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Thread: Montevideo

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  1. #307
    Hi, tried to send you a PM, but seems you don't have an active inbox.

    Quote Originally Posted by NiceFjords  [View Original Post]
    I got a user there. Traveling to Montevideo during next month.

  2. #306
    Quote Originally Posted by HiddenEye  [View Original Post]
    Hi folks, does anyone have an active user on the forum: foro. Relaxuy dot com?

    Just identified a super hot brunette on IG who was also escort and hast reviews on that forum. Unfortunately the admins of the forum have not created my user yet.

    when i say hot. i mean HOT.
    I got a user there. Traveling to Montevideo during next month.

  3. #305

    Relax uy

    Hi folks, does anyone have an active user on the forum: foro. Relaxuy dot com?

    Just identified a super hot brunette on IG who was also escort and hast reviews on that forum. Unfortunately the admins of the forum have not created my user yet.

    when i say hot. i mean HOT.

  4. #304

    Montevideo is a tourist destination.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShawMan74  [View Original Post]
    The girls here are actually quite pretty, if only they did themselves up a bit more like they do in other parts of the world.

    Also, it seems like a contented society here. I don't see much potential for mongering, but its only my second day so, we'll see what I stumble into.
    Have to agree; Best pussy I found was this one. But the steak was extraordinary. I found a group of working girls in the constitution neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, to my satisfaction. Not so much in Montevideo, but I was only there for two days and had one walk about the *houses; very sub par.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails pussy.jpg‎  

  5. #303


    I will be visiting Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.

    Is Skokka a popular website to look for girls in these countries?

    What's are the prevailing price ranges in these countries?


    Quote Originally Posted by NRandom940  [View Original Post]
    I found some good casas on Skokka when I was there in 2022.

  6. #302


    Most places on my lists are their prices as posted.

    Since the Virus prices have gone up.

    Some guys tip, but not me.

    Quote Originally Posted by NothingToLose  [View Original Post]
    Do they have fixed prices or you have to negotiate with them?


  7. #301

    Dolce Vita rated

    Do they have fixed prices or you have to negotiate with them?


    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    I searched and found the same address of the place, back 5 years ago.

    With reviews about the place.

  8. #300

    Sex in Argentina

    My Maps:

    This is a bit tricky because officially all the.

    Brothels and sex clubs are closed.

    But I am sure there is still some action.


    I have a friend living there. His online name is.

    TijuanaLibre he is a good friend and a guide on this free site:

    "Almost all the old sex places have been closed by.

    The Women in the Government years ago. ".

    I still have the maps of the old places that were.

    In most of the cities in the Whole Country.

    If you want to see them?

    My maps would be a great guide to the rest of the Country.

    And I have 12 plus years of Photos of the most famous areas.

    [Deleted by Admin]

    Then I will send you a link from. to Pay for the Map.

    I must see your Email address.

    To activate the map!

    I will put You on the Map.


    Buenos Aires 2024:

    There is still Party life in the country:

    Cocodrilo Night Club (2024).

    Gallo 1311, at Paraguay and Mansilla. 10+ Chicas.

    Prices: Cover 350 p, Chicas are asking 2700+p.

    Hours: Martes a Sábados desde las 22 hs. 11 pm to Morning.

    Free Maps:



    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    Although the Government closed all the ***** houses and bars, you can find them online at this site.

  9. #299


    Quote Originally Posted by Seismo  [View Original Post]
    Go downtown and get on the next ferry across the Rio de la Plata to Bsas.

    It takes about an hour and you get off in Puerto Madero at Dock #2.

    Last time I went on the BuqueBus it was about $90 USD round trip.

    These are huge glass enclosed boats with car carriers on the upper deck.

    You will do much better on the other side of the river!
    Haha thank you so much, your reply gave me a good solid chuckle, I really needed that!

  10. #298

    Ferry across rio de la plata

    Quote Originally Posted by ShawMan74  [View Original Post]
    Ohhh would you PM me the details please? Thanks!
    Go downtown and get on the next ferry across the Rio de la Plata to Bsas.

    It takes about an hour and you get off in Puerto Madero at Dock #2.

    Last time I went on the BuqueBus it was about $90 USD round trip.

    These are huge glass enclosed boats with car carriers on the upper deck.

    You will do much better on the other side of the river!

  11. #297
    Quote Originally Posted by NRandom940  [View Original Post]
    I found some good casas on Skokka when I was there in 2022.
    Ohhh would you PM me the details please? Thanks!

  12. #296


    Quote Originally Posted by ShawMan74  [View Original Post]
    The girls here are actually quite pretty, if only they did themselves up a bit more like they do in other parts of the world.

    Also, it seems like a contented society here. I don't see much potential for mongering, but its only my second day so, we'll see what I stumble into.
    Montevideo is a weak mongering destination. But you can get a steak as good or better than what you can find in Buenos Aires! As an interesting side note, I once met two Uruguayan white chicks who were working at FKK Oase in Germany. I was propositioned by them but passed.

  13. #295
    Quote Originally Posted by ShawMan74  [View Original Post]
    The girls here are actually quite pretty, if only they did themselves up a bit more like they do in other parts of the world.

    Also, it seems like a contented society here. I don't see much potential for mongering, but its only my second day so, we'll see what I stumble into.
    I found some good casas on Skokka when I was there in 2022.

  14. #294

    Something I noticed

    The girls here are actually quite pretty, if only they did themselves up a bit more like they do in other parts of the world.

    Also, it seems like a contented society here. I don't see much potential for mongering, but its only my second day so, we'll see what I stumble into.

  15. #293

    Dolce Vita

    I searched and found the same address of the place, back 5 years ago.

    With reviews about the place.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorldTravel69  [View Original Post]
    I changed it to another place.

    What address do you have?

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