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Thread: Hamburg

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  1. #1039


    For at least 20 years or probably more there have been girls standing on the street between Burgr King and the entrance to Herbertstrasse, the only street in the city where it is still possible to find prostitutes in windows. On both sides of Herbertstrasse there are ladies who seem to attack curious passersby. It looks like there are several girl gangs that mostly work in groups.

    The last time I passed Herbertstrasse, which I have passed many times over the years, I was surprised by how few girls there were and how many of the windows were empty. I also found the aggressive girls in the windows not very tempting. I talked to some of them a little, but they were very manipulative and not very sympathetic. I also know that there has been a lot of trickery with these girls who promise far more than they deliver. For example. They say 100 euros and then you risk that it does not include anything other than you lying on the bench and they ask what you want to do after you have paid the 100 and have to pay at least 100 more for maybe just a jerk off. I experienced this many years ago and cursed myself for steering clear of the window girls in Hamburg.

    Does anyone have any updated experiences from Herbertstrasse? I am especially interested in information about the girls standing on the street, because they were much nicer than the ones in Herbertstrasse and they were younger and despite more clothes some of them were very sexy and also far friendlier than the ones in the windows. They also tried to offer service for (only) 50 euros and I made it clear that I was not just interested in a handjob. Then I got honest answers that full service was about 300 euros, but others also had more reasonable prices. Can you have a good time with these girls?

    I also stopped by two of the big centers with girls in the doors. Eros centers. But there was nothing tempting. Anyone with any good experiences from Reeperbahn?

  2. #1038
    Quote Originally Posted by Grven3  [View Original Post]
    Thanks. I will check reviews. If the girl doesn't match the photos, I assume the reviewer would say something.

    I'll report back.
    Usually in the German language boards, photo match, age match, are two of the fundamental criteria in the review. There are some other typical items that most of us would skip but "whether they got offered a drink, for an FKK it is the quality of the food ". These things always kill me but I've now gotten in the habit of following the crowd when I post my reviews on German boards.

    Of course I really appreciate the review of cleanliness of both incall and shower. Let's face it, it doesn't take a lot to make a sexual encounter lose its erotic appeal.

    Every area in Germany has a local board or two. Not always easy to find but worth it if you plan to spend time there. Lusthaus works as a catch all. Much like ISG but a lot of cities are not on the core tourism routes. Especially the smaller towns.

    I'm a big fan of 'stamp collecting' sexual trips. Up to 14 different FKKs. More than an equal amount of bordellos or Laufhauses in the same cities as the cost to enter is nonexistent. In Frankfurt I even recommend the strip clubs and stage shows. You might as well have appetizers before you get the main meal.

  3. #1037
    Quote Originally Posted by Tintin1  [View Original Post]
    Modelle usually includes girls who have incall. Many ads have details and say whether they do outcall AND whether hotel / Haus / car (some girls will not go to private houses. Only hotels).

    Even with Modelle it can be as diverse as apartment or Laufhaus or Brothel. The best feature of most Laufhauses and Brothels is that you can look for free. I've only visited the Riepernahm and FKKs in Hamburg. Sorry You can message me if you have a specific ad you don't understand.
    Thanks. I will check reviews. If the girl doesn't match the photos, I assume the reviewer would say something. Ofcourse I assume brothel girls are reviewed too. It is harder with FKKs because there are so many girls. I mostly try to remember names of girls to avoid and maybe a few to look out for. Usually I end up with a girl that is neither.

    I was going to try an FKK when I'm in Berlin but the price has gone up so much, I may try the brothel or apartment route there too.

    I'll report back.

  4. #1036
    Quote Originally Posted by Grven3  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the detailed answer. I wasn't sure if that law was still in place. I recall back when the law came and many girls at FKKs refused. However, I went to an FKK last year and every girl offered it without hesitation so I thought maybe something has changed.

    I understand that we always have to be cautions of reviews but as an outsider it is hard to know which are more trustworthy. Now I know to go with Lusthaus.

    On the site, there is a category filter: Modelle, MHH Bilder, Haus&Hotel, Escort / Begleitung.

    OK, not escort / begleitung. I don't know what Haus&Hotel means? My hotel? Their house?

    I most would like to goto their place. Which one would I select?

    I had a girl come to my hotel once (in another country) and the hotel made a big deal out of it making me pay a fee for another guest. Plus, now the girl knows where to find me.

    The most ideal scenario, I find a girl I like that also has good reviews and go see her (hopefully being able to use whatsapp to communicate).

    Otherwise, maybe a brothel type place where I go and choose a girl but that's more of a gamble ofcourse.
    Modelle usually includes girls who have incall. Many ads have details and say whether they do outcall AND whether hotel / Haus / car (some girls will not go to private houses. Only hotels).

    Even with Modelle it can be as diverse as apartment or Laufhaus or Brothel. The best feature of most Laufhauses and Brothels is that you can look for free. I've only visited the Riepernahm and FKKs in Hamburg. Sorry You can message me if you have a specific ad you don't understand.

  5. #1035
    Quote Originally Posted by Tintin1  [View Original Post]
    I can only answer what I have personally experienced. Let's get the most back out of theway. Most girls won't advertise CIM since Oral without a condom is against the law in Germany so. ! It's all negotiated privately. "in mund spritzen" ohne (for no condom), FO is the abbreviation for french ohne condom.

    Reviews on sites likely not too reliable, but that's such a huge open question. You should rely on Lusthaus over site reviews. There is also a local board but I'm forgetting the name.

    Ladies offer services based on several factors. At THEIR PLACE, in YOUR PLACE, in your hotel. In cars, etc. The names of the ladies or how they advertise change based on some of these. Escorts go visit you. Some wil do House / Hotel, others only on the 2nd appt. Begleitung is a bit more as in companion. Those who will go out to clubs with you. Obviously the Rieperbahn is a place you can visit the puffs (working girl houses), lauf hauses. The whole area is like easy to find and well lit up. Especailly the pedestrian zone.

    If you want a girl to come to your hotel, I'd be finicky and make sure there are reviews so I know her looks, age etc match her website.
    Thanks for the detailed answer. I wasn't sure if that law was still in place. I recall back when the law came and many girls at FKKs refused. However, I went to an FKK last year and every girl offered it without hesitation so I thought maybe something has changed.

    I understand that we always have to be cautions of reviews but as an outsider it is hard to know which are more trustworthy. Now I know to go with Lusthaus.

    On the site, there is a category filter: Modelle, MHH Bilder, Haus&Hotel, Escort / Begleitung.

    OK, not escort / begleitung. I don't know what Haus&Hotel means? My hotel? Their house?

    I most would like to goto their place. Which one would I select?

    I had a girl come to my hotel once (in another country) and the hotel made a big deal out of it making me pay a fee for another guest. Plus, now the girl knows where to find me.

    The most ideal scenario, I find a girl I like that also has good reviews and go see her (hopefully being able to use whatsapp to communicate).

    Otherwise, maybe a brothel type place where I go and choose a girl but that's more of a gamble ofcourse.

  6. #1034
    Quote Originally Posted by Grven3  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the tips, I've finally confirmed my trip so I'm starting to plan.

    I had some questions regarding the modelle-hamburg site. Are they usually reachable via whatsapp? My phone doesn't support international calling but has international data.

    On the search, what's the difference between Modelle, MHH Bilder, Haus&Hotel, Escort / Begleitung? Are these basically the same?

    I see reviews on the site, are these reliable, or should I only rely on Lusthaus?

    I was looking for CIM on the services list but didn't see it. Is it common? I'll ask ofcourse but wasnt sure if there's a typical german phrase for it.

    I'll also be taking day trips out to rostock, lubeck, hanover, and bremen. Are any of these places better or am I better off sticking to Hamburg?
    I can only answer what I have personally experienced. Let's get the most back out of theway. Most girls won't advertise CIM since Oral without a condom is against the law in Germany so. ! It's all negotiated privately. "in mund spritzen" ohne (for no condom), FO is the abbreviation for french ohne condom.

    Reviews on sites likely not too reliable, but that's such a huge open question. You should rely on Lusthaus over site reviews. There is also a local board but I'm forgetting the name.

    Ladies offer services based on several factors. At THEIR PLACE, in YOUR PLACE, in your hotel. In cars, etc. The names of the ladies or how they advertise change based on some of these. Escorts go visit you. Some wil do House / Hotel, others only on the 2nd appt. Begleitung is a bit more as in companion. Those who will go out to clubs with you. Obviously the Rieperbahn is a place you can visit the puffs (working girl houses), lauf hauses. The whole area is like easy to find and well lit up. Especailly the pedestrian zone.

    If you want a girl to come to your hotel, I'd be finicky and make sure there are reviews so I know her looks, age etc match her website.

  7. #1033
    Thanks for the tips, I've finally confirmed my trip so I'm starting to plan.

    I had some questions regarding the modelle-hamburg site. Are they usually reachable via whatsapp? My phone doesn't support international calling but has international data.

    On the search, what's the difference between Modelle, MHH Bilder, Haus&Hotel, Escort / Begleitung? Are these basically the same?

    I see reviews on the site, are these reliable, or should I only rely on Lusthaus?

    I was looking for CIM on the services list but didn't see it. Is it common? I'll ask ofcourse but wasnt sure if there's a typical german phrase for it.

    I'll also be taking day trips out to rostock, lubeck, hanover, and bremen. Are any of these places better or am I better off sticking to Hamburg?

  8. #1032
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Sometimes beautiful German girls in windows around Reeperbahn. Sex is in windows.
    How much do they charge?

  9. #1031


    Quote Originally Posted by Bedros  [View Original Post]
    Hotels around Reeperbahn, are they girl friendly? Can I bring a girl along without causing a scene? Is it basically just to "pay and order" for any hotel at Booking, and assume it all will go smooth? Or are there any specific precautions to take, prior to arrival?
    Hotel bookings are ALWAYS possible no matter what people say. Meet the girl in the coffee shop around the corner, or in the bar. No one is ever stopped "with" a girl as long as she is dressed in a non provocative way, unless it's Berlin, then all bets off. To be honest, the fancier the hotel the more often the better escorts have "worked the space".

    Seriously, the same in the US. If in doubt, when you What's App the lady, ask if the hotel is an issue, then meet elsewhere and go in together. If you are going to a cheezy hotel near the Reeperbahn, expect to be leered at but left alone. If you're going to a chain hotel, then it's walk through the lobby like it's you wife, daughter, biz colleague. The staff have too much to do to Sherlock Holmes every couple.

    The issues are different if you don't want to leave your room and the hotel has a card key lock on the elevator. I'm assuming that is NOT your question.

  10. #1030
    Sometimes beautiful German girls in windows around Reeperbahn. Sex is in windows.

  11. #1029

    Hotels girl friendly?

    Hotels around Reeperbahn, are they girl friendly? Can I bring a girl along without causing a scene? Is it basically just to "pay and order" for any hotel at Booking, and assume it all will go smooth? Or are there any specific precautions to take, prior to arrival?

  12. #1028
    My work has decided on very short notice that I need to be in Hamburg. Any recommendations for places that *aren't* cheap? I'd rather have attractive girls with good GFE and options for more money than cheap and no kissing no touching no breathing. Caveat is I only have one whole free day, no car and I don't have use of my own hotel room since I am sharing with a colleague. Is it worth taking a train to Berlin to some of the larger FKKs down there? I want to see an FKK but all the reviews in Hamburg seem middling.

  13. #1027
    Quote Originally Posted by Grven3  [View Original Post]
    I'm planning a trip in early Dec to Germany. Staying in Berlin and Hamburg (mostly). I know Berlin has some big FKKs, how about Hamburg? They need to be reachable by public transit.

    I'm mainly like the young-ish skinny petite type of girl.

    I'm starting to get a little older and it's hard to go twice so a brothel is probably idea. I tried one in Germany a while back and had a poor experience. I probably picked the wrong girl and she wouldn't even do BBBJ. I feel like with an FKK, people may post about which girls are best and which are to be avoided whereas there seems to be less info regarding brothels.
    Quote Originally Posted by MaKing86  [View Original Post]
    You can find some brothels at modelle-hamburg under "Sex Locations": You can also view women there directly, whom you can usually visit in apartments throughout the city. They have very good filter options.

    If you find a woman you like there, you can copy the 5-digit number from the address bar and check if there are already reports about her in the local Lusthaus forum. That's a good way to have NOT a bad experience.

    Otherwise, I can recommend FKK Harmony. They have exactly the type of women you're describing. Unfortunately, you'll have to pay an 80 EUR entrance fee there, so it's not really worth it for just one encounter. Additionally, it's located a bit further out and not very accessible by public transportation. However, it's manageable with a rental car and I had always a good time there.
    I think MaKing's suggestion is spot on regarding indies. I'm not a huge fan of the FKKs in Hamburg. Logistics and size make Harmony a weak choice for me. One other point, Hamburg seems to be the BDSM capitol of Germany. You'd guess Berlin- there are some good clubs and a lot of ladies offering themselves. If that's your cocktail of choice you're in for a treat.

    If none of those are what you're looking for, a walk through the Ripperbahn is fun and the lack of entry price, low time commitment and close distance make a stop here a must.

  14. #1026
    Quote Originally Posted by Grven3  [View Original Post]
    I'm planning a trip in early Dec to Germany. Staying in Berlin and Hamburg (mostly). I know Berlin has some big FKKs, how about Hamburg? They need to be reachable by public transit.

    I'm mainly like the young-ish skinny petite type of girl.

    I'm starting to get a little older and it's hard to go twice so a brothel is probably idea. I tried one in Germany a while back and had a poor experience. I probably picked the wrong girl and she wouldn't even do BBBJ. I feel like with an FKK, people may post about which girls are best and which are to be avoided whereas there seems to be less info regarding brothels.
    You can find some brothels at modelle-hamburg under "Sex Locations": You can also view women there directly, whom you can usually visit in apartments throughout the city. They have very good filter options.

    If you find a woman you like there, you can copy the 5-digit number from the address bar and check if there are already reports about her in the local Lusthaus forum. That's a good way to have NOT a bad experience.

    Otherwise, I can recommend FKK Harmony. They have exactly the type of women you're describing. Unfortunately, you'll have to pay an 80 EUR entrance fee there, so it's not really worth it for just one encounter. Additionally, it's located a bit further out and not very accessible by public transportation. However, it's manageable with a rental car and I had always a good time there.

  15. #1025
    I'm planning a trip in early Dec to Germany. Staying in Berlin and Hamburg (mostly). I know Berlin has some big FKKs, how about Hamburg? They need to be reachable by public transit.

    I'm mainly like the young-ish skinny petite type of girl.

    I'm starting to get a little older and it's hard to go twice so a brothel is probably idea. I tried one in Germany a while back and had a poor experience. I probably picked the wrong girl and she wouldn't even do BBBJ. I feel like with an FKK, people may post about which girls are best and which are to be avoided whereas there seems to be less info regarding brothels.

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