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Thread: Lima

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  1. #6019

    Army Vet in Lima

    Quote Originally Posted by Jockey16  [View Original Post]
    Hi Andswakh.

    I used to publish pics of the girls I know / meet until a low life started using them inappropriately so I stopped.

    It appears that he has been suspended or no longer participates so I'll start doing it again.

    Best way to contact me is via PM.

    Hey Jockey, new here and been living in Miraflores since March. 37 year old Army veteran from Brooklyn in college / working and I'm very thankful to you for your information and everyone like JJ. I've been to Geishas and had some chicks come over to my apt or to a hotel but it's often bait and switch and unlike local college girls, working girls I've had seem to always say I'm "too big". My only point in mentioning this is to see if any other Americans have gotten the same issue? Any recommendations for cool normal petite college chicks who want to make extra money a few times a month? I am taking Spanish lessons but my nyc Spanglish is hard to lose haha.

  2. #6018
    Quote Originally Posted by FFlintstone69  [View Original Post]
    I have a few questions, you thought those guys were going to rob yet you still went with them, why?

    And you mentioned becoming "smitten" with a 30 something hooker with 4 kids, and you write this.

    "Mongering is supposed to be time-consuming, expensive, and character-building" Why? One of the most bizarre comments I've ever read in this forum, I'm really really confused.

    Our mongering styles are very very different and you are enjoying CFS (that's your business) and yet you still think this hobby is too easy, really, seriously OMG.

    It sounds like you really should pray that it would get easier for you not harder, incidentally I hate condoms and don't use them, so my other question.

    You mentioned changing condoms, for what reason?

    And just my personal opinion but if you want a FWB maybe check out some dating sites, I think the worst place in the world to look for that is a third world brothel.

    They are very high volume hookers there for work, they are not GF or wife or even FWB material, but that's just my dos centavos.
    1) I guess a part of me believed the guys were hawking a legit chongo and I was willing to take the risk to find out. Turned out I was right. But probably not the safest move in hindsight.

    Are you asking why I became smitten with a girl I met at a chongo? I would refer you to a psychology textbook in which you will find a discussion of the dynamics of male and female attraction.

    Since you don't use condoms, I wonder why you are curious about the reason I need to change them. Maybe if you started using them you would figure it out.

  3. #6017
    Quote Originally Posted by CallSignRomeo  [View Original Post]
    Thats one hell of report Mr Kaptain America) , Keep them coming! I recommend you for commendation medal from ISG. Do the chicas speak or understand any english or are you very fluent in espanol. My vocabulary is limited to only few words like Hola, Gracias and now 'Chongo'.
    Most of the chicas don't speak any English. However, I am not even close to fluent in Spanish and I had no problems. Just learn the basics and the girls will be very happy with your effort. You can always use the translator on your phone if needed.

  4. #6016


    Any recommendations for a chica-friendly Airbnb / hotel? Not looking for anything too pricey.

    Went to Venice's Company sauna today to enjoy a local experience. I felt very awkward at the start, but eventually settled down, watched the game for a bit with the others and then connected with a beautiful girl and we had a great time for 300 soles. I got the info from an old post I saw from Jack Jericho. Thank you!

  5. #6015
    Hi Andswakh.

    I used to publish pics of the girls I know / meet until a low life started using them inappropriately so I stopped.

    It appears that he has been suspended or no longer participates so I'll start doing it again.

    Best way to contact me is via PM.


    Quote Originally Posted by Andswakh999  [View Original Post]
    Hi Jockey, thank you for helping and sharing your knowledge in this forum, I am a passive viewer from many years. These insights really help the first timers. I am waiting for my Subscription to be active. I would really appreciate if you could help share the contacts of miss A, L and the other lady they seem like.

    Someone who will vibe well with me. Thank you.

  6. #6014
    How many chongo areas of 50 or more girls are there?

    Roughly how many girls are there total if you add up all the main chongo areas: 50,100, 250?

  7. #6013
    Hi Jockey, thank you for helping and sharing your knowledge in this forum, I am a passive viewer from many years. These insights really help the first timers. I am waiting for my Subscription to be active. I would really appreciate if you could help share the contacts of miss A, L and the other lady they seem like.

    Someone who will vibe well with me. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jockey16  [View Original Post]
    Hi Coffeemat,

    Thank you for the nice review.

    The girls had only good things about you.

    Return soon.

    You have made some friends here.


  8. #6012


    Quote Originally Posted by ShawMan74  [View Original Post]
    That about describes lima. I'd say this place is a no-go for hobbyists. There are some pretty girls here and the potential is definitely there, but the city is simply too apocalyptic to be in. At least the people are friendly and intelligent.

    I managed to survive the ride to sirenitas (little mermaids). Its hidden incredibly well in the dark back alley of a really bad area of town, the lines are out the door, and they do confiscate any condoms, lube, vitamin v, and water you have, but it won't matter. The girls are so mechanical and sterile its not like you're getting anywhere trying to convince them to use yours. Lots and lots and lots of little rules basically strip the experience of any arousal. Better drop a vitamin v just before you enter the place and hopefully you'll find something you like (or you're stuck when it kicks in).

    I found a very cute venezualan by the name of "the cat" hehe. She's got green eyes, an electric smile, all natural, see cups, and long curly blonde wig for hair. She's only 19, almost no sense of humor, has a boyfriend, and recently gave birth. 100 soles for an hour of sub-par sex with a whole lot of start / stop. At least she wasn't too fidgety like a junkie or something, and didn't micromanage too much (like policing positions, etc). For what it takes to get there alone, I'd say no repeat. I'll also add that trying to negotiate any of these girls for a cozier time in your hotel or apartment is also a non-starter.

    One other thing I'd like to add is that the place seems to be run and frequented by really immature excuse for men. Example, managers and customers alike enjoy randomly running around outside and banging on doors making loud noises as girls are trying to work. Managers will pester and harass girls, irrespective of clients. Its irritating AF, I've never seen a business flourish when the staff's stupid, pestilent, petty BS comes before the clientele. Extremely chaotic and distracting environment void of anything that would encourage intimacy, but at least the rooms are clean and the mirror by the bed is kinda hot.
    Quote Originally Posted by ShawMan74  [View Original Post]
    That about describes lima. I'd say this place is a no-go for hobbyists. There are some pretty girls here and the potential is definitely there, but the city is simply too apocalyptic to be in. At least the people are friendly and intelligent.

    I managed to survive the ride to sirenitas (little mermaids). Its hidden incredibly well in the dark back alley of a really bad area of town, the lines are out the door, and they do confiscate any condoms, lube, vitamin v, and water you have, but it won't matter. The girls are so mechanical and sterile its not like you're getting anywhere trying to convince them to use yours. Lots and lots and lots of little rules basically strip the experience of any arousal. Better drop a vitamin v just before you enter the place and hopefully you'll find something you like (or you're stuck when it kicks in).

    I found a very cute venezualan by the name of "the cat" hehe. She's got green eyes, an electric smile, all natural, see cups, and long curly blonde wig for hair. She's only 19, almost no sense of humor, has a boyfriend, and recently gave birth. 100 soles for an hour of sub-par sex with a whole lot of start / stop. At least she wasn't too fidgety like a junkie or something, and didn't micromanage too much (like policing positions, etc). For what it takes to get there alone, I'd say no repeat. I'll also add that trying to negotiate any of these girls for a cozier time in your hotel or apartment is also a non-starter.

    One other thing I'd like to add is that the place seems to be run and frequented by really immature excuse for men. Example, managers and customers alike enjoy randomly running around outside and banging on doors making loud noises as girls are trying to work. Managers will pester and harass girls, irrespective of clients. Its irritating AF, I've never seen a business flourish when the staff's stupid, pestilent, petty BS comes before the clientele. Extremely chaotic and distracting environment void of anything that would encourage intimacy, but at least the rooms are clean and the mirror by the bed is kinda hot.
    Your experience at Las Sirenitas was definitely different than mine. I do believe it fluctuates considerably from day to day. Did you happen to visit on a Wednesday?

    Lima is quite dusty and there are places that are run down, but it is not close to apocalyptic. Certainly not in the tourist areas and not even in LOS Olvidos, where the chongos are. The area around Las Sirenitas is an industrial sector of town. You will see more locals welding auto parts than loitering around looking for trouble. Just because the people who live there are poor does not mean they are dangerous or criminals. Did you expect the place to look like Beverly Hills?

    One thing that makes the chongo area even safer than your average Latin American mongering ground is the complete lack of street walkers. You will not even see one on the street in LOS Olvidos. You have to go to Lince or one of the tourist areas to find them. That is a good thing, because street walkers often attract unsavory characters or other types of danger. Think of the Santa Fe district in Bogota or El Centro in Medellin. In LOS Olvidos, the girls stay inside. The result is a much safer environment, although yes, it is very dusty and I wouldn't wear a new pair of shoes to visit the chongo.

    So far from being a no-go, the chongo area and Lima in general is pretty much a must-go for hobbyists, and far safer during the day time than what they are likely to encounter elsewhere. During the day time, it is a bustling work yard. At night time, the chongo area is a ghost town and pretty darn creepy. You can walk for blocks without seeing anyone. The danger is probably very low, but it will make you nervous when there is no one around and very few cars on the streets. I recommend getting an Uber at night, but they aren't always quick to come get you.

    The most dangerous looking place I saw was the bus station just north of the MegaPlaza (Metropolitano S / N). I walked through there a couple times and didn't have a problem, but I would avoid that spot.

    I agree with you about Peruvians being friendly and intelligent. Another good thing about Peru.

    Las Sirenitas is not on a great street, but it's not a dark alley. Google Maps shows what it looks like there. It is actually quite an open area. The other chongos are located down dusty side streets.

    I am surprised you found the experience there to be mechanical. It was anything but that for me. I didn't run into any girls with rules, either, except possibly for one girl who was quite annoying. You will get some duds. But the beauty is, you just go a few doors down and try again, and all you are out is $14.

    I agree that a chica probably will not leave the chongo and go back to your hotel on the spot, but after their shift ends it's a real possibility. My WhatsApp batting average at the chongos is currently 100%. That is to say, I've gotten the WhatsApp number of every single girl I've asked. I can assure you it's not because of my Spanish skills or game. I message them, they respond. Sometimes I flirt by commenting on their updates and they flirt back. These girls seem very interested in meeting up with respectful foreigners to make some extra money when they are not at work. The question is, do you have interest in spending an extended amount of time with a girl you've already banged, when there are six more girls just around the corner that you would like to bang, and could bang them all for the same price as bringing one of them to your hotel? A man can only handle so much pussy!

    But yes, some of those girls are high quality enough that I would turn down much cheaper pussy to spend time alone with them in a more comfortable setting, and I plan to do that in the near future. The biggest problem in Lima is figuring out how to pace yourself.

    My advice if you visit again would be to go for an Ecuadorian girl. Much higher success rate. Venezuelan would probably be my last choice, as they usually have more of a down to business attitude and it is hard to elicit true sexual passion from them.

    I didn't have any problem with customers or staff, except for them taking my condoms. I did note that there are a very large number of men there, and they do tend to form lines outside the doors of the more popular girls. No doubt this high volume is what keeps the price low and quality high. That said, I was shocked at how many stunning girls were still available to choose from even when the place was packed. On a great day, it is like a candy land.

    Yes, the rooms are clean and I definitely agree that the mirrors are hot and the food in the city is excellent!

  9. #6011
    Quote Originally Posted by BigButtDetecto  [View Original Post]
    What I don't like in the Lima Chongos is that they open only around 4 pm and that they take your phone away.
    Has anyone lost a phone in a Chongo? It's still a safe place for pooning?

  10. #6010


    What I don't like in the Lima Chongos is that they open only around 4 pm and that they take your phone away.

  11. #6009

    Phone Search

    In the US we can search number in google but I've never been able to do that in other countries? Is there a way to do a phone number search and perhaps come up with ads for these providers?

  12. #6008
    Quote Originally Posted by AngmoLover  [View Original Post]
    Can I ask what is UTR?
    Under The Radar.

  13. #6007
    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeMat  [View Original Post]
    These are the two things about Lima that I like the most: food and people. USD PEN FX this time was 3. 73.

    Food is made fresh, with simple ingredients and very tasteful when eating at mercados: fruit juice, cebiche, fried fish, lomo saltado, you name it. The list could be long. You can eat for PEN 15-20.

    Restaurants are everywhere. Miraflores, San Isidro and San Borja were my favorites because of the extensive options: traditional peruvian (criollo), steaks, seafood, sushi, chinese, even KFC and McDonalds are available if you are home sick. You can spend PEN 30-50 per dish.

    I heard many comments about how bad Lima traffic is and I had the "great" opportunity to experience it: transfer from Callao to Miraflores should take around 30-45 minutes; but we hit rush hour traffic and it took the driver 2-hrs to get to Miraflores!

    Now getting to the good part of my report: the people I met.


    1) Ana (apartment in San Borja): The brothel is very well located, near Aviacion and Javier Prado Aves. Uber ride from Miraflores is around 15-30 minutes depending on traffic. When I got there, there were 3 girls that introduced themselves one after the other. All chicks were in their early 20's, slim bodies -that's how I like them!- but their looks were probably 5/10. I was already there and had to pick someone (not a lucky day, I said to myself smh.), so I decided on the first girl, Laura. When we started heading to the bedroom, a 4th girl just came into the apartment with a big smile on her face. I smiled back and said "Hi", but she ignored me. When I was alone with Laura in the bedroom, I asked her to introduce me to the 4th girl, and after a couple of minutes Ana came in. I followed my instincts and switched to Ana. Young girl, with soft skin, early 20's. She was smiling and we had some small chat. Ana explained that she did not want to say Hi out there in front of everyone to avoid any retaliation from the other girls. That made sense to me. Then the action started: Some light kissing, CBJ, CG, doggy, mish. Pussy was wet and tight. Damage was PEN 200,1 hour. Ana was a 7/10.

    I would go back to try other girls; the lady at the front desk mentioned they rotate girls through the week. Place opens at 10 am, Mon to Sat.


    I had three dates, all recommendations from Jockey16 (if you are reading this, big thank you to you my friend!

    2) Miss G: we had very minimal communication in order to set up / confirm the appointment. She arrived at my hotel, and when I opened the door I saw a pretty girl-next-door type in her mid 20's. She was super shy and after some chat to break the ice, we headed to the room. We started kissing and then she took her clothes off. Her tits were soft and beautiful. Then I went down on her and made her pop. She was moaning and closed her eyes, I felt like I was having sex with my girlfriend for the very first time. Her pussy is one of the tightest I had tasted so far, and when I was inside, she was squeezing me down there. It felt great! Damage was USD 120 + tip. I would describe this experience as super SWEET and TIGHT!

    3) Miss L: It was my 2nd time seeing her. She just turned 20, Got to my hotel room and went straight to business. She took her clothes off and I could admire and touch her whole body. I negotiated 2 pops this time and it was well worth it: she is multiorgasmic. Looks like prone bone and doggy positions turned her on. Damage was USD 120.

    4) Miss A: She is smart and nice. We had a long conversation about education, politics, transportation system, you name it. After A. Got comfortable, she excused herself to refresh in the bathroom and changed into a nice 2-piece bikini, showing her cheeky bottoms. She went into the bathroom again and came out wearing nice red lingerie. She took the initiative and started kissing and grabbing me. Then, I started sucking on her big tits, she then went down to perform a BJ, and then switched to mish.

    When she was leaving, A. Mentioned that she prefers to be riding on top, she likes to be in control. I guess next time I will let her take the lead. Damage was USD 120 + tip.


    Went to Nature Spa in San Borja and booked a 1-HR Thai massage session.

    5) Mia: I needed someone else from the staff to translate for me what I needed and Mia got to work on my back and legs right away. This place is 100% legit, I was in underwear the whole time, no teasing, no roaming, straight professional massage. Damage was PEN 160.

    Until next time Lima.

    Can I ask what is UTR?

  14. #6006
    Hi Coffeemat,

    Thank you for the nice review.

    The girls had only good things about you.

    Return soon.

    You have made some friends here.


    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeMat  [View Original Post]
    These are the two things about Lima that I like the most: food and people. USD PEN FX this time was 3. 73.

    Food is made fresh, with simple ingredients and very tasteful when eating at mercados: fruit juice, cebiche, fried fish, lomo saltado, you name it. The list could be long. You can eat for PEN 15-20.

    Restaurants are everywhere. Miraflores, San Isidro and San Borja were my favorites because of the extensive options: traditional peruvian (criollo), steaks, seafood, sushi, chinese, even KFC and McDonalds are available if you are home sick. You can spend PEN 30-50 per dish.

    I heard many comments about how bad Lima traffic is and I had the "great" opportunity to experience it: transfer from Callao to Miraflores should take around 30-45 minutes; but we hit rush hour traffic and it took the driver 2-hrs to get to Miraflores!

    Now getting to the good part of my report: the people I met.


    1) Ana (apartment in San Borja): The brothel is very well located, near Aviacion and Javier Prado Aves. Uber ride from Miraflores is around 15-30 minutes depending on traffic. When I got there, there were 3 girls that introduced themselves one after the other. All chicks were in their early 20's, slim bodies -that's how I like them!- but their looks were probably 5/10. I was already there and had to pick someone (not a lucky day, I said to myself smh.), so I decided on the first girl, Laura. When we started heading to the bedroom, a 4th girl just came into the apartment with a big smile on her face. I smiled back and said "Hi", but she ignored me. When I was alone with Laura in the bedroom, I asked her to introduce me to the 4th girl, and after a couple of minutes Ana came in. I followed my instincts and switched to Ana. Young girl, with soft skin, early 20's. She was smiling and we had some small chat. Ana explained that she did not want to say Hi out there in front of everyone to avoid any retaliation from the other girls. That made sense to me. Then the action started: Some light kissing, CBJ, CG, doggy, mish. Pussy was wet and tight. Damage was PEN 200,1 hour. Ana was a 7/10.

    I would go back to try other girls; the lady at the front desk mentioned they rotate girls through the week. Place opens at 10 am, Mon to Sat.


    I had three dates, all recommendations from Jockey16 (if you are reading this, big thank you to you my friend!

    2) Miss G: we had very minimal communication in order to set up / confirm the appointment. She arrived at my hotel, and when I opened the door I saw a pretty girl-next-door type in her mid 20's. She was super shy and after some chat to break the ice, we headed to the room. We started kissing and then she took her clothes off. Her tits were soft and beautiful. Then I went down on her and made her pop. She was moaning and closed her eyes, I felt like I was having sex with my girlfriend for the very first time. Her pussy is one of the tightest I had tasted so far, and when I was inside, she was squeezing me down there. It felt great! Damage was USD 120 + tip. I would describe this experience as super SWEET and TIGHT!

    3) Miss L: It was my 2nd time seeing her. She just turned 20, Got to my hotel room and went straight to business. She took her clothes off and I could admire and touch her whole body. I negotiated 2 pops this time and it was well worth it: she is multiorgasmic. Looks like prone bone and doggy positions turned her on. Damage was USD 120.

    4) Miss A: She is smart and nice. We had a long conversation about education, politics, transportation system, you name it. After A. Got comfortable, she excused herself to refresh in the bathroom and changed into a nice 2-piece bikini, showing her cheeky bottoms. She went into the bathroom again and came out wearing nice red lingerie. She took the initiative and started kissing and grabbing me. Then, I started sucking on her big tits, she then went down to perform a BJ, and then switched to mish.

    When she was leaving, A. Mentioned that she prefers to be riding on top, she likes to be in control. I guess next time I will let her take the lead. Damage was USD 120 + tip.


    Went to Nature Spa in San Borja and booked a 1-HR Thai massage session.

    5) Mia: I needed someone else from the staff to translate for me what I needed and Mia got to work on my back and legs right away. This place is 100% legit, I was in underwear the whole time, no teasing, no roaming, straight professional massage. Damage was PEN 160.

    Until next time Lima.


  15. #6005

    Lima FOOD, TRAFFIC, PROs, UTRs and SPA

    These are the two things about Lima that I like the most: food and people. USD PEN FX this time was 3. 73.

    Food is made fresh, with simple ingredients and very tasteful when eating at mercados: fruit juice, cebiche, fried fish, lomo saltado, you name it. The list could be long. You can eat for PEN 15-20.

    Restaurants are everywhere. Miraflores, San Isidro and San Borja were my favorites because of the extensive options: traditional peruvian (criollo), steaks, seafood, sushi, chinese, even KFC and McDonalds are available if you are home sick. You can spend PEN 30-50 per dish.

    I heard many comments about how bad Lima traffic is and I had the "great" opportunity to experience it: transfer from Callao to Miraflores should take around 30-45 minutes; but we hit rush hour traffic and it took the driver 2-hrs to get to Miraflores!

    Now getting to the good part of my report: the people I met.


    1) Ana (apartment in San Borja): The brothel is very well located, near Aviacion and Javier Prado Aves. Uber ride from Miraflores is around 15-30 minutes depending on traffic. When I got there, there were 3 girls that introduced themselves one after the other. All chicks were in their early 20's, slim bodies -that's how I like them!- but their looks were probably 5/10. I was already there and had to pick someone (not a lucky day, I said to myself smh.), so I decided on the first girl, Laura. When we started heading to the bedroom, a 4th girl just came into the apartment with a big smile on her face. I smiled back and said "Hi", but she ignored me. When I was alone with Laura in the bedroom, I asked her to introduce me to the 4th girl, and after a couple of minutes Ana came in. I followed my instincts and switched to Ana. Young girl, with soft skin, early 20's. She was smiling and we had some small chat. Ana explained that she did not want to say Hi out there in front of everyone to avoid any retaliation from the other girls. That made sense to me. Then the action started: Some light kissing, CBJ, CG, doggy, mish. Pussy was wet and tight. Damage was PEN 200,1 hour. Ana was a 7/10.

    I would go back to try other girls; the lady at the front desk mentioned they rotate girls through the week. Place opens at 10 am, Mon to Sat.


    I had three dates, all recommendations from Jockey16 (if you are reading this, big thank you to you my friend!

    2) Miss G: we had very minimal communication in order to set up / confirm the appointment. She arrived at my hotel, and when I opened the door I saw a pretty girl-next-door type in her mid 20's. She was super shy and after some chat to break the ice, we headed to the room. We started kissing and then she took her clothes off. Her tits were soft and beautiful. Then I went down on her and made her pop. She was moaning and closed her eyes, I felt like I was having sex with my girlfriend for the very first time. Her pussy is one of the tightest I had tasted so far, and when I was inside, she was squeezing me down there. It felt great! Damage was USD 120 + tip. I would describe this experience as super SWEET and TIGHT!

    3) Miss L: It was my 2nd time seeing her. She just turned 20, Got to my hotel room and went straight to business. She took her clothes off and I could admire and touch her whole body. I negotiated 2 pops this time and it was well worth it: she is multiorgasmic. Looks like prone bone and doggy positions turned her on. Damage was USD 120.

    4) Miss A: She is smart and nice. We had a long conversation about education, politics, transportation system, you name it. After A. Got comfortable, she excused herself to refresh in the bathroom and changed into a nice 2-piece bikini, showing her cheeky bottoms. She went into the bathroom again and came out wearing nice red lingerie. She took the initiative and started kissing and grabbing me. Then, I started sucking on her big tits, she then went down to perform a BJ, and then switched to mish.

    When she was leaving, A. Mentioned that she prefers to be riding on top, she likes to be in control. I guess next time I will let her take the lead. Damage was USD 120 + tip.


    Went to Nature Spa in San Borja and booked a 1-HR Thai massage session.

    5) Mia: I needed someone else from the staff to translate for me what I needed and Mia got to work on my back and legs right away. This place is 100% legit, I was in underwear the whole time, no teasing, no roaming, straight professional massage. Damage was PEN 160.

    Until next time Lima.


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