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Thread: Zurich

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  1. #5455
    Thanks mates!

    I'll make a small research and hope to find some spare time to enjoy with a lady / girl!

    Unfortuneately is closed on saturday/sunday and i arrive on saturday and leave on sunday...
    This would have been exactly what i'm looking for.

    Take care.


  2. #5454
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyKII  [View Original Post]
    Thanks Sirioja!

    How can I contact them?

    Google didn't delivery any result in "our" direction and the search here only delivered Aphrodite.

    Thanks for your kind assistance!
    Beatrice-privat. Ch inside Zurich, look 19 yo Britany video and clubseline. Ch in Winterthur around Zurich. Usually in privates, You can see girls and choose, when photos are most often photoshop now on internet. Also free entry and drinks kontakt bar Aphrodisia inside Zurich, but expensive for girls.

  3. #5453
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyKII  [View Original Post]
    Thanks Sirioja!

    How can I contact them?

    Google didn't delivery any result in "our" direction and the search here only delivered Aphrodite.

    Thanks for your kind assistance!
    There are actually a few:

    There is.

    Pascha -

    Smaller selection than some other places, but also a little less expensive.


    The most expensive option, but also the most girls. I liked this place, as the drinks we're free.


    This place is booking with a single girl, and going straight to her room. This is not a contact bar, where you get to meet all the girls before choosing one. This is owned or part of the same group as Aphrodesia above, so the girls rotate between the two. Again, a little more expensive, but there is some quality here.

    If you don't mind a short Uber / Cab ride, you can also go to Amesia.

    Depending on what you're looking for, you can also check sites like And6. And go the independent route.

    Hope that helps!

  4. #5452
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirioja  [View Original Post]
    Privates Seline or Beatrice.
    Thanks Sirioja!

    How can I contact them?

    Google didn't delivery any result in "our" direction and the search here only delivered Aphrodite.

    Thanks for your kind assistance!

  5. #5451
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyKII  [View Original Post]
    Hi fellow mongers.

    I'll visit Zurich shorty just for one night and would like to enjoy some nice company of a WG before heading to my business meeting in the evening.

    Is there in Zurich anything like a brothel or a mansion offering WG's with good and affordable service?

    My time schedule is too tight for visiting Globe and additionally what I've read doesn't attract me to Globe any more.

    Have been there almost 10 years ago and liked it a lot, but it seems that those times are over.

    Any recommandations for a MILF-type WG in Zurich would be much appreciated (Eurogirlsescort or MR?

    Cheers guys!
    Privates Seline or Beatrice.

  6. #5450

    Escort or brothel in Zurich other than Globe?

    Hi fellow mongers.

    I'll visit Zurich shorty just for one night and would like to enjoy some nice company of a WG before heading to my business meeting in the evening.

    Is there in Zurich anything like a brothel or a mansion offering WG's with good and affordable service?

    My time schedule is too tight for visiting Globe and additionally what I've read doesn't attract me to Globe any more.

    Have been there almost 10 years ago and liked it a lot, but it seems that those times are over.

    Any recommandations for a MILF-type WG in Zurich would be much appreciated (Eurogirlsescort or MR?

    Cheers guys!

  7. #5449

    Sugarbaby price range

    Quote Originally Posted by DwayneJohnson  [View Original Post]
    Can anyone please let me know about seeking sugarbaby price range? I mean what's considered as an acceptable pay per meet allowance. I tried seeking in Nordic region and 400 euro per short meeting (dinner date+sex) was considered good enough for most of the girls. Zurich being more expensive in terms of cost of living, I would think seeking girls will look for more money but not sure what should be my initial offer that they don't dismiss it right away.
    Expect 600+ for girls, and 400+ for MILFs.

  8. #5448
    Quote Originally Posted by ShoesAndSocks  [View Original Post]
    Given all that, he then mentions at the end that he is constantly looking for a property around the Bern region so he could capture the "west" market from Cleo, Freubad. Video seemed cut short at this stage, so looks like more to come.
    Second part of this video is up.

    At the start, Ingo completes the story about establishing a club near Bern. Says he is fielding offers but hasn't yet found the ideal location. Wants a large outdoor area to rival Freubad. Sounds committed to making this happen.

    Rest of the video is rambling about politics.

  9. #5447
    Quote Originally Posted by ShoesAndSocks  [View Original Post]
    Ingo always mentions higher prices, but never suggests how they could be implemented and accepted by the current market.

    Personally, any increase on Globe's 150 for 30 would see me abandon the Swiss scene. One extra factor for us overseas visitors is exchange rates. I reviewed my Globe attendance recently and I was shocked to calculate that due to exchange rate fluctuations I now pay 50% more in terms of my home currency than I did ten years ago.
    And in many other clubs it is 90-110 CHF per half hour, including same service.

  10. #5446
    Quote Originally Posted by KaveMan  [View Original Post]
    "As far as the "quality of the women" is concerned, especially their appearance, as Heidbrink puts it, the peak has been passed. "In order to maintain the standard and for women to continue to be willing to do this difficult job, prices must rise again."
    Ingo always mentions higher prices, but never suggests how they could be implemented and accepted by the current market.

    Personally, any increase on Globe's 150 for 30 would see me abandon the Swiss scene. One extra factor for us overseas visitors is exchange rates. I reviewed my Globe attendance recently and I was shocked to calculate that due to exchange rate fluctuations I now pay 50% more in terms of my home currency than I did ten years ago.

  11. #5445


    Quote Originally Posted by KaveMan  [View Original Post]
    Someone recently mentioned that in golden era prices were higher than today.

    Per Ingo:

    "based on the standard service price of 300 francs per half hour in the industry at the time (1996)".

    "40 years late (2024) are, the situation is different: prices are at rock bottom, service, as it is called in the scene, costs half of what it once did, despite average wages being almost twice as high.

    "As far as the "quality of the women" is concerned, especially their appearance, as Heidbrink puts it, the peak has been passed. "In order to maintain the standard and for women to continue to be willing to do this difficult job, prices must rise again. ".
    Increasing from 140 to 150/30 in 2022 , for lower quality, at least for looks.

  12. #5444
    Quote Originally Posted by Samplerr  [View Original Post]
    There's a recent interview with Ingo here that discusses declining market conditions, amongst other things.
    Someone recently mentioned that in golden era prices were higher than today.

    Per Ingo:

    "based on the standard service price of 300 francs per half hour in the industry at the time (1996)".

    "40 years late (2024) are, the situation is different: prices are at rock bottom, service, as it is called in the scene, costs half of what it once did, despite average wages being almost twice as high.

    "As far as the "quality of the women" is concerned, especially their appearance, as Heidbrink puts it, the peak has been passed. "In order to maintain the standard and for women to continue to be willing to do this difficult job, prices must rise again. ".

  13. #5443
    Quote Originally Posted by ShoesAndSocks  [View Original Post]
    First point Ingo makes is the current market is saturated. I take that to mean there aren't enough customers for the existing clubs, let alone a new/restarted one...
    My guess was that a new club in the ZRH area would need to be able to absorb losses for 6 months before it gets established. Obviously, Ingo knows the market much better, one year sounds realistic. On the other hand he doesn't want new competition in ZRH.

  14. #5442
    Quote Originally Posted by ShoesAndSocks  [View Original Post]
    First point Ingo makes is the current market is saturated. I take that to mean there aren't enough customers for the existing clubs, let alone a new/restarted one.
    There's a recent interview with Ingo here that discusses declining market conditions, amongst other things.

    I heard that when Globe first opened in 2004, they only had a line-up of eight, but I believe that quickly grew thanks to the favourable market conditions.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShoesAndSocks  [View Original Post]
    One other point he makes is that the forums don't drive business, rather it's done by word-of-mouth. Not so sure I agree here. Firstly, how many of us blab to others about our brothel habits? Secondly, I only learned of the wonders of European FKK sauna clubs from reports in a local forum based in a country on the other side of the world. Given the number of views plus positive comments on my reports in that forum describing the unique wonders of Globe, I've sent a lot of business Ingo's way.
    His beliefs seem a bit dated given how online the world is since the advent of smart phones.

  15. #5441

    Imperium Clubs in Lugano

    I know this is the Zurich thread, but I'm posting this here as the Lugano thread seems dead ...

    The recent Ingo video about costs of getting clubs up & running made me think about the two Lugano clubs - Iceberg and Maison Rouge - that Imperium acquired. They are in adjacent buildings.

    The website of Maison Rouge seems abandoned, and Google Maps has it as temporarily closed.

    The link for Iceberg takes you to a website for J-Club Wellness (same address in Lugano). It talks about a club, a hotel, wellness area, restaurant. Sounds rather like Wellcum in Austria. I think back to that video of Ingo flying over to visit Wellcum. Was that a scouting trip to see how Wellcum was operating near the Italian/Austrian border?

    However, there are no photos of club interior, hotel rooms, or any of the wellness facilities. The Wellness page says "Come to us from 2025, Stay tuned". I read elsewhere back in March about Iceberg transforming into the first sauna club in Italian Switzerland. This website looks like that sort of place, yet the lack of photos suggests it doesn't yet exist. Maybe one of the buildings is being converted into the hotel and it's merging into a single sauna club.

    Any of you Swiss guys know anything about this? Ever head down that way?

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