Thread: Prague
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Yesterday 22:37 #11804
Posts: 432Originally Posted by elaventurero [View Original Post]
2. Frankfurt.
3. No significant difference.
4. No.
Yesterday 21:46 #11803
Posts: 123Trip
I have a choice between going to Frankfurt or Prague? Which city would you guys prefer? What are the differences between costs? Also, would Warsaw or Krakow be a cheaper alternative to these two places?
09-09-24 20:05 #11802
Posts: 19Contacts
Here's the translation of your request into English:
I will be in Prague from Thursday to Saturday evening. This is my first visit to Prague. Normally, I take the time to explore the local scene myself. Since I don't have much time this time, I'm relying on your help.
Can someone help me connect with private girls or students? It would be nice if they were Indian women.
I'm really counting on your help, Senior Members.
09-08-24 21:18 #11801GreekromeoGuest
The most famous salons are almost always full and it's difficult to find a free girl without booking in advance, especially during summer time.
From November to March it's different, girls are usually not fully booked and it's easier to book even a couple of hours earlier.
It happend few times that girls were different from the pictures, I had a good experience with number one massage because I was able to choose the girls directly in the salon. Surprisingly enough, when Rabbit and Matahari were fully booked, there were at least 5 girls available there. I went inside and girls were in front of me and I choose the one I liked.
Be careful here, they tried to charge me 3000 czk for 1 h massage. Usually price for 1 h is around 2000 czk, depending on the salon and services.
My favorite is Rabbit because there are no surprices, the price you read from website is what you pay, also is very easy and fast to book from the operator in the chat.
In Prague there are at least 20 salons for erotic massage. I can suggest secrethall dot cz to quickly find available girls without opening dozens of websites.
09-06-24 17:43 #11800
Posts: 51Originally Posted by Sted0101 [View Original Post]
Really wish these places would share pics of the girls (yup, we've had reasons why not etc), even if it's just a quick photo on what's app that expires after a few minutes.
Narks me that I have to take a best guess but hey ho, I keep doing it so only have myself to blame.
Looks a glorious weekend in Prague so the least I'll get is a bit of colour this weekend LOL.
Edit. And aye, agree with DJ. In my experience with Candy and Rabbit. Rabbit seem a tad more professional, but Candy seems a bit more, you may get slightly more out of the girls than you do at Rabbit (based on my experience of circa 3-4 visits to each place.
PS. Random question but anyone know of any bars (clubs at a push) that play old school (late 90’s/2000) trance music?
09-06-24 07:15 #11799
Posts: 432Originally Posted by Ydoolb [View Original Post]
Candy is good at service and customer friendly.
Rest of the tiny shops are for finding prettier girls but service may vary depending on the girl and facility, communication may not be same level as Rabbit, Candy.
09-06-24 06:24 #11798
Posts: 5Nice list
Thanks Dwayne. It's sometimes hard to tell just by their websites. I'll definitely need to develop that walk away if I don't find what I want mindset. Now I'm going to have to sort by distance so if I do walk away I'm not spending valuable time commuting around town.
Originally Posted by DwayneJohnson [View Original Post]
09-05-24 22:30 #11797
Posts: 5By the way can someone share their experience about E-massage. Cz? 99% of their girls are young Ukrainian girls, and I have some kind of weakness for young Ukrainian girls. Or is it better to use the old proven method with Rabbit Hall / Candy Shop? The latter have very good reviews, including on this forum.
09-05-24 11:26 #11796
Posts: 432Originally Posted by Sted0101 [View Original Post]
Infinity - - only some Czech girls don't offer.
Tantra-prague. Cz most of them offer.
Fantaziemassage. Cz.
E-massage. Cz.
Massage Princess- ask operator before going.
Avalon. Ask operator before going.
Sweet Peach. Ask operator.
09-05-24 11:11 #11795
Posts: 432Originally Posted by Hargow20 [View Original Post]
2. There is no sex in erotic massage parlors. At most you can get french-kissing or lick pussy. For sex, search "privats" in the forum.
09-05-24 08:50 #11794
Posts: 5Originally Posted by BrodyasinChief [View Original Post]
And if we talk about Valencia, just type it into Google Felina Valencia for example.
09-05-24 03:17 #11793
Posts: 2683Arrived in Prague a few days ago. Decided visit Rabbit Hall. Arrived around noon & they told me I needed a reservation. Went to this other Message parlour and they said the same thing. Do the erotic massage parlors operate like normal one where you are paying for the massage & sex is extra. ?
Decided to visit show on park The entrance was $18 for 24 hours. This was very high my mind. There was so good looking girls. All the girls were asking 3000 cz KR. They were charging this price for anything g The upside was that the place was air conditioned. Decided to head to head to Warsaw.
09-04-24 16:39 #11792
Posts: 5Candyshop vs RabbitHall
Originally Posted by BrodyasinChief [View Original Post]
I'm fine with x1 and value quality. Seems like fewer girls at RH offer both Pussycat and French kiss than Candyshop, but I have time to monitor their websites.
09-03-24 17:55 #11791
Posts: 51Check post 11748. DJ posted some numbers. Maybe try and what's app them and see how you go?
And what's this about Valencia LOL. Never been but I will be visiting there next year.
09-03-24 16:47 #11790
Posts: 5Can anybody PM me with phone / WhatsApp / tegeram of some Ukrainian privat with young Ukrainian ladies please? Second option is Asians. I bought subscription for that (okay, not only that ofc).
It will be my first visit to Prague in ten years and last time I was with my girlfriend and now I will be alone, hunting.
It is easy with massage saloons. I will check top ones for sure too. But totally different story with privats. I imagine it is not like let's say Valencia where I can see street sign, ring a bell and enter.