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Thread: Caracas

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  1. #1560

    A ton in NYC

    There are many Venezuelans in NYC at the moment. The guys are robbing people on mopeds and the girls are offering less than adequate service for $100 20 minutes. You aren't missing a thing. Lots of Colombian women in the same position.

  2. #1559
    Quote Originally Posted by MaraCucho  [View Original Post]
    Venezuelan economy is only "doing better" relative to what it was before 2019 when the government gave up and finally depenalized the use of foreign currency, but make no mistake it is still pretty bad. Also, the economy is just one of many, many issues that make people sell everything they own and leave seeking greener pastures. To illustrate, let me describe you the state of public services here where I live: We get running water for two days per month. Almost every day we have a power blackout oi 2-4 hours (and that's when we are lucky). We lost phone services over a decade ago when robbers stole all the cables for the copper, and the nationalized phone company basically said "tough luck, but we don't care". And if you are asking "hey, didn't the authorities do something when those robbers were robbing the phone lines through all the city", who do you think were those robbers? It's well known that members of the national guard and police were involved. There is no sewage system, we have to deal with septic tanks. Healthcare is provided by a small health center where a doctor comes one day a week and has no means to treat anybody, and a local hospital where the doctors too don't have any menas to treat anybody. And to make things clear I don't live in some lost neck of the woods but in Punto Fijo City, home of the two largest oil refineries in Venezuela.
    Horrible but even more so reason why pussy should be (theoretically) cheap there. I mean who's can afford to pay WGs 100 $ for an hour? Even 20 $ mentioned below seems like a stretch for majority of the locals. So then, where are the economy / locally priced hoes at? Or are we saying there isn't any significant local prostitution scene to speak of in Caracas?

  3. #1558
    Quote Originally Posted by DoomBringer321  [View Original Post]
    I would love to say that I sympathize but as a red white and blue type motherfucker, I see Venecos here in Guayaquil say how Hugo Chavez was doing "some things" good when I see my fellow young goofy blue-haired Americans say the US needs some "socialism light" when a president that irrespective of politics was at least unapologetic about the path he wanted to take the country and people still elected him well now all I can say is that you get the government you deserve.
    I don't doubt that. Most Venezuelans dislike Maduro but if you inquire further a good number do recall those days Chavez was president with certain level of fondness, and even calling themselves "Chavistas pero no Maduristas". Hell, I know a few people who are militant in the political opposition, and they say that if Chavez hadn't died things wouldn't be as bad. And yes, I do agree that we did this to ourselves.

  4. #1557

    Well now

    I would love to say that I sympathize but as a red white and blue type motherfucker, I see Venecos here in Guayaquil say how Hugo Chavez was doing "some things" good when I see my fellow young goofy blue-haired Americans say the US needs some "socialism light" when a president that irrespective of politics was at least unapologetic about the path he wanted to take the country and people still elected him well now all I can say is that you get the government you deserve.

  5. #1556
    Quote Originally Posted by DoomBringer321  [View Original Post]
    That is the one thing that does not make sense to me, we have half of Caracas scattered throughout Ecuador so if you are a sex worker and the customers pay the same amount for the services why leave the country or leave your home country something does not add up. Ecuadorian chongos don't spend more than 20 and Peru is even worst and most of the Venezuelan sex workers here very few have expressed their desire to return even though their economy seems to be doing better.
    Venezuelan economy is only "doing better" relative to what it was before 2019 when the government gave up and finally depenalized the use of foreign currency, but make no mistake it is still pretty bad. Also, the economy is just one of many, many issues that make people sell everything they own and leave seeking greener pastures. To illustrate, let me describe you the state of public services here where I live: We get running water for two days per month. Almost every day we have a power blackout oi 2-4 hours (and that's when we are lucky). We lost phone services over a decade ago when robbers stole all the cables for the copper, and the nationalized phone company basically said "tough luck, but we don't care". And if you are asking "hey, didn't the authorities do something when those robbers were robbing the phone lines through all the city", who do you think were those robbers? It's well known that members of the national guard and police were involved. There is no sewage system, we have to deal with septic tanks. Healthcare is provided by a small health center where a doctor comes one day a week and has no means to treat anybody, and a local hospital where the doctors too don't have any menas to treat anybody. And to make things clear I don't live in some lost neck of the woods but in Punto Fijo City, home of the two largest oil refineries in Venezuela.

    So, given what I described, it is still hard to understand why young people would want to leave this country?

  6. #1555

    Migration and logic

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyEm  [View Original Post]
    I messaged bunch of randos on ve dot mundosexanuncio dot com about a week ago and got quotes 20-40 $ for an hour. I would imagine normal girls on tinder would be happy with that as well given the salaries in Venezuela but that's just my guess.
    That is the one thing that does not make sense to me, we have half of Caracas scattered throughout Ecuador so if you are a sex worker and the customers pay the same amount for the services why leave the country or leave your home country something does not add up. Ecuadorian chongos don't spend more than 20 and Peru is even worst and most of the Venezuelan sex workers here very few have expressed their desire to return even though their economy seems to be doing better.

  7. #1554
    Quote Originally Posted by DoomBringer321  [View Original Post]
    So I and the boys are planning a trip to Venezuela there are so many Venezuelan sex workers here in Guayaquil that I am like hey let's go to the source so I am planning a type of business trip fun trip what I am reading about Caracas and I am not so old that I am becoming blind is that either sexycaracas is 100+ or sex workers in the street are asking for 40+ dollars yet I see them all the time here in brothels of Guayaquil sucking dick and giving the ass for anywhere between 14-30 that for ME to go to Caracas and spend MORE money in their country sounds a bit preposterous there must be in my opinion some cases or legal areas where girls can ply their trade in peace for 10 dollars if not let's be blunt Caracas is a concrete jungle, not much else to do.

    What does the Caracas board think about this not-so-humble opinion I open the floor for debate.
    I messaged bunch of randos on ve dot mundosexanuncio dot com about a week ago and got quotes 20-40 $ for an hour. I would imagine normal girls on tinder would be happy with that as well given the salaries in Venezuela but that's just my guess.

  8. #1553

    Tour pland WTF moment

    So I and the boys are planning a trip to Venezuela there are so many Venezuelan sex workers here in Guayaquil that I am like hey let's go to the source so I am planning a type of business trip fun trip what I am reading about Caracas and I am not so old that I am becoming blind is that either sexycaracas is 100+ or sex workers in the street are asking for 40+ dollars yet I see them all the time here in brothels of Guayaquil sucking dick and giving the ass for anywhere between 14-30 that for ME to go to Caracas and spend MORE money in their country sounds a bit preposterous there must be in my opinion some cases or legal areas where girls can ply their trade in peace for 10 dollars if not let's be blunt Caracas is a concrete jungle, not much else to do.

    What does the Caracas board think about this not-so-humble opinion I open the floor for debate.

  9. #1552
    Quote Originally Posted by Argo1990  [View Original Post]
    I was thinking of visiting Colombia but with how crime has been through the roof again lately I might change plans for Caracas. Has anyone a recent update on the pricing situation as someone already asked?

    For like 1 hour full service with a hottie? Or overnight stay?
    If you are a US citizen, it is nearly impossible to get a visa right now, particularly for tourism purposes. If you visit any place other than LOS Roques or Margarita, you will likely get robbed within hours of arriving in the country. That's a best case scenario; you could get killed instead of robbed. It's not worth the risk.

  10. #1551
    Quote Originally Posted by MaraCucho  [View Original Post]
    Most girls you will find will charge within $50-100 range for one hour.
    What are the prices in casas / brothels?

  11. #1550
    Quote Originally Posted by Argo1990  [View Original Post]
    I was thinking of visiting Colombia but with how crime has been through the roof again lately I might change plans for Caracas. Has anyone a recent update on the pricing situation as someone already asked?

    For like 1 hour full service with a hottie? Or overnight stay?
    Most girls you will find will charge within $50-100 range for one hour.

  12. #1549


    You might want to read this first:

    But I get much information for my Map.

    Quote Originally Posted by Argo1990  [View Original Post]
    I was thinking of visiting Colombia but with how crime has been through the roof again lately I might change plans for Caracas. Has anyone a recent update on the pricing situation as someone already asked?

    For like 1 hour full service with a hottie? Or overnight stay?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Map of Caracas, Venezuela.jpg‎  

  13. #1548
    Quote Originally Posted by Argo1990  [View Original Post]
    I was thinking of visiting Colombia but with how crime has been through the roof again lately I might change plans for Caracas. Has anyone a recent update on the pricing situation as someone already asked?

    For like 1 hour full service with a hottie? Or overnight stay?
    +1. When are you going?

  14. #1547
    I was thinking of visiting Colombia but with how crime has been through the roof again lately I might change plans for Caracas. Has anyone a recent update on the pricing situation as someone already asked?

    For like 1 hour full service with a hottie? Or overnight stay?

  15. #1546
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnieCash  [View Original Post]
    With USD widely accepted and used lately (so I hear), how do the prices look like these days (agencies, strip clubs, spas)?
    From the latest report, seem like free!

    Do any of you know about BrokenLatina*****s? Any idea where that is filmed?

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