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  1. #4349
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryOcean  [View Original Post]
    2 Questions:

    1) Why Nigerian invasion has compromised your playing ground?

    2) Why you would never return?

    Important information for rest of us.
    1. Pimps everywhere, more aggressive attitude. A few times they entered in my yard, trying to broke the windows / doors, the Nigerian girls recorded everything (yeah we'll post on snapchat something.) to give them more precise way to enter in the house. Once I was drugged with some sleeping potion and they "clean" a lot of things. Even after the police report, the police come to blackmail me.

    2. Because I feel more safe in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar). And because West Africans are the most racist people on earth.

  2. #4348

    For SteelBaton

    Quote Originally Posted by SteelBaton  [View Original Post]
    I spent a some time with this girl in Cape Coast. She's still chasing me with her photos. I might need to return, I get the feeling she would do anything I asked.
    Congratulations. The picture with bottle and girl in orange jacket is marvellous. It is worth a return!

  3. #4347

    A few more photos of the 6' slim one

    I spent a some time with this girl in Cape Coast. She's still chasing me with her photos. I might need to return, I get the feeling she would do anything I asked.
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  4. #4346


    I believe that you'the have to get it in your home country. It's widely available for the gay community in Europe, North America, probably in Thailand (and us African-fuckers) .

    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryOcean  [View Original Post]
    Where did you find PrEP in Ghana? Last time I was in Ghana, I couldn't find it.

  5. #4345
    Quote Originally Posted by RamboMambo  [View Original Post]
    2 years in Ghana, 3 times malaria and around 300 girls, 16 girls in a single day, a lot of threesomes.

    Tinder was my best friend. It was a moment of chatting on my tinder with 2. 300 girls on the same time.

    The country it's a mess since last year. Inflation, the lack of jobs, nigerian invasion have compromised our playing ground.

    A lot of free sex and girls between 5 USD to a maximum of 70 USD. Some of my biggest trophy in my life but I'll never return there.

    I totally forgot about this forum, sorry.
    2 Questions:

    1) Why Nigerian invasion has compromised your playing ground?

    2) Why you would never return?

    Important information for rest of us.

  6. #4344
    2 years in Ghana, 3 times malaria and around 300 girls, 16 girls in a single day, a lot of threesomes.

    Tinder was my best friend. It was a moment of chatting on my tinder with 2. 300 girls on the same time.

    The country it's a mess since last year. Inflation, the lack of jobs, nigerian invasion have compromised our playing ground.

    A lot of free sex and girls between 5 USD to a maximum of 70 USD. Some of my biggest trophy in my life but I'll never return there.

    I totally forgot about this forum, sorry.

  7. #4343
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisBigdog  [View Original Post]
    New Yorker who flew to Abidjan and then onto Accra last week.

    In an across stated Embassy Gardens are very secure location in the Contonments area with low if Embassies nearby.

    I spent a lot of time on Afro introductions and Tinder lining up girls that I wanted to meet.

    The girl I thought would like the most, and arranged to meet the first night disappointed substantially heavier than I had thought and pictures were old.

    They really do want to lock you up. The last minute she insisted that her cousin would be there to pick me up from the airport which he did. Pick up implies to me that the guy 'Pickup' to my implies he has a car but instead I paid for an Uber with him back to my place. No matter. I thanked him for helping me and he clearly didn't get the hint and insisted on coming by and seeing my apartment. Not that big deal; I guess.

    AirbnB was really nice but I should've asked ahead of time to make sure I had a pool view because I was on the first floor looking out at a parking lot. I complained halfway through the trip but decided I didn't want to bother moving to a better place they did offer. As a result I gave them good reviews. The Airbnb people owned about 30 units on the property and they had a manager who lived there who is very attentive. I did need to ask each day to have a cleaning lady come in and make the bed / clean the bathroom.
    Where did you find PrEP in Ghana? Last time I was in Ghana, I couldn't find it.

  8. #4342


    Quote Originally Posted by SteelBaton  [View Original Post]
    Ghana: impressions of a newbie.

    First lets get something out of the way that I feel I didn't get good infomation on prior to my travels: The majority of Ghanaian women are big girls, especially in Accra and among people who are not dirt-poor. I was told "there are all kinds and sizes", well yes, but 85%+ are clinically obese, like 90+kg (200 pounds). Thats the local beauty ascetic. The men like big fat assed women and the women like to be that way; it's a hell of a lot easier to stay fat than stay model skinny. If you doubt that pull up Tinder in any West Africa location and scan an age range of 18-25.85% will be big women, BBW if you are into that. That said, within the 15% are some attractive girls with nice asses. But overall, I really struggled to find slim attractive girls in all of West Africa
    I am happy for your experience. I am back at home. Boring situation!

  9. #4341

    West Africa. Accra (mid May 2024) Cameroon to Ivory Coast

    Ghana: impressions of a newbie.

    First lets get something out of the way that I feel I didn't get good infomation on prior to my travels: The majority of Ghanaian women are big girls, especially in Accra and among people who are not dirt-poor. I was told "there are all kinds and sizes", well yes, but 85%+ are clinically obese, like 90+kg (200 pounds). Thats the local beauty ascetic. The men like big fat assed women and the women like to be that way; it's a hell of a lot easier to stay fat than stay model skinny. If you doubt that pull up Tinder in any West Africa location and scan an age range of 18-25.85% will be big women, BBW if you are into that. That said, within the 15% are some attractive girls with nice asses. But overall, I really struggled to find slim attractive girls in all of West Africa.

    Accra: Only spent a couple of nights here. The forum don't lie: the city doesn't wake up until midnight. The main cruising road is Osu and that will be lined with streetwalkers from dusk to dawn. The average rate is 150 ($10) and you can decide where to go. There are no streetlights in most of the West African cities so you will rely on car headlights and shop and bar lighting to see who's available. I walk the main drag two or three times between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Found one or two that were interesting, but most were double my weight and definitely not my style. But, like all Ghanas they are friendly and not really likely to hassle you. In the end, I didn't find anything of interest.

    Rawlings Park, Accra: if you are tough enough, rough enough, you could find a good taxi (I exclusively used Bolt, which connects mostly to taxis, but the fare is set and no bullshit haggling.) driver and asked him to take you to Rawlings Park, he looked the at me like I was crazy, but off we went. Rawlings Park is more of a neighborhood / slum, than a park with grass and trees. Here you will find the streets filled with people enjoying the evening and many of the women looking for tricks. The area looks rough, the streets are filled with trash, so much its hard to drive, there is very little light, many groups of young men and boys. My driver says you can grab a girl from the street and take her into one of the dark buildings, maybe there's a flop house or a dirty room and do the deed. A better play would be to rely on your driver to help you scout a girl you want and have him negotiate the price to take her back to your hotel. The girls here will go for as little as 50 ($3). It would be beyond my risk-appetite to walk these streets, but most likely one would not be injured, maybe scammed. But, if you are looking for some gritty action, this would seem to be the place. I was tired and staying at too nice of a hotel to feel comfortable on this particular night. This was the only place in Ghana I had any concerns for my safety and only then if I'the been alone on foot rather than in a taxi.

  10. #4340

    Trip Report: West Africa Early May Cameroon to Ivory Coast: Cape Coast, Ghana

    Cape Coast.

    I spent several days here. Again thanks for the Roman Guy for his posts (which have more detail than this) This is probably the nicest tourist destination along the coast. Beautiful old castle and lots of grim slavery history. The town is small and the Main Street is easy walked with many make shift drinking spots, small food and clothing shops. Everyone will smile and say Hello, if you meet their eyes, but no one will hassle you for money or business. Eventually, I settled into a small indoor / outdoor bar of 6 tables with some nice, not too loud music. After 20 minutes, a good looking charismatic local guy named Robert approached and wanted to talk. Robert knows his way about town and can provide some hook up options. Eventually, he took me to a place on a street with a shop on the corner called Jack & Jill, there is bar near, called Daavi Maggie Tilapia Joint on Goggle Maps, the exact Google coordinates are appx (5. 1129427, -1. 2433105) or (4 Q74+5 MG Cape Coast, Ghana). This place has a number of working girls. I took one for the evening back to my hotel. I generously paid 400 ($27) could have given 200. Very energetic service and she was into the sex. She had a slim and young body but sadly was a single mom who had nursed for way too long. Those tits were gone and flat and a bit disgusting to me.

    I returned with Robert the next day and found a beautiful young one with gorgeous ass, tits, and average belly size. But, getting greedy, I wanted to take two. So told the manager, Edward, that I would come back in an hour when he said he'the have more girls. That was a mistake. I should have taken the good one with me to dinner and then come back. When I returned there were only a few fattish 30+ women in the bar. In the end, I took a friend of Robert, Estel, who was 6' tall, slim, nice body, dark skin and about 25 years. Paid 400 ($27) for the night. She loved me.Lovely hard working good woman.

    Conclusion: I would the recommend Cape Coast for the nice small size of the town, the friendliness of the people, the safety, and few white tourists. One could do as I did and connect with Robert and Edward who would help hook you up (they will start by offering their friends and relatives). Or do as the Roman Guy does and just chat up women on the street. If you have the time and even the slightest bit of game, you will certainly find a young thing who would love to spend some time time in your bed. PM me for contact details if needed.
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  11. #4339

    Trip Report: Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana Ivory Coast: Kumasi


    Top knocks to the Roman Guy for all his help and advise, especially for recommending Kumasi. I really enjoyed this mid-sized, but manageable town. It's about a 4-5 hour drive from Accra or Cape Coast or you can fly from Accra. There are no tourists, I didn't see another white face in 4 days, the people are incredibly friendly and nice. There are a substantially higher number of slim women here than you'll see in Accra or Cape Coast. As far as I could tell you have two basic options here.

    First, is the Roman Guy strategy of chatting up anyone he see who might be a potential companion. People and friendly, lots of girls smile at a gray haired older guy who smiles back. Definitely could pick up girls on the street, the markets, the bars and pay them what you like.

    Second, are the street walkers, mostly Nigerian, but also some locals, around the area of Adum Road (see RG's post for more details). There are girls out here 24 x7. Half are not over-weight and there are some good lookers in the group such as Princess. I eventually found the Five Steps area on the north side of Adum road. Found an older woman who knew all the girls and was able to arrange for me to meet a two that met my description. I packed up her and the two and drove back to my hotel. No issues with bringing the group into the 4 star hotel. The younger Nigernia girls were miss and then a hit (that why for this price, I always try to bring two or three back to my hotel. No interest in three-somes, which I think generally are horrible. I do them sequentially and can trade out if one is difficult or has, shall we say, hidden flaws). Good fucking for 300 ($25) each (gave a bit extra for BBFS and due to the transportation. Street price is 150).

    Summary: Definitely would recommend this spot. Lots of friendly people, decent girls available, chat up the locals would work. Visit the massive market. I think you could easily see and meet a dozen girls in a morning and probably bed a couple after the market closes. And, if you want the pros then you will find plenty of friendly street walkers like Precious (see photo and PM for contact).
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  12. #4338

    Needed: Driver (&car)/ night guide = Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameron

    Bros- any one have any driver / local nighttime guides for the above countries?

    Please PM or post. Times are difficult and always good to help local folks if possible.

    Strictly looking for car&drivers who know the mongering waterholes.

    Thanks. And will report back in a few weeks.

  13. #4337

    Nice Report Big dog

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisBigdog  [View Original Post]
    New Yorker who flew to Abidjan and then onto Accra last week.

    In an across stated Embassy Gardens are very secure location in the Contonments area with low if Embassies nearby.

    I spent a lot of time on Afro introductions and Tinder lining up girls that I wanted to meet.

    The girl I thought would like the most, and arranged to meet the first night disappointed substantially heavier than I had thought and pictures were old.

    They really do want to lock you up. The last minute she insisted that her cousin would be there to pick me up from the airport which he did. Pick up implies to me that the guy 'Pickup' to my implies he has a car but instead I paid for an Uber with him back to my place. No matter. I thanked him for helping me and he clearly didn't get the hint and insisted on coming by and seeing my apartment. Not that big deal; I guess.

    AirbnB was really nice but I should've asked ahead of time to make sure I had a pool view because I was on the first floor looking out at a parking lot. I complained halfway through the trip but decided I didn't want to bother moving to a better place they did offer. As a result I gave them good reviews. The Airbnb people owned about 30 units on the property and they had a manager who lived there who is very attentive. I did need to ask each day to have a cleaning lady come in and make the bed / clean the bathroom.

    I only went out into Osu one night and ended up picking up off the street. She also disappointed and was the least attractive woman I slept with during my visit.

    Unlike Kenya or Dominican Republic the girls never spent the night with me for one reason or another. Not an issue but it certainly made getting rid of them and moving onto the next easier.

    I decided to take PrEP before my trip because I really don't like wrapping up.

    I was careful to choose women who wanted long-term relationships and really did feel like the girls that I got to see me were largely inexperienced and well perhaps semi pro maybe not not even that. Each slept with me with some cajoling and not asked for money. I did give them the equivalent of $30 USD on average.

    One girl in particular basically stalked me the whole time including coming to the Airbnb but fortunately they didn't let her in. Blocking her number didn't work because she simply created other WhatsApp number is to call from. Finally she asked for money for the ride from her cousin but since I chose not to sleep with her I ignored them particularly because I offered it at the time and he declined; I didn't feel obligated to give them money for him to show up and have us taken an Uber LOL.

    Three girls that I ended up having a day or two each were great with one in particular being not only good in the sack but quite attractive.

    Anyone have any questions feel free to respond.

    In hindsight I wish I had spent more time in the Ivory Coast largely because I met one girl who is absolutely stunning. She also did not ask for money and over the course of a few WhatsApp messages after I left accused me of treating her like a prostitute. Had I not given her any money she would've felt otherwise?? Anyhow, she I gave quite a bit to, slipping into each girls purse as they left.

    Far and away the prettiest girl I've ever seen with a body that rivals any models / actress. We had drinks at the pool went upstairs and using Google translate eventually ended up sleeping with her. At one point early on, she told me she felt uncomfortable with my advances and only after I pulled away did she begin to show interest ha ha!

    It's because I really had to woo these girls but I really see them as at most semi pro at best sweet innocent girls who want to date an American and in most cases said they never had.

    Anyhow I hope this is helpful to everybody!
    Good to see you out there again in Ghana.

  14. #4336

    Feedback on trip to Accra for 10 days and Abidjan overnight

    New Yorker who flew to Abidjan and then onto Accra last week.

    In an across stated Embassy Gardens are very secure location in the Contonments area with low if Embassies nearby.

    I spent a lot of time on Afro introductions and Tinder lining up girls that I wanted to meet.

    The girl I thought would like the most, and arranged to meet the first night disappointed substantially heavier than I had thought and pictures were old.

    They really do want to lock you up. The last minute she insisted that her cousin would be there to pick me up from the airport which he did. Pick up implies to me that the guy 'Pickup' to my implies he has a car but instead I paid for an Uber with him back to my place. No matter. I thanked him for helping me and he clearly didn't get the hint and insisted on coming by and seeing my apartment. Not that big deal; I guess.

    AirbnB was really nice but I should've asked ahead of time to make sure I had a pool view because I was on the first floor looking out at a parking lot. I complained halfway through the trip but decided I didn't want to bother moving to a better place they did offer. As a result I gave them good reviews. The Airbnb people owned about 30 units on the property and they had a manager who lived there who is very attentive. I did need to ask each day to have a cleaning lady come in and make the bed / clean the bathroom.

    I only went out into Osu one night and ended up picking up off the street. She also disappointed and was the least attractive woman I slept with during my visit.

    Unlike Kenya or Dominican Republic the girls never spent the night with me for one reason or another. Not an issue but it certainly made getting rid of them and moving onto the next easier.

    I decided to take PrEP before my trip because I really don't like wrapping up.

    I was careful to choose women who wanted long-term relationships and really did feel like the girls that I got to see me were largely inexperienced and well perhaps semi pro maybe not not even that. Each slept with me with some cajoling and not asked for money. I did give them the equivalent of $30 USD on average.

    One girl in particular basically stalked me the whole time including coming to the Airbnb but fortunately they didn't let her in. Blocking her number didn't work because she simply created other WhatsApp number is to call from. Finally she asked for money for the ride from her cousin but since I chose not to sleep with her I ignored them particularly because I offered it at the time and he declined; I didn't feel obligated to give them money for him to show up and have us taken an Uber LOL.

    Three girls that I ended up having a day or two each were great with one in particular being not only good in the sack but quite attractive.

    Anyone have any questions feel free to respond.

    In hindsight I wish I had spent more time in the Ivory Coast largely because I met one girl who is absolutely stunning. She also did not ask for money and over the course of a few WhatsApp messages after I left accused me of treating her like a prostitute. Had I not given her any money she would've felt otherwise?? Anyhow, she I gave quite a bit to, slipping into each girls purse as they left.

    Far and away the prettiest girl I've ever seen with a body that rivals any models / actress. We had drinks at the pool went upstairs and using Google translate eventually ended up sleeping with her. At one point early on, she told me she felt uncomfortable with my advances and only after I pulled away did she begin to show interest ha ha!

    It's because I really had to woo these girls but I really see them as at most semi pro at best sweet innocent girls who want to date an American and in most cases said they never had.

    Anyhow I hope this is helpful to everybody!

  15. #4335

    411 on Nigerians

    Nigerian men actually go to different African countries and find desperate African women in search of good money and the end result they traffic them across the world. Now and days you'll find Ugandan, Kenyan, South African and etc women displaced not only in Africa but worldwide and the end result an Nigerian brought them there to sell pussy.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysteryOcean  [View Original Post]
    Ghana is filled with Nigerians. Nigerians girls are largely in sex trade, specially in Accra. Tinder is full of Nigerians.

    If you want real Ghanian experience, try Kumasi, Tamale, Or even better Volta region (Poorest region in Ghana).

    I had girls from Nigeria, Sierra Leaone and Liberia. Personally Nigerian type are my fav, So Ghana is a perfect spot for me.

    Oxford St, Osu after 7 is full of WG, usual go rate 150, max 200. ($1 USD = 13 GHC).

    On my next trip, I am going to venture into rural areas.

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