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  1. #2987
    When I was in Casa last summer, the Grand Hyatt did the same thing as what the Hilton is saying. I had to get the girl her "own" room. Casa is a target rich opportunity, but it's such an effing hassle to take them someplace it's not worth it, IMO.

  2. #2986


    Quote Originally Posted by Zabed1970  [View Original Post]

    I will be in Cassablanca Hilton in September and I'm in touch with some sugar babies I met in Seeking. They are saying I need to get a second room for them to come and meet me. Is it real? Can someone confirm if Hilton allows Moroccan girl guest in room during day time without any trouble?

    I need some guidance. I was in Marrakech in 2019 and the AirBnB I stayed was very liberal.
    When I visited Casablanca, I paid at the front desk for the girl with me to have a room. The truth is we went straight to my room for bareback fucking. She grabbed me in the elevator up to my room and started kissing me. Oh the hypocrisy of so many countries! This all happened late in the evening time.

  3. #2985

    Cassablanca Hilton


    I will be in Cassablanca Hilton in September and I'm in touch with some sugar babies I met in Seeking. They are saying I need to get a second room for them to come and meet me. Is it real? Can someone confirm if Hilton allows Moroccan girl guest in room during day time without any trouble?

    I need some guidance. I was in Marrakech in 2019 and the AirBnB I stayed was very liberal.

  4. #2984

    Cassablanca Hilton


    I will be in Cassablanca Hilton in September and I'm in touch with some sugar babies I met in Seeking. They are saying I need to get a second room for them to come and meet me. Is it real? Can someone confirm if Hilton allows Moroccan girl guest in room during day time without any trouble?

    I need some guidance. I was in Marrakech in 2019 and the AirBnB I stayed was very liberal.

  5. #2983
    Quote Originally Posted by Cestme  [View Original Post]
    Sounds insane. Why would I waste my precious time and avail myself as a cash cow for Moroccan women to milk, for nothing other than helping them maintain their virginity for marriage? It's completely counterintuitive to the modus operandi of this hobby.
    I was wondering why I'm getting so many tinder matches in Morocco. All of them are sophisticated scammers. Seems to be a national sport. In my own country I get about one match a week. But dozens in Morocco. And they practice the art of scamming to perfection. First the nice messages, then tempt you into feeling you'll be screwing her soon, then you visit her, she'll ask to bring cosmetics, go to nice restaurants, but never intending to go into the bedroom. One girl said I lost my gold bracelet on the way here and looked really upset. Very soon she's got me in a shopping centre looking at replacing the 'lost' jewellery. When you don't buy them stuff they'll ghost you.

  6. #2982
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnAuro  [View Original Post]
    Hey- what better can happen to a not any more young guy, to have a 20 years young girl who gives her pussy and ass dayly and the guy pays her monthly room and some pocket money. Just perfect.
    Thaaaats the spirit. I can't argue with that as long as you are getting your money's worth and keeping your expectations in check.

    I panicked when you mentioned stuff like "I think she loves me" . I thought to my self this guy's mind is clouded and he ain't thinking straight that Maroc chick got into his head; Hence my anxious reply.

    Things like mentioning an abusive father. , that she hate her fellow Marco boys,. Introducing you to friends & family. Etc all that is just classic bullshit that we heard hundreds of times. They all say the same exact thing. Its their way of trapping you and controlling your mind.

    Enjoy that young pussy, make sure that what you are getting from her more is far more than what you spend on her. Otherwise you are doomed. Best of luck.

  7. #2981

    Morocco girls

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizaster  [View Original Post]
    Beware buddy, you are being subjected to the infamous Moroccan romance-scam to get her out of the country. I don't even need to hear more details. I'm 100% sure you are being used. Don't believe what ever she says. You are being confused because she is willing to reciprocate big time on every aspect sexually & emotionally, and you are being blindfolded by the fake validation she is giving you. At the end of the day, to her you are just a provider, not a lover. Moroccan chicks learn how to use their feminine charm on foreign men since a very young age. I beg you to reconsider the whole thing. You are indeed being scammed and led on. Once you try to leave her she will cry and beg you to stay. Don't ever look back. She is interested in your pocket and to her you are just a ticket out of her miserable country. She will keep calling you "my love" or "hobbi" like there is not tomorrow but don't fall for it even if she tattoos your name on her pussy lips. The USA embassy & consulates in Morocco has a warning on its front page about marriage and dating Scams. Search for Moroccan romance scam on google and you'll find lots of confused people sharing their experience, And you'll be shocked how much your story matches their stories as well.
    Hey Man, do you think any girl from Thailand (hardly speaks decent English), Kenyan (lying to perfection), is any better! NO.

    And who is telling to you that I will import her to my European Homecountry! NO.

    Hey- what better can happen to a not any more young guy, to have a 20 years young girl who gives her pussy and ass dayly and the guy pays her monthly room and some pocket money. Just perfect. And travling with her to some other country for vacation like Senegal, Turkey, Thailand- just perfect!


  8. #2980
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnAuro  [View Original Post]
    Ok, I see it have to be lucky to meet my 18 years young, beautiful, slim, sportive girl -smiling at me in the bus. I passed her discreetly my phone number and an hour later she phoned me.

    Since our 2nd meetings she gives me her ass, her pussy, her lips, I love her. It looks like she loves me too. She has a job, I pay to her her monthly room, I want to take her out of the country like Turkey.

    (Ok, she said that she never felt being loved by her father, her uncle violated her, she moved out from her Mom's house, she dislikes her male countrymen, that might be an explanation for my luck!
    Beware buddy, you are being subjected to the infamous Moroccan romance-scam to get her out of the country. I don't even need to hear more details. I'm 100% sure you are being used. Don't believe what ever she says. You are being confused because she is willing to reciprocate big time on every aspect sexually & emotionally, and you are being blindfolded by the fake validation she is giving you. At the end of the day, to her you are just a provider, not a lover. Moroccan chicks learn how to use their feminine charm on foreign men since a very young age. I beg you to reconsider the whole thing. You are indeed being scammed and led on. Once you try to leave her she will cry and beg you to stay. Don't ever look back. She is interested in your pocket and to her you are just a ticket out of her miserable country. She will keep calling you "my love" or "hobbi" like there is not tomorrow but don't fall for it even if she tattoos your name on her pussy lips. The USA embassy & consulates in Morocco has a warning on its front page about marriage and dating Scams. Search for Moroccan romance scam on google and you'll find lots of confused people sharing their experience, And you'll be shocked how much your story matches their stories as well.

  9. #2979

    Morocco girls

    Quote Originally Posted by MohdirFan82  [View Original Post]
    I had Morocoon stunner girl for 2 years, Never met her in Morocoo one. I always bought her ticket to nearby locations.

    I took her to Dubai, Turkey, and Malaysia.

    Morocoo is gold mine for Rich Arabs, others have very limited or no chance.
    Ok, I see it have to be lucky to meet my 18 years young, educated, beautiful, slim, sportive girl -smiling at me in the bus. I passed her discreetly my phone number and an hour later she phoned me.

    Since our 2nd meetings she gives me her ass, her pussy, her lips, I love her. It looks like she loves me too. She has a job, I pay to her her monthly room, I want to take her out of the country like Turkey. She never asked for my age, I am much about fifty. She introduced me to her friends, to the male one she explained to me that they are gay (why not, that's possible). All together I am very happy wz her. .

    (Ok, she said that she never felt being loved by her father, her uncle violated her, she moved out from her Mom's house, she dislikes her male countrymen, that might be an explanation for this happening! ?

    Can you please shorten (SNiP) these endless long quotations, which someone can find its text anyhow more below!

  10. #2978
    I had Morocoon stunner girl for 2 years, Never met her in Morocoo one. I always bought her ticket to nearby locations.

    I took her to Dubai, Turkey, and Malaysia.

    Morocoo is gold mine for Rich Arabs, others have very limited or no chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rugga  [View Original Post]
    4 days in Casa. 3 in Tangier. Total blank.

    Prior to arrival had 20+ tinder matches. Messaged many of them and even did some video calls to verify.

    First stop Casa for 4 days. Before arriving I had 20+ matches on tinder. Even did a few video calls with my matches before my arrival. The main girl I wanted to meet was enthusiastic on WhatsApp. 23 year old. Sent me several messages daily for the past 5 weeks. On meeting she was nowhere near as good looking as photos. Even on video calls they can use filters. Petite, skinny. Most she would do is hold hands, one or two kisses at most. Won't take clothes off. Protecting her virginity for marriage. Spent the first day with her she's obviously wasting my time so dumped her. She got all emotional Even tho she wants to meet every day I'm thinking why buy her free food and take her to nice places if there's no sex. Kept wanting to meet at the mall and walk around looking at clothes and jewellery. I'm not stupid darling. Did meet her a few times because she said with time she will be more physical. That meant only a mini kiss on the lips now and then. No more. Fuck that.

    Although apartment owner said no guests and it had security downstairs I was able to take her up to my place twice as she followed me in 5 minutes behind. Sat there watching TV. She couldn't stay out after 8 pm as family will ask questions. She drank Coca Cola and thought it was disgusting that I was adding rum to my drink. Last time I saw her she went into an emotional tantrum. I don't need citizenship, my parents are rich, nothing until marriage etc etc.

    Second girl aged 24 speaks perfect English photos are a decent, looking like a 7 but on meeting a poor 5. Keeps wanting to go to expensive restaurants in Ain Diab. Drinks and parties excessively and looks unhealthy. Didn't see her again.

    Third girl 26 only chatted on WhatsApp. On meeting she is completely different person to her photos but a very nice 7. Better than her fake photos. But only wanted food didn't even want to hold hands. Ordered a pasta in an ordinary cafe, 150 dh, obviously a scam with the restaurant. Talks about marriage and family. In other words wants a passport. Since she's very fuckable tried to set up another meeting but stood me up.

    Fourth girl 27, decent 7 cancelled meeting twice at the last minute. Just wants to walk around town not even go to a cafe. She might be persuaded to open legs but setting up second meeting was impossible with her flakiness so I gave up.

    Tried to arrange with a provider on Afribaba. She sounded pushy and aggressive on the messages she left me. Even most of their photos on Afribaba are dog ugly.

    They all responded but seem to be full of tricks. Some who lived out of town wanted petrol money. Or must be back home by 8 pm. Walked around Ain diab every night around midnight, clubs were almost empty and don't have the energy to stay out late. Didn't have time to arrange a massage and reviews of massage places were bad.

    Very disappointed with the Casa scene. Europeans / white guys will have much lower chance with locals. The local girls want to marry muslim guys. Being seen with a foreigner is a big taboo. Arabs / Muslim guys ok. 20+ matches. I look a bit Moroccan and know the culture. Nearly all flaked. A few that turned up looked nothing like the photo. They blatantly use photos that are not theirs or heavily photoshopped. Sometimes they hide their faces. If someone recognises them then in their culture she'll be labelled. The ones that responded only interested in free food or walking around looking at shops. Scamming very common. Not as blatant as East Europe but it's rife. Restaurants. Cafes. A few of my matches ordered expensive cosmetics because they're not available in Morocco. Bullshit. Let's go for a walk in shopping centre. How much tea can you drink.

    Tangier. Spent 3 days here. Same story. My matches on tinder didn't have time to meet or didn't turn up as planned. Went to one club near the beach. Not club snob but the one next to it. Nice atmosphere. 500 dhm for a small beer 250 ML. 800 dhm for a Casa beer. Very expensive. Girls ok ish. Maximum 7 in looks. No stunners. Quite chubby and large butts. Almost unfuckable. The nightclub atmosphere makes them look better than they are. At end of the night negotiated with one girl. She wanted 1500 to go back to mine. I offered 500. She came down to 1000. I told her I need her for 2 hours only. She won't lower price. I'm thinking if I fall into deep sleep having had 6 beers who knows what she will do. And apartment owner said strictly no guests tho I should have been able to sneak her in. So Tangier also a big disappointment.

    Walking around Casa and Tangier the local talent is poor. Often large butts and flabby belly's. Fitness is something of a strange concept amongst these women. 90% of them. Of the odd nice one there are language barriers. Or too religious. Waiting for marriage. Tho some of the rich guys from the gulf seem to have decent girls around them and I bet they're paying thousands.

    Still had a good time as a tourist. Marrakech too hot for me at the moment and sneaking girls into apartments is more challenging I hear. Now returned home and still getting the odd match and messages saying how bad they want to meet me. I don't think anything will change if I did meet them. Even with a wallet load of cash left Morocco as a virgin. YMMV.

  11. #2977
    Quote Originally Posted by Rugga  [View Original Post]
    4 days in Casa. 3 in Tangier. Total blank.

    Prior to arrival had 20+ tinder matches. Messaged many of them and even did some video calls to verify.

    First stop Casa for 4 days. Before arriving I had 20+ matches on tinder. Even did a few video calls with my matches before my arrival. The main girl I wanted to meet was enthusiastic on WhatsApp. 23 year old. Sent me several messages daily for the past 5 weeks. On meeting she was nowhere near as good looking as photos. Even on video calls they can use filters. Petite, skinny. Most she would do is hold hands, one or two kisses at most. Won't take clothes off. Protecting her virginity for marriage. Spent the first day with her she's obviously wasting my time so dumped her. She got all emotional Even tho she wants to meet every day I'm thinking why buy her free food and take her to nice places if there's no sex. Kept wanting to meet at the mall and walk around looking at clothes and jewellery. I'm not stupid darling. Did meet her a few times because she said with time she will be more physical. That meant only a mini kiss on the lips now and then. No more. Fuck that.

    Although apartment owner said no guests and it had security downstairs I was able to take her up to my place twice as she followed me in 5 minutes behind. Sat there watching TV. She couldn't stay out after 8 pm as family will ask questions. She drank Coca Cola and thought it was disgusting that I was adding rum to my drink. Last time I saw her she went into an emotional tantrum. I don't need citizenship, my parents are rich, nothing until marriage etc etc.

    Second girl aged 24 speaks perfect English photos are a decent, looking like a 7 but on meeting a poor 5. Keeps wanting to go to expensive restaurants in Ain Diab. Drinks and parties excessively and looks unhealthy. Didn't see her again.

    Third girl 26 only chatted on WhatsApp. On meeting she is completely different person to her photos but a very nice 7. Better than her fake photos. But only wanted food didn't even want to hold hands. Ordered a pasta in an ordinary cafe, 150 dh, obviously a scam with the restaurant. Talks about marriage and family. In other words wants a passport. Since she's very fuckable tried to set up another meeting but stood me up.

    Fourth girl 27, decent 7 cancelled meeting twice at the last minute. Just wants to walk around town not even go to a cafe. She might be persuaded to open legs but setting up second meeting was impossible with her flakiness so I gave up.

    Tried to arrange with a provider on Afribaba. She sounded pushy and aggressive on the messages she left me. Even most of their photos on Afribaba are dog ugly.

    They all responded but seem to be full of tricks. Some who lived out of town wanted petrol money. Or must be back home by 8 pm. Walked around Ain diab every night around midnight, clubs were almost empty and don't have the energy to stay out late. Didn't have time to arrange a massage and reviews of massage places were bad.

    Very disappointed with the Casa scene. Europeans / white guys will have much lower chance with locals. The local girls want to marry muslim guys. Being seen with a foreigner is a big taboo. Arabs / Muslim guys ok. 20+ matches. I look a bit Moroccan and know the culture. Nearly all flaked. A few that turned up looked nothing like the photo. They blatantly use photos that are not theirs or heavily photoshopped. Sometimes they hide their faces. If someone recognises them then in their culture she'll be labelled. The ones that responded only interested in free food or walking around looking at shops. Scamming very common. Not as blatant as East Europe but it's rife. Restaurants. Cafes. A few of my matches ordered expensive cosmetics because they're not available in Morocco. Bullshit. Let's go for a walk in shopping centre. How much tea can you drink.

    Tangier. Spent 3 days here. Same story. My matches on tinder didn't have time to meet or didn't turn up as planned. Went to one club near the beach. Not club snob but the one next to it. Nice atmosphere. 500 dhm for a small beer 250 ML. 800 dhm for a Casa beer. Very expensive. Girls ok ish. Maximum 7 in looks. No stunners. Quite chubby and large butts. Almost unfuckable. The nightclub atmosphere makes them look better than they are. At end of the night negotiated with one girl. She wanted 1500 to go back to mine. I offered 500. She came down to 1000. I told her I need her for 2 hours only. She won't lower price. I'm thinking if I fall into deep sleep having had 6 beers who knows what she will do. And apartment owner said strictly no guests tho I should have been able to sneak her in. So Tangier also a big disappointment.

    Walking around Casa and Tangier the local talent is poor. Often large butts and flabby belly's. Fitness is something of a strange concept amongst these women. 90% of them. Of the odd nice one there are language barriers. Or too religious. Waiting for marriage. Tho some of the rich guys from the gulf seem to have decent girls around them and I bet they're paying thousands.

    Still had a good time as a tourist. Marrakech too hot for me at the moment and sneaking girls into apartments is more challenging I hear. Now returned home and still getting the odd match and messages saying how bad they want to meet me. I don't think anything will change if I did meet them. Even with a wallet load of cash left Morocco as a virgin. YMMV.
    Sounds insane. Why would I waste my precious time and avail myself as a cash cow for Moroccan women to milk, for nothing other than helping them maintain their virginity for marriage? It's completely counterintuitive to the modus operandi of this hobby.

  12. #2976

    Morocco virgin

    4 days in Casa. 3 in Tangier. Total blank.

    Prior to arrival had 20+ tinder matches. Messaged many of them and even did some video calls to verify.

    First stop Casa for 4 days. Before arriving I had 20+ matches on tinder. Even did a few video calls with my matches before my arrival. The main girl I wanted to meet was enthusiastic on WhatsApp. 23 year old. Sent me several messages daily for the past 5 weeks. On meeting she was nowhere near as good looking as photos. Even on video calls they can use filters. Petite, skinny. Most she would do is hold hands, one or two kisses at most. Won't take clothes off. Protecting her virginity for marriage. Spent the first day with her she's obviously wasting my time so dumped her. She got all emotional Even tho she wants to meet every day I'm thinking why buy her free food and take her to nice places if there's no sex. Kept wanting to meet at the mall and walk around looking at clothes and jewellery. I'm not stupid darling. Did meet her a few times because she said with time she will be more physical. That meant only a mini kiss on the lips now and then. No more. Fuck that.

    Although apartment owner said no guests and it had security downstairs I was able to take her up to my place twice as she followed me in 5 minutes behind. Sat there watching TV. She couldn't stay out after 8 pm as family will ask questions. She drank Coca Cola and thought it was disgusting that I was adding rum to my drink. Last time I saw her she went into an emotional tantrum. I don't need citizenship, my parents are rich, nothing until marriage etc etc.

    Second girl aged 24 speaks perfect English photos are a decent, looking like a 7 but on meeting a poor 5. Keeps wanting to go to expensive restaurants in Ain Diab. Drinks and parties excessively and looks unhealthy. Didn't see her again.

    Third girl 26 only chatted on WhatsApp. On meeting she is completely different person to her photos but a very nice 7. Better than her fake photos. But only wanted food didn't even want to hold hands. Ordered a pasta in an ordinary cafe, 150 dh, obviously a scam with the restaurant. Talks about marriage and family. In other words wants a passport. Since she's very fuckable tried to set up another meeting but stood me up.

    Fourth girl 27, decent 7 cancelled meeting twice at the last minute. Just wants to walk around town not even go to a cafe. She might be persuaded to open legs but setting up second meeting was impossible with her flakiness so I gave up.

    Tried to arrange with a provider on Afribaba. She sounded pushy and aggressive on the messages she left me. Even most of their photos on Afribaba are dog ugly.

    They all responded but seem to be full of tricks. Some who lived out of town wanted petrol money. Or must be back home by 8 pm. Walked around Ain diab every night around midnight, clubs were almost empty and don't have the energy to stay out late. Didn't have time to arrange a massage and reviews of massage places were bad.

    Very disappointed with the Casa scene. Europeans / white guys will have much lower chance with locals. The local girls want to marry muslim guys. Being seen with a foreigner is a big taboo. Arabs / Muslim guys ok. 20+ matches. I look a bit Moroccan and know the culture. Nearly all flaked. A few that turned up looked nothing like the photo. They blatantly use photos that are not theirs or heavily photoshopped. Sometimes they hide their faces. If someone recognises them then in their culture she'll be labelled. The ones that responded only interested in free food or walking around looking at shops. Scamming very common. Not as blatant as East Europe but it's rife. Restaurants. Cafes. A few of my matches ordered expensive cosmetics because they're not available in Morocco. Bullshit. Let's go for a walk in shopping centre. How much tea can you drink.

    Tangier. Spent 3 days here. Same story. My matches on tinder didn't have time to meet or didn't turn up as planned. Went to one club near the beach. Not club snob but the one next to it. Nice atmosphere. 500 dhm for a small beer 250 ML. 800 dhm for a Casa beer. Very expensive. Girls ok ish. Maximum 7 in looks. No stunners. Quite chubby and large butts. Almost unfuckable. The nightclub atmosphere makes them look better than they are. At end of the night negotiated with one girl. She wanted 1500 to go back to mine. I offered 500. She came down to 1000. I told her I need her for 2 hours only. She won't lower price. I'm thinking if I fall into deep sleep having had 6 beers who knows what she will do. And apartment owner said strictly no guests tho I should have been able to sneak her in. So Tangier also a big disappointment.

    Walking around Casa and Tangier the local talent is poor. Often large butts and flabby belly's. Fitness is something of a strange concept amongst these women. 90% of them. Of the odd nice one there are language barriers. Or too religious. Waiting for marriage. Tho some of the rich guys from the gulf seem to have decent girls around them and I bet they're paying thousands.

    Still had a good time as a tourist. Marrakech too hot for me at the moment and sneaking girls into apartments is more challenging I hear. Now returned home and still getting the odd match and messages saying how bad they want to meet me. I don't think anything will change if I did meet them. Even with a wallet load of cash left Morocco as a virgin. YMMV.

  13. #2975

    Where's this list?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hhann  [View Original Post]
    Yes massage is the safest option mongering in Morocco.

    Send me a message I will give you few places to try, but please note no guaranteed outcome or may need repeat visits for extra services.
    I travel Agadir in about week but I'm also looking to go Marrakesh too but I have no dm feature available.

  14. #2974
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePenetrator  [View Original Post]
    Does anyone know any Telegram pages where local Moroccan girls advertise. I've found a few pages in Agadir but they mostly sell videos.

    I'm looking for girls working in northern Morocco.

    There is an app I used since it caters to locals but I'm gatekeeping that one to myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rugga  [View Original Post]
    Thanks for the reply Cynicalist. About the apartment I've come across a problem already. I messaged the owner and asked can I have a guest sometimes and he said yes. Now that the cancellation date has passed they message me saying they meant non Moroccan guests only and the security will take details of all guests. Fuck that so even during daytime local girls not allowed in. I'm just going to have to rent a van and fuck them there LOL.

    I've been to Morocco they trick you everywhere.
    I didn't have security at my building where I stayed for a month but my first night in Tangier there was a guard there. I get the feeling you need strong arabic / darija to bribe them but I don't want to bribe people constantly. For as safe as Morroco is. I'm talking walking around at 3 am drunk as skunk back to my airbnb. The downside is the scamming / deceit in this nation. They cannot be trusted at all. Luckily for me I had a 19 year old lined up already from a sugar site and she spoke 4 languages so she held me down with hasheesh until I went to the mountains. I actually managed to score some colombiana, some working girls from the app and the sugarbaby.

    The only other option is massage parlours on afribaba and maybe lucking out on badoo.

  15. #2973
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinburnz  [View Original Post]
    ]Paying 100 euro for cum one time in a country with a GDP / per capita of 3441 USD is crazy. Thats half of Thailands GDP / capita.

    Average income in Marocco is 3000-4000 MAD.

    They cater to foreigners bro.
    "there are no poor countries but there are high income inequality countries" I'm sure you've seen the moroccans driving mercedes and porsche those guys spend more than 3 of us combined in a night out. The whole average income math doesn't work. The guys making 3000-4000 are simply invisible to women are never get laid.

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