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Thread: Benin

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  1. #71

    West Africa Trip Report: Benin

    Benin. Had to transit across the land border from Nigeria in a small minibus. Not sure this was worth while and similar to my comments as Togo. Brief stop in here, would not return. There are some attractive women to be had, but not speaking French made this much more challenging and a bit dangerous. Lot of of people trying to rip me off in one fashion or another whether it was taxi drivers, waiters, immigration people. So definitely action available, but you need to find a reliable taxi driver guide, carry lots of small bills because no one will offer change, and speaking French would be a very large advantage.

  2. #70

    Girl friendly decent hotels, Cotonou

    Hi, I read the forum, but no recommendations on girl friendly hotels in Cotonou? Anyone?

  3. #69

    All is well

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaappo22  [View Original Post]
    Relax, take a deep breath. Welcome to Africa.

    She's not going to blackmail you, she's not going to come after you. It's not a scam. You spend more for a night or two in Novotel than she earns in a month in her lousy job. She'll be grateful if you help her with her rent / bills, but if not, she'll move on to the next guy. That's the life of a girl in Africa. Get fucked for free or for small money, and try to make the ends meet. Every fucker is a possibility to survive the day. No scams or malicious plans involved.
    Thanks for your support guys, I really appreciate it. I just wanted to drop an update to end this topic. We both tested negative and all is well. That being said, I think I've learnt my lesson the hard way never to risk this kind of thing in Africa. I've been in Africa 10 years now, I can do business here and deal with all kinds of corruption & what not but I think the girls are a bit much for me. So, as per the advise of senior members down below as well, I think I'm going to stick with safer places like Dubai's MR reports LOL.

    Have fun & stay safe!

  4. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerAdventure  [View Original Post]
    However, I'm starting to get an idea about her, she is a foreigner gold digger. The scam is, she talks to you nice, has a nice job, then after the deed is done, she is clingy and in the future might blackmail you for this. If I was alone, I would literally take a flight out of here today or change my hotel and dump that sim card and get a new one. But unfortunately I have already paid for this hotel and I'm stuck here now along with my work team.

    So I am thinking to stay quite until tomorrow when she picks up her report and once I know the result, then I want to just dump the sim card and get a new one and move on. I will text her that unfortunately I have already left the country so I can't pay her anything etc etc.

    Will keep you folks updated on this story, open to any inputs you have.
    Relax, take a deep breath. Welcome to Africa.

    She's not going to blackmail you, she's not going to come after you. It's not a scam. You spend more for a night or two in Novotel than she earns in a month in her lousy job. She'll be grateful if you help her with her rent / bills, but if not, she'll move on to the next guy. That's the life of a girl in Africa. Get fucked for free or for small money, and try to make the ends meet. Every fucker is a possibility to survive the day. No scams or malicious plans involved.

  5. #67

    Update 2

    Quote Originally Posted by DickMilhous  [View Original Post]
    The probability of your contracting HIV from this single encounter is infinitesimally small IMO. Most HIV stats are blown out of proportion or simply unreliable. A single encounter with a non WG in which there was extremely low likelihood of microtrauma, let alone macrotrauma (given above) tells me you'll be fine. If you aren't, you're not going to die from it as long as you take retroviral.

    As an MD, I am more paranoid of jamming some e coli into my prostate and coming down with chronic prostatitis. Now that can lead to an extremely miserable chronic disease. Other STDs can be very serious but most treatable. Check your HIV status in a few weeks and then again 3-6 months post and try to relax.
    So, today the girl agreed to go with me to get tested. Me and her went to the hospital to get tested and I'm surprised that they don't have rapid tests here, the results come out tomorrow and we have to go there physically to collect the results too. So, I have to bear with this for another day. The lady was surprisingly cool during this whole thing which again made me very suspicious. I have come to make a few good friends who speak English, mainly a taxi guy and also one of the doctors who is young. I tipped them enough for them to stay by my side to make sure there is no hanky panky scene at the hospital and so everything stays under control.

    Now after I came back from the test, I found a message from the girl asking me politely for "rent money" as she is running low and she says she is embarrassed to ask me for this and doesn't want to inconvenience me. This is a big red flag from what I know as now I am seeming to get the idea that she won't collect her result / leave me alone in the future. This is going to be an ongoing episode. Thank god that she doesn't have any identifying information of me. Another big red flag is that during our conversation last night when I asked if she'd be willing to test with me, she said, what if I get pregnant and come to know few months down the line, what will you do? So this is red flag #2.

    I have not replied to her message so far, I just simply turned my phone off. Tomorrow morning I have paid the taxi driver to go and pick her and get her report, and I'm 99% sure it's going to be negative. However, I'm starting to get an idea about her, she is a foreigner gold digger. The scam is, she talks to you nice, has a nice job, then after the deed is done, she is clingy and in the future might blackmail you for this. If I was alone, I would literally take a flight out of here today or change my hotel and dump that sim card and get a new one. But unfortunately I have already paid for this hotel and I'm stuck here now along with my work team.

    So I am thinking to stay quite until tomorrow when she picks up her report and once I know the result, then I want to just dump the sim card and get a new one and move on. I will text her that unfortunately I have already left the country so I can't pay her anything etc etc.

    Will keep you folks updated on this story, open to any inputs you have.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerAdventure  [View Original Post]
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for your advise. Definitely I think I'm ok now. Because right after I had posted on here, I got a text from that lady and she was actually pretty upset that I booted her. I think she might have gotten the misconception that we were romantically involved. I have seen a lot of crazy stalkers on Youtube so I just hope she isn't one to find new ways to make my life hell as she has my passport copy from the MTN store
    I'm looking forward to reading your reports but I'm not sure you going to Africa for a mongering trip was a good idea, you're a bit paranoid. First the HIV thing and now you're afraid she's going to stalk you and make your life he'll with your passport copy. It's like a germophobe in a pigsty.

    It's good to play safe and stay out of trouble but at the same time, like the others said, relax and enjoy yourself.

  7. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerAdventure  [View Original Post]
    I gave in and gave it to her bareback. I was scared about HIV but I'm not sure why I did it despite that. So we start doing it and my dick keeps falling out. I realized then at that moment that my dick is too small for African butts.
    The probability of your contracting HIV from this single encounter is infinitesimally small IMO. Most HIV stats are blown out of proportion or simply unreliable. A single encounter with a non WG in which there was extremely low likelihood of microtrauma, let alone macrotrauma (given above) tells me you'll be fine. If you aren't, you're not going to die from it as long as you take retroviral.

    As an MD, I am more paranoid of jamming some e coli into my prostate and coming down with chronic prostatitis. Now that can lead to an extremely miserable chronic disease. Other STDs can be very serious but most treatable. Check your HIV status in a few weeks and then again 3-6 months post and try to relax.

  8. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by Mombie75  [View Original Post]

    Benin has a rate if about 2% of HIV+ adults.

    In your case "if" this girl is HIV+, and that is a big if, your chances of contracting are still very low.

    Anal sex carries the biggest risk as you are more likely to come into contact with blood as the anus is not lubricated and friction causes small bleeding. Vaginal is less risky.

    Maximum risk from an HIV+ female passing on HIV to a male via anal sex is thought to be around 3% per episode. Vaginal sex 0. 7%.

    The washing etc after the deed is done will be of no help as the virus would of passed the mucous membrane if it infects.

    Get tested after 4 weeks for a definitive result.
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for your advise. Definitely I think I'm ok now. Because right after I had posted on here, I got a text from that lady and she was actually pretty upset that I booted her. I think she might have gotten the misconception that we were romantically involved. I have seen a lot of crazy stalkers on Youtube so I just hope she isn't one to find new ways to make my life hell as she has my passport copy from the MTN store.

    Anyway she did tell me that she got tested and she is negative. She also offered that she will go with me to the hospital to get tested and show me that she's negative if its needed. I didn't push for it as it seems really rude and fucked up, but secretly, yes, I wish she could do that just to get this thing over.

    I am thinking about getting tested tomorrow at the hospital to start PEP. I honestly couldn't find even a hospital open on Sunday, my taxi driver took me to some spot near to my hotel and I made friends with a nurse guy there who asked me to come back tomorrow and he'd help me. So, just to be 100% sure, I am thinking of getting started on PEP but it might be an overkill. But then again living with this for the rest of my life seems pretty daunting.

    So will keep you guys updated. Cheers for your help stay safe out there.

  9. #63

    Benin has a rate if about 2% of HIV+ adults.

    In your case "if" this girl is HIV+, and that is a big if, your chances of contracting are still very low.

    Anal sex carries the biggest risk as you are more likely to come into contact with blood as the anus is not lubricated and friction causes small bleeding. Vaginal is less risky.

    Maximum risk from an HIV+ female passing on HIV to a male via anal sex is thought to be around 3% per episode. Vaginal sex 0. 7%.

    The washing etc after the deed is done will be of no help as the virus would of passed the mucous membrane if it infects.

    Get tested after 4 weeks for a definitive result.

  10. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerAdventure  [View Original Post]
    So now here I am scared because I'm not sure how I got scammed incase I got scammed at all. Or whether I have HIV now and should I get tested or what. So I hope you guys can help me out.

    Also if you're at the airport coming in arrivals, if you talk to her nice, she might give you her number also. I'm wondering if I will find clean girls at the bar later tonight since this is an upscale place but I'm not sure. My fun ends tomorrow because Monday my team will check in and there can be no change of this fooling around then.

    Thanks and happy mongering.
    Try to relax, the odds of a man contracting HIV during penetrative sex are one in thousands (and that's only if she was HIV positive), you'd be extremely unlucky to have caught HIV from this one time. Now if you were regularly raw dogging a hundred hookers a year, your luck may run out eventually, but it would be highly, highly, unlikely that you contracted HIV from this single incident.

  11. #61

    MTN Pleases. Shitting my pants about HIV

    Whats up ISG folks.

    So I landed in Benin yesterday and I went to get a sim card as it's my first time. It took a hell of a long time to get it but the lady seemed really sweet so I chatted her up. Turns out she is local (obviously) but somehow speaks good English. However, after I had gotten my sim card and was going away, I noticed that she saved her number on my phone and took note of my new number.

    Once I came back to the hotel, I found she already texted me. A little fishy but I didn't think MTN customer service girls were straight up WGs. So I also chatted back with her. What do you do, when do you leave etc etc went on. I especially made sure that I text her only from the whatsapp that I use specifically for mongering. So. I did that, and I invited her to lunch the next day (today).

    The day starts and after getting some work done in the morning, I meet up with her at 1 pm near Super you its called I think and this is the first time I could actually look at her properly and the last time was only at the MTN desk. So she seemed ok and I thought she honestly just wanted to be friends. So we met up there and from there she took me to the big market where we haggled for some stuff and she didn't really ask me to pay for anything she paid for all of it herself. I was suspicious at this time because I was really confused if she's a WC or a normal girl. I really never score normal girls because I am not exactly brad pitt in the looks department (and a new deficiency I realized today doesn't help either. More on that below). So we carried on after the market to go to Ci Gusta the restaurant. We had a good meal, I paid for it and she didn't order the most expensive thing in the menu, she got exactly what I got. Still I was suspicious for some reason.

    Then came "the talk" about what to do next, and I suggested that we just watch some netflix at my place. I was in 2 minds about doing it with her, maybe after everything is done, she'll demand money or. I don't know exactly.

    So, we go back to my place, which is Novotel BTW. I was shitting my pants because I didn't know the policy about guests here and on Monday I'll have my entire team check in so I don't want the reception to be like where is the lady from Saturday? Lmao.

    So we go to the reception, as we are going into the elevator, she gets stopped and she is asked who are you? I turn around and say she's my translator. And I don't know if they understood what's up or what but they asked for her ID and let her go.

    Once in my room things were really cringy. We started watching a movie on the bed, it became clear we are here to fuck but neither were fully committing. Then she's a dancer so I asked her to show me how to dance and she started dancing, I joined and we grinded a bit and then I realised that her hair was very smelly. Obviously it has nothing to do with her, it's because we just returned from the fucking market's meat department. So, I suggest that we shower and she says ok and we get into the shower and start the deed.

    Kissing. All natural twins. And a big backside. She's not hot or anything but she's ok, like a regular civilian. I'm not exactly in the best of shape either so I guessed why not. As things started she was reluctant to suck my captain but she did it still. I put my hand between her legs and literally felt the amazon forest down there. It was a big Bush if you can even call it that.

    Then while still in the shower, she turned around and started rubbing her ass on me. I wanted to go in but I didn't have a hat. I told her I didn't have a hat and she didn't either, which confirmed my suspicions that she's not a WG.

    So here's the fucked up part. I gave in and gave it to her bareback. I was scared about HIV but I'm not sure why I did it despite that. So we start doing it and my dick keeps falling out. I realized then at that moment that my dick is too small for African butts. I didn't think I'd ever have the balls to say that but I prefer to fuck Asians now exclusively because my dick fits in that. This girl's but is so big my dick doesn't reach inside her tush. I hope god gives me stronger features in other departments.

    So it didn't work doggy in the shower, so I took her to the room and lay her down and fuck her on the bed missionary. It worked ok but I wasn't that into it. I was shitting my pants inside about hiv. So I pull out quickly getting into better brains and I finish myself on her stomach. She came I think, I fingered her gspot for a while and she was moaning too loud. Now that's a problem because this is novotel and there's a nice family next door whose kids I can hear when they are on the ipad. So I stopped fingering her and hoped she came already.

    So then after this is done, things got awkward. I think I've come to like the WG experience where no cuddling, you bang and you call an uber. She was expecting me to cuddle her maybe, but for some reason after I finished, she didn't look pretty anymore to me. The more I sleep with WGs the more I realize what love is from my exes. So anyway not to get into philosophical stuff but I gave her the hint that its time to boot. I told her "I have a meeting in 20 minutes" so I will book a cab for you. AS soon as we finished, she went in to take a shower and all that was in my mind was HIV. I washed my captain, peed, and you guys won't believe, I even put 99% sanitiser on my dick. I really hope the HIV is dead if there is any. I really don't know the HIV statistics here and I should've known better than sticking my mini hotdog in every hole I see.

    I booked a cab on the app for her and she I think wasn't happy with me booting her but she left reluctantly. I called my reception and immediately requested them to change my room incase she comes back with a gang or something at night to rob me. I'm not sure what's up because I still can't believe I slept with a girl for free. I thought one night stands are only for hot people.

    So I gave her some money for her cab. It was 700 I gave her 2000 and said good bye at the elevator. She disappeared.

    So now here I am scared because I'm not sure how I got scammed incase I got scammed at all. Or whether I have HIV now and should I get tested or what. So I hope you guys can help me out.

    Also if you're at the airport coming in arrivals, if you talk to her nice, she might give you her number also. I'm wondering if I will find clean girls at the bar later tonight since this is an upscale place but I'm not sure. My fun ends tomorrow because Monday my team will check in and there can be no change of this fooling around then.

    Thanks and happy mongering.

  12. #60

    RE: Anyone here? Updated info for 2021?

    Quote Originally Posted by TigerAdventure  [View Original Post]
    Hey you Benin mongers, I saw the last post here is in 2018.

    I am going to Benin for a few days next week and wanted some advise from senior members here about what to expect. I will surely be contributing once I get there, but would love to know what to watch out for if you'd be kind enough to help!

    Hope my post can get some of you guys back on this thread!

    We look forward to reading your Benin reports. You only have a handful of posts to your name here on ISG, but you've already contributed great reports on Tanzania and the UAE. Have a safe trip and keep up the great work!

  13. #59

    Anyone here? Updated info for 2021?

    Hey you Benin mongers, I saw the last post here is in 2018.

    I am going to Benin for a few days next week and wanted some advise from senior members here about what to expect. I will surely be contributing once I get there, but would love to know what to watch out for if you'd be kind enough to help!

    Hope my post can get some of you guys back on this thread!


  14. #58

    As expected.

    As I posted about Lomé, Togo, there were absolutely no redeeming features (besides people being genuine and place bruh safe).

    Cotonou was much worse than Lomé. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Ugh. There are literally 1000 of places better than these two cities.

    Stay away and don't waste your time and money.

  15. #57

    Moroccan club.

    Is there any Moroccan club in Cotonou?

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol  [View Original Post]
    Drink mineral water as the chargers for drinks are outrageous, I remember paying a ransom for beer at New York some years back, sad to read from recent reports nothing changers, we never learn anything when the little head is doing the thinking. I recall the girls being plentiful, slim and easy as is the norm in Africa in general.

    I think I stayed at the Peace and Love hotel, next to the football stadium some way from New York club. The staff were wonderful to me, remember the experience of Contonou with fondness. Getting around was only by moto as there was strangely little or no taxi service. Is this still the mode of transport today?

    Thought i would post a link to my rather dated report, hope the link works, if not you will find the report about for pages back.

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