Thread: Ghana
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02-09-25 04:51 #4362
Posts: 133Mother Lode
Visited Accra Last month for a week. Stayed at Perimann hotel, Kokrobite beach road as recommended by a friend. Nice place where all is allowed discretely. Met the manager to resolve a few small issues. She tured out to be mother lode. A hot full bodied woman partial to white men. Quite a performer. She also arranged others to fulfil my fantasies. Pool and other parties at hotel best place to pick up local talent. Mother lode"s stable has wide choice and she takes personal interest to see to service and satisfaction. May be shifting jobs locally. DM me if any need her contact.
02-07-25 00:26 #4361
Posts: 235Lagos Avenue
I noticed that no one mentioned that part of Accura since it's not discussed on this forum then I won't discuss it any further neither.
01-28-25 16:31 #4360
Posts: 1083Originally Posted by RomanGuy [View Original Post]
Good to hear that we still can find there pleasure for our hobby. 2.300 Cedi is still acceptable. But the visa regulation still kills the tourism.
Thanks for your update.
01-28-25 11:21 #4359
Posts: 867Accra Update 2025_2
Many years ago the area of the so called Circle (=Kwame Nkrumah Circle, today Kwame Nkrumah Interchange) was a vibrant hotspot for hunting and searching girls.
Due to various factors, such as the transformation of the roundabout into an overpass, the terrible fire of 2015 ( June%203%2 C%202015%2 C%20 an, Accra%2 C%20 killing%20 over%20250%20 people.), the closure of some venues, the situation has cooled down somewhat.
There is a road where everything is still going on and also good: Wonkai Ame Close. It is possible that the name of the street might be different: this is how Google reports it on its map, but don't worry, you can easy find it referring to Cumberland Hotel. This hotel is where many girls lodge and it works also as hourly hotel.
Down the hotel you will see girls roaming. There are also two bars and a place for eating.
01-14-25 12:14 #4358
Posts: 867Accra Update 2025_1
As everybody is complaining, generally, every price have increased. Some examples: pure water has passes from o. 30 to 0. 50, kebab sticks from 7 to 10, rarely a beer costs less than 17, on beach 25, I don't remember about fuel but do not have illusions.
The step of happiness for girls is not anymore 150 200 (but you can find it!) but 300 with some claiming 500, especially if Nigerians or whites.
Consequently, hotels are also more expensive now.
Something about the zones.
Today I will describe the zone around Kwame Nkrumah Interchange, alias Circle.
Paradise Street remains the hot spot for the night with Shield Hotel where girls introduce their lucky friends. A junction, Osofo Street, is also hot spot with its bar, just a hut with a tent where you can sit and wait. Opposite you will see a little house known as Central TV Hotel, a place where some girls lodge and can invite people; it is also a bar and sometime there is music. Another good bar is at junction Kanfla with Paradise Street, little gate with garden.
I will keep you posted.
01-09-25 14:21 #4357
Posts: 867For Southeast Man
Originally Posted by SoutheastMan [View Original Post]
As examples, where a beer was 12 it is now 17 and where it was already 18 or 20 is now 24. Kebab was 7 now it is 10.
My hotel was 150 and now it is 180.
Trotro from Danduah to Circle, depending on the mate, 4 or 5.
Espresso Single at Vida e Cafe is 30.
Still affordable but not that cheap.
About our hobby, it is difficult to find a 150 Ghs girl. The cheapest is 200 but some girls, especially the foreigners, set their step of happiness over 300 and not rarely at 500.
I don't mansion food, fuel and apparel.
01-08-25 20:27 #4356
Posts: 45Return planned mid year.
The last time I spent time in Accra, Ghana was about 3 years ago. At the time the exchange rate was about 5 Cedes to 1 USD. With the exchange rate of 14 to 1 today I was wondering how the exchange rate effects local pricing. Any thoughts?
12-19-24 09:31 #4355
Posts: 117Originally Posted by Hobo3 [View Original Post]
City is like from developed country, All mountains, beautiful nature, Super safe.
Rwandan girls are slim and have unique beauty. Avg it cost me $25, girls were willing to stay over night, without asking for extra.
Check it out, I am sure you won't regret.
12-10-24 05:13 #4354
Posts: 34Originally Posted by RamboMambo [View Original Post]
12-09-24 10:31 #4353
Posts: 867Originally Posted by Stayerau [View Original Post]
I don't remember whether 10 years ago Movie Houses already exist. They are a sort of hourly hotels where you can watch a movie in your room with your flame.
You will not find women there, you have to enter as a couple.
One can stay as long as the movie plays and in case extend your staying for a new film. Average price is 150 Ghs per film, included parking. All rooms have a comfortable bed, fridge, ac, toilet, and shower.
Google Maps can help you in your research. Generally, they belong to two chains: Movie House and Index Movies.
Keep us posted.
11-08-24 12:40 #4352
Posts: 1ACCRA hotels
Hi Guys, I will visit Accra Dec and Jan, 10 yrs since last visit there. Looking through previous posts no mention of GF hotels. Are they all GF?
09-04-24 08:28 #4351
Posts: 117Originally Posted by SmallWorld21 [View Original Post]
08-23-24 17:14 #4350
Posts: 66Ghana UTR girls / non-pro / safety.
I was living in Ghana from mid 2022 to 2023 and I can concur with previous poster that the safety factor in Ghana has went downhill. It seems the total social environment is slightly more aggressive. Many young men are sagging their pants and acting with more bravado like gang bangers which I never really saw before (could it be American rap music / videos influence? I've been coming to Ghana since 2008 (see my past reports) so I can see firsthand the difference in culture and I'm from LA so I'm very familiar with what this leads to. With that said, I personally was never in danger and I was never treated aggressively by anyone. It's just a feeling in the air.
By and large, Ghanaians are still very quick to smile and to lend a hand although everyone will want some tip money from the obruni never fails. If you are an obruni in Ghana just remember that everyone is hungry and you are the food. Always think very carefully before you do anything financially in Ghana. So the previous poster talking about influence from Nigerians he has some truth to that because the Nigerians have come to Ghana and it seems they are more aggressive and bringing that to the culture in Ghana.
As for girls, I did not participate in any pros from streets to bars etc. However I did notice one night while driving there were streetwalkers everywhere and incredible bodies and young just lined up to be picked up. However as an obruni I would not partake the police would love to catch you with a known steeetwalker in your car I bet.
As for non pros you can still approach or talk to any girl but I found they are not so excited or quick to call back a foreigner. The girls seem more greedy than ever to give up the pussy and have higher expectations than ever. Could have to do with the horrible economy over the last two years and devalued credi. Everyone and everyone and everyone is hungry for a big score.
Luckily I had so much time to weed out the greedy girls and to negotiate hard with regular girls I became friends with either through random meetings in person or bumble or tinder. Many of the girls will want to control the conversation and give you all kinds of excuses why you should not fuck and why you should still help them in some various need they have. It is endless and draining. You have to take control from the beginning and set it straight that you want to fuck and you will give her something and that's it and be prepared to walk. I used this approach and was getting my dick sucked and fucked daily by young juicy pussies. What you will pay depends on your negotiating skills. If you have time then you have a big advantage. For example you can fuck a girl all week for 1000 cedi if you negotiate in advance. Tell her five rounds for 1000 credi over five days. Other girls might be too busy or you only want to fuck them once then you will have to give them 400 cedi or more. These are regular college girls that are in classes or have jobs that I verified. Sometimes you will really enjoy a girl and want to be generous but maybe that's me. I have no regrets but IMHO it felt that girls in general are not so desperate or excited for obruni dollars as they were years ago. Some girls were even very cautious or asking for crazy amounts so you have to walk.
All in all your approach will have to be tailore to how much time you have and your budget obviously. And your negotiation skills and your ruthlessness for lack of better word.
Also found some cheap massage places where you can get hour massage plus hand job release for as low as 200 cedis total but also some of the massage parlor prices are way out of hand. You can also negotiate with the owners of the shop if you are ready to walk.
06-12-24 10:30 #4349
Posts: 6Originally Posted by MysteryOcean [View Original Post]
2. Because I feel more safe in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar). And because West Africans are the most racist people on earth.
06-01-24 10:13 #4348
Posts: 867For SteelBaton
Originally Posted by SteelBaton [View Original Post]