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  1. #6668
    Quote Originally Posted by Doodle029  [View Original Post]
    I'm visiting for the first time. Where do I search for an incall escort?

    Also, are there safe streetwalkers in the area?
    If you want incall only, than your only choice are ordinary girls. Prepare for long hours of calling before you arrange the meeting. District 7 is known as Jewish or party district. There are no such a thing as safe streetwalkers in district 7 or any other district. There is always something that might go wrong with them.
    EDITOR's NOTE: This member has been approved by the Forum Management as a "Local Area Guide". As such, he is permitted to offer and otherwise promote his guide services in his designated threads.

  2. #6667
    Quote Originally Posted by MagicM  [View Original Post]
    I stayed at the Astoria City Center hotel. It's a 4 star hotel and the location is good. I had a few escort girls visiting without any problems.
    That hotel is at very good location. Many guys who I helped stayed there in past. That was before 2018. However, I have been to this hotel in 2023 too. The reality is, as soon as you enter the hotel the first thing you see is a reception desk. Lobby is relatively small & people at the reception desk can constantly see you. That goes for the working girls or whoever enters the hotel / lobby. The things are much different in Corinthia for example, in Corinthia the lobby is huge & you do not even see the reception desk. Therefore you & a working girl or girl herself can easily go to one of the elevator.
    EDITOR's NOTE: This member has been approved by the Forum Management as a "Local Area Guide". As such, he is permitted to offer and otherwise promote his guide services in his designated threads.

  3. #6666

    Budapest Section VII

    I'm visiting for the first time. Where do I search for an incall escort?

    Also, are there safe streetwalkers in the area?

  4. #6665
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenetrator  [View Original Post]

    Does anyone know any good hotels, centrally located which accepts girls, so I can get them to come to me?

    I'll be doing a city break to Budapest soon, not into street girls so it's going to be mainly internet escorts.
    I stayed at the Astoria City Center hotel. It's a 4 star hotel and the location is good. I had a few escort girls visiting without any problems.

  5. #6664

    Many thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by IlDrago  [View Original Post]
    It used be easy. All hotels in Budapest used to be girl friendly. In 2018 that changed. Hotel that is girl friendly for sure & it is by far the best choice is The hotel that it should be girl friendly too is These should be okay too:,,,,,

    These are my recommendations. You should be fine at any of the hotels from my list. Before 2018 virtually any hotel in Budapest was girl friendly. However that changed that year & some hotels started to have guys at the entrance who were checking out girls who they found suspicious. That means, if they stop your girl, she ill have to show her ID at the reception desk & hotel staff will know that you are in the room with the working girl.
    Thank you, very helpful.

  6. #6663
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenetrator  [View Original Post]

    Does anyone know any good hotels, centrally located which accepts girls, so I can get them to come to me?

    I'll be doing a city break to Budapest soon, not into street girls so it's going to be mainly internet escorts.
    It used be easy. All hotels in Budapest used to be girl friendly. In 2018 that changed. Hotel that is girl friendly for sure & it is by far the best choice is The hotel that it should be girl friendly too is These should be okay too:,,,,,

    These are my recommendations. You should be fine at any of the hotels from my list. Before 2018 virtually any hotel in Budapest was girl friendly. However that changed that year & some hotels started to have guys at the entrance who were checking out girls who they found suspicious. That means, if they stop your girl, she ill have to show her ID at the reception desk & hotel staff will know that you are in the room with the working girl.
    EDITOR's NOTE: This member has been approved by the Forum Management as a "Local Area Guide". As such, he is permitted to offer and otherwise promote his guide services in his designated threads.

  7. #6662

    Hotels for outcall?


    Does anyone know any good hotels, centrally located which accepts girls, so I can get them to come to me?

    I'll be doing a city break to Budapest soon, not into street girls so it's going to be mainly internet escorts.

  8. #6661

    Scam in Budapest

    Quote Originally Posted by Jubby007  [View Original Post]
    I had many good experiences with girls from the rozzzlanyok. Hu website. However, I have been scammed for the third time by escorts from this website who ask for photos via whatsapp. Guys be aware as in my experience 90% of the girls who ask for a photo upfront and do not have a face photo of her own on the website is up to no good. All three times had similarities. Each time girls were working together with another girl which obviously as a backup if a customer demands money back or starts reacting over getting robbed. All three times they asked for a photo upfront and made it clear that they would not send the address unless they got a photo of me. All three girls deleted their profile a couple of days after the scam. All three times, they kept saying everything extra is included in the price*just*to make the deal attractive to me. I have also reported this to the rozzlan website.
    This is a good report and warning about Budapest scams. Thanks for sharing it.

    First I have to say you have had some bad luck on your Budapest visits and you are right there are scammers trying to leech tourists. And if you don't do your homework before going you might fall for some of those.

    I am not blaming you but there are some big warning signs people should know when browsing through Rosszlanyok ads!

    First one is that these scammers rarely accept reviews, so if a girl's profile has reviews disabled then move on and contact some other girls!

    Number two is that if a girl's profile says she is available 0-24 everyday, again move on. There are many reasons why this is also a red flag but most obvious is that group of girls running a show and you might end up a completely different girl or just plain ripped off and mostly this happens evening or night times. Most of the ordinary honest girls who advertise on Rosszlanyok or Beszamolok work only daytimes or early evening hours and then go home after a normal workday. Those are the ones you should look for to have fun!

    Number three is that if a girl's ad is brand new and the girl even might allow reviews but there are not any yet, you should be cautious also!

    Then there are different so-called elite girl scams and taxi fare scams but that's a different story.

    Personally I have been doing this hobby in Budapest over ten years now and personally I have never been scammed by girls from Rosszlanyok or Beszamolok. Might be also good luck but I also act cautious and have been careful. But also when visiting for the first few times I read through all the information I could find and talked to other people who have visited there before and I asked advice from them.

    Also I have seen over the years countless girls and so far no one have ever ask me send picture before meeting, so this seems new scam type that people should avoid.

    And I am a foreigner so girls know it when I call or contact them and they still have never asked for my picture! Sure they could ask what country I am coming from but that is normal because many Hungarian girls do not accept gypsy men or black men or arab men as their clients.

  9. #6660
    Quote Originally Posted by Jubby007  [View Original Post]
    I had many good experiences with girls from the rozzzlanyok. Hu website. However, I have been scammed for the third time by escorts from this website who ask for photos via whatsapp. Guys be aware as in my experience 90% of the girls who ask for a photo upfront and do not have a face photo of her own on the website is up to no good. All three times had similarities. Each time girls were working together with another girl which obviously as a backup if a customer demands money back or starts reacting over getting robbed. All three times they asked for a photo upfront and made it clear that they would not send the address unless they got a photo of me. All three girls deleted their profile a couple of days after the scam. All three times, they kept saying everything extra is included in the price*just*to make the deal attractive to me. I have also reported this to the rozzlan website.

    I have done nearly 3 trips to Budapest this year. First scam was in district*7 during my previous trip. Two girls were working as partners. Once I entered their flat, they demanded money quickly. The girls said they do not have a room and we need to do the*deed in the living room*in front of her other fat gypsy friend who was constantly coming near me as if she wants to steal something. I told her that I will only stay for 1/2 HR instead of 1 HR and paid 25 k. I also requested her to tell her other friend to go outside for a few minutes and give us privacy. To my surprise, she said no and said instead I need to pay for 2 girls. While I was trying to understand the situation, I heard a baby crying in the room and a man loudly started yelling at the fat girl to come and look after the baby. The girl who I came to see started calling someone on the phone and made a confusing situation and later said sorry time is over after 10 minutes of this nonsense. I left as I did not want any trouble. It seemed it was a total setup and the guy in the room was back up in case a customer freaks out after being robbed. They also stole my condoms and lubricant. Luckily, my wallet and phone survived. *.

    Second incident was also in the same district 7 during my previous trip. Same strategy as this time the girl I came to see again was with a fat gypsy girl and working as partners in crime. They took me in the lobby of the building where I made a mistake of paying in the lobby instead of the room. Again I felt something is not right and downsized the timing from 1 HR to half hour as they were asking 40 k in the lobby. Then she said ok pay 20 k with extras included for 1/2 HR to the fat gypsy girl so she can give us the room key. As soon as I paid her, the fat girl disappeared. Right away the other said to me "baby the room is busy so let me go check the room". This time I followed her as she was the only link to get my money back and she started running away as if a person does after robbing you. I made a video of her also and took photos of her. Similarly, I realised that I am a tourist in this country and do not want to involve the police so I stopped chasing*her and she ran to the nearest bus and disappeared.

    The 3rd incident happened recently during my current trip. This was in district 18 near the airport. While I was walking towards the address, I saw two girls chatting on the corner of the location that I got from the girl. As soon as I came near, one girl disappeared. The second girl took me to a strange slum type of flat where she had a large dog tied nearby. Again I felt a bit strange due to the room condition as it looked sort of like 5 euro*per night sort of a room. She took 20 k forint from me and told me that I am going to the next room to change and bring supplies. After 2 to 3 minutes, I checked to see where she was and to my surprise, the living room room had an exit door to which she vanished. She immediately blocked me once I called her to find out where she*was. I left a message from another number that there is a police car nearby and I am reporting this robbery. To my surprise, she immediately*deleted her rozzlan*website account in less than 10 minutes.

    During my 3 trips, I had many pleasant experiences with wonderful girls. I would say in total 3 out of 15 meetings went wrong. All three times had similarities. Each time girls were in their mid-20's, working together with another girl which obviously as a backup if a customer demands money back or starts reacting over getting robbed. All three times they asked for a photo upfront and made it clear that they would not send the address unless they got a photo of me first via whatsapp. All three girls deleted their profile after the scam. All three times, they kept saying everything extra is included in the price*just*to make the deal attractive to me. I have also reported all three profiles to the rozzlan website.

    IMHO, the girl who demands a photo upfront wants to check and see your personality and to verify if she robbed you before or not and whether you are coming back to get revenge. Also, they want to size you up whether you're a big dude or a small person etc. I made a rule now to never go and meet any girl in future from these websites if they ask for a photo and it doesn't matter*how pretty photos she*uploads as they were fakes in the past. Total damage with all three scams were 25+20+20 = 65 k front (aprox*170 euros) but lesson learned. However, 70% of my experience from this website was positive.
    Thank you for the true report. It is refreshing to see a member who is telling it like it is. It is tough sometimes for foreigners in Budapest. My advice to you is: Avoid gypsy girls at all costs. They are well known for being troublemakers. They target foreigners in particular. However, even locals who are not careful can end up like you.

    I am local guy from Budapest with huge experience when it comes to its mongering scene. I never experienced such things. But than again, I am avoiding gypsy girls as they spell trouble. They are very well known for that & for bad attitude / service.

    To be honest I am avoiding ordinary girls from beszamolok & rosszlanyok. Their prices are higher than ever & the quality is terrible. Very rare you can find young, beautiful girl with good attitude / service. They are also flaky as fuck. You never know when they are available, when they are working. Adverts are constantly disappearing & reappearing. Popular girls who are nothing special (nowhere near to beauties from 2000-2017) are often booked for a week in advance by Hungarians, local simps.

    That is why my choice is elite girls. White, Hungarian girls who are young / beautiful & who offer phenomenal attitude / service. Yes, you need to be connected in order to be able to fuck them & they are more expensive. However, the difference in experience / quality is huge. That is me, that is what I like & how I like it.
    EDITOR's NOTE: This member has been approved by the Forum Management as a "Local Area Guide". As such, he is permitted to offer and otherwise promote his guide services in his designated threads.

  10. #6659

    Great post Jubby007

    That is exactly the kind of trip report and information that this website was created for. I read it twice and will reference it in the blog down below. We used to have a lot of activity like this on the site but most of those posters have left so it is good to see new blood with their thoughts.

    I also have done well on rozzlanyok as have most others. There are going to be exceptions and your report will be beneficial for others.

    Actually in looking at your math, 80% of your experiences were good. That is damn good and I am thinking your percentage will go even higher with your new requirements.

    Good luck and I hope you will stay on the board and keep contributing.

  11. #6658

    Scam in Budapest

    I had many good experiences with girls from the rozzzlanyok. Hu website. However, I have been scammed for the third time by escorts from this website who ask for photos via whatsapp. Guys be aware as in my experience 90% of the girls who ask for a photo upfront and do not have a face photo of her own on the website is up to no good. All three times had similarities. Each time girls were working together with another girl which obviously as a backup if a customer demands money back or starts reacting over getting robbed. All three times they asked for a photo upfront and made it clear that they would not send the address unless they got a photo of me. All three girls deleted their profile a couple of days after the scam. All three times, they kept saying everything extra is included in the price*just*to make the deal attractive to me. I have also reported this to the rozzlan website.

    I have done nearly 3 trips to Budapest this year. First scam was in district*7 during my previous trip. Two girls were working as partners. Once I entered their flat, they demanded money quickly. The girls said they do not have a room and we need to do the*deed in the living room*in front of her other fat gypsy friend who was constantly coming near me as if she wants to steal something. I told her that I will only stay for 1/2 HR instead of 1 HR and paid 25 k. I also requested her to tell her other friend to go outside for a few minutes and give us privacy. To my surprise, she said no and said instead I need to pay for 2 girls. While I was trying to understand the situation, I heard a baby crying in the room and a man loudly started yelling at the fat girl to come and look after the baby. The girl who I came to see started calling someone on the phone and made a confusing situation and later said sorry time is over after 10 minutes of this nonsense. I left as I did not want any trouble. It seemed it was a total setup and the guy in the room was back up in case a customer freaks out after being robbed. They also stole my condoms and lubricant. Luckily, my wallet and phone survived. *.

    Second incident was also in the same district 7 during my previous trip. Same strategy as this time the girl I came to see again was with a fat gypsy girl and working as partners in crime. They took me in the lobby of the building where I made a mistake of paying in the lobby instead of the room. Again I felt something is not right and downsized the timing from 1 HR to half hour as they were asking 40 k in the lobby. Then she said ok pay 20 k with extras included for 1/2 HR to the fat gypsy girl so she can give us the room key. As soon as I paid her, the fat girl disappeared. Right away the other said to me "baby the room is busy so let me go check the room". This time I followed her as she was the only link to get my money back and she started running away as if a person does after robbing you. I made a video of her also and took photos of her. Similarly, I realised that I am a tourist in this country and do not want to involve the police so I stopped chasing*her and she ran to the nearest bus and disappeared.

    The 3rd incident happened recently during my current trip. This was in district 18 near the airport. While I was walking towards the address, I saw two girls chatting on the corner of the location that I got from the girl. As soon as I came near, one girl disappeared. The second girl took me to a strange slum type of flat where she had a large dog tied nearby. Again I felt a bit strange due to the room condition as it looked sort of like 5 euro*per night sort of a room. She took 20 k forint from me and told me that I am going to the next room to change and bring supplies. After 2 to 3 minutes, I checked to see where she was and to my surprise, the living room room had an exit door to which she vanished. She immediately blocked me once I called her to find out where she*was. I left a message from another number that there is a police car nearby and I am reporting this robbery. To my surprise, she immediately*deleted her rozzlan*website account in less than 10 minutes.

    During my 3 trips, I had many pleasant experiences with wonderful girls. I would say in total 3 out of 15 meetings went wrong. All three times had similarities. Each time girls were in their mid-20's, working together with another girl which obviously as a backup if a customer demands money back or starts reacting over getting robbed. All three times they asked for a photo upfront and made it clear that they would not send the address unless they got a photo of me first via whatsapp. All three girls deleted their profile after the scam. All three times, they kept saying everything extra is included in the price*just*to make the deal attractive to me. I have also reported all three profiles to the rozzlan website.

    IMHO, the girl who demands a photo upfront wants to check and see your personality and to verify if she robbed you before or not and whether you are coming back to get revenge. Also, they want to size you up whether you're a big dude or a small person etc. I made a rule now to never go and meet any girl in future from these websites if they ask for a photo and it doesn't matter*how pretty photos she*uploads as they were fakes in the past. Total damage with all three scams were 25+20+20 = 65 k front (aprox*170 euros) but lesson learned. However, 70% of my experience from this website was positive.

  12. #6657
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBravo83  [View Original Post]
    I would be very interested in knowing more about these locations and about the woman who allows you to go bareback. I will be in Budapest next week and I would be very interested in something like that. I have a few things lined up but having a back up plan would be great. You can send me a private message if you are more comfortable.

    I will PM you once I get the membership sorted.

  13. #6656
    [Deleted by Admin]

    EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was pointless, unproductive drama. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

  14. #6655

    Updating blog, Tips for mongering in Budapest

    It is time to update the blog, titled Tips for Mongering in Budapest.

    I will update the portion on the two websites (Beszamolok and Rosszlanyok) with information provided recently by DreamK which is very useful and informative.

    Please send me any other updates and I will incorporate into the blog and publish.

    Thanks in advance.

  15. #6654
    [Deleted by Admin]

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