalkers further down Principal close to where it meets Avenida Carlos Villaran. I ignored their aggressive cat calls. These women were hardcore protitutes like the kind you see in the USA Lots of cosmetic surgery and zero shame. Not the cute little semipros you see walking around Lince.

    I stopped by Ero's and ducked out once they told me the cover was 130 soles. I knew it was a high cover, but I wanted to check out the area. It definitely seemed like a nice club but I wasn't in the market for overpriced girls that night. There is another club right around the corner from Ero's on Avenida Nicolas Arriola. Can't remember the name. Anyway, they charged 80 soles for cover which included a drink. The door guy let me take a peek inside, and I saw zero customers and about 7 pudgy chicas huddled together near the bar. None of them was better than a 4. Did he think that was supposed to entice me to pay the cover? I politely excused myself and went back to the hotel to get some rest.

    By Wednesday afternoon, I was fully recharged and ready to try my first chongo girl. In short, the experience was not what I was expecting. It actually blew my expectations away.

    I don't want to cause a stampede of Westerners to Lima, but the reports I read on here are seriously underselling the value and quality of the Las Sirenitas chongo. At least that was my experience on the evening of Wednesday, June 12th. I recognize that it changes from day to day and from chica to chica. On Monday, I was not very impressed and was a little disgusted by the whole setup. But oh, what a difference a couple days can make.

    I arrived at Las Sirenitas right at 5:00 pm. There was a line out the door of guys waiting to get in. 10 soles to get in and they take your water and condoms. Ah, but I was prepared this time. I wasn't about to sally into battle without my amour of choice. I had a roll of 3 Trojan Magnums and a couple of dental dams stuffed into each shoe. I also kept two Mags in my pocket, as a decoy. I half-hearted pleaded with the door man not to take the condoms in my pocket. Of course, he did, but I got them back when I came out.

    The first thing I did when I entered was stop by the bathroom, pull the Mags and dental dams out of my shoes, and stuff them in my pockets. Now I was ready for some action!

    I would estimate there were at least 50 chicas working that day, and most of them were standing outside their assigned rooms. I mentioned in my last report that there were no "free range" chicas. That's true, but they do wander around to get food and drinks. So it is common to see them lingering at the bar while they wait for their order, and it provides a great opportunity to chat them up in the common area.

    The quality of the chicas was high. Not just in looks, but personality and demeanor as well. Generally speaking, these are not the type of women you see in Colombia or Thailand who stare coldly at you while they cat-call for your attention. A few are like that, but they are the exception. If they are interested in you, they will give you a friendly smile and say "hola" as you pass by. If they are not interested, they will avoid eye contact.

    There were more men than chicas. I would estimate there were 60-70 men when I arrived and the number swelled to over 100 before I left. By 8 pm, the halls and common area were swarming with men. Not exactly the Tokyo metro station at rush hour, but maybe the Kyoto metro station in the late evening hours. It was packed and had a very "Friday night" feel. There was one white gringo among them all, and that was me.

    With 2 guys for every chica, you would think there would hardly be any available chicas, or at least the good ones would be taken. Nope, actually quite the opposite. It seemed like smoking hot chicas, with friendly and approachable demeanors, were everywhere.

    Of the 50 or so chicas that were there, I would say that I saw 4 or 5 that could possibly have been 8's on my scale. The kind who, if the vibe was right, I would be very tempted to shell out 400 k pesos at a club in Colombia to spend 45 minutes with them, out of fear of regretting it if I passed up the opportunity.

    I would say another 12-15 were 7's, which is really the sweet spot for me. They turn me on like crazy but I can enjoy my time with them without getting starstruck or feeling like I am out of my league.

    The quality fell off gradually from there. I would say there were maybe 7 or 8 that I would not bang even in desperation. The other 40+ were in play depending on their vibe and personality.

    All of the chicas asked 50 soles for 20 minutes, except for one young hottie by the entrance who insisted on 100 soles for 30 minutes. She claimed to be from Ecuador and she was a straight up brat, probably an 8 and 20 years old at the most, who felt like she was God's gift to men. With beautiful women everywhere available for half that price, I politely declined her offer.

    The beautiful thing was, at the cost of 50 soles each, I didn't have to choose just one. I could enjoy a quick roll in the hay with five tantalizing chicas for the total price of 250 soles, which equates to about $70 USD. But even then, it was going to be hard to choose just five. The talent level was that good that night.

    So I went to work introducing myself and chatting up girls who showed interest when I walked by. I was hoping to sample from four or five different countries, but I soon realized that almost all of them were from Ecuador, or at least claimed to be. A couple I met were from Venezuela and one from Colombia. None from Peru. Seemed like 90% were from Ecuador that night.

    All the ones I chatted with were very friendly and none made me feel like I was wasting their time. They did get a little frosty when I thanked them and told them I might return. I guess that is to be expected.

    About the 4th chica I talked with was an Ecuadorian named Domenica with slightly darker skin. She was probably right around the middle when it came to her face and body, which was still a solid 6, but she had amazing eyes and a charming personality. The way she looked at me when we talked indicated to me that she felt genuine, primal sexual attraction and made my loins tingle. I felt like she was a good starting point for the night, so I asked her if I could get 25 minutes (an extra five minutes) for 50 soles. She gladly agreed.

    We stepped into the room, and I offered up my 50 soles. The room was small but clean. There was a bed about six-feet by four-feet wedged against wall, with a mirror covering the wall behind the bed. It reminded me of some rooms I have seen in the pictures posted by Tom Jacklin in his Latin America reports. It was clean and tidy inside, had an electric fan mounted against the wall for air circulation, and had a generally pleasant, vaguely feminine odor.

    With the money in hand, I fully expected the young lady to adopt a more business-like demeanor and try to turn me out so she could move on to the next customer. I was pleasantly surprised. Domenica was actually more amorous inside the room than she was in the doorway. She seemed genuinely excited for sex. It was a very sensual experience, with nipple-sucking, neck kissing and ear lobe licking. Sex in multiple positions, with doggy seeming to be her favorite. I enjoyed admiring her facial expressions in the mirror while I hammered her in doggystyle. The mirrors in these rooms are very valuable. Not only do you get sex with these chicas, you get to admire them from multiple angles during the act. It was hot.

    It was also hot temperature-wise, as Domenica did not turn on her fan. I was pouring with sweat when we finished. She never hinted that time was up, but my plan was to enjoy multiple chicas before blowing my load. So after 20 minutes of screwing, I pretended to finish inside of her and we cleaned up. It was time to change to condoms anyway. After I got dressed, she gave me her WhatsApp and we exchanged kisses on the cheek. She did not ask for a propina (tip). My first experience with a chonga girl was a smashing success!

    I stumbled out of her room punch drunk, confident and aroused. Similar to how I typically feel right after I get a good lap dance at a strip club where the girl plasters herself all over me and grinds on my cock. I was turned on and ready for more action. I went down the hallway and turned the corner to head downstairs. Just then, I saw a magnificent ass bent over the balcony by the stairwell. Cute face and nice full rack to boot. Stopped me dead in my tracks. The kind of girl who walks by you at the mall and you just think "damn, I'd love to tap that. " Well fortunately I wasn't at the mall. I was at the chongo!

    I introduced myself and found out she was from Ecuador. Her name was Eva M. (I'm not writing the full second name she gave me because I've never heard it as a first name, so it could have been her last name. She wrote it in my phone when she gave me her WhatsApp.) A little small talk and soon she agreed to give me 25 minutes in her room for the total sum of 50 soles.

    In the room, Eva was just as amorous as she was on the balcony. No shift in demeanor at all once I had given her the money. Not as passionate as Domenica but still very sensual. She gave a fantastic (covered) blowjob. Of course, my dick was already throbbing after my 20-minute warmup session with Domenica. It was also quite a thrill to be getting serviced by a beautiful girl just minutes after I had pulled out of a different one.

    I started her off in missionary to get comfortable and then flipped her over for doggy. This chica had a gorgeous toned ass with wide hips. Whereas Colombian girls typically have a good amount of fat hanging on and around their butts, the Ecuadorian form is more similar to Cubans with butts that are more spherical, symmetrical and toned looking. I prefer that look, so I was definitely enjoying the view. But it was the pussy that did me in. This chica's pussy had just the perfect amount of moisture, depth and tightness, hot as a rainforest, and her hips hovered at the perfect height for my preferred angle of attack. Just a few minutes in, and my balls were boiling. I stopped and changed condoms, but it only delayed the inevitable. The pussy was just too damn good.

    I can usually last for an hour or more, and had every intention of doing that on this occasion as I sampled multiple chicas in the chongo before finally blowing my load. But this pussy had different plans for me. After I re-entered Eva with a fresh condom, I knew it was pointless to fight it. A hot wave of intense pleasure rushed over me as I dug my fingers into her waist and allowed her amazing pussy to take me to heaven. Ahh, que rico! Eva gave me her WhatsApp and did not ask for a propina.

    I staggered down the stairs to the common area and ordered a water. It was just a few minutes past 6:00 pm. I was very lucky to get a seat at one of the tables in the common area because the place was really starting to fill up. I thought I was just going to relax for a little bit and then head to dinner. Little did I know, my experience at Las Serenitas was about to get a lot more interesting.

    I mentioned in my last report that there is no entertainment at Las Serenitas. That is only true until 6:00 pm. And again, I can only speak to Wednesday night. A few minutes after 6, a man wearing a suit and sunglasses that looked like they came from 1975 began chattering on a microphone in the common area like a game show host. The host would ask a question and then stick a microphone in the face of one of the men sitting in the room to give a one word answer that completed the senetence. I'm glad he didn't put the microphone in front of me, because I didn't know what he was saying. I gleaned that the gist of it was he was reminding everyone to keep their phones off and that pictures / recordings were not allowed.

    At 6:15 pm, the tables were cleared out of the center of the room and the stage curtain opened to reveal eight dancers. Four girls and four guys. They were all in scantily-clad uniforms but not nude. It soon became clear that these were professional dancers. They performed a Latin dance routine which involved the men raising the girls above their heads and spinning and twirling them. The routine continued as the dancers came down from the stage and danced in the open space in the common area. I was seated right at the edge of the open space and had a great view. It was a very entertaining show.

    After the show ended, the host returned and began talking again. He seemed to be killing time. A few minutes later, the stage curtains open and seductive Latin music began to play. A single chica appeared on stage. She was tall and slender, early 20's, and had a very focused and intense demeanor. The host announced that her name was Erika, she was from "Door 32" - one of the doors surrounding the common area. And was from Ecuador. She began dancing on the pole on stage and performed a routine that appeared meticulously rehearsed. It was a slow, hot, sensual dance. She stripped her top off and danced in nothing but her panties.

    Erika then came down from the stage and began slowly strutting through the crowd of men who were seated for the show. A security guard followed her to ensure that no one touched her as she performed. She stopped and made one of the guys pull back his chair as she gave him a slow, sexy lap dance while everyone else watched. The security guard held the guy's wrists above his shoulders while she grinded against his chest and cross, to ensure that he did not try to touch her. She then sauntered over to another guy on the other side of the room, and did the same thing. This guy crossed his hands behind the back of his chair so that the security guard did not have to restrain him. When she had teased him to her satisfaction, she went to a third guy and did the same thing. She strutted through the room full of men with such confidence and in such perfect rhythm with the music that it sent a shiver down my spine. This girl was like a jaguar pacing through the jungle.

    After Ericka rose from the lap of the third man, she strutted through the crowd, crossed over the open space in the middle of the room, and began walking directly towards me. She motioned for me to pull back my chair. I knew the drill. I put my hands down by my side. The security guard still hovered over me menacingly. Ericka slid into my lap and began grinding her body against me. A few moments into the lap dance, she reached down and grabbed both of hands and placed them on her bare tits. I squeezed and groped her breasts while her body convused against me to the rhythm of the music. All while dozens of other men watched us from just feet away. She then guided my hands down her body and to her hips, while she stimulated my crotch with her gyrations. After I had been teased enough, she rose from my lap and walked over to the bar, where she climbed on to the bar top and continued her "Flashdance" esque performance. She then came down from the bar and slowly walked toward the stage in the rhythm of the song, one step at a time. She went onto the stage and the curtain closed behind her as the music faded away.

    One of the hottest things I've ever seen in my life!

    Can you guess who was nailing that seductive starlet in Room 32 about half an hour later? You got that right!

    (Apparently, some girls keep the same room. I am writing this report one week after the fact, and Erika is back is Room 32 tonight according to her WhatsApp story.).

    I was pretty sure after that amazing dance performance that every guy in the house was about to line up in front of door #32. To my amazement, no one came over to her for several minutes even after she resumed her place at the door. I figured maybe the guys were intimidated, maybe it was because her door was in the middle of the common area, or maybe the girl who dances for the crowd costs triple the price. Of course, none of that mattered to me. I would have walked over immediately but I was waiting for the little white pill I swallowed after the dance to take effect. It was an uncomfortable wait, except for the fact that more dancers came out and a Colombian girl took the stage for a solo performance. Over the next 30 minutes, I watched from my seat at the table in the common area while various guys wandered over in Erika's direction. It seemed that she was not interested on them, because she would retreat into her room as they approached and lay on her bed scrolling through her phone until they passed.

    One handsome buff guy who looked like he was in his late 40's walked over to her and they began talking and laughing, like they knew each other well. He looked like the Peruvian version of Vin Diesel. I assumed he was about to step into the room with Erika and was burning with jealousy. Fortunately, he walked off. I had waited long enough and the itch in my groin hinted at a raging hard-on that was on the way. I walked over and introduced myself. We chatted for a bit. Soon I asked her what her charge was. Would you believe it? 50 soles, just like all the rest. She agreed to 25 minutes. We stepped into the room, and I'm glad the fan was blowing hard and the music was loud, because it got hot, heavy and noisy in there. So much sexual tension had built up from that dance (maybe for her, too) that the sex was intense. I don't know who got the best of who, but I damn sure got her WhatsApp after we were done. Whew!

    Well, I stumbled out of Erika's room nearly exhausted, drunk with satisfaction, and with that same stupid afterglow swagger that I always have. So I started walking to the exit, but one of the girls I had passed earlier called out to me and I couldn't help myself. Her name was Stefania. Another Ecuadorian. I was riding such a high at the moment, that I couldn't say no. Well, Stefania turned out to be a total flake. She was very annoying the whole time and made random comments about my body and how I must have a lot of money so I should pay her more. I got zero satisfaction and was glad to get out of that room. Wish I would have quit while I was ahead with Erika.

    All in all, it was a fantastic night at Las Sirentas. Four girls (3 winners and 1 dud), over an hour and a half of sex, two bottles of water, and four entertaining dance routines for the grand total price of 280 soles ($75), including gratuity!

    My thoughts: Although I was originally skeptical and a little disgusted at the concept, the chongo at Las Sirenitas is definitely the best mongering experience I've had in Latin America, especially when it comes to value and variety. There is a lot to be said for being able to step behind a door and get it on with a sexy Latina almost immediately after deciding you want her. In any other setup, including your typical brothel, there is always a mood-killing delay between agreeing to sex and actually getting down to business. Usually you have to walk to some counter, and pay some third person, get the key to the room, etc. Especially for someone who is not fluent in Spanish, this delay usually creates the opportunity for awkward moments that dampen the mood. Sometimes the anticipation can enhance the experience (especially with your top tier women), but for mid-tier girls more times than not it makes you get in your head and wonder if you're making the right decision, or gives the girl time to figure out how she can squeeze more money out of you or make you want to end the session sooner. Well the chongo solves that problem. You can go from "hola" to clothes coming off in 2 minutes flat. It is a very seamless experience with no time wasted.

    Also, the risk of choosing wrong at the chongo is very low. If you choose wrong in Poblado, you are going to be out 300-400 k pesos ($75-$100) at a bare minimum AND you probably have very little chance of finding a replacement girl on short notice. If you choose wrong at the chongo, you're down 50 soles ($14) and you just get dressed and go to another door down the hall. Not to mention, at least in my experience, the chongo girls aim to please. They want you to be a repeat customer and are glad to give their WhatsApp in case you want something more private on the side. In the club, street or brothel, many girls think that their job ends the moment they have the cash in their hand. They could care less whether they ever see you again.

    Bottom line: I feel like the chongo model is so tilted in favor of the male customers, that it is a marvel that such a thing even exists in the Western world. I feel like it is only a matter of time before it gets shut down somehow. Not that it is bad for the chicas, because they seem to making money and having as good of a time as chicas in the clubs. It just leads to too much sex on demand and not enough money changing hands. It's like hunting at the zoo. Mongering is supposed to be time-consuming, expensive, and character-building! This is way too easy and cheap for the quality of the experience. Only still allowed because few people know about it.

    I almost hesitate to post about my experience for fear that word will spread too widely, but then I quickly remember that I never would have even known about this without the fine gentlemen on this site who steered me to the promised land. You fellas put me on the "X", both in Lince and in LOS Olvidos, and I am forever grateful. Because my trip to remember would have been a comedy of errors without the information on this forum. So I guess the least I can do is pass it along.

    I just have one humble request: Please don't screw this up for us. One thing that struck me about the chongo experience, and Peru in general, is that I felt very accepted and welcomed as a gringo foreigner. From being called up to spin the wheel of fortune at La Colmena, to receiving a "special" public lap dance at Las Sirenitas, I felt very much part of the group and even like people went out of their way sometimes for me. It was a very nice feeling, especially in comparison to Medellin, where gringo customers are looked upon as human garbage and fools to be shaken down. I did not pay any "gringo tax" and no one made me feel out of place. Of course, I dressed nicely (like I was going on a date) and I treated all the chicas with sweetness and respect, even the one I didn't like. So guys, do not go into the chongos, act like a dickhead, and give the foreigners a bad reputation. I can tell you that the gringos before me must have done it right, and I tried my best to keep it going so that the next gringo will be welcomed too. The last thing we want is for these places to start rejecting gringo foreigners or treating us like third class citizens. They already have a name for a place like that. It's called South Korea (shudders).

    Anyway, continuing on. I thought I was exhausted and done for the night, but not quite. I walked down the main street toward the bus station in the dark, trying to get close enough to the main drag to be able to call an Uber. On the block before La Colmena & La Miel, there were three guys standing in the sidewalk. All three of them started to approach me. At this point, I have to remind you that while some parts of Lima are "ridiculously" safe, other parts are quite sketchy. Anyway, I thought my time had come and I was finally going to get robbed in Latin America. As one got close to me, he whipped something out of his pocket. It was a flyer to a new chongo that had apparently just opened called Mona Lisa. Open Monday to Sunday, cover is 5 soles and service is 40 soles. Of course, I agreed to check it out. As the four of us walked down the dark, dusty and deserted street off the main road, I was half way sure that the flyer was just a ruse to lure me to a quiet place so they could mug me. These were some pretty rough looking hombres. But as we got further down the street, I saw a little flickering light hanging over a dimly lit door, and I'll be damned, it was actually a chongo.

    Paid my 5 soles at Mona Lisa and at 9 pm, I was the only customer there. Probably 50 or so doors, but only two chicas working. Well, one was pretty cute, like a 6, so I introduced myself. Turns out she was an actually Peruvian from the little jungle town of Iquitos deep in the Amazon. She had very pale skin and exotic eyes. Reminded me a lot of the Brazilian soccer player Tamires in her younger days. She looked much closer to a Brazilian than any girl I had seen on the streets of Lima. Found out later she is 32 years old and has 4 kids. Great bubbly personality that is just infectious and we immediately had a connection.

    Anyway, I was not going to pass up the chance to bang a real Peruvian girl, and definitely not a cute exotic one from the Amazon. The flyer said 40 soles, but I ended up staying with her for 30 minutes and she charged me 100 soles. Not sure how that worked out, but I was fine with it. Very smitten with this girl, the sex was so comfortable and very GFE, and she made all those desperate pleading sounds that I love to hear during sex. I got her WhatsApp and she offered to come stay all night at my hotel for 200 soles and 4 slices of pizza. Haha. The only problem was, she didn't get off until 1 am And I had an early flight. But I definitely plan to take her up on that the next time I am in town. She is a very cool girl with a great personality and we have actually become friends over WhatsApp. I clarified that I wanted to be friends with benefits and she liked the idea. It is cool, because she is the type of girl you could go watch a baseball game with, but would also like to get some action on the side. So we continue to message regularly and I am kind of excited about this FWB dynamic. It seems like Peruvian jungle girls are quite open minded. Meeting her was probably the best thing that happened to me on my trip. Of course, she does not speak one word of English, but that will only help me practice my Spanish while I am away.

    And so that concludes my first trip to Peru. Mongering-wise, the city of Lima does not have near the talent of Colombia, Thailand or the Philippines. But the chongo setup more than makes up for it by offering a variety of quality women in a safe condensed environment and at a bargain price. So all other things being equal, Lima is right near the top of my list now for mongering destinations, and well above Colombia and Thailand.

  14. #5988

    Here's a couple pics of Melissa from Zepitas / Centro

    Gave her those victoria secret pantoes as a gift (.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 3572d8c5-a322-46ee-b2dc-0b9c0d447019.jpg‎   IMG_6280.jpg‎   IMG_6278.jpg‎   IMG_6279.jpg‎  

  15. #5987
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraph2099  [View Original Post]
    Be glad you made your flight. The first time I was in Peru my session with the chica on my last night went super late and I was absolutely fucked from drinking so much. I overslept and missed my flight. She didn't rob me though, so I guess I had that much going for me. And she was the best chica I saw on that trip.

    I do however suspect a different chica robbed me on that trip because I woke up the next day in my airbnb and had no cash on me. If she did take my cash (which would have been a 400 soles at most) at least she probably threw me in a cab to make sure I got back to my airbnb ok. But that taught me a lesson to not get that fucked up around chicas again. I was stupid and thought it would be a good idea to join her and her friends at the bar to watch the soccer match after our session. Her friends were ugly and she probably drugged me at the bar so a complete waste of time / money but a valuable lesson.

    Also, why would you carry so much cash on you? 3000 soles is way too much. You plan to fuck every 10 you see?
    Wow that sucks ass man. Makes me feel less shitty that I'm not the only one LOL.

    I didn't want to run out of cash while out all day but yea I definitely overdid it. I had to learn the hard way.

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